Dentigaster fernandesi, Dias & Penteado-Dias, 2024

Dias, Manoel Martins & Penteado-Dias, Angélica Maria, 2024, Two new species of the genus Dentigaster Zettel (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Cheloninae) from Brazil, Zootaxa 5496 (1), pp. 140-146 : 143-146

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5496.1.10

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scientific name

Dentigaster fernandesi

sp. nov.

Dentigaster fernandesi sp. nov. Dias & Penteado-Dias

( Figs 11–18 View FIGURES 11–17 View FIGURE 18 )

Holotype: body length, 7.0 mm.

Color: Scapus and pedicellus orange; first and second flagellomeres light yellow (second brown at the apex); remaining flagellomeres brown. Head orange yellow, with a dark brown patch on the face and other on the front to the vertex ( Figs 12, 13 View FIGURES 11–17 ). Propleuron blackish dark brown. Pronotum yellow, with brown patch at the lower margin. Scutellum, in dorsal view, blackish dark brown; anterior area at the scutellar sulcus brown, on each side with small yellow patch not very distinct; lateral area to the disc light yellow. Mesoscutum blackish dark brown, with two orange longitudinal bands. Mesopleuron and metapleuron blackish dark brown, both with an anterior orange patch. Propodeum with same color, with posterior orange patch in each side. Fore leg mostly yellow, femur brownish. Mid leg partially yellow, femur and tibia brownish. Hind leg mostly brown; coxa with dark brown and yellow parts. Tegula light brown and humeral plate yellowish light brown. Fore wing ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 11–17 ) grayish brown, partially hyaline in the basal cell; transverse white band at level of basal part of the pterostigma, white bulla in vein r-m and white patch in the third submarginal cell, slightly prolonged below 3M vein. Hind wing light brown. Fore and hind wings with dark brown veins. Metasoma black, with yellow lateral patches on the three tergites, reduced in the third ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 11–17 ).

Head: Antenna with 52 flagellomeres. Scapus 2.70x as long as maximally wide. First flagellomere 1.06x longer than scapus, 7.13x as long as wide, 1.27x as long as the second one. Penultimate flagellomere 1.33x as long as wide, 0.07x as long as first flagellomere, 0.57x as long as apical flagellomere. Head 1.67x as wide as its median length. Eye 1.87x the length of the temple (in dorsal view), 1.97x as high as wide. Head moderately coarse punctate. Clypeus moderately swollen in lateral view, with two small blunt teeth in lower margin; surface moderately punctate. Malar space 1.14x basal width of mandible, 0.51x eye height. Face moderately convex, with slightly protruding median carina. Temple not swollen in dorsal view. Frons flat, not concave. POL 1.33x ocellar diameter, 0.41x OOL. Occipital carina present, complete.

Mesosoma: Mesosoma 1.74x as long as wide in lateral view, 1.56x as long as wide in dorsal view. Pronotum finely punctate. Mesoscutum moderately prominent, rounded anteriorly, coarsely to moderately punctate. Notauli slightly evident. Scutellar sulcus with nine complete transversal carinae. Mesopleuron, metapleuron and propodeum moderately coarse punctate; a small protrusion, longitudinally elongated on each side of propodeum; mediolongitudinal carina absent. Fore wing: stigma 6.17x as long as wide. Marginal cell distally closed. Vein r 0.64x as long as vein 3-SR, 0.21x as long as vein SR1, 0.39x as long as vein 2-SR. Vein 1-SR + M present. First discal cell 2.55x as long as wide. Vein r-m present, with one bulla. Vein m-cu and vein cu-a present, postfurcal. Vein CU1b present. First subdiscal cell distally closed. Vein 2-1A long. Hind wing: Vein 1-SC+R present. Subbasal cell medium sized. Vein M + CU 0.88x as long as vein 1-M. Legs: Hind coxa large. Hind femur 4.03x as long as wide. Hind tibia 7.4x as long as wide, 2.39x as long as the hind basitarsomere. Hind basitarsomere 7.15x as long as wide, 0.97x as long as tarsomeres 2–5.

Metasoma: Carapace with two transverse areolate sutures; between the first and second tergites wider, mainly in the middle area. First and second tergites rugose- areolate. Third tergite finely rugose-areolate. First tergite, in dorsal view 1.11x as long as apical width with anterior prominent median knob. Median length of second tergite 0.75x its basal width, 0.86x as long as first tergite. Carapace 2.25x as long as wide, in dorsal view. Third tergite with apex not denticulated in dorsal view. Postero-ventral rim on third tergite, in lateral view, moderately curved upward.

Male: Unknown.

Variations: Scapus and pedicellus orange or orange brownish. Pronotum all yellow or with small to large brown patch at the lower margin. Propleuron, mesopleuron and metapleuron blackish dark brown with yellow patches variously small to large. Two orange longitudinal bands of the mesoscutum variously wide to narrow ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 11–17 ). Propodeum and metapleuron can be completely blackish dark brown or propodeum with yellow lateral patches visible or almost imperceptibles. Fore wing with white patch at the third submarginal cell ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 11–17 ), slightly to markedly prolonged below 3M vein. Carapace lateral yellow patches with variable sizes, that can be large, including those in the third tergite ( Figs 11, 16, 17 View FIGURES 11–17 ) or represented only at the lower margin, not visible in dorsal view ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 11–17 ).

Etymology: In honour to our friend Ulysses Fernandes.

Habitat: Cerrado.

Material examined:

Holotype, female. BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Chapada Gaúcha, Parque Nacional Grande Sertão Veredas, Cerrado , 15 o 10’29” S – 45 o 43’17” W, Malaise 2, 764 m, 28.VIII.2018, N.W. Perioto & R.I.R Lara col. ( DCBU 473.863 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . Paratypes, females. Same data ( DCBU 445.618 View Materials , DCBU 445.620 View Materials ). Same data, 25.IX.2018 ( DCBU 445.621 View Materials , DCBU 445.625 View Materials ). Same data, 15 o 10’30” S – 45 o 43’16” W, Malaise 3, 764 m, 25.IX.2018 ( DCBU 473.857 View Materials ) GoogleMaps .

Comments: The two new species of Dentigaster now described have the first tergite protruding medio-anteriorly, similar to Dentigaster lutzi Dias & Penteado-Dias, 2013 and Dentigaster ucayali Braet, 2014 . D. lutzi has a bicolor pattern, with head and anterior part of mesosoma orange and other parts of mesosoma and metasoma principally dark brown to blackish. Second tergite with yellowish patch basally, that can be reduced. D.ucayali is black, with parts white as fore tibia, fore and hind tarsi and flagellomeres 1–3. Has also parts light brown to yellow, as face around eyes, medio-apical patch on first tergite and large patch on second tergite. D. medeirosi has head mainly black. Pronotum black and yellow or all black, in lateral view; remaining parts of mesosoma mainly orange. First tergite orange, second light yellow and black, and third black. Fore wings orange, brown and white ( Figs 1, 2 View FIGURES 1–6 , 7 View FIGURES 7–10 ). D. fernandesi has head orange yellow, with dark brown patch on the face and on the vertex ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 11–17 ). Mesosoma blackish brown, with orange patches variously small to large. Two orange longitudinal bands on mesoscutum ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 11–17 ). Metasoma with lateral yellow patches of variable sizes ( Figs 11, 15–17 View FIGURES 11–17 ). D. medeirosi has color similar to D. erythrothorax , but has metasoma 1.42x as long as mesosoma and 3.32x as long as wide in dorsal view. D. erythrothorax has metasoma 1.04x as long as mesosoma and 2.29x as long as wide in dorsal view. D. medeirosi has an angular postero-ventral rim on third tergite ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 7–10 ), character missing in D. erythrothorax .













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