Gasteruption townesi ( Alayo, 1972 )

Macedo, Antonio Carlos Cruz, 2011, A revision of Gasteruption Latreille (Hymenoptera: Gasteruptiidae) in the Neotropical Region 3030, Zootaxa 3030 (1), pp. 1-62 : 52-54

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Gasteruption townesi ( Alayo, 1972 )


Gasteruption townesi ( Alayo, 1972) ( Fig. 24 View FIGURE 24 )

Rhydinofoenus townesi Alayo, 1972: 9 (in key), 10–11 (description).

Gasteruption townesi: Macedo, 2009: 7 (cladistic analysis).

Diagnosis. Differs from G. guildingi by the mesoscutum punctulate ( Fig. 24c View FIGURE 24 ). Differs from other Neotropical species by the propodeum with ill-defined areoles, almost smooth laterally (as in Fig. 27d View FIGURE 27 ); the metapleuron with a large smooth portion ventrally ( Fig. 24d View FIGURE 24 ); the ovipositor sheath longer than the metasoma, and dark brown, with apex yellow brown ( Fig. 24e View FIGURE 24 ); and the fore wing discal cell present.

Redescription. Female ( Fig. 24e View FIGURE 24 ). Length: 13.4 mm (n=1); ovipositor sheath length 0.93 × body length.

Head. Subtrapezoidal in dorsal view, as long as wide ( Fig. 24a View FIGURE 24 ), punctulate; mandible pre-apical tooth distinct; malar space short, almost separated from gena; posterior ocellus inserted at the level of upper eye margin; occipital carina narrow dorsally and wider laterally ( Fig. 24b View FIGURE 24 ). Head length 1.25 × eye length; eye length 18.33 × malar space; distance from posterior ocellus to occipital margin 1.75 × distance between posterior ocelli; 1 st flagellomere 1.09 × as long as scape, 1.5 × as long as pedicel, 0.52 × as long as 2 nd flagellomere. Color: dark brown, clypeus red brown to dark brown.

Mesosoma. Propleuron imbricate; pronotal process distinct; pronotum imbricate to smooth, area between lobes crenulate; mesonotum rounded in lateral view ( Fig. 24d View FIGURE 24 ); mesoscutum and mesoscutelum punctulate ( Fig. 24c View FIGURE 24 ); mesepisternum imbricate dorsally and rugulose ventrally; mesepimeron rugulose; metapleuron rugulose, ventral region with a large smooth portion; propodeum with ill-defined areoles, almost smooth laterally, longitudinal carina distinct; metacoxa finely striate. Mesosoma (excluding propleuron) 2.05 × as long as high; propleuron 1.85 × longer than its largest wide, 1.24 × pronotum length; metacoxa 3.12 × as long as wide; metatibia 5.38 × as long as wide, 1.41 × as long as femur, 3.32 × as long as 1 st tarsomere. Fore wing discal cell subtriangular; hind wing with 3 hamuli, not equidistant. Color: propleuron dark brown; mesonotum red brown to dark brown; pronotum, mesopleuron, metapleuron and propodeum red brown; fore and middle legs with coxa red brown, trochanter, femur and tibia dark brown, tibia with a yellow longitudinal stripe, tarsus yellow, with apical tarsomeres gradually darker than basal ones; hind leg with coxa, trochanter, femur and tibia dark brown, subbasal portion of tibia yellow, 1 st tarsomere yellow, with base dark brown, 2 nd –3 rd yellow, 4 th –5 th dark brown.

Metasoma. Imbricate, 3.48 × as long as mesosoma; subgenital sternun notched, Y-shaped; ovipositor sheath 1.43 × as long as metasoma. Color: dark brown; ovipositor sheath dark brown, with apex yellow brown.

Male. First record. Similar to female; fore wing discal cell subtrapezoidal or subtriangular; hind tarsus entirely dark brown.

Geographic distribution: Cuba, Bahamas.

Material examined. Holotype female ( IESC): CUBA: Camagüey, Nuevitas, Playa de Santa Lucía , 1955, Zayas & Alayo.

Other material. BAHAMAS : Marsh Harbour District: Man-o-War Cay , 30.VIII.1971, H. & A. Howden, 2♂ ( AEIC) .


American Entomological Institute














Gasteruption townesi ( Alayo, 1972 )

Macedo, Antonio Carlos Cruz 2011

Gasteruption townesi: Macedo, 2009: 7

Macedo, A. C. C. 2009: 7

Rhydinofoenus townesi

Alayo 1972: 9
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