Longibirotula antiqua, Samant & Pronzato & Mohabey & Cubeddu & Stocchino & Jangale & Thalal & Dhobale & Manconi, 2023

Samant, Bandana, Pronzato, Roberto, Mohabey, Dhananjay Mahendrakumar, Cubeddu, Tiziana, Stocchino, Giacinta Angela, Jangale, Krutika, Thalal, Pranay, Dhobale, Anup & Manconi, Renata, 2023, The oldest birotule-bearing freshwater sponges from the Upper Cretaceous-lower Paleocene Deccan volcanic-associated sediments of India, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 68 (1), pp. 167-174 : 169-170

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.4202/app.01040.2022

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Longibirotula antiqua

gen. et sp. nov.

Order Spongillida Manconi and Pronzato, 2002 View in CoL Family Palaeospongillidae Volkmer-Ribeiro and Reitner, 1991

Genus Longibirotula Pronzato and Manconi nov.

Zoobank LSID: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:9A389B3D-118E-42AA-AD


Type species: Longibirotula antiqua Manconi and Samant , by monotypy.

Etymology: In reference to the long shaft of birotules gemmuloscleres, gender feminine.

Diagnosis.— Longibirotula is characterised by gemmuloscleres slender birotules with very long spiny shaft, and two types of skeletal megascleres, i.e., long slim oxeas and short acanthoxeas.

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