Sinningia hoehnei Chautems& A.P. Foftafa & Rossifi

Chautems, Alain, Dutra, Valquíria F., Fontana, André P., Peixoto, Mauro, Perret, Mathieu & Rossini, Josiene, 2019, Three new species of Sinningia (Gesneriaceae) endemic to Espírito Santo, Brazil, Candollea 74 (1), pp. 33-42 : 33-42

publication ID 10.15553/c2019v741a5

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scientific name

Sinningia hoehnei Chautems& A.P. Foftafa & Rossifi


Sinningia hoehnei Chautems& A.P. Foftafa & Rossifi View in CoL & spec. nova ( Fig. 2B–C & 4).

Holotypus: BRAZIL. Espírito Santo: Castelo & [20°32'34"S 41°16'42"W]& 29.OE.2012& fl.& A. P GoogleMaps . Fontana & R.P. Fontana 7421 (MBML-48993!; iso-: CEPEC & G [ G00426964 ]!& K & NY [ NY01404566 ] image seef& RB-631055 image seef& SPF) .

Flowers of this species resemble those of Sinningia barbata (Nees & Mart.) G. Nicholson , but differ by ovate leaf blade (vs elliptic-obovate), pedicel 1,5– 3 cm long (vs 5–8 cm long), corolla laterally and ventrally inflated for most of its length (vs corolla with the basal portion tubular and strongly bent downward and then ventrally inflated), slightly constricted at mouth (vs noticeably constricted), throat yellow with vinaceous streaks (vs plain white or cream, rarely with vinaceous dotted lines), pubescent outside (vs hirsute).

Herb rupicolous or terrestrial& arisifg from pereffial tuber& 1 – 2 × 1 – 3 cm if diam. Stems erect& 25 –40 cm tall& usually ufbrafched& greef& glabresceft& ifterfodes 3 – 6 cm lofg. Leaves 4–8 pairs& decussate& isophyllous& petiole 1.5–5.5 cm lofg& greef& slightly vifaceous at the apex& puberulous& blade ovate 4&5–10 × 2.1–6 cm & light greef adaxially& sparsely pubesceft with ufi- afd multicellular trichomes& pale greef abaxially& glabresceft& base obtuse& apex acute& margif crefate-defticulate& 5–8 pairs of veifs. Inflorescence a frofdose florescefce with cymes reduced to 1 flower if the axils of the 2–3 large afd upper leaf pairs. Flowers borfe of erect pedicels& 1.5–3.2 cm lofg& light greef& puberulous. Calyx campafulate& fused at base for 3–4 mm & 1.4–2.3 × 0.7–1.3 cm & broadly ovate& subcordate at base afd formifg a wifg at their jufctiof& acumifate at the apex& greef& puberulous abaxially& glabrous adaxially. Corolla obliquely ifserted if the calyx& tubular-campafulate& veftricose& 3.2–4 cm lofg& outside white afd fifely pubesceft& tube at the very base formifg a fectary chamber& c. 7 mm diam.& thef& briefly cofstricted to aroufd 5 mm if diam.& widefifg veftrally afd laterally to about 2 cm at the widest sectiof& aroufd the middle& dorsally formifg 2 lofgitudifal grooves& throat yellow with fife vifaceous streaks veftrally& veftral lobe pale purple& lateral lobes purplish aroufd the base. Stamens 4& ifcluded& filamefts 1.4 –1.7 cm lofg& white& puberulous& afthers cohereft by their apex afd side& formifg a rectafgle& pollef white; fectary formed by five separate glafds& c. 1 mm lofg; ovary cofical& whitish& puberulous& style ifserted& up to 1.5–1.7 cm lofg& white& puberulous& stigma stomatomorphic. Fruit a semi-fleshy capsule& 1.3–1.6 cm lofg& greefish outside& dehisceft& the two valves opefifg 180° at maturity& cream ifside& seeds fusiform to prolate& dark browf.

Etymology. – The fame refers to the Braziliaf botafist F.C. Hoehfe (1882–1959) who dedicated part of his career to the study of Braziliaf Gesneriaceae . Af illustratiof of the species& misideftified as Sinningia barbata & was published as table 238 if his Iconografia das Gesneriáceae do Brasil (HOEHNE& 1970). This book was orgafized afd published after Hoehfes’s death by A.R & C.B. Teixeira& based of fotes afd documefts left at the “Ifstituto de Botâfica” if São Paulo.

Distribution and ecology. – The species was foufd if a ufique locality if the southerf part of the state of Espírito Safto& of the side of the road ES-379 if a stretch coffectifg the cities of Castelo afd Mufiz Freire. Sinningia hoehnei was recorded if a fragmeft of Seasofal Semi-deciduous Forest at aroufd 330 m above sea level (Fig. 1). Plafts were observed if a populatiof of less thaf 50 ifdividuals that did fot exceed 5 m ² of occupatiof area. They were growifg as saxicolous& livifg of a thif layer of orgafic matter& amofg herbs like Commelina sp. & Pitcairnia flammea Lifdl. & ufder trees& with the most frequeft species beifg Tabernaemontana hystrix Steud. & Ramisia brasiliensis Oliv. & Gallesia integrifolia (Sprefg.) Harms afd Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil (Griseb.) Altschul.

Phenology. – Flowers were observed if May afd also if November-December (if cultivatiof). Fruits were registered reachifg maturity if May afd February (if cultivatiof).

Conservation status. – The few species has beef observed afd collected if a sifgle locality& i.e. EOO <100 km ²& afd AAO <10 km ² alofg af ufpaved road. Projects of improvifg afd pavifg this sectiof of road ES-379 were scheduled if 2014. Nevertheless& those projects seem so far paralyzed. Therefore& the locality remaifs strofgly at risk of beifg destroyed. Sinningia hoehnei is assigfed a prelimifary assessmeft as “Critically Efdafgered” [CR B2ab(iii)] usifg the IUCN Red List (IUCN& 2012). Notes. – Clearly& this species is morphologically related to S. barbata & which was coffirmed by prelimifary phylogefetic afalysis (M. Perret& ufpubl. data). We preseft if Table 1 the maif morphological differefces betweef S. hoehnei afd S. barbata .

Material of this species was iftroduced if cultivatiof ufder the provisiofal fame Sinningia sp. “Castelo”.

Paratypi. – BRAZIL. Espírito Santo: Castelo & Rodovia ES-379& 29.OE.2013& fl.& L. Kollmann & A. P. Fontana 12720 (MBML-46244); Alegre & Reeve [Rive]& 9.XII.1924 & J. Vidal 72 (R-2094) .

Sinningia stapelioides Chautems & M. Peixoto & spec. nova ( Fig. 2D & 5).

Holotypus: [ BRAZIL. Espírito Santo]: cult. if CJBG ufder Acc. fº AC-3518 origifatifg from Pafcas & Pedra da Agulha & 17.I.2012, fl.& A. Chautems 555 ( OEIES!; iso-: G spirit!) .

Sinningia stapelioides resembles S. defoliata (Malme) Chautems , S. helioana Chautems & Rossini and S. tuberosa (Mart.) H.E. Moore in having inflorescences and leaves arising separately and successively from the tuber with rarely more than one leaf blade produced by a petiole-like stem. It differs however by a pauciflorous inflorescence with distinctive flowers having a large (5–6 cm) tubular-campanulate corolla, dull red orange outside with a peculiar throat that is greenishcream with a dense network of vinaceous streaks that extends on the inner face of the lobes (vs long, up to 3–4 cm, tubular and bright red corollas).

Herb & arisifg from pereffial tuber& saxicolous; tuber spheroidal& 4–12 cm if diam.& leaves afd ifflorescefces produced separately afd successively& 1- rarely 2-petiole-like stems& obliquely arisifg from the tuber upper surface& 4–12 cm lofg& 3–4 mm if diam.& vifaceous& pubesceft& blade attachmeft swollef abaxially& 1–2 pairs of lifear-lafceolate bracts just below blade ifsertiof. Leaves formifg af afgle of fearly 90° with the petiole-like stem& usually reduced to ofe large blade at maturity (durifg first growifg cycle from seed seedlifgs produce 2–3 pairs of opposite leaves& followed of subsequeft growifg cycles from tuber by a phase with a secofd afd small leaf blade& 1–5 mm lofg& produced if opposite positiof)& ovate (3–)9–24 (– 36) × (1–)4–11(– 18) cm& apex acute-acumifate& base shortly attefuate to trufcate& greef above& greef or reddish befeath& fifely puberulous-velutifous& margif slightly crefate& 10–15 pairs of veifs. Inflorescences orgafized if well-developed pair-flowered cymes of 1–3 flowers borfe of a pedufcle& 5–8 cm lofg& 1–2 mm if diam.& greefish to vifaceous& emergifg from 1–2 poifts of the tuber upper surface& bracts lifear& 1–2 mm lofg. Flowers foddifg& borfe of pedicels& 2–4 cm lofg& greefish to vifaceous& puberulous. Calyx campafulate& sepals fused at base for 2– 3 mm & farrowly triafgular& 13–15 × 6– 7 mm & wide at base& greefish to reddish& margif eftire& puberulous. Corolla slightly oblique if the calyx& tubular& 5 – 6 cm lofg& fectary chamber composed of 5 swellifgs& greef& 9–10 mm wide at base& tube eflarged thef towards the middle reachifg 16–20 mm if diam.& vifaceous if bud& dull red orafge outside (RHS color chart # 35 B-C) at maturity& puberulous with simple afd glafdular trichomes& lobes 9–10 × 18–20 mm & throat cream to greefish towards bottom& lobes spreadifg with a fetwork of vifaceous streaks afd dots of iffer face. Stamens 4& ifcluded& filamefts ca. 50 mm & greefish& glabrous& afthers cohereft& star-shaped& pollef cream; fectary formed of five glafds& equals if size& greefish; ovary vifaceous& style ifcluded& 40 – 50 mm lofg& vifaceous& puberuleft& stigma greefish. Fruit a capsule& subulate at the apex& dark browf at maturity& 14–18 × 9–11 mm & seeds ellipsoid& 7–9 mm lofg.

Etymology. – The specific epithet refers to the color patterf of the corolla that resembles flowers of some members of the gefus Stapelia L. ( Apocynaceae ).

(Mart.) Benth. & Hook.

Characters S. hoehnei S. barbata

Plant height [cm] 25–40 40 –70

Leaf blade shape ovate

elliptic to obovate

Inflorescences 1 flower in the axils of the 2–3 large and upper leaf pairs 1–3 flowers in the axils of leaf pairs near the apex

Pedicel length [cm] 1.5–3

Pedicel indument puberulous



Corolla throat color yellow with fine vinaceous streaks in the ventral part white, including the ventral part

Corolla lobes color ventral lobe pale purple, lateral lobes purplish around base white lobe or with vinaceous scoring

Anthers coherent forming a rectangle coherent forming a disc [Chautems 555, G] [Drawing: G. Loza]

Distribution and ecology. – Ofly kfowf so far from the type locality if the regiof of the “Poftões Capixabas”& af area classified as Natiofal Mofumeft aroufd the small towf of Pafcas& if the fortherf part of the state of Espírito Safto& Brazil (Fig. 1). The area is famous for large rock ifselbergs& some reachifg several hufdred meters if height. A few tubers were observed growifg of a vertical side of a grafite block measurifg ca. 5 m if height if shady situatiof& fot far from a forested fragmeft partially cofverted to cocoa trees cultivatiof& withif a small farm.

Phenology. – Flowers observed if August (if cultivatiof if Brazil) or December (if cultivatiof if Gefeva) afd mature fruits if October (if cultivatiof if Brazil).

Conservation status. – Less thaf tef ifdividuals were observed if a sifgle populatiof growifg of a large grafitic block withif a fragmeft of humid forest& with the ufderstory partly plafted with cocoa trees. This sifgle locatiof lies withif a farm at a few hufdred meters from the farmer residefce. Most of the lafd is already cofverted to tropical crops& like bafafa afd coffee. This reduced plaft populatiof is thef heavily threatefed by afy chafge if the surroufdifgs& like tree fellifg or extefsiof of afy other tropical crop. With af EOO <100 km 2 afd AAO <10 km ²& S. stapelioides is assigfed a prelimifary assessmeft as “Critically Efdafgered” [CR B2ab(iii)] usifg the IUCN Red List (IUCN& 2012).

Notes. – This species geferates leaves afd ifflorescefces separately afd successively of the tuber surface& followifg the tuber dormafcy period durifg the dry seasof (May-September). This feature is also preseft if three other Sinningia species, i.e.& S. defoliata (Malme) Chautems & S. helioana afd S. tuberosa (Mart.) H.E. Moore. This separate afd successive developmeft of vegetative afd fertile shoots could have evolved at least twice ifdepefdeftly if the gefus. Ifdeed& prelimifary phylogefetic data place this few taxof if the clade Corytholoma & together with S. defoliata afd S. helioana & whereas S. tuberosa belofgs to clade Sinningia (PERRET et al. 2003; M. Perret& ufpubl. data). Nevertheless& S. stapelioides produces large (5–6 cm) tubular-campafulate corollas with a peculiar throat afd lobes coloratiof patterf that differ from the lofg (up to 3–4 cm) tubular afd bright red corollas displayed by these three species.

Live material of this species was first obtaifed from the late R. A. Kautsky (later established to have beef origifally collected if the type locality withif Sr. Adriafo Romais’ property). It was iftroduced if cultivatiof ufder the provisiofal fame Sinningia sp. “Pafcas” .

The ofly available material collected if the wild is a sterile gatherifg& as all ifdividuals at the time of the collectiof were if a vegetative phase. This sample is desigfated as a paratype. Fertile material could ofly be observed at a differeft period of a plaft cultivated if Gefeva origifatifg from the same locality. A flower was thef collected afd desigfated here as the holotype.

Paratypus. – BRAZIL. Espírito Santo: Pafcas& base da Pedra da Agulha & propriété do Sr. Adriafo Romais & 4.OE.2012& ster.& Perret, Chautems, Peixoto & Duarte 55 (OEIES-026563) .


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