Cyrtomenus Amyot & Serville

Avendaño, José Mauricio, Correia, Maíra Andrade, Grazia, Jocelia & Schwertner, Cristiano Feldens, 2024, Review and phylogeny of Cyrtomenus Amyot & Serville (Hemiptera: Cydnidae: Cydninae) based on morphological characters, Zootaxa 5453 (3), pp. 301-340 : 316-317

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5453.3.1

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scientific name

Cyrtomenus Amyot & Serville


Cyrtomenus Amyot & Serville View in CoL

( Figs. 9–18 View FIGURE 9 View FIGURE 10 View FIGURE 11 View FIGURE 12 View FIGURE 13 View FIGURE 14 View FIGURE 15 View FIGURE 16 View FIGURE 17 View FIGURE 18 )

Cyrtomenus Amyot & Serville, 1843: 90 View in CoL ; Froeschner 1960: 514, 525. Type species: Pentatoma ciliata Palisot de Beauvois, 1805 (= Cyrtomenus castaneus Amyot & Serville, 1843 ); subsequent designation by Kirkaldy 1903.

Syllobus Signoret, 1879 : CLXXII; Froeschner 1960: 514, 517. Type species: Cyrtomenus emarginatus Stål, 1862 ; by monotypy. Synonymized with Cyrtomenus View in CoL by Froeschner, 1960: 514.

Diagnosis: The apex of the protibia truncated and the apex of the mesotibia compressed, separates the genus from others in the subfamily.

Redescription. Body oval, length 6.4 to 13 mm, uniformly red-brownish to black, dorsum convex.

Head: flat to convex dorsally; mandibular plates from equal to longer than clypeus, rounded marginally or triangularly produced, surface rugose, finely punctate or smooth and with a submarginal complete row of secondary setigerous punctures each bearing a single hair-like setae; clypeus narrowed apically, surface rugose to punctate; eyes variable, projecting half of their width; ocelli present, well developed; antennae 5-segmented; bucculae lower to slightly higher than labial segment II, latter compressed without semicircular foliaceous lobe; labium variable in size, reaching between middle coxae and abdomen base.

Thorax: Anterior margin of the pronotum moderately emarginated, submargin punctured without impressed line, anterior pronotal lobe smooth to densely punctured, transverse impression marked variable, posterior lobe impunctate to densely covered with fine punctures. Lateral margins carinate, submarginal row of 6 to 25 setigerous punctures, posterior margin rounded. Propleuron polished to sparsely punctate. Scutellum disc with widely, irregularly scattered fine or coarse punctures, apex projected with apical edge rounded, distinctly less than half as wide as membranal suture. Hemelytron polished, punctured, with corial areas well defined, costa with 0 to 22 setigerous punctures, clavus usually with single row of punctures; membranal suture straight. Evaporatorium sometimes interrupted by transverse polished band extending from anterolateral area (pseudoperitreme), peritreme conspicuous, abruptly terminated not showing any kind of expansion or lobe, areas surrounding evaporatorium polished and impunctated. Protibia moderately compressed and modified, femora compressed, metatibia strongly compressed, curved, with rows of spines restricted to dorsal and ventral margin, spines of posteroventral margin much longer and more slender than those of dorsal margin, tarsi present.

Abdomen: Sternites III to VI polished, with or without rows of setigerous punctures across segments.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 6E, F View FIGURE 6 ): Genital capsule globose and simple, apical margin straight, dorsal rim sinuate; parameres dorso-ventrally compressed, apex rounded and broad ( Fig. 6E, F View FIGURE 6 ): phallotheca tubular, dorsal margin longer than ventral margin, only the second conjunctival appendage present, bilobate and sclerotized, processus capitati mushroom-like ( Fig. 6L View FIGURE 6 ), vesica longer than ejaculatory reservoir, processus vesicae as long as vesica, both projected outside the phallotheca ( Fig. 6N, O View FIGURE 6 ).

Female genitalia ( Fig. 5 E–I View FIGURE 5 ): Laterotergites VIII with two setigerous punctures, fused medially by a very narrow section, about twice the size of laterotergites IX, latter punctate with two to three setigerous punctures, triangular; segment X semicircular, rugose and entire; gonocoxite IX punctate, divided medially, bases not visible externally; gonocoxites VIII smooth with fine scattered punctures, larger than laterotergites VIII, posterior margin outline straight. Spermatheca ( Fig. 5K View FIGURE 5 ): seminal receptacle sclerotized and pigmented, spherical, connected by basal neck-like duct. Intermediate part long, delimited apically and proximally by two cuticular, well-developed flanges, the area between the flanges sclerotized and pigmented as the receptacle, flexible zone basal. Spermathecal duct short, distal duct twice length of intermediate part, and proximal duct almost as long as intermediate part, dilation spherical with a strongly pigmented central core, latter surrounded by a thick wall of tissue (intima) with external layer translucent and internal pigmented and serrated, spermathecal opening not sclerotized. Ring sclerites present, always associated with a pair of lateral vaginal pouches more or less differentiated.

Distribution: Restricted to Western Hemisphere where the included species range from the eastern United States through Argentina.

Comments: According to the phylogenetic analysis, the internal classification into two subgenera within Cyrtomenus as proposed by Froeschner (1960) was not supported, and not maintained in this work. The species are arranged following the phylogenetic hypothesis hypothesis obtained from tree under IW ( FIG. 7B View FIGURE 7 ).












Cyrtomenus Amyot & Serville

Avendaño, José Mauricio, Correia, Maíra Andrade, Grazia, Jocelia & Schwertner, Cristiano Feldens 2024


Froeschner, R. C. 1960: 514


Froeschner, R. C. 1960: 514
Froeschner, R. C. 1960: 514
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