Augochlorella mavricera, Gonçalves, 2019

Gonçalves, Rodrigo Barbosa, 2019, Systematics, Morphology and Biogeography Phylogeny of the Augochlora clade with the description of four new species (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 63, pp. 91-100 : 95-97

publication ID 10.1016/j.rbe.2018.12.003


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scientific name

Augochlorella mavricera

sp. nov.

Augochlorella mavricera sp. nov.

( Figs. 4–6C,D View Fig View Fig View Fig )

Diagnosis. The female of this species is very similar to A. acarinata . The body of A. mavricera sp. nov. is mostly dark green with some violet reflections on clypeus and supraclypeal area and black dorsal surfaces of terga ( Fig. 4 View Fig ) while A. acarinata is bright green with some copper reflections. Also, A. mavricera sp. nov. punctation is sparser than on A. acarinata (i>2pd on lower paraocular and i>pd on mesoscutum). The male can be easily separated of A. acarinata by the dark body, including legs ( Figs. 5 View Fig and 6D View Fig ), compared with yellowish color of A. acarinata ( Fig. 6A,B View Fig ). The S4 is slightly bilobed ( Fig. 6C View Fig ) in the new species, while A. acarinata males have S4 strongly bilobed ( Fig. 6A View Fig ).

Description. Holotype female. Measurements (mm). Eye notch width: 1.3; head length: 1.6; glossa length: 0.6; clypeus width: 0.7; clypeus length: 0.4; supraclypeal length: 0.3; clypeus ocellar distance: 0.9; intertegular distance: 1.1; T1 width: 1.7; T2 width: 1.8; body length: 7.0. Head. Labrum basal elevation orbicular, black. Mandible black with subapical amber spot; subapical tooth not strongly produced; longsetae (2–3 OD) on outer and ventral margins. Epistomal angle orthogonal. Clypeus sparsely punctate, weakly microreticulateon basalportion; erect setae with 1–1.5 OD; apical surface darkened, subapical area violet, remaining surface bright green. Supraclypeal area sparsely punctulate, polished; fine erect setae; green with violet reflections. Paraocular area punctate, strongly microreticulate; olive green, some weak violet reflections near eye notch; branched setae with 1–1.5 OD. Antennae; scape dark brown with very weak metallic highlights, flagellomeres weakly amber ventrally; F1–3 setose, with inconspicuous sensilla, remaining flagellomeres with conspicuous sensilla. Frons not depressed; conflected punctate, strongly microreticulate; olive green; short and fine setae. Preoccipital ridge not carinate. Vertex coarsely punctatebecoming rugose nearridge; longplumose (short branches) setae. Genapuncticulate, microlineateonpostgena; dark green to black; white plumose setae (1.5–2 OD). Hypostomal ridge carinate. Mesosoma. Pronotum dorsal ridge weakly carinate; lateral angle not projected, rounded; lateral ridge rounded; dorsal surface lineate and puncticulate; dark green; with few tomentum on dorsal surface. Propleuron brown with green highlights. Prosternum green. Fore leg: coxa dark green, trochanter and femur brown, tibiabrownonoutersurface, baseof tibiaandpretarsuslight brown; long yellowish setae on coxa to femur, yellow erect setae ontibiaandtarsus. Mesoscutumanteriorborder weaklyacuminate; median sulcus well impressed; parapsidal lines weakly impressed; punctate laterally, more sparse on median surface (i=pd), microlineations more conspicuous on anterior surface; green with violet reflections; short (=OD) and sparse white setae. Scutellum median sulcus very weakly impressed; punctate to conflected punctate, microreticulate; bright olive green; longersetae (=2.5–3 OD) on posterior margin. Mesepisternum conflected punctate, microreticulate; olive green, weak violet reflections; covered with plumose setae (=1.5 OD). Mid leg brown; yellow setae on femur to tarsus. Tegula concentric lineate; dark amber, weak greenreflections anteriorly. Fore wing: marginal cell apex rounded; membrane hyaline; black microtrichia. Metanotum median sulcus very weakly impressed; rugulose, microreticulate; green with bluish iridescence; long plumose setae (2–3 OD). Metepisternum lineate above superior metapleural pit, conflected punctate below; green with violet reflections. Hind leg: basitibial plate apex rounded; tibial spur serrate; brown; long plumose setae on ventral coxa to femur, ventral tibial setae not too long and with short branches. Hind wing hyaline. Metapostnotum weakly inclined; weakly depressed; apex rounded to trapezoidal; less twice as long as metanotum; rugulose on median surface, carinate laterally, microreticulate; dark olive green with some violet reflections; Propodeum posterior surface puncticulate, few scattered punctures, microreticulate to granular; dark olive green; short plumose and some erect (1–2 OD) setae.Propodeum lateralsurface puncticulate, microreticulate; olive green; with thicker and longer (3–4 OD) setae. Metasoma. T1 anterior and dorsal surfaces not angled between; sparsely puncticulate, microlineate; olive greenreflections on lateral surfaces, black on median surface, few copper reflections elsewhere; short. T2 puncticulate; olive greenreflections on lateral surfaces, black on median surface, few copper reflections elsewhere; short. T3–T4 puncticulate; olive green reflections on lateral and marginal surfaces, black on median surface, few copper reflections elsewhere; short.T5 punctate; darkbrown; coveredwith blacklongerect setae. Pygidial plate short, truncate. S1 without tubercle; lineate; amber with greenhighlightson mediansurface; verylongsetae (=3 OD) on mediansurface. S2–4 lineate; browntolight brown; subapical setae verylong (about 5 OD) and with recurved apices. S5 lineate; brown; longsetae (about 4 OD), plumose. S6 lineate; brown; yellowish setae on apical margin.

Paratype male. Measurements (mm). Eye notch width: 1.2; head length: 1.6; clypeus width: 0.6; clypeus length: 0.4; supraclypeal length: 0.3; clypeus ocellar distance: 0.9; intertegular distance: 1.2; T1 width: 1.4; T2 width: 1.6; body length: 7.0. Head. Labrum and mandible amber; Clypeus: epistomal angle straight; punctate, veryweakly microreticulate; white setae on middle, longer setae on apex; yellow marking on latero–apical margin, green. Supraclypeal area sparsely punctate, very weakly microreticulate; green. Paraocular area sparsely punctate, weakly microreticulate; olive green; long (>2 OD) branched setae, yellow. Antennae F2 0.8x F1 length, F3 = F1, remaining flagellomeres relatively longer; scape and pedicel light brown, flagellomeres mostly yellowed; F11 flattened dorso–ventrally; without sensilla placodea patches. Frons not depressed above antennal sockets; coarsely punctate; olive green; few erect setae. Preoccipital ridge not carinate. Vertex punctate becoming rugose near ridge; very long plumose (short branches) setae. Gena puncticulate, almost polished on postgena; olive green, some coppery reflections on postgena; white plumose setae (1.5–2 OD). Hypostomal area, ridge carinate. Mesosoma. Pronotum dorsal ridge carinate; lateral angle almost orthogonal; lateral ridge rounded; dorsal surface rugose; bright olive green, weakly metallic laterally; with some plumose setae on dorsal surface. Fore leg: coxa to femur with some metallic reflections, tibia and tarsus dark brown; short yellow erect setae. Mesoscutum anterior border slightly projected over pronotum, weakly lobed; median sulcus well impressed; parapsidal lines well impressed; punctate, sparsely on anterior lobe; bright olive green; posterior margin weakly covered with plumose setae. Scutellum median sulcus weakly impressed; punctate, polished; bright olive green; anteriorsurface coveredwithplumosesetae.Mesepisternumpunctate, polished; bright olive green; short plumose setae. Mid leg: coxa brown with metallic reflections, remaining leg light brown; short yellow erect setae. Tegula concentric lineate; brown, green reflections anteriorly. Forewing weakly infuscate on apex. Metanotum median sulcus weakly impressed; puncticulate, polished; bright olive green; anterior surface densely covered with erect setae.Metepisternumlineateabove superior metapleuralpit, punctate below; bright olive green; Hind leg: coxa brown with metallic reflections, remaining leg light brown; apex of ventral surface of femur with apical very long thick setae (7 OD), apex of ventral surface of tibia with long setae (4 OD), ventral surface of basitarsus with tuft of erect setae (3 OD) on a convexity. Metapostnotum weakly inclined; weakly depressed; twice as long as metanotum; apex rounded; rugose, some carina laterally; green. Propodeum posterior surface posterior pit shallow, punctate, microreticulate, olive green, with fine setae; lateral surface punctate, olive green, with thicker setae. Metasoma. T1 verysparsely puncticulate; brown with lateral metallic reflections; short. T2 very sparse puncticulate; light brown with metallic reflections, yellow marginal areas; vestiture white, with weak row of long white setae on basis. T3–T5 as T2, some bluish iridescence. T6 green; long setae. T7 black; short black setae. S1 margin straight; sparsely punctate, microlineate; light brown; with very short setae. S2–S3 and S5 straight; brown; covered with few short white setae on median surface, posterior surface with some long setae (>4 OD). S4 weakly bilobed ( Fig. 6C View Fig ); with apical row of thick setae; lateral setae very short. S6 weakly concave; brown; black setae on apical margin. S7 posterior margin sinuose. S8 posterior margin not produced: 0.3 times S8 width. Genitalia ( Fig. 5C View Fig ). Gonapophysis broad; longer than gonostylus; without dorsal crest; with large ventral prong; with lateral teeth. Gonobase short (0.6 gonocoxite length); dorsal lobes weakly produced; ventral bridge narrow. Gonostylus basal process reduced; parapenial lobe reduced; ventral process with outer and inner lobes, inner lobe divided and asymmetric, setose; dorsal lobe transversal. Volsella longer than wider; oblique, corners acuminate; without hook.

Type material. Holotype female ( DZUP): “Parque Saint–Hilaire\ Brazil: RS, Viamão, 02/03/2017 \ Coletado em \ Euphorbia selloi (11–14 h)\ Saibreira Fogo Recente ”. Paratype: one male ( DZUP) “Parque Saint–Hilaire\ Brazil: RS, Viamão, 21/12/2015 \ Coletado em\ Richardia grandiflora (08–11 h)\ NOVA Fogo Intermediário”.

Etymology. From Greek terms that mean black, mavros, and horn, ceros, in reference to the black F11, feminine.


Brazil, Parana, Curitiba, Universidade Federal do Parana, Museu de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure















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