Papp, L., Merz, B. & Földvári, M., 2006, DIPTERA OF THAILAND A summary of the families and genera with references to the species representations, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 52 (2), No. 2, pp. 97-269 : 182-184

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586111

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In the CDO (SHEWELL 1977) only two lauxaniid species, Homoneura (Homoneura) laticosta ( THOMSON, 1869) and H. (Homoneura) sublucida MALLOCH, 1929 were listed from Thailand. OKADOME’ s paper (1985a) on Lyperomyia was with Thailand in its title but without any Thai data in its contents. In a paper on the lauxaniids of Thailand, SASAKAWA (1987) described Noeetomima thaiensis (p. 1) and Phobeticomyia spinosa (p. 7). SASAKAWA (1995) reported Noonamyia euphlebia SASAKAWA, 1990 from Thailand (see below). The holotype of Trigonometopus (Tetroxyrhina) nigripalpis SHATALKIN, 1997 (p. 166) and a paratype of Trigonometopus (Tetroxyrhina) alboapicalis SHATALKIN, 1997 (p. 164) were from Khao Sok. Recently SASAKAWA (2003) recorded Homoneura quinquevittata (DE MEIJERE, 1910) and H. striatifrons (DE MEIJERE, 1924) from Thailand. In the same paper, SASAKAWA (2003) mentioned Thailand as distribution area also for H. (Neohomoneura) honesta (KERTÉSZ) , H. (Homoneura) beckeri (KERTÉSZ) , H. (Homoneura) picta (DE MEIJERE) , H. (Homoneura) quinquevittata (DE MEIJERE) , H. (Homoneura) signata (VAN DER WULP) , H. (Homoneura) striatifrons (DE MEIJERE) and H. (Homoneura) trypetoptera (HENDEL) but without concrete occurrence data.

Of course, the Thai Lauxaniidae fauna contains several hundred species. In 2004 we selected and pinned 1077 indiv. and the expeditions in 2003 resulted in 176 lauxaniid specimens. Of them 38 (26+12) specimens will be published in a separate paper in progress, on the revision of the tribe Trigonometopini (preliminarily: Luzonomyza 3 spp. (11 indiv.), Maquilingia 2 spp. (3 indiv.), Tetroxyrhina 4 spp. (14 indiv.), and a new genus with 3 spp. (10 indiv.)). The specimens in our material must represent well over 100 species, most of them are new to science. At least five new genera are included (incl. the smallest lauxaniid we have ever seen, with its wing length of 1.90 mm). The new taxa will be described in a series of papers in the future.

Cestrotus spp. – These are beautiful rare flies in the Afrotropical and in the Oriental regions. All the Oriental species belong to Turriger KERTÉSZ , whose distinctness has since long been debated. We think we can prove convincingly a reasonable separation from the Afrotropical (true) Cestrotus . However, it seems better to do so in comparison with the Afrotropical species in a separate paper. Our material is very rich: in 2004 we selected and pinned 49 specimens, in 2003 13 indiv. All that material includes eight or nine species, mostly new to science.

Homoneura VAN DER WULP, 1891 – In the present concept a giant – and in my opinion, a paraphyletic – group, where a separation into several genera is unavoidable. That action must be difficult and will result also in painful nomenclature changes. In any case, our project is not the proper place to do this. Below all those monophyletic groups, which have hitherto been treated as subgenera, are regarded as genera. The rest of Homoneura species is overviewed in species groups (about 40 spp.). Some of them are natural groups of more or less closely related species, some of them are not; the latters share only some easily detectable characters. (More than 150 indiv. were left ungrouped).

Chaetohomoneura spp. – Only nine indiv. from 2003 and 2004.

Drosomyia (or, Homoneura picta group) spp. – A natural group of several spp., 2004: 40 indiv., 2003: 19.

Euhomoneura spp. – 2004: 54 indiv. of 2 spp.; 2003: 3 indiv.

Neohomoneura spp. – 2004: 31 indiv. of 3 spp., 4 indiv. from 2003.

Homoneura beckeri group spp. – A group of closely related spp., 39 indiv. (2004), 6 indiv. (2003).

Homoneura discoglauca group – Four spp. (4+7+4+ 1 specimens from 2004), none of them is conspecific with H. discoglauca : KIM 1994.

Homoneura quinquevittata group spp. – A natural group of several related spp., 18 indiv. (2004), 7 indiv. (2003).

Homoneura picea group spp. – A natural group, centred by the type species of the genus, H. picea VAN DER WULP, 1891 . 2004: 108 indiv. of 6/7 spp.

Homoneura spp. close to the picea group – Black-bodied spp. with short ocellars, less dense aristal rays and with different male genitalia. 2004: 31 indiv. of 2/3 spp.

Homoneura spp. , other black-bodied species – Additional 2 or 3 spp., 22 indiv.; their relationship to the above group is to be cleared.

Homoneura spp. with rounded dark spots on wing: an artificial group of several spp.: 25 indiv (2004).

Homoneura spp. with black stripes on wing: an artifical group of two/three spp. in our material: 39 indiv.

Homoneura spp. , large dark spots on wing: an artificial group of several spp., whose relationship to the (sub)genus Euhomoneura is to be revised: 73 indiv.

Homoneura spp. with a large dark central spot (occupying most of the wing membrane): 19 indiv of one or two spp.

Homoneura spp. with clear wings (or only dM-Cu cross-vein fumose): 126 indiv. of ca. ten spp.

Homoneura spp. with fumose wings: 24 indiv. of several spp.

Homoneura sp. : an additional ungrouped sp. with completely black, short rounded wings: 2 indiv.

Melanopachycerina leucochaeta DE MEIJERE, 1914 View in CoL – 1 m: Rong Rian Ban Mai, Phang Kba   GoogleMaps , 800 m, dry creek bed, N 19° 36’ E 100° 45’, 25. XI. 2003, leg. A. SZAPPANOS.

Melanopachycerina varipes MALLOCH, 1927 View in CoL – 2 m 1 f: FSz03/7.

Melanopachycerina sp. n. – 1 m: FSz03/18; 1 f: PF04/25. It is planned to revise all the species of this genus. In the frame of that work this sp. will be described and the identity of the above two spp. will be corroborated.

Noonamyia euphlebia SASAKAWA, 1990 View in CoL ( Figs 67–69 View Figs 67–75 ) – 38 m 15 f: PF04/28; 4 m: PF04/29; 1 f: PF04/30; 3 m 2 f: PF04/35; 3 m: PF04/36/38/43; 1 m 2 f: PF04/39; 1 m 2 f: PF04/42; 1 m 3 f: No. 10, OROSZ & SZIRÁKI; 1 m 1 f: No. 34, OROSZ & SZIRÁKI. On its wing dark colour touches wing margin in the cells r 2+3, r 4+5 and m, or almost so. Males have long, curved surstyli. SASAKAWA’ s (1990) figure on wing fits better to this species, and, this form occurs in Thailand exclusively southern provinces, while the types are from Malaysia. All the other former records of N. euphlebia View in CoL need revision. Male cerci smaller, height only 0.10–0.11 mm. There is a sclerotized epandrial process between cercus and surstylus ( Fig. 68 View Figs 67–75 ). Surstylus ( Fig. 67 View Figs 67–75 ) with a smaller apical and a large curved subapical process. Phallus and phallapodeme much longer than in N. sasakawai View in CoL sp. n. Ventrocaudal process of gonopod bispinose ( Fig. 69 View Figs 67–75 ).

sternite”, caudal view. Scales: 0.2 mm for Figs 67–68, 70, 75 View Figs 67–75 , 0.1 mm for Figs 69, 71–74 View Figs 67–75













Papp, L., Merz, B. & Földvári, M. 2006

N. sasakawai

Papp & Merz & Földvári 2006

Noonamyia sasakawai

Papp & Merz & Földvári 2006

Spaniocelyphus paradentatus

Papp & Merz & Földvári 2006

Noonamyia euphlebia


N. euphlebia


Noonamyia euphlebia


Melanopachycerina varipes


Melanopachycerina leucochaeta

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