Baldorhynchus moczarskii (Breit, 1913)

Bello, Cesare, Osella, Giuseppe & Baviera, Cosimo, 2016, A taxonomic revision of the genus Baldorhynchus (Di Marco & Osella, 2002) stat. n. (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae), Zootaxa 4070 (1), pp. 1-101 : 74

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4070.1.1

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scientific name

Baldorhynchus moczarskii


Baldorhynchus moczarskii View in CoL species group

( Figure 132 View FIGURE 132 )

Diagnosis. A Baldorhynchus group of large sized species. Length: 4.80–5.55 mm. Oval shaped. Elytra with eight (only moczarskii ), nine, or ten (only pedersolii ) striae and length/width ratio 1.93–2.05; deep and nearby punctation. Antenna with length scape/length funicle ratio = <1. The species of this group, to date all parthenogenetic or probably parthenogenetic, are present and spread in the southern part of the Orobian Prealps and not common in the southwestern Brescian pre-Alps.

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