Astrolirus Fisher, 1917

Zhang, Ruiyan, Zhou, Yadong, Xiao, Ning & Wang, Chunsheng, 2020, A new sponge-associated starfish, Astrolirus patricki sp. nov. (Asteroidea: Brisingida: Brisingidae), from the northwestern Pacific seamounts, PeerJ 8, pp. e 9071-e 9071 : 4

publication ID 10.7717/peerj.9071


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scientific name

Astrolirus Fisher, 1917


Genus Astrolirus Fisher, 1917 View in CoL

Diagnosis to Genus. Intercostal integument covered by thin plates; the first pair of adambulacral plates do not touch by their interradial faces, but are separated by a pair of marginal plates; first pair of marginal plates unit closely with a large interradial plate in the interradial faces.

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