TABANIDAE, Latreille, 1802

Papp, L., Merz, B. & Földvári, M., 2006, DIPTERA OF THAILAND A summary of the families and genera with references to the species representations, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 52 (2), No. 2, pp. 97-269 : 144-145

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586111

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TABANIDAE View in CoL View at ENA

In the CDO (STONE 1975) 4 spp. of Chrysops , 46 spp. of Tabanus and 14 spp. of Haematopota were listed from Thailand. Of them the following taxa were described from Thailand: Chrysops indianus thailandensis PHILIP, 1960 (p. 3), Tabanus (T.) abbasalis PHILIP, 1960 (p. 8), T. (T.) acuminaris PHILIP, 1960 (p. 9), T. (T.) anabates PHILIP, 1960 (p. 9), T. (T.) ardalus PHILIP, 1960 (p. 10), T. (T.) aurilineatus gilvilineis PHILIP, 1960 (p. 12), T. (T.) barnesi AUSTEN, 1922 (p. 435), T. (T.) fulvilinearis PHILIP, 1960 (p. 16), T. (T.) gilvellus PHILIP, 1960 (p. 16), T. (T.) griseilineis PHILIP, 1960 (p. 17), T. (T.) konis PHILIP, 1960 (p. 17), T. (T.) nilakinus PHILIP, 1960 (p. 19), T. (T.) praematurus AUSTEN, 1922 (p. 440), T. (T.) rubicundulus AUSTEN, 1922 (p. 442), T. (T.) sphinx PHILIP, 1960 (p. 21), T. (T.) turmani PHILIP, 1960 (p. 24), T. (T.) virgulatus AUSTEN, 1922 (p. 446), T. (T.) zoster PHILIP, 1960 (p. 28), Haematopota abacis (PHILIP, 1960) (p. 29), H. corrigata STONE, 1975 (p. 75), H. lineota (PHILIP, 1960) (p. 30), H. personata PHILIP, 1963 (p. 520).

After 1975 the most significant work is BURTON’ s (1978) monograph on the Thailand Tabanidae . There – beside new records of several additional spp. – he described 29 new species, as follow:

Atylotus crytotaxis (p. 125), A. lobus (p. 126), Tabanus alumnus (p. 54), T. ballmeri (p. 119), T. borealorieus (p. 118), T. caduceus (P. 27), T. eurytopus (p. 40), T. firmus (p. 122), T. geographicus (p. 46), T. gyruchus (p. 25), T. helvinus (p. 67), T. idulis (p. 26), T. jeanae (p. 117), T. larvatus (p. 112), T. mesogaeus (p. 41), T. nyctops (p. 117), T. orbis (p. 34), T. oxybeles (p. 103), T. pristinus (p. 84), T. quadrifocus (p. 89), T. rusticatus (p. 88), T. symmetrus (p. 92), T. systenus (p. 94), T. tamthaiorum (p. 65), T. thermarum (p. 108), T. unicus (p. 116), T. vernus (p. 96), T. xanthocorus (p. 120), T. zodiacus (p. 31).

COHER (1986) published new records on the Thai Tabanidae , and particularly on Haematopotini spp. ( COHER 1987), describing Haematopota vimoli (p. 13). TUMRASVIN (1989) summarised distribution data of the Tabanus spp. in Thailand.

We collected eight tabanid indiv. in 2004, so it is not a significant material.











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