Philisca puconensis, RAMÍREZ, 2003

RAMÍREZ, MARTÍN J., 2003, The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): A Phylogenetic Revision At The Generic Level, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2003 (277), pp. 1-262 : 191-214

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0090(2003)277<0001:TSSAAA>2.0.CO;2

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Philisca puconensis

sp. nov.

Philisca puconensis View in CoL , new species Figure 103 View Fig

NOTE: Provisionally included in the genus, see Note under Philisca .

TYPES: Male holotype from Chile, Región X, Cautín province, Pucón, ca. 39°16̍S, 71°58̍W, 15.XI–2.XII.1980, Malaise trap in peninsula, S.A. Marshall, deposited in AMNH.

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name refers to the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Resembles other Philisca species in having the branch of the median apophysis, but easily distinguished by having a bifid paramedian apophysis and a narrow epigynal median field.

FEMALE (Malalcahuello, not type): Total length 6.50. Carapace length 2.80, width 2.03, wider on legs II–III. Diameter AME one­third of ALE . Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 1.65/1.33; II, 1.62/1.33; III, 1.27/1.25; IV, 1.73/1.83. Palpal tarsus length 0.75. Chelicerae unmodified, with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.50, width 1.08. Spines: leg I, femur d 1–1–1, p (1­ d1)ap; tibia v 2– 2–2; metatarsus v 2bas. II, femur = I; tibia v 2–2–2, p d1–1; metatarsus v 2bas, p 1–0. III, femur d 1–1–1, p and r 0­ d1­ d1; patella r 1; tibia v p1–2–2, p and r d1–1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2–2–2, p and r d1–1–1, d 0­ p1– 2. IV, femur d 1–1–1, p and r d1ap; patella r 1; tibia v p1–2–2 or 2–2–2, p and r d1–1 or 1­ d1­ 0­ 1­ 0, d r1bas; metatarsus = III. Abdomen length 3.72, width 2.23, spiracle–epigastrium 1.77, spiracle–spinnerets 0.33. Col­ or: carapace grayish, ocular area almost black, two lateral bands and margins dark. Legs grayish with many dark spots. Sternum with two lateral dark bands, made of spots in front of coxae. Abdomen yellow with dark spots, cardiac area dark, pair of dark spots behind median transverse line of dorsum, several diffuse chevrons on posterior third. Venter with a few dark spots, mostly anterior of tracheal spiracle. Epigyne (fig. 103D, E): lateral lobes close to each other, median field elongate. Opening of anterior pouch almost circular, lumen deep.

MALE (holotype, fig. 103A): Total length 5.05. Carapace relatively wider than that of female, length 2.67, width 2.03. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 2.73/2.33; II, 2.43/2.17; III, 1.73/1.73; IV, 2.13/2.30. Sternum length 1.33, width 1.05. Spines as in female, except: leg I, femur p 0­ d1­ (1­ d1) or 0­ d2­ (1­ d1), r 0­ d1­ d1 or d1ap; tibia p and r 1­ d1–1; metatarsus p 1–0. II, femur p 1–1­ (1­ d1), r 0­ d1­ d1; tibia = I. III, tibia v 2–2–2, p and r 1­ d1­ 0­ 1­ 0. IV, femur p and r 0­ d1­ d1 or 0–0­ d1; tibia = III. Abdomen length 2.40, width 1.40, spiracle–epigastrium 1.13, spiracle– spinnerets 0.15. Color: similar to female, but abdomen with very dark dorsal stripe, irregular, wider and darker at center of posterior half, sides dark, venter with line of spots along median line. Palp (fig. 103B, C): tibia long, width/length 0.74. Cymbium with retrolateral margin curved at base. Basal process of embolus projecting as flattened ridge, separated by ample ventral membranous area. Rectangular sclerotized stripe runs from sperm duct to base of median apophysis. Relict of primary conductor well developed, concave, with rounded tip. Secondary conductor small, rugose; prolateral portion with rounded projection; canal vestigial, base membranous; retrolateral portion thin, rugose. Median apophysis with large, median branch (fig. 103C). Paramedian apophysis bifid, retrolateral tip bent dorsally, prolateral curved ventrally.

VARIABILITY: Female spines: III, metatarsus v 2­ p1–2.


DISTRIBUTION: Known only from a few localities in Cautín, Malleco, Valdivia, and Neuquén provinces.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: ARGENTINA: Neuquén: Pucara´, 15.XII.1965, A. Giai, 1♀ 1 immature (MACN­Ar). CHILE: Región IX (Araucanía): Malleco: Malalcahuello, 9–15.XII.1985, L. Peña, 1♀ described above (AMNH). Región X (Los Lagos): Valdivia: Valdivia, XI–XII.1982, E. Krahmer, 1♀ (MHNS 700). Mistaken Locality: Prov. Santiago, Malleco, XI.1979, L.E. Peña, 13 (AMNH) (see Ramírez, 1995b: 83).


Heteromma Karsch, 1880: 380 View in CoL (type species by monotypy Heteromma fueguiana Karsch, 1880 ). NEW SYNONYMY.

Tomopisthes Simon, 1884: 130 View in CoL , 132 (type species Tomopisthes immanis Simon, 1884 View in CoL , subsequently designated by Simon, 1897a: 99), 1887:

TABLE 24 Synapomorphies of Tomopisthes View in CoL and Internal Clades

E24, 28, 1897a: 90–99, 1903a: 1032. Ramírez,

1995a: 88, 1997: 178.

Gayenna View in CoL : Tullgren, 1901: 240, 259. Merian, 1913:


Heterommides Strand, 1912b: 16 (new name for

Heteromma Karsch, 1880 View in CoL , preoccupied by

Menge, 1856).

SYNONYMY: The type species of Heteromma Karsch is here considered a junior synonym of Tomopisthes horrendus .

DIAGNOSIS: Resembles Araiya in having regularly disposed teeth on the apex of the male secondary conductor, but can be distinguished by having a grayish or brown coloration and a wide membranous stripe separating the secondary conductor from the anterior margin of the tegulum, wider on prolateral side.

DESCRIPTION: Color dark, with grayish brown patches, quite cryptic on tree bark or lichens. Chelicerae with three teeth on promargin, two on retromargin. Male palpal tibia longer than wide. Embolus short, thick, not associated with secondary conductor. Paramedian apophysis complex, with two or more apical cusps. Primary conductor present. Secondary conductor well separated from anterior margin of tegulum by membranous stripe, wider on retrolateral side. Apex of prolateral portion of secondary conductor with thick, regularly disposed denticles pointing backward. Triangular sclerotized area extends from sperm duct to base of median apophysis. Epigyne with lateral lobes separate, median field totally occupied by distended anterior pouch, its margin almost reaching epigastric furrow. Copulatory ducts running parallel to sutures between lateral lobes and median field.

DISTRIBUTION: Forest in southern Chile and Argentina.

COMPOSITION: Three species here included.

TYPES NOT EXAMINED: Tomopisthes tullgreni Simon, 1905 .

NOMEN DUBIUM: Tomopisthes aethiops Simon, 1903 (female type presumably in MHNP, not found; six immatures in MHNP 21769, probably Sanogasta , are not types, because Simon [1903b: 312] referred to the epigyne).

Tomopisthes horrendus (Nicolet) , new combination Figures 104A View Fig , 105A, B View Fig , 106 View Fig , 107 View Fig

Clubiona horrenda Nicolet, 1849: 421 (two females syntypes from Chile, Llanquihue, in MHNP 4235, examined).

Amaurobius horrenda : Simon, 1864: 139.

Heteromma fuegiana Karsch, 1880: 380 (female immature holotype, from Chile, Punta Arenas, Exp. Gazelle, in ZMB, examined). NEW SYN­ ONYMY.

Tomopisthes horrendus View in CoL : Simon, 1887: E4, 1897 a: 91, 1902: 30, 1904: 102.

Tomopisthes immanis Simon, 1884: 133 View in CoL (two males and three females syntypes, from Chile, Cabo de Hornos, in MHNP 6669, examined), 1887: E28, 1897 a: 91, 99, 1901: 21, 1902: 30, 1903d: 5, 1904: 102. Ramírez, 1995a: 368. NEW SYNONYMY.

Philisca sica Strand, 1908: 5 (female holotype from ‘‘W. Afrika, Ashanti’’, in SMF 4737, examined). NEW SYNONYMY.

Heterommides fuegianus Strand, 1912a: 346 .

Gayenna horrenda : Merian, 1913: 13.

Nonianus argentinus Mello­Leitão, 1940: 42 (female holotype from Argentina, Neuquén province, San Martín de los Andes, III.1938, M. Birabén coll., in MLP 14350, examined). NEW SYN­ ONYMY.

SYNONYMY: The types of the species synonymized were examined, together with numerous specimens from the same areas; no relevant differences were found. The type locality of Philisca sica is most probably a mislabeling.

DIAGNOSIS: This is the largest anyphaenid species, ranging from 12 to 22 mm in total length; can be distinguished from other amaurobioidines by having a distally widened paramedian apophysis, of very characteristic shape, and epigynal median field with parallel margins. Immatures are very similar to those of T. varius , but can be distinguished by having one prolateral and one retrolateral spine on metatarsus I.

FEMALE (Ushuaia): Total length 18.00. Carapace length 8.11, width 6.25, wider on legs II–III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 6.12/3.72; II, 6.00/5.05; III, 4.66/4.60; IV, 5.60/6.00. Palpal tarsus length 2.50. Chelicerae unmodified, with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 4.39, width 3.10. Spines: leg I, femur d 1–1–1, p (1­ d1)ap, r 0­ d1­ d1; tibia v 2–2–2, p and r 0–1; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r 1–0. II, femur d 1–1–1, p 0­ d1­ (1­ d1), r 0­ d1­ d1; tibia and metatarsus = I. III, femur d 1–1–1, p 0­ d1­ (1­ d1), r 0­ d1­ d1; patella r d1; tibia v 2–2–2, p and r d1– 1; metatarsus v 2–2–2, p and r d1–1–1, d 0­ p1–2. IV, femur d 1–1–1, p 0­ d1­ d1, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia and metatarsus = III. Abdomen length 10.00, width 6.00, spiracle– epigastrium 4.90, spiracle–spinnerets 1.33. Color (fig. 104A): carapace and chelicerae reddish brown, legs pale brown with brown spots, metatarsi and tarsi reddish brown. Sternum and mouthparts reddish brown. Abdomen brown with pattern of cream dots. Epigyne (fig. 107F, G): copulatory openings close to anterior end of furrow separating lateral lobes and median field. Ducts of accessory bulbs short, connected very close to copulatory openings.

MALE (Ushuaia): Total length 16.90. Carapace length 8.65, width 6.00. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 9.58/7.85; II, 9.44/7.58; III, 6.65/6.38; IV, 7.58/8.11. Chelicerae very long, strong (fig. 107A); teeth thick, those of retromargin widely spaced, basal tooth in front of apical promarginal tooth; fang thick, long. Sternum length 4.39, width 3.19. Spines as in female. Abdomen length 8.00, width 4.66, spiracle–epigastrium 4.00, spiracle–spinnerets 0.60. Color as in female. Palp (figs. 105A, B, 107B–E): tibia long, width/length 0.35. Cymbium relatively narrow, retrolateral margin with slight basal notch. Anterior dorsal margin of tegulum projecting as prolateral conical prong. Embolus with basal process lobate, separated by ample membranous ventral area. Median apophysis very long, pointing apically. Paramedian apophysis complex, with retrolateral cusp and fan­shaped tip. Primary conductor slightly wider than long, almost rectangular. Secondary conductor small (fig. 107E), rugose. Anterior dorsal margin of tegulum projecting, partially membranous (fig. 105A, arrow).

VARIABILITY: Total size (12–22 mm) and carapace length (6.5–10 mm in females) are very variable. Relative size of male chelicerae is also variable. The abdominal pattern may be contrasting or dark uniform. Male Spines: tibiae III, IV, r 1­ d1­ 1­ 0. Epigyne (fig. 107F, G) and paramedian apophysis shape (fig. 107B, D) are slightly variable.

DEVELOPMENTAL REMARKS: Epigyne: The primordium of epigyne in penultimate females is smaller but very similar to the adult structure (fig. 106A). This similarity does not result from because of imprinting by the forming cuticle in the exuviae, because the sizes of adult and penultimate epigyna are very different. The primordium of copulatory opening is evident, leading directly to the primordium of accessory bulb, which bears some primary pores (fig. 106B). Behind the copulatory opening there are two deep furrows (the internal one might be a primordium of copulatory ducts) in an intermediate degree of invagination. Third instar (Neuquén, Quetrihue´): This is the dispersing instar, the first with spines. Spines: leg I, femur d 1–1– 1, p d1ap; patella d 1–0–1 bristles; tibia v 0–2–0 (plus v 2ap thin bristles), d r1–0–1 bristles; metatarsus v 2bas, p 1. II, femur = I; patella = I; tibia and metatarsus = I. III, femur d 1–1–1, p and r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v 0­ p1–0, p d1–1, r 0, d r1–0–1 bristles; metatarsus v 2–0–1, p 0­ d1–1, r 0­ d1–1 or 1ap, d 2ap. IV, femur = III; patella r d1; tibia v 0­ p1–0, p and r d1–1, d r1–0–1 bristles; metatarsus v 2–0–1 or p1–0–1, p 1ap, r d1– 0–1, d 2ap. Carapace, dorsal (from pedicel to eyes), 0­ 2­ 2­ 2­ 1 (last between AME). Tracheal system well developed, similar pattern as in adults.

NATURAL HISTORY: This species lives un­ der bark or in crevices in rotten logs.

DISTRIBUTION: Temperate forests in Argentina and Chile, from Huasco to Cabo de Hornos. The locality of the holotyope of Philisca sica (‘‘W. Afrika, Ashanti’’) is most probably a mislabeling.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: ARGENTINA: Neuquén: Estancia San Ramón, Rincón Chico, Río Limay, X–XII.1962, Havrylenko, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Junín de los Andes, XI.1970, P. Carnotto, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Lago Nompehuén, NW Alumine´, 12.I.1985, E. Maury and A. Toth, 1♀ penultimate (MACN­Ar); Lago Huechulafquen, Coloradas, 7.I.1985, M. Ramírez, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Lago Moquehue, 10.I.1985, E. Maury, A. Toth, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Lago Quillén, 14.I.1985, E. Maury, A. Toth, 13 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Lago Lácar, X.1955, A. Giai, 1♀, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); I.1961, M.E. Galiano, 13 (MACN­Ar); Pucara´, II.1958, J. Navas, 13, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); II.1963, S. Schajovskoy, 3♀ (MACN­Ar); IX.1969, 33 1 immature, 1.II.1971, 13 3♀, Schajovskoy (MACN­Ar); 4.II.1972, L. Herman, 1♀ penultimate (AMNH); X–XII.1972, S. Schak, 23 (MACN­Ar); VIII.1973, 1 immature, XII.1973, 23, S. Schajovskoy (MACN­Ar), 10.XI.1978, 1♀, 750 m, 1.XII.1978, 1♀, Misión Científica Danesa (ZMK); Lago Lolog, 4 km N San Martín de los Andes, FIT, Nothofagus forest, ca. 950 m, Gentili property, 23.XI–1.XII.1989, S.A. Marshall, 1♀ (AMNH); San Martín de los Andes, XI– XII.1985, Gentili, 33 (MACN­Ar); 40°10̍S, 71°21̍W, 20–21.XI.1988, V. and B. Roth, 2♀ (CAS); 40°10̍S, 71°21̍W, 13.XI.1990, L. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH); 640 m, 29.IX.1981, 1♀, 17–31.X.1981, 13, 26.XI.1981, 2♀, 2– 19.XII.1981, 1 immature, Nielsen and Karsholt (ZMK); San Martín de los Andes, Cerro Chapelco, 1700 m, II.1961, M. Galiano, 1♀ (MACN­Ar 5290); 8 km N San Martín de los Andes, 1000 m, Malaise trap, 16– 22.XI.1997, C. and M. Vardy, 13 (BMNH/ MACN­Ar); Nahuel Huapi Natl. Park : Isla Victoria, XII.1959, I. de Orfila, 4♀ (MACNAr); Isla Victoria, marmosa, Havrylenko, 13 (MLP); Isla Victoria, Piedras Blancas, Lago Frías, 15.I.1940, P. Moreau Guonera, 1♀ 1 immature (MACN­Ar); Lago Nahuel Huapi, Península Quetrihue´, 16–25.XII.1984, 13 (MACN­Ar); 23.I.1985, M. Ramírez, 1 immature (MACN­Ar); Lago Nahuel Huapi, 1.II.1904, J. Daguerre, 2♀ (MACN­Ar 34332); Brazo Huemul, I.1966, Martínez, 13 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Puerto Blest, 7–20.I.2000, L. Lopardo and A. Quaglino, 1 immature (MACN­Ar). Río Negro: San Carlos de Bariloche, 1944, F. Monrós, 1♀ (MACN­Ar 1696); III.1947, A. Giai, 3♀ 1 immature (MACN­Ar), 1950, 13 (MACN­Ar 5507); II.1954, M.E. Galiano, 1♀ (MACN­Ar 5451), 1♀ (MACN­Ar), 16.I.1961, E. Maury, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); 21.IX.1962, A. Kovács, 13 (AMNH), 1969, N. Müller, 13 (MACNAr); Colonia Suiza, 11.XII.1978, Misión Científica Danesa, 1♀ (ZMK); 810 m, 9.XI.1978, Misión Científica Danesa, 13 (ZMK); Colonia Suiza, ruta 240 25 km from San Carlos de Bariloche, I.1982, M. Ramírez, 13, 2♀ (MACN­Ar); 800 m, 17.IX.1981, 3 immatures, 19.IX.1981, 2♀, 8 immatures, 27.IX.1981, 13 1 immature, 5– 7.I.1982, 1 immature, Nielsen and Karsholt (ZMK); El Bolsón, 25.II.1963, M. Birabén, 13 (MLP), XI.1957, A. Kóvacs, 1 immature (AMNH), under stones, 25.II.1961, 13, 8.VII.1961, 2 immatures, 10.VII.1961, 3♀ penultimates, 3♀ penultimates, 17.VIII.1961, 2♀ penultimates, 2 immatures, 25.IX.1962, 13, 15.IX.1966, 1♀, 4.XI.1966, 13, A. Kovács (AMNH); El Bolsón, Cerro Piltriquitrón, II.1986, M. Ramírez, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Lago Fonck, 2.XII.1984, A. Macario, 13 (MACN­Ar); Lago Gutiérrez, 41°95̍S, 71°24̍W, 18.XI.1988, V. and B. Roth, 1♀ (CAS); Lago Mascardi, I.1996, M. Calderón, 13 (MACN­Ar); Nahuel Huapi, 1960, Río Azul, 5.XII.1962, 13, 19.I.1966, 1♀, A. Kovács (AMNH). Chubut: El Hoyo, 2.X.1962, 3 immatures, VII.1962, 1♀ penultimate, VIII.1962, 1♀ 9 immatures, 15.IX.1962, 6♀ 9 immatures, A. Kovács (AMNH); El Maitén, 2.II.1966, A. Kovács, 13 (AMNH); Epuyén, 1.IX.1965, 1♀, 17.X.1966, 23 2♀, A. Kovács (AMNH); Poto Cahuel, 8.X.1966, A. Kovács, 23 5♀ (AMNH); Lago Fontana, I.1944, A. Riggi, 23 (MACN­Ar); Los Cipreses, XI.1982, M. Ramírez, 2♀ (MACNAr); Lago Futalaufquen, 4.I.1962, Coscarón, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Lago Verde, II.1985, M. Ramírez, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); área Lago Verde, Lago Menéndez y Río Arrayanes, II.1895, M. Ramírez, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Río Turbio, 11.VII.1961, 1♀ 1♀ penultimate 1 immature, A. Kovács (AMNH). Santa Cruz: Lago Argentino, II.1963; Lago Argentino, Península Magallanes, 250 m, 11.I.1979, Misión Científica Danesa, 13 (ZMK); Margheritis, Rizzo, 2♀ (MACN­Ar); Lago Burmeister, 31.I.1971, J.M. Gallardo, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Morro Chico, Río Turbio, 28.I.1976, M. Rumboll, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Los Glaciares Natl. Park, II.1975, E. Fernández, 1♀, 1 immature (MACN­Ar), 18.I.1980, P. Goloboff, 1 immature (MACN­Ar); Los Glaciares Natl. Park, Península Magallanes, in front of Glaciar Moreno, II.1977, D. Pepe and M. Rumboll, 13, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Ventisquero Moreno, 18–24.I.1971, J. Vellard, 63 5♀ (MACN­Ar), 18.II.1971, J. Vellard, 13 6♀ 10 immatures (MACN­Ar). Tierra del Fuego: no specific locality, Castellanos, Gómez, 1 immature (MACN­Ar 32059); no specific locality, R. Dalhene, 1♀ (MACN­Ar 5775); Bahía Aguirre, 4.II.1949, 13 (MACN­Ar 2817), 3 immatures, 16.II.1959, 13 1♀ 1 immature (MACN­Ar 2816), S. Núñez; Bahía Buen Suceso, 16–31.I.1986, E. Maury, 13 1♀ 1 immature (MACN­Ar), no date, J.B. Daguerre, 13 (MACN­Ar 36735); Bahía Tethys, under tree bark, beach, 19.XI.1969, 1♀, 22.XI.1969, 1♀, Gosztonyi (MACN­Ar); Canal de Beagle, I.1933, Castellanos and Gómez, 3 immatures (MACN­Ar 34340); Isla de los Estados, Bahía San Antonio, 6– 13.II.1982, J.C. Chébez, 1♀ 1 immature (MACN­Ar); Isla de los Estados, Punta Roca, no date, J.A. Dagerre and A. Carcelles, 1 immature (MACN­Ar 35069); Isla de los Estados, Puerto Parry, Nothofagus betuloides forest, X.1981, J.C. Chébez, 5♀ (MACNAr); Estancia Herberton, 25.I.1979, Misión Científica Danesa, 13 (ZMK); Lago Fagnano, no. 25, Nothofagus antartica forest, 26.II.1959, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); no. 26, 27.II.1959, J. Vellard, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); II.1967, Williner, 13 (MACN­Ar); Kaiken, 100 m, 18–19.I.1979, Misión Científica Danesa, 13, 1 immature, 1♀ penultimate, (ZMK); Lago Roca, II.1967, Williner, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); 27.I.1971, J. Vellard, 13 1♀ (MACN­Ar), 10.I.1972, E. Hernández, 33 (MACN­Ar); hanging by thread from edge of roof, 21.I.1998, C. and M. Vardy, 1♀ (BMNH/MACN­Ar); Lapataia, I.1948, J.M. Viana, 3♀ 4 immatures (MACN­Ar 2590); 20–23.II.1961, 13 (AMNH); II.1963, E. Maury, 4♀ 1 immature (MACN­Ar); 20 m, 27–28.I.1979, 1♀, 1.II.1979, 1♀, Misión Científica Danesa (ZMK); Puerto Aguirre, no date, no collector, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Ushuaia, 1–14.XII.1932, Castellanos and Gomez, 2♀ 4 immatures (MACN­Ar); 8–26.II.1961, B. Malkin, 23 1♀ (AMNH); I.1967, Williner, 13 3♀ 1 immature, 1 immature (MACNAr); XII.1967, A. Bachmann, 13 1♀ (MACN­Ar); from Ushuaia to Lapataia, 28.I.1960, A. Bachmann, 13 (MACN­Ar); Ushuaia, no date, A. del Pino, 6♀ 2 immatures (MACN­Ar 29952). CHILE: Región III (Atacama): Huasco: Freirina, IX.1963, Instituto de Biología, 13 1♀ (UC). Región IV (Coquimbo): Elqui: La Serena, I– II.1961, R. Wagenknecht, 1♀ (AMNH). Limarı´: Bosque Talinay, 8.I.1985, N. Platnick and O. Francke, 13 3♀ (AMNH); Bosque Talinay, 35 km S road to Fray Jorge, Panam km 353, 560 m, relict Valdivian fog forest, 6.II.1986, N. Platnick, T. Schuh , 3♀ (AMNH); Fray Jorge Natl. Park, 11.XII.1950, Ross and Michelbacher, 1♀ 5 immatures, (CAS); 21.X.1966, E. Schlinger, M. Irwin, 1♀ penultimate (CAS); 27.IX.1970, R. Calderón G., 2♀ (UC); 27.IX.1970, L. González, 1♀ (UC); 580 m, relict Valdivian forest, 5.I.1985, N. Platnick and O. Francke, 1♀ (AMNH); 560 m, relict Valdivian fog forest, under rocks, 8.II.1986, N. Platnick and R. Schuh, 1 immature (AMNH); 560 m, 3.X.1992, N. Platnick, P. Goloboff, K. Catley , 2 immatures (AMNH); elev. 580 m, 10.XI.1993, 30°40̍S, 71°41̍W, N. Platnick, K. Catley, M. Ramírez, T. Allen , 2♀ (AMNH), 1♀ (MACN­Ar, photo MJR 1296–1298), Fray Jorge, Rancho, 10.XII.1950, Ross and Michelbacher, 3♀, 1♀, 2 immatures (CAS). Choapa: Los Vilos, 25.IX.1971, J. Solervicens, 1♀ (UC); south of Coquimbo province, VII.1960, L. Peña, 2♀ 2 immatures, 4♀ (IRSN IG 23077). Coquimbo: Corral de Julio, 5.VII.1975, H. Hernández, 1♀ (UC). Región V (Valparaíso): Petorca: E La Ligua, relict forest, 27.IX.1980, L. Peña, 13 2♀ (AMNH); Talaquén, 32°33̍S, 71°14̍W, X.1982, L. Peña, 2♀ (AMNH); Zapallar, 27.XI.1950, Ross and Michelbacher, 13 1♀ 1 immature (CAS). Quillota: Cuesta La Dormida, N Tiltil, 800– 1300 m, 13–18.XI.1982, L. Peña, 3♀ (AMNH). Valparaíso: Colliguay, nr. La Retuca, 5.XI.1963, G.F. Edmunds, 13 (AMNH); Quintero, 11–12.V.1961, A. Archer, 1♀ (AMNH); pitfalls in relict forest, 31.I.1968, 13, R. Calderón G. (AMNH); Quintero, 21 Barber VIII, 2.X.1968, 1♀ (UC). San Felipe de Aconcagua : 10 km E of Zapudo, 28.XI.1950, 13 (CAS); El Convento, 18.IX.1966, 33°48̍S, 71°43̍W, L. Peña, 2♀ 2 immatures, 6♀ 2 immatures (CAS). Región Metropolitana (Santiago): Santiago: Quebrada El Arbol, Aculeo, X.1969, L. Peña, 6♀ (MCZ). Región VII (Maule): Talca: Alto de Vilches, 31.X.1969, Rozen, L. Peña, 2♀, 1♀ (AMNH); Gil de Vilches, 1200 m, I.1984, P. Goloboff and E. Maury, 13 (MACN­Ar); 7.I.1989, M. Ramírez, 13, 13 (MACN­Ar). Cauquenes: Los Ruiles Natl. Park, IX.1985, F. Silva, 1♀ (MHNS). Región VIII (Biobío): Ñuble: Chillán, 31.XII.1975, G. Moreno, 1♀ (AMNH), Fundo El Sauce, San Fabián de Alico´, 8–24.I.1986, L. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH); Las Trancas, 15.VI.1990, C. Carrasco, 1♀ (UC); Las Trancas, 15–21.II.1976, G. Moreno, 1♀ (AMNH); 20–25.II.1980, L. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH), 11–17.I.1983, L. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH); II.1987, L. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH), 1200 m, 24 –27.XI.1994, L. Peña, 1 3 (AMNH); Las Trancas, E Recinto , ‘‘Shangri la’’, 19–30.I.1983, L. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH); 60 km SE Chillán, Termas road, beech forest, FIT, 1300 m, 7.XII.1984 – 19.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 1 immature (ANMH); 72 km SE Chillán, Trancas, nr. Termas, FIT, 1700 m, Nothofagus forest, 6.XII.1984 – 19.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 1 immature parasitized by a mermithid nematode (AMNH); 77 km SE Chillán, Termas road, 1260 m, 16– 25.XI.1993, pitfalls, 36°55̍S, 71°27̍W, N. Platnick, K. Catley, M. Ramírez, T. Allen , 13 (AMNH). Concepción: Cerro Caracol, Concepción, elev. 200 m, 36°51̍S, 73°02̍W, 17.XI.1993, N. Platnick, K. Catley, M. Ramírez, T. Allen , 1♀ (AMNH); Escuadrón, 16.IV.1988, T. Cekalovic, 13 (AMNH); Hualpén, 75 m, moist forest, 22.I.1985, N. Platnick and O. Francke, 4♀ (AMNH); Lomas Colorada, 27.XI.1975, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ (AMNH). Arauco: Río Ibáñez, 27– 28.I.1990, L. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH). Biobío: Caledonia, E Mulchen, 600 m, 18– 20.II.1990, L. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH); Pemehue (158), L. Peña, 13 (IRSN IG 19736); W Ralco, Santa Bárbara, 400 m, 22–23.XI.1994, L. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH). Región IX (Araucanía): Malleco: Angol, 31.XII.1950, Ross and Michelbacher, 13 (CAS); Angol, Cordillera Nahuelbuta, 14–24.II.1977, G. Moreno, 13 (AMNH); 18 km W Angol, Cordillera Nahuelbuta, 37°48̍S, 72°43̍W, 10.II.1967, E. Schlinger, 13 (CAS); 40 km W Curacautín, Nothofagus / Araucaria forest, 12.XII.1984 – 16.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 13, 1♀ penultimate (AMNH); Malalcahuello, 22.IX.1968, M. Rancagliolo, 1 immature (UC); 14 km E Malalcahuello, 1570 m, site 649, window trap, Nothofagus pumilio ­ Araucaria forest, 13–31.XII.1982, A. Newton and M. Thayer, 1♀ (AMNH); Monumento Natural Contulmo, 19–21.XII.1998, M. Ramírez, L. Compagnucci, C. Grismado, L. Lopardo, 2 immatures (MACN­Ar), Nahuelbuta Natl. Park, 1200 m, Nothofagus ­ Araucaria assoc., 9.XI.1966, M. Irwin and E. Schlinger, 1♀ 4 immatures (CAS), 1200 –1500 m, 9.XII.1985, S. and J. Peck, FITS forest Nothofagus ­ Araucaria , 13 (AMNH), 1230 m, dry forest, 1.II.1986, N. Platnick and T. Schuh, 1♀ penultimate (AMNH); Pichinahuel, Cordillera Nahuelbuta, 1200 m, 19.I.1988, L. Peña, 13 (AMNH); Cordillera Nahuelbuta, 1300–1400 m, 6–12.I.1982, L. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH). Cautín: Chacamo´, NW Nueva Imperial, W Temuco, 16–24.II.1981, L. Peña, 13 (AMNH); 12.3 km N Loncoche, 280 m, 2.II.1967, I. Schlinger, 1♀ (CAS); Conguillio Natl. Park, 4–5.II.1980, A.E. Quezada, 1♀ (UC); Volcán Villarrica, FIT nr. edge of old lava flow, 10.XI–3.XII.1989, S. Marshall, 13 (AMNH); Pucón at Lago Villarrica, 39°16̍S, 71°58̍W, 14.XII.1988, V. and B. Roth, 1♀ (CAS); 10 mi NE Pucón, 12.I.1951, Ross and Michelbacher, 1♀ (CAS); Temuco, V.1956, Chávez, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); 15 km NE Villarrica, Flor del Lago, 300 m, 2 FITS, Nothofagus forest, 14.XII.1984 – 10.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 13 (AMNH); Flor del Lago Ranch, Villarrica, Polo Field, 39°12.300̍S, 72°08.367̍W, 282 m, canopy fogging GT Nothofagus obliqua roble, 13.XII.2001, Arias et al., 2 immatures (UCB); Volcán Llaima, 8.X.1966, J.P. Valdenegro, 1♀ (UC). Región X (Los Lagos): Valdivia: Cudioco, 40°15̍S, 73°09̍W, 40 m, 10–11.XI.1966, M. Irwin and E. Schlinger, 1♀ (CAS); Isla Teja, farmland, 6.III.1965, H. Levi, 1 immature (MCZ); Las Lajas, W La Unión, 9 –13.I.1990, L. Peña, 2 3 3♀ (AMNH); Peulla, 200 m, 25.III.1965, H. Levi, 1♀ (MCZ), 1 immature (MCZ, photographed); Valdivia (collection E. Simon) 13 1♀ (MHNP), 1983, E. Krahmer, 13 (MHNS 807). Osorno: El Mirador, 45 km W La Unión, 900 m, 1–2.III.1987, L. Peña, 13 1♀ (AMNH); 36 km W La Unión, 600 m, 25– 28.III.1987, L. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH); Purranque, I–III.1955, E. Reed, 13 (AMNH); Puyehue Natl. Park : Aguas Calientes, XII.1981, L. Peña, 13 (AMNH); 425 m, Valdivian forest, 31.I.1985, N. Platnick and O. Francke, 13 (MACN­Ar); 600 m, Malaise, Nothofagus forest, 18.XII.1984 – 8.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 23 (AMNH); 40°44̍0̎S, 72°18̍45̎W, 450 m, 12.XII.2000 – 2.I.2001, forest, J. Miller, I. Agnarsson, Alvarez, J. Coddington, G. Hormiga, 1♀ penultimate (USNM); La Picada 450 m, NW Volcán Osorno, 15–20.I.1980, L.E. Peña, 1 3 (AMNH); Osorno, X.1977, A. Tobar, 13 1♀ penultimate (AMNH); Puyehue, 15– 16.XI.1990, L. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH); 700 m, 9.XII.1994, L. Peña, 2 immatures (AMNH); Pucatrihue, 25–31.I.1978, L. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH), 1–10.II.1986, L. Peña, 1 3 (AMNH). Llanquihue: Concordia, Fundo Pedernales, 13.II.1994, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ (AMNH); N Correntoso, VI–VII.1989, L. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH); N Correntoso, NE Puerto Montt, VIII. IX.1989, L. Peña, 1 immature (AMNH); Petrohue´, 41°08̍S, 72°25̍W, 100 m, 15.XI.1966, E.I. Schlinger and M.E. Irwin, 1 immature (CAS); Petrohué Norte, III.1974, J. Solervicens, 13 (UC). Chiloe´: Arroyo Cole Cole, 25 km N Cucao, 8–11.II.1991, M. Ramírez, 13, 1♀ (MACNAr). Palena: Chaitén, XII.1985, L. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH); 37 km SE Chaitén, FIT, 60 m, riverside secondary forest, 28.XII.1984 – 30.I.1985, S. and J. Peck, 13 (AMNH). Región XI (Ibáñez del Campo): Aisén: Cochrane, Río Backer, 180 m, 30.I.1990, L. Peña, 2♀ (AMNH); 25 km S Cochrane, 1– 3.II.1990, L. Peña, 13 (AMNH); Lago Polux, 11.II.1983, T. Cekalovic, 13 2♀ (AMNH); Murta, Lago General Carrera, 29– 30.I.1990, L. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH); Río Simpson Natl. Park, S margin, 17.II.1991, M. Ramírez, 1 immature (MACN­Ar, photo MJR 551), 1♀ (MACN­Ar); 22 km E Aisén, 300 m, wet forest, 5.II.1985, N. Platnick and O. Francke, 2♀ (AMNH); Puerto Aisén, 2.I.1957, M. Cadoceo, 23 (MACN­Ar); 24– 26.I.1962, L. Peña, 33 (IRSN IG23077); Puerto Ibáñez, 15.I.1882, L. Villavicencio, 1♀ (AMNH); Río Cisnes, 1–28.II.1961, L. Peña, 33, 23 3♀ 1 immature, 13 2 immatures (IRSN IG 23077); Río Cisnes Medio, Río Grande, 30.XII.1984 – 28.I. 1985, 200 m, FIT, S. and J. Peck, 13 (AMNH); Río Simpson, 37 km W Cohiaique, 20 m, wet forest, 20.I.1986, N. Platnick, P. Goloboff, R. Schuh , 13 (AMNH). Región XII (Magallanes y Antártica): Ultima Esperanza: Rio Pérez, Seno Skyring, 10.X.1952, R. Rodríguez González, 13 1♀ (AMNH), 1♀ penultimate (AMNH); Torres del Paine Natl. Park: near Refugio Chileno, 50°56̍45̎S, 72°55̍0̎W, 400–600 m, 8–9.XII.2000, J. Miller, I. Agnarsson, 1♀ (USNM), same, steppe, under rock, 1♀. Magallanes: Camerón, 14–17.XI.1960, L. Peña, 4♀ 1 immature (MCZ); Cueva del Milodón, 28.I.1976, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ (AMNH); Isla Daly, I.1962, L. Peña, 4 immatures (IRSN IG 23077); Dos Lagunas, 28.I.1976, T. Cekalovic, 2♀ (AMNH); Estancia La Vicuña, 1956, 1♀ 1 immature, no. 13, 4.III.1957, 3♀, 4 immatures, no. 14, 4.III.1957, 2 immatures, no. 15, 4.III.1957, 1 immature, no. 17, 15.II.1959, 2♀, J. Vellard (MACN­Ar); Estancia La Vicuña, SE Camerón, 1–6.XII.1960, L. Peña, 1♀ (MCZ); 35 km SW Camerón, Nothofagus assoc., 2.XII.1966, E. Schlinger and M. Irwin, 2♀, 2♀ penultimates (CAS); Península Hardy, Isla Hoste, Bahía Orange, 9.III.1961, B. Malkin, 2 immatures, (AMNH); Isla Navarino, Puerto Toro, 8.II.1896, Svenska expeditionen till Magleansläderna, 2♀ 2 immatures (NRS), 16–17.III.1961, B. Malkin, 3♀ 3 immatures (AMNH), 19.XII.1992, Michelsen, 1♀ 2 immatures (ZMH 178); Isla Navarino, Puerto Williams, 22.VIII.1966, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ (UC), 14.VIII.1976, T. Cekalovic, 1♀, 1 immature (AMNH); XII.1962 – I.1963, P. Darlington, 3♀ 2♀ penultimates (MCZ); Isla Picton, Svenska expeditionen till Magleansläderna, 1♀ (NRS); no. 14, María Virginia, J. Vellard, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); 30 km Natales, road to Magallanes, 21.III.1948, M. Birabén, 5♀, 1♀, 2 immatures (MLP); Monte Alto, 7.III.1960, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ (UC), 17.III.1971, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ (AMNH); 7– 11.III.1969, L. Peña, 1♀, 4♀ (MCZ); Paine, 10.X.1952, R. Rodríguez González, 1 3 (AMNH); Torres del Paine Natl. Park, 150 m, scrub, 10.II.1985, N. Platnick and O. Francke, 2♀ (AMNH); Península Brunswick, Tres Brazos, 9.III.1961, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ (UC); Port Famine, 10.I.1977, T. Cekalovic, 23 (AMNH); Puerto Hambre, II.1956, J. Vellard, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Punta Arenas, IX.1892, Michelsen, 1 immature (ZMH); (La Turba), 23.II.1960, T. Cekalovic, 13 (MACN­Ar); dry forest remnant, 10.II.1985, N. Platnick and O. Francke, 2♀ (AMNH); 102.2 km NNW Punta Arenas, 430 m, Nothofagus assoc., 6.XII.1966, E. Schlinger and M. Irwin, 1♀ 1 immature, 2♀ 1 immature (CAS); Punta Arenas, Puerto del Hambre, 500 m, 8.II.1979, Misión Científica Danesa, 13 (ZMK); Cerro Castillo Natl. Res., 500– 600 m, dry forest, 7.II.1985, N.I. Platnick and O.F. Francke, 2♀ (AMNH); Aserradero Río Bueno, no. 13, J. Vellard, 1 immature (MACN­Ar); Río Chico, 1956, J. Vellard, 5 immatures (MACN­Ar); Río San Juan, 25.I.1976, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ (AMNH); Río Rubens, ca. 52°S, 30.XI–3.XII.1962, P. Darlington, 2♀ 5 immatures (MCZ); Río Santa María, 25.I.1976, T. Cekalovic, 13 (AMNH); 8.I.1977, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ (UC); Rubens, 22.III.1948, M. Birabén, 3 immatures (MLP), 10.X.1952, R. Rodríguez González, 13 (AMNH), 13.XII.1960, L. Peña, 1♀ (MCZ); Rusffin, no. 11, III.1957, 1♀, 3 immatures, 5 immatures, 1♀, no. 12, 1.III.1957, 2♀, Silla del Diablo, 28.I.1976, T. Cekalovic, 13 1♀ (AMNH); Spanger, 27.IV.1899, E, Nordenskiöld, 1♀ (NRS); Chorrillo Tres Puentes, IV.1969, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Tres Vientos, Puerto Arturo, 53°34̍S, 73°23̍W, 25–28.XI.1960, L. Peña, 2♀ (MCZ); Aserradero Yendegaia, no. 1, 12.II.1957, 13 1♀ 2 immatures, 3♀, no. 2, 12.II.1957, 13 2♀, no. 3, 13.II.1957, 1♀, 2 immatures, no. 4, 14.II.1957, 4♀, no. 5, 14.II.1957, 2 immatures, 10♀ 5 immatures, 1♀, no. 6, 15.II.1957, 3♀, 13 2♀ 1 immature, 18.II.1957, 5 immatures, J. Vellard (MACN­Ar). No Specific Locality: South Chile, 190708, Skottsberg, 13 (NRS). Mistaken Locality: Santiago Prov., Malleco, XI.1979, L. Peña, 13 2♀ 1♀ penultimate (AMNH) (see Ramírez, 1995b: 83).

MORPHOLOGICAL REMARKS: Some details of the abdominal musculature, tracheae, and claw tufts were described in Ramírez (1995a).

Tomopisthes varius Simon Figures 104B View Fig , 105C, D View Fig , 108 View Fig

Tomopisthes varius Simon, 1884: 134 View in CoL (male and female syntypes, from Chile, Cabo de Hornos, in MHNP 6670, examined), 1887: E30, 1897 b: 107, 1902: 31, 1904: 102. Ramírez, 1995a: 368.

Gayenna varia : Tullgren, 1901: 233, 259, 1902: 59.

DIAGNOSIS: Resembles T. horrendus in having a relatively large (but usually smaller) size, distinguished by having a simpler epigyne, with copulatory openings close to the epigastric furrow, and a short paramedian apophysis with several cusps. Immatures are distinguished from those of T. horrendus by lacking lateral spines on metatarsus I.

FEMALE (syntype, measurements of specimen from Quetrihue´): Total length 11.30. Carapace length 5.05, width 3.65, wider on legs II–III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 3.27/2.77; II, 3.17/2.77; III, 2.60/2.67; IV, 3.40/3.86. Palpal tarsus length 1.67. Chelicerae unmodified, with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 2.63, width 1.97. Spines: leg I, femur d 1–1–1, p 0­ d1­ (1­ d1), r 0­ d1­ d1; tibia v 2–2–2; metatarsus v 2bas. II, femur = I; tibia v r1–2–2; metatarsus v 2bas, p d1–0. III, femur d 1–1–1, p and r 0­ d1­ d1; patella r d1; tibia v p1–2–2, p and r d1–1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2–2–2, p and r d1–1–1, d 0­ p1–2. IV, femur d 1–1–1, p 0­ d1­ d1, r d1ap; patella, tibia and metatarsus = III. Abdomen length 6.52, width 3.85, spiracle–epigastrium 2.67, spiracle–spinnerets 0.65. Col­ or (figs. 104B, 108A): carapace grayish with dark spots, reddish to cephalic area. Legs pale grayish with dark spots. Sternum brown, darker on margins. Abdomen yellow with dark grayish pattern, venter paler, with small spots, mainly on median band. Epigyne (fig. 108E, F): median field ample in posterior view, weakly sclerotized, rugose. Copulatory ducts short. Ducts of accessory bulbs slightly converging.

MALE (syntype, measurements of specimen from Quetrihue´): Total length 8.40. Carapace length 5.05, width 2.70. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 3.20/2.70; II, 2.80/2.50; III, 2.23/2.27; IV, 2.83/3.17. Chelicerae slightly longer and narrower than those of female, teeth on retromargin more separated, fang long, thick. Sternum length 1.90, width 1.50. Spines as in female, except: leg II, tibia v 2– 2–2. Abdomen length 4.80, width 2.40, spiracle–epigastrium 2.17, spiracle–spinnerets 0.60. Color as in female (fig. 108B). Palp (figs. 105C, D, 108C, D): tibia long, width/ length 0.49. Cymbium relatively narrow. Embolus short, basal process lobate, thick, separated by ample, weakly sclerotized area (fig. 105C). Median apophysis short, relatively wide. Paramedian apophysis with complex base, flattened tip. Primary conductor small, triangular. Secondary conductor small, complex, quite modified.

MORPHOLOGICAL REMARKS: Tracheal system and claw tufts described in Ramírez (1995a).

VARIABILITY: Size is quite variable. Male Spines: tibiae III, IV v 2–2–2.

NATURAL HISTORY: A very opportunistic species that builds retreats on foliage, under bark, in crevices in rotten logs, and occasionally under stones or between flat stones in ravines.

DISTRIBUTION: Southern forests in Argentina and Chile, from the relict forest in Fray Jorge to Cabo de Hornos.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: ARGENTINA: Neuquén: Estancia San Ramón, Rincón Chico, Río Limay, X–XII.1962, Havrylenko, 13 (MACN­Ar); Lago Nompehuén, NW Alumine´, 12.I.1985, E. Maury and A. Toth, 2♀ 1 immature (MACN­Ar); Lago Alumine´, II.1974, E. Maury, 3♀ (MACN­Ar); Lago Carrhué Chico, 15–16.I.1983, E. Maury, 2♀ (MACN­Ar); Lanín Natl. Park: Lago Lácar, Pucara´, I.1961, M.E. Galiano, 2♀ (MACNAr 5287); I–II.1971, S. Schajovskoy, 1♀ (MACN­Ar), 10.XI.1978, Misión Científica Danesa, 13 (ZMK); 650 m, 28–29.XI.1981, Nielsen and Karsholt, 43 (ZMK); San Martín de los Andes, 40°10̍S, 71°21̍W, 20– 21.XI.1988, V. and B. Roth, 13, 1♀ (CAS); Nahuel Huapi Natl. Park : Isla Victoria, Piedras Blancas, 1964, Contreras, 13 (MACNAr); Isla Victoria, Playa del Toro, VI.1984, M. Ramírez, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Río Frías superior, I.1990, M. Ramírez, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Lago Nahuel Huapi, Península Quetrihue´, 16–25.XII.1984, 13 (MACN­Ar); II.1986, M. Ramírez, 13 (MACN­Ar); 23.I.1985, M. Ramírez, 3♀ 1 immature (MACN­Ar); Pen­´ı nsula Quetrihue´, ‘‘arrayan’’ forest, stony beach, 24.II.1996, M. Ramírez, 13 (MACNAr); Puerto Blest, II.1986, M. Ramírez, 13 (MACN­Ar); 770 m, 4.XII.1978, 2♀, 25– 27.X.1981, 13 1♀, Nielsen and Karsholt (ZMK), 10.I.1998, M. Ramírez, 13 (MACNAr); 7–20.I.2000, L. Lopardo and A. Quaglino, 9 immatures (MACN­Ar); Puerto Blest, Lago Ortiz Basualdo, I.1990, M. Ramírez, 2♀ (MACN­Ar); San Carlos de Bariloche, II.1954, M.E. Galiano, 2♀ (MACN­Ar), 1964, Monrós, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); San Carlos de Bariloche, Colonia Suiza, 810 m, 20.XI.1978, 1♀, 5.XII.1978, 1♀, Misión Científica Danesa (ZMK); Nahuel Huapi, 1950, Havrylenko, 2♀ (MACN­Ar 5507). Chubut: El Maitén, 29.VII.1961, A. Kovács, 2 immatures (AMNH); Los Cipreses, XI.1982, M. Ramírez, 2♀ penultimates 2 immatures (MACN­Ar); Los Alerces Natl. Park, I.1982, P. Goloboff, 13 (MACN­Ar); Los Alerces Natl. Park: Lago Futalaufquen, I.1990, M.J. Ramírez, 1♀ 1 immature, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Lago Menéndez, I.1990, M. Ramírez, 1 3 (MACN­Ar); Lago Verde, II.1985, M. Ramírez, 1♀, 1♀ 1 immature (MACN­Ar). Santa Cruz: Lago Frías, no date, E. Maury, 13 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Los Glaciares Natl. Park, II.1977, no collector, 13 (MACN­Ar), 18.I.1980, P. Goloboff, 13 1♀ 1 immature (MACN­Ar); no date, E.R. Fernández, 13 (MACN­Ar); Los Glaciares Natl. Park, Península Magallanes, in front of Glaciar Moreno, II.1977, D. Pepe and M. Rumboll, 13, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Ventisquero Moreno, 18–24.I.1971, J. Vellard, 23 (MACN­Ar); 28.II.1971, J. Vellard, 13 (MACN­Ar). Tierra del Fuego: Lago Fagnano, XI.1984, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Lago Roca, Nothofagus antarctica forest, II.1967, Williner, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); 27.I.1971, J. Vellard, 1♀ 1 immature (MACN­Ar); Lapataia, I.1948, J.M. Viana, 13 1♀ (MACN­Ar); II.1963, E. Maury, 4♀, 13 (MACN­Ar); Río Grande, XI.1973, M. Rumboll, 1♀ (MACNAr); Ushuaia, Playa Larga, 13.XII.1967, M.E. Galiano, 1♀, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Punta Remolino 24, 24.II.1959, J. Vellard, 13 1♀ penultimate (MACN­Ar); Río Pipo, XII.1989, A. González, 1♀ (MLP); Aserradero Yendegaya, no. 1, 12.II.1957, 13 1♀; no. 3, 13.II.1957, 1♀, no. 4, 14.II.1957, 13, no. 5, 14.II.1957, 1♀ 2 immatures, 1♀, no. 7, 16.II.1957, 1♀ 1 immature, no. 9, 17.II.1957, 2♀, J. Vellard (MACN­Ar). CHILE: Región IV (Coquimbo): Limarı´: Fray Jorge Natl. Park, 21.X.1966, E. Schlinger, M. Irwin, 1♀ (CAS); pitfalls in relict Valdivian forest, 16.II.19??, 1♀, 17.IV.19??, 1♀, 19.IV.19??, 1♀, 19.VIII.19??, 1♀, 17.X.19??, 23 1♀, R. Calderón G. (AMNH), 27.IX.1970, 13 1♀ (UC); 580 m, relict valdivian forest, 5.I.1985, N. Platnick and O. Francke, 1♀ 1 immature (AMNH); 9.I.1984, A. Roig, 1♀ (MACNAr); 560 m, relict Valdivian fog forest, under rocks, 8.II.1986, N. Platnick and R. Schuh, 2♀ (AMNH); 560 m, 3.X.1992, N. Platnick, P. Goloboff, K. Catley , 13 4 immatures (AMNH); elev. 580 m, 10.XI.1993, 30°40̍S, 71°41̍W, N. Platnick, K. Catley, M. Ramírez, T. Allen , 13 (AMNH); Fray Jorge, Rancho, 10.XII.1950, Ross and Michelbacher, 1♀ (CAS); Fray Jorge, forest, 11.XII.1950, Ross and Michelbacher, 1♀ 1 immature (CAS). Choapa: Los Vilos, 12.X.1986, L. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH); Quereo, Los Vilos, 6.XI.1988, P. Goloboff, E. Maury, and C. Szumik, 1♀ (MACN­Ar). Región V (Valparaíso): Los Vilos, 6.XI.1988, P. Goloboff, E. Maury, and C. Szumik, 1♀ (MACN­Ar). Petorca: Los Molles, Ovalle, 1600 m, 17.X.1994, L. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH); E La Ligua, relict forest, 27.IX.1980, L. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH). Quillota: Cuesta El Melón, nr. La Calera, 15.XI.1985, L. Peña, 2♀ 3 immatures (AMNH). Valparaíso: Quintero, pitfalls in relict forest, 12.VIII.1968, 33, 2.X.1968, 13, 33, R. Calderón G. (AMNH); 2.X.1968, 1♀ (UC); Quintero, Barber VII.I, 12.VIII.1968, 13, 13 (UC). Región Metropolitana (Santiago): Santiago: El Canelo, 950 m, 33°37̍S, 71°35̍W, M. Irwin and E. Schlinger, 5♀ (CAS); Pan de Azúcar, 2700 m, road to Cerro Tupungato, I.1984, A. Mann Z., 1 vial (number of specimens not recorded) (MHNS 867). Región VII (Maule): Curicó: Cajón del Río Claro, Cordillera Curico´, 9.X.1966, E. Schlinger, 2♀ (CAS); Las Tablas, E Curico´, II.1985, L. Peña, 3♀ (AMNH); Los Queñes I.1984, P. Goloboff, 1♀ 1 immature (MACNAr), 14.I.1984, P. Goloboff, 1♀ 1 immature (MACN­Ar). Talca: Gil de Vilches, 1200 m, I.1984, P. Goloboff and E. Maury, 3♀, 2♀ (MACN­Ar); 7.I.1989, M. Ramírez, 1♀ (MACN­Ar, photo MJR 10); 7–8.II.1992, M. Ramírez, N. Platnick, P. Goloboff , 1♀ (AMNH). Cauquenes: Tregualemu, 520 m, 6–7.XI.1993, L. Peña and A. Ugarte, 1♀ (AMNH). Región VIII (Biobío): Ñuble: 60 km SE Chillán, Termas Road, beech forest, FIT, 1300 m, 7.XII.1984 – 19.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 23 (ANMH); 22.7 km ESE Recinto, 1330 m, Nothofagus forest, site 646, window trap, 10.XII.1983, A. Newton and M. Thayer, 1♀ (AMNH). Concepción: Bosque de Ramuntcho, Cerro Caracol, Concepción, elev. 200 m, 36°51̍S, 73°02̍W, 17.XI.1993, N. Platnick, K. Catley, M. Ramírez, T. Allen , 1 vial (number of specimens not recorded) (AMNH); Lomas Colorada, 24.XI.1996, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ (AMNH); Periquillo, 8.XII.1994, T. Cekalovic 1 vial (number of specimens not recorded) (AMNH); San Pedro, 22.X.1974, T. Cekalovic 1♀ (UC); Tome´, 1.I.1992, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ (AMNH); Lenga, Teta Norte, 12.III.1979, M. Casanueva, 1♀ (UC). Biobío: W Ralco, Santa Bárbara, 400 m, 22–23.XI.1994, L. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH). Región IX (Araucanía): Malleco: 17 km W Angol, 800 m, FIT, mixed Nothofagus , 8.XII.1984 – 16.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 93 3♀, 23 4♀ 9 immatures (AMNH); 40 km W Angol, Nahuelbuta Natl. Park, FITS, 1200 –1500 m, Nothofagus / Araucaria forest, 9.XII.1984 – 17.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 13 1♀, 1♀ (AMNH); 20 km W Curacautín, 1000 m, FIT, 1000 m, Nothofagus forest, 12.XII.1984 – 16.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 1♀, 1♀ (AMNH), 1500 m, Malaise, Nothofagus ­ Araucaria forest, 16.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 3♀ (AMNH); 40 km W Curacautín, Nothofagus / Araucaria , 12.XII.1984 – 16.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 1♀, 1♀ (AMNH); Fundo María Ester, 15 km W Victoria, 14.I.1989, M. Ramírez, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Malalcahuello, 9– 15.XII.1985, L. Peña, 2♀ (AMNH); 6.5 km E Malalcahuello, 1080 m, trap site 651, widow trap, Nothofagus dombeyi with Chusquea , 13–31.XII.1982, A. Newton and M. Thayer, 2♀ (AMNH); Monumento Natural Contulmo, 12.I.1989, M. Ramírez, 5♀ (MACN­Ar); mixed evergreen forest, 11.XII.1984 – 13.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 1♀, 33 (AMNH); Nahuelbuta Natl. Park, 1230 m, dry forest, 1.II.1986, N. Platnick and T. Schuh, 23 (AMNH); Tolhuaca, 15– 23.III.1986, L. Peña, 13 6♀ 6 immatures (AMNH), 15.II.1992, M. Ramírez, N. Platnick, P. Goloboff , 1 immature (MACN­Ar). Cautín: Bellavista, N shore Lago Villarrica, 310 m, site 655, window trap, valdivian rainforest, 15–30.XII.1982, A. Newton and M. Thayer, 13 (AMNH); undisturbed forest, 260 m, 30.I.1986, N. Platnick, T. Schuh , 1♀ (AMNH); 39°12̍S, 72°08̍W, 240 m, 20.XI.1993, N. Platnick, K. Catley, M. Ramírez, T. Allen , 13 (AMNH); Chacamo´, NW Nueva Imperial, W Temuco, 16–24.II.1981, L. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH); Cuesta Lascarría, 23.IX.1968, H. Prats, 13 (UC); Lago Caburgua, 39°08̍S, 71°46̍W, 10.XII.1988, V. and B. Roth, 2♀ (CAS); Conguillio Natl. Park, 23.II.1992, M. Ramírez, N. Platnick, P. Goloboff , 1♀ (AMNH); 10 km S Pucón, Volcán Villarrica Natl. Park, FIT, 900 m, Nothofagus grove on ash, 15.XII.1984 – 10.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 13 (AMNH); 21 km NE Pucón, Lago Caburga, FIT, 600 m, mixed forest remnant, 15.XII.1984 – 10.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 43 (AMNH); Pucón, FIT (toxic), hilltop beech (peninsula), 8–13.XI.1989, S.A. Marshall, 13 (AMNH); FIT, mature forest, 15.XI–1.XII.1989, S.A. Marshall, 33 (AMNH); 17 km E Pucón, 23.XI.1983, N. Platnick, T. Schuh , 2♀ (AMNH); Termas de Palguin, Salto Puma, 725 m, 39°22̍S, 71°50̍W, fogging fungusy logs, 24.XI.1994, R. Leschen and D. Carlton no. 157, 1♀ (AMNH); Tolten (coastal town), 27.II.1979, L. Peña, 1♀ 1 immature (AMNH); 14 km N Villarrica, elev. 250 m, 39°10̍S, 72°12̍W, 20.XI.1993, N. Platnick, K. Catley, M. Ramírez, T. Allen , 1♀ (AMNH); 15 km NE Villarrica, Flor del Lago, 300 m, 2 FITS, Nothofagus forest, 14.XII.1984 – 10.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 63 (AMNH). Región X (Los Lagos): Valdivia: Las Lajas, W La Unión, 19–20.XI.1990, L. Peña, 13 2♀ (AMNH); Peulla, 200 m, 25.III.1965, H. Levi, 1 immature (MCZ); I.1990, M. Ramírez, 3♀ (MACN­Ar); Purolón, NW Panguipulli, 10.I.1985, L.E. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH); Valdivia, 12.X.1976, E. Krahmer, 2♀ (AMNH), 1983, 1♀ (MHNS 822), 1♀ (MHNS 829), XI– XII.1982, 1♀ (MHNS 700), E. Krahmer; 30 km S Valdivia, 11.II.1981, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ (AMHN). Osorno: Maicolpue´, 64 km W Osorno, 19.II.1992, M. Ramírez, N. Platnick, P. Goloboff , 1♀ (AMNH), 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Puyehue Natl. Park : Aguas Calientes, FIT, Derrumbes forest trail, 20.XII.1984 – 8.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 43 1♀ 2 immatures (AMNH), 18.II.1992, M. Ramírez, N. Platnick, P. Goloboff , 1 immature (MACN­Ar); 40°44̍S, 72°19̍W, 1440 m, 5–7.XII.1988, V. and B. Roth, 13 2♀ (CAS), 13–17.XII.1998, M. Ramírez, L. Compagnucci, C. Grismado, L. Lopardo, 13 (MACN­Ar 15.XII.98/8, frame 20); 600 m, Malaise, Nothofagus forest, 18.XII.1984 – 8.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 23 1♀ (AMNH); Anticura, 19–29.X.1985, L. Peña, 13 1♀ (AMNH); Anticura, 40°40̍0̎S, 72°10̍30̎W, 350 m, 13.XII.2000 – 2.I.2001, forest, J. Miller, Alvarez, J. Coddington, G. Hormiga, 13 (USNM); 4.1 km W Anticura, 270 m, trap site 663, window trap, valdivian rainforest, 19–25.XII.1982, A. Newton and M. Thayer, 33 (AMNH); Osorno, VIII.1977, A. Tobar, 13 (AMNH); 34.5 km E Osorno, 40°38̍S, 71°42̍W, 200 m, fogging fungusy log, 1.XII.1994, R. Leschen and C. Carlton no. 191, 1 immature (AMNH); 48.5 km W Osorno, 40°37̍S, 73°45̍W, 75 m, sifting leaf litter, 28.XI.1994, R. Leschen and C. Carlton no. 191, 1♀ (AMNH); Termas de Puyehue, 180 m, forest, 28.XI.1981, N. Platnick and R. Schuh, 13 1♀ (AMNH); 460 m, litter from moss forest floor, 25.XI.1981, N. Platnick and R. Schuh, 13 2♀ (AMNH); Puyehue, 700 m, 9.XII.1994, L. Peña, 13 2♀ (AMNH); Pucatrihue, 25–31.I.1978, L. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH). Llanquihue: Caleta La Arena, on Marcypospermum, 30.I.1991, M. Ramírez, 1 immature (MACN­Ar); Correntoso, XII.1969, L. Peña, 1♀ (MCZ); N Correntoso, NE Puerto Montt, VIII. IX.1989, L. Peña, 33 1 immature (AMNH); NW Shore, Lago Chapo, 250 m, 41°27̍S, 72°30̍W, 13.XI.1966, M. Irwin and E. Schlinger, 13 1♀ 7 immatures (CAS); 2–3 km NW Ensenada, 18.III.1965, H. Levi, 1♀ (MCZ); Los Muermos, S. Chile, forest, 19.I.1951, Ross and Michelbacher, 1♀ 7 immatures (CAS); Vicente Pérez Rosales Natl. Park , Salto Petrohue´, mixed most forest, 150 m, FIT, 23.XII.1984 – 4.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 13 (AMNH); Petrohue´, 41°08̍S, 72°25̍W, 100 m, 15.XI.1966, E.I. Schlinger and M.E. Irwin, 1♀ (CAS); 8 mi W Puerto Varas, 18.I.1951, Ross and Michelbacher, 1♀ (CAS). Chiloe´: Isla de Chiloe´: Cucao, tepual, 12.II.1990, M. Ramírez, 2♀ (MACNAr); Chepu, 17 m, 29.XI.1981, N. Platnick and R. Schuh, 1♀ 1 immature (AMNH); 3.II.1991, M. Ramírez, 3♀ (MACN­Ar); 15 km S Chepu, 3.II.1991, M. Ramírez, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Pid­Pid, 17.II.1997, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ (AMNH); ‘‘Port San Pedro, Chiloes, leg. Keyserling, unentwickeltes (imm.)’’, 1 immature (MCZ); 5 km N Quellón, 105 m, modified forest, floor litter and moss, concentrate Berlese, 1.XII.1981, N. Platnick and R. Schuh, 1♀ (AMNH), 107 m, 1.XII.1981, N. Platnick and R. Schuh, 1♀ (AMNH); Terao, S Chonchi, 10–20.III.1988, L. Peña, 13 (AMNH). Región XI (Ibáñez del Campo): Aisén: Cochrane, Río Backer, 180 m, 30.I.1990, L. Peña, 13 (AMNH); Río Simpson Natl. Park, 33 km Puerto Aisen, selectively cut forest, 31.XII.1984 – 26.I.1985, S. and J. Peck, 13, 1♀ (AMNH); Puerto Aisén, 24–26.I.1962, L. Peña, 2 immatures (IRSN IG23077); Río Cisnes, 1–28.II.1961, L. Peña, 13 (IRSN IG23077); Río Cisnes Medio, Río Grande, 30.XII.1984 – 28.I. 1985, 200 m, FIT, S. and J. Peck, 1♀ (AMNH); Valle del Río Aisen, I.1897, P. Dusen, 13 3♀ 8 immatures (NRS). Región XII (Magallanes y Antártica): Ultima Esperanza: Rio Pérez, Seno Skyring, 10.X.1952, R. Rodríguez González, 13 (AMNH); Ultima Esperanza, 3.IV.1896, 13 (NRS). Magallanes: Camerón, 14 –17.XI.1960, L. Peña, 1 ♀ (MCZ); Cueva del Milodón, 28.I.1976, T. Cekalovic, 13 3♀ (UC), 33 4♀ (AMNH); Estancia Gazy Harbour, 10.II.1990, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ (AMNH); Isla Daly, I.1962, L. Peña, 1♀ 3 immatures (IRSN IG 23077); Isla Navarino, Puerto Toro, 1896, Svenska expeditionen till Magleansläderna, 1♀ (NRS); XI.1892, Delfin, 2♀ (ZMH 179); Isla Nueva, 4.II.1896, 1♀ 4 immatures (NRS); Torres del Paine Natl. Park, 150 m, scrub, 10.II.1985, N. Platnick and O. Francke, 2♀ (AMNH); Península Brunswick, Barranco Amarillo, 27.I.1976, T. Cekalovic, 2♀ (AMNH); Port Famine, 10.I.1977, T. Cekalovic, 13 (AMNH); Puerto Bridges, 10.I.1893, Michelsen, 2♀ 1 immature (ZMH 165); Puerto Hambre, 25.III.1991, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ 2 immatures (AMNH); Punta Arenas, IX.1892, Michelsen, 13 1♀ (ZMH 75); Punta Arenas (La Turba), 27.VIII.1976, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ (AMNH); Chorrillo Tres Puentes, 7.II.1971, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ (AMNH); no date, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ (MACN­Ar); Tres Vientos, Puerto Arturo, 53°34̍S, 73°23̍W, 25–28.XI.1960, L. Peña, 3♀, 8♀ (MCZ); Puerto Bulnes, 25.III.1991, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ (AMNH); Tweedie, Sierra del Toro, 19.III.1896, E. Nordenskjöld, Svenska expeditionen till Magleansläderna, 1♀ (NRS); Aserradero Yendegaia, no. 3, 13.II.1957, J. Vellard, 1♀ (MACN­Ar). No Locality: E67–2–12, 1♀ (CAS). Locality Not Found: Puerto Anchorena (presumably Argentina), 1.XI.1969, Contreras, 13 (MACN­Ar). Mistaken Locality: Santiago Prov., Malleco, XI.1979, L. Peña, 5♀ 1 immature (AMNH) ( Ramírez, 1995b: 83).

Tomopisthes pusillus (Nicolet) ,

new combination

Figures 109 View Fig , 110 View Fig , 111A View Fig , 112C View Fig

Clubiona pusilla Nicolet, 1849: 426 (female lectotype and immature paralectotype here designated, from Chile, no specific locality, in MHNP 4123, examined). Simon, 1864: 132, 1887: E4.

Gayenna chilensis Tullgren, 1902: 63 (female lectotype and female paralectotype here designat­ ed, from Chile, Río Aisén Valley, I.1897, in NRS, examined). NEW SYNONYMY.

SYNONYMY: The types of the species synonymized were examined, together with numerous specimens; no relevant differences were found.

DIAGNOSIS: Easily distinguished from oth­ er Tomopisthes and Gayenna by the combination of ALE much larger than AME and by the ample epigynal anterior pouch with a cavity on each side; males can be distinguished also by the shape of the paramedian apophysis.

FEMALE (lectotype of Gayenna chilensis , measurements and color of specimen from Puerto Blest, Lago Ortiz Basualdo): Total length 6.10. Carapace length 2.80, width 2.07, wider on legs II–III. AME small, ALE large, anterior eye row slightly protruding (fig. 110A). Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 1.60/1.35; II, 1.53/1.32; III, 1.25/1.30; IV, 1.65/1.87. Palpal tarsus length 0.85. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.37, width 1.13. Spines: leg I (fig. 112C), femur d 1–1–1, p (1­ d1)ap; tibia v p1–2–2 or 0–2–2, p 0–1 or 0; metatarsus v 2bas. II, femur d 1–1–1, p and r d1ap; tibia v 0–2–2, p d1–1; metatarsus v 2bas, p 1–0. III, femur d 1–1–1, p 0­ d1­ d1, r d1ap; patella r d1; tibia v p1­ p1–2, p and r d1–1, d r1bas; metatarsus v 2–2–2 or 2–0–2, p and r d1–1– 1, d 0­ p1–2. IV, femur = III; patella r d1; tibia = III or v p1–2–2; metatarsus v 2–2–2 or 2­ p1–2, p and r d1–1–1, d 0­ p1–2. Abdomen length 3.33, width 1.75, spiracle–epigastrium 1.37, spiracle–spinnerets 0.60. Col­ or (fig. 109): carapace grayish with dark spots, ocular area very dark. Legs pale grayish with dark spots. Sternum grayish, darker on margins. Abdomen yellow with contrasting dark grayish dorsal pattern, cardiac area dark, followed by two oblique dark spots; sides covered with small spots, venter pale, with small spots, mainly on wide median band. Epigyne (fig. 110D–F): anterior pouch wide, cavity on each side. Copulatory openings close to anterior end of furrow separating lateral lobe and median field. Ducts of accessory bulbs short, connected close to copulatory openings.

MALE (Puerto Blest, Lago Ortiz Basualdo): Total length 6.25. Carapace length 3.07, width 2.23. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 3.33/2.97; II, 2.73/2.47; III, 1.90/1.67; IV, 2.30/2.60. Chelicerae longer than those of female, fang long, thick. Sternum length 1.38, width 1.25. Spines as in female, except: leg I, tibia v 2–2–2, p d1–1 or 0–1, r d1–1. II, femur p and r 0­ d1­ d1; tibia v 2–2–2, p d1– 1, r d1–1 or 0–1; metatarsus p and r 1–0. III, femur = II; tibia v 2–2–2; metatarsus v 2– 2–2. IV, tibia and metatarsus = III. Abdomen length 3.05, width 1.85, spiracle–epigastrium 1.50, spiracle–spinnerets 0.27. Col­ or as in female. Palp (figs. 110B, C, 111A): tibia width/length 0.86. Retrolateral margin of cymbium with slight basal notch. Embolus with basal process lobate, separated by ample ventral membranous area. Median apophysis long. Apex of paramedian apophysis complex, with two curved tips, one ventral, one dorsal. Primary conductor strong, heavily sclerotized, conical, slightly flattened. Canal zone of secondary conductor with membranous area, with some tiny denticles.

VARIABILITY: Female spines: I, tibia v 2– 2–2.

NATURAL HISTORY: This species builds retreats on foliage. Some specimens were found on epiphytic lichens, where they are remarkably cryptic.

DISTRIBUTION: Southern forests in Argentina , from Chubut to Neuquén provinces, and Chile, from Talca to Aisén provinces.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: ARGENTINA: Neuquén: Lago Lolog, 6 km N San Martín de los Andes, Masner­Malaise (wet), clearing, Nothofagus (lenga), ca. 950 m, Gentili property, 23.XI–1.XII.1989, S.A. Marshall, 1♀ ( AMNH) ; 40°10̍S, 71°21̍W, Puerto Blest , 770 m, 4.XII.1978, Misión Científica Danesa, 1♀ ( ZMK) ; 7–20.I.2000, L. Lopardo and A. Quaglino, 13 3 immatures ( MACN­Ar) ; Puerto Blest, trail to Lago Ortiz Basualdo , I.1990, M. Ramírez, 13 3♀ 2 immatures ( MACN­Ar). Chubut: Los Alerces Natl. Park : Río Frías , II.1986, 1♀ ( MACN­Ar). CHILE: Región VII (Maule): Talca: Alto de Vilches , elev. 1180 m, 35°36̍S, 71°04̍W, 14.15. XI.1993, N. Platnick, K. Catley, M. Ramírez, T. Allen , 13 ( AMNH) ; Gil de Vilches, 7.I.1989, M. Ramírez, 1♀ ( MACN­Ar, photo MJR 11, 12). Región VIII (Biobío): Ñuble : Las Trancas , 1200 m, 24 –27.XI.1994, L. Peña, 2♀ ( AMNH) ; Las Trancas , E Recinto , 1100 m, II.1987, L. Peña, 2♀ ( AMNH) ; Las Trancas, El Purgatorio, 1400 m, no date, no collector, 1♀ ( MCZ) ; 60 km SE Chillán, Termas Road, beech forest, FIT, 1300 m, 7.XII.1984 – 19.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 13 ( AMNH). Arauco: Caramavida, 1–10.I.1954, L. Peña, 1♀ (IG 19736, IRSN). Región IX (Araucanía): Malleco: Cordillera de Las Raíces , 1600– 1800 m, 13–18.II.1980, L. Peña, 1♀ ( AMNH) ; 15 km W Victoria , 365 m, wet forest, 26.I.1985, N. Platnick and O. Francke, 1♀ ( AMNH) ; Malalcahuello , 9–15.XII.1985, L. Peña, 5♀ ( AMNH) ; Nahuelbuta Natl. Park, 1200 m, 23.I.1951, Ross and Michelbacher, 13 2♀ ( CAS), 1300 m, 1–6.II.1979, L. Peña, 1♀ ( AMNH), 13.II.1992, M. Ramírez, N. Platnick, P. Goloboff , 1♀ (photo MJR 846–848), 3♀ penultimates ( AMNH) ; Cordillera Nahuelbuta , I.1959, L. Peña, 1♀ 1 immature ( IRSN 19736 View Materials ) ; Crest of Cordillera Nahuelbuta (W of Angol), 13.I.1951, Ross and Michelbacher, 1♀ ( CAS). Cautín : 10 km S Pucón, Volcán Villarrica Natl. Park , FIT, 900 m, Nothofagus grove on ash, 15.XII.1984 –10.II.85, S. and J. Peck, 1♀ ( AMNH) ; 15 km NE Villarrica, Flor del Lago , 300 m, 2 FITS, Nothofagus forest, 14.XII.1984 – 10.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 13 ( AMNH) ; Flor del Lago Ranch, Villarrica, Polo Field , 39°12.300̍S, 72°08.367̍W, 282 m, canopy fogging GT Nothofagus obliqua roble, 13.XII.2001, Arias et al., 13 3♀ 20 immatures ( UCB), 1♀ ( AMNH), 1♀ ( MACN). Región X (Los Lagos): Osorno : La Pelada Chica, E El Mirador, W La Unión , 1–2.III.1987, L. Peña, 1♀ ( AMNH) ; Puyehue Natl. Park : Aguas Calientes , 500 m, 2– 5.V.1988, L. Peña, 1♀ ( AMNH), 13– 17.XII.1998, M. Ramírez, L. Compagnucci, C. Grismado, L. Lopardo, 1♀ 1 immature ( MHNS) ; 600 m, Malaise , Nothofagus forest, 18.XII.1984 – 8.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 2♀

TABLE 25 Synapomorphies of Araiya and Terminals

(AMNH); Anticura , 4.1 km E Anticura, 430 m, trap site 662, window trap, valdivian rainforest, 19–26.XII.1982, A. Newton and M. Thayer, 3♀ ( AMNH) ; Antillanca rd. , 470– 720 m, valdivian rainforest, screen­sweeping at dusk, 18–24.XII.1982, A. Newton and M. Thayer, 1♀ ( AMNH) ; La Picada 450 m, NW Volcán Osorno, 15–20.I.1980, L.E. Peña, 1♀ ( AMNH) ; 10 km E Puyehue , 24.I.1951, Ross and Michelbacher, 1♀ ( CAS) ; 20 km E Puyehue , 26.I.1951, Ross and Michelbacher, 2♀ ( CAS). Llanquihue : Puerto Montt , Río Blanco, 24–19.I.1983, G. Arriagada, 2 immatures ( MHNS 718 ). Chiloe´: Isla de Chiloe´: Chepu, TC 663, 31.I.2001, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ ( AMNH) ; Huequetrumao , 27.XII.1981, L.E. Peña, 1♀ ( AMNH). Región XI ( Ibáñez del Campo ): Aisén : Puerto Aisén, XI.1985, L. Peña, 1♀ ( AMNH) ; Río Cisnes , 1– 28.II.1961, L. Peña, 1♀ ( IRSN IG23077 View Materials ). Mistaken Locality : Prov. Santiago, Malleco, XI.1979, L.E. Peña, 1♀ ( AMNH) (see Ramírez, 1995b: 83) .


TYPE SPECIES: Gayenna pallida Tullgren.

DIAGNOSIS: Resembles Tomopisthes in having regularly disposed teeth on the male secondary conductor, but can be distinguished by having reddish lateral bands on the carapace and sinuous anterior tibiae in both sexes.

ETYMOLOGY: The generic name is an arbitrary combination of letters; gender is feminine.

DESCRIPTION: Color bright, yellow or red, with lateral reddish bands on carapace. Chelicerae unmodified, with three teeth on promargin, two on retromargin. Carapace slightly wider posteriorly in males. Legs I and II spinose, anterior tibiae sinuous in both sexes. Male palp with short tibia, width/length about 0.85. Embolus short, thick, not associated with canal on conductor, basal process thick, rounded. Paramedian apophysis elongate, heavily sclerotized. Secondary conductor not fused to anterior margin of tegulum, ending in curved beak, covered by regularly disposed denticles pointing backward; canal restricted to tip; retrolateral portion (displaced apically) concave, projecting. Primary conductor present, small. Epigyne with lateral lobes separate. Spermathecae heavily sclerotized, fused in part to copulatory ducts. Ducts of accessory bulbs long, slightly converging.

DISTRIBUTION: Forests in southern Chile and Argentina.

COMPOSITION: Two species here included.

Araiya pallida (Tullgren) , new combination Figures 111B–D View Fig , 112A View Fig , 113 View Fig

Gayenna pallida Tullgren, 1902: 64 (female holotype from Chile, Río Aisén Valley, I.1897, P. Dusén coll., in NRS, examined).

DIAGNOSIS: Distinguished from A. coccinea by having a narrow epigynal anterior pouch, and shorter, sinuous male paramedian apophysis.

FEMALE (holotype, measurements of specimen from Chaitén): Total length 5.85. Carapace length 2.43, width 1.90, wider on legs II–III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 1.90/ 1.53; II, 1.63/1.37; III, 1.28/1.18; IV, 1.58/ 1.58. Palpal tarsus length 0.78. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.25, width 0.98. Spines: leg I (fig. 112A), femur d 1–1–1, p 0­ 0­ 1­ d1r, r d1ap; tibia v 2–2–2, p 1­ d1­ 0­ 1­ 0, r d1–1; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r 1–0, d p1. II, femur d 1– 1–1, p and r d1ap; tibia v 2–2–2, p and r d1– 1; metatarsus = I. III, femur = II; patella r d1; tibia v p1­ p1–2, p and r 1–1, d r1­ 0­ 1­ 0; metatarsus v 2–0–2, p and r 1–1, d 0­ p1–2. IV, femur = II; patella r d1; tibia and metatarsus = III. Abdomen length 3.46, width 2.39, spiracle–epigastrium 1.67, spiracle– spinnerets 0.43. Color: carapace yellow with reddish sides. Legs, sternum, mouthparts yellow. Abdomen yellow with underlying white guanine reticulum, dorsum with four red chevrons on posterior half. Venter pale. Epigyne (figs. 111B, 113F–H): anterior pouch with deep cavity, lateral lobes separate. Copulatory ducts short. Ducts of accessory bulbs slightly converging.

MALE (Chaitén, fig. 113A): Total length 4.65. Carapace length 2.17, width 1.77. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 3.17/2.53; II, 2.27/1.83; III, 1.57/1.47; IV, 1.83/1.83. Chelicerae unmodified, slightly smaller than those of female. Sternum length 1.08, width 0.92. Spines as in female, except: leg I, patella r d1, d 1–0–1; tibia p and r 1­ d1­ 1­ 0, d r1­ 0­ 1­ 0. II, patella and tibia = I. III, patella = I; metatarsus r d1­ 1­ 0­ 1. IV, patella = I; metatarsus = III. Abdomen length 2.43, width 1.43, spiracle–epigastrium 1.23, spiracle–spinnerets 0.43. Color: carapace reddish brown, pattern as in A. coccinea . Legs reddish brown, trochanters, coxae, and base of femora yellow. Sternum yellow with reddish spots in front of coxae. Abdomen yellow, with underlying patches of guanine reticulum, except on ventral band; dorsum with violet area covering anterior two thirds, lightening posteriorly, continued in several diffuse chevrons. Palp (figs. 111C, D, 113D, E): tibia width/length 0.83. Embolus short, thick, not associated with canal on secondary conductor, basal process thick, rounded. Paramedian apophysis sinuous in ventral view, with prolateral protuberance before tip. Primary conductor curved, triangular (fig. 111D). Anterior border of secondary conductor wide, projecting, rugose; retrolateral portion with basal rugose projection.

VARIABILITY: Males may have dorsum of abdomen dark violet at anterior half, becoming paler posteriorly, or yellow with red a pattern, sometimes a posterior violet area (fig. 113A–C). Females may have the abdomen totally yellow, or with diffuse reddish pattern, or a dark violet posterior dorsal patch fused to the chevrons. Spines: metatarsi III, IV, p and r d1–1–1 or 0–1–1.

NATURAL HISTORY: This species makes retreats on foliage.

DISTRIBUTION: Southern forest in Argentina , from Neuquén to Chubut provinces, and Chile, from Valdivia to Aisén provinces.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: ARGENTINA: Neuquén: Lago Nahuel Huapi, Península Quetrihue´, 23.I.1985, M. Ramírez, 13 1♀ ( MACN­Ar) ; Lago Ortiz Basualdo, retreat on leaves of Chusquea sp. , I.1990, M. Ramírez, 3♀ ( MACN­Ar). Río Negro: San Carlos de Bariloche , Colonia Suiza , 810 m, 9.XI.1978, Misión Científica Danesa, 13 ( ZMK). Chubut: Los Alerces Natl. Park: Lago Menéndez, I.1990, M. Ramírez, 1♀ ( MACN­Ar) ; Lago Verde , II.1985, M. Ramírez, 1♀ ( MACN­Ar) ; I.1990, M. Ramírez, 1♀ ( MACN­Ar). CHILE: Región X (Los Lagos): Valdivia: Las Lajas, W La Unión , 13–15.I.1991, L. Peña, 1♀ ( AMNH). Osorno: 10 km E Puyehue , 24.I.1951, Ross and Michelbacher, 1♀ ( CAS) ; Pucatrihue, 25– 31.I.1978, L. Peña, 1♀ ( AMNH). Llanquihue: Correntoso , XII.1969, L. Peña, 2♀ ( MCZ) ; Chamisa, 13.XII.1968, L. Peña, 1♀ ( MCZ). Chiloe´: Arroyo Cole Cole , 25 km N Cucao, 8–11.II.1991, M. Ramírez, 13 ( MACN­Ar) ; Chepu , 30.I.1981, L. Peña, 1♀ ( AMNH) ; Dalcahue , 3.IV.1968, L. Peña, 1♀ ( MCZ) ; Dalcahue , NE Castro, 1.II.1981, L. Peña, 2♀ ( AMNH) ; El Pozuelo , 1.5 km NE Butalcura, 2.II.2001, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ ( AMNH) ; Huequetrumao , 27.XII.1981, L.E. Peña, 1♀ ( AMNH) ; Lago Coluco , S Ancud, 26.I.1981, L. Peña, 1♀ ( AMNH) ; Terao, S Chonchi, 18–21.I.1990, L. Peña, 1 3 ( AMNH). Palena: Chaitén, XII.1985, L.E. Peña, 73 8♀ ( AMNH). Región XI ( Ibáñez del Campo ): Aisén: Puerto Aisén , XI.1985, L. Peña, 1♀ penultimate ( AMNH) .

Araiya coccinea (Simon) ,

new combination

Figures 112B View Fig , 114 View Fig

Gayenna coccinea Simon, 1884: 131 (female holotype from Chile, Cabo de Hornos, in MHNP 6673, examined), 1887: E26, 1897 a: 91, 1902: 30. Gayenna stellata Simon, 1884: 131 (female lectotype from Chile, Cabo de Hornos, and male paralectotype misidentified [see Sanogasta maculosa View in CoL ] here designated, in MHNP 6676, examined),

1887: E37, 1897 a: 91, 94. NEW SYNONYMY.

SYNONYMY: The types of the species synonymized were examined, together with oth­ er specimens from the same area; no relevant differences were found. Both names appeared in the same publication and are equivalent in terms of stability; I decided synonymy according to page priority.

DIAGNOSIS: Distinguished from A. pallida by having a very wide epigynal anterior pouch, not delimiting a cavity, and a longer, narrower paramedian apophysis.

FEMALE (holotype, measurements of specimen from Ushuaia, Monte Olivia): Total length 4.65. Carapace length 2.03, width 1.62, wider on legs II–III. Length of tibia/ metatarsus: I, 1.47/1.05; II, 1.38/1.17; III, 1.08/1.00; IV, 1.30/1.32. Palpal tarsus length 0.70. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.05, width 0.90. Spines: leg I (fig. 112B), femur d 1–1–1, p 0­ 0­ 1­ d1, r d1ap; tibia v 2–2–2, p 1–1 or 1­ (1­ d1), r 1–1; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r d1–0. II, femur d 1–1–1, p and r d1ap; tibia v 2–2–2, p and r 1–1; metatarsus v 2bas, p and r d1–0, d p1–0. III, femur = II; patella r d1; tibia v p1­ p1–2, p and r d1–1, d r1­ 0­ 1­ 0; metatarsus v 2–0–2, p and r 0­ 1­ 0­ 1, d 0­ p1–2. IV, femur = II; patella and tibia = III; metatarsus v 2–0–2, p 1–1, r d1–1–1, d 0­ p1–2. Abdomen length 2.65, width 1.90, spiracle–epigastrium 1.05, spiracle–spinnerets 0.30. Col­ or: carapace reddish, with yellow margins and yellow median band from thoracic groove to posterior margin. Legs, sternum, mouthparts yellow. Abdomen yellow with red pattern at sides, cardiac area, and several chevrons extending to anal tubercle. Venter yellow, with some reddish spots anterior of and at sides of tracheal spiracle. Epigyne (fig. 114E, F): anterior pouch very wide, without cavity, V­shaped, reaching posterior margin. Lateral lobes separate. Spermathecae heavily sclerotized, fused in part to copulatory ducts. Ducts of accessory bulbs long, slightly converging.

MALE ( Isla de los Estados, MACN­Ar 9827, fig. 114A): Total length 5.05. Carapace length 2.47, width 2.03. Length of tibia/ metatarsus: I, 3.72/2.93; II, 2.77/2.27; III, 1.85/1.37; IV, 2.17/2.17. Chelicerae unmodified, slightly smaller than those of female. Sternum length 1.20, width 0.98. Spines as in female, except: leg I, patella r d1, d 1ap; tibia p 1–1, r 1­ d1­ 1­ 0, d r1­ 0­ 1­ 0. II, patella and tibia = I. III, patella = I; tibia v p1–2– 2. IV, patella = I; tibia v p1–2–2; metatarsus r d1–1–1. Abdomen length 2.70, width 1.73, spiracle–epigastrium 1.05, spiracle–spinnerets 0.33. Color as in female but darker, with two whitish spots at sides of cardiac area. Palp (fig. 114B–D): tibia short, width/length 0.86. Embolus short, thick, not associated with canal of secondary conductor; basal process thick, rounded. Paramedian apophysis long, thin, directed apically. Primary conductor short, concave, heavily sclerotized. Secondary conductor rotated, retrolateral portion (as seen in other Gayennini ) placed apical, concave, projecting, prolateral portion placed basal, both portions separated by membranous area.

VARIABILITY: The intensity of body color is quite variable. One male with dorsum violet uniform, another similar to the female. Female spines: III, tibia v 0­ p1–2.


DISTRIBUTION: Southern forests in Chile, south of Malleco province; in Argentina only known from Tierra del Fuego.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: ARGENTINA: Tierra del Fuego: Bahía Aguirre , 12.II.1949, S. Núñez, 13 ( MACN­Ar 2818 ) ; Isla de los Estados , XII.1970, A. Bachmann, 13 ( MACN­Ar 9827 ) ; Lapataia , I.1943, J.M. Viana, 1♀ ( MACN­Ar 2589 ) ; Ushuaia, Monte Olivia, XII.1989, A. González, 1♀ ( MLP). CHILE: Región IX (Araucanía): Malleco: Cordillera Nahuelbuta, 1300–1400 m, 6– 12.I.1982, L. Peña, 1♀ ( AMNH) ; La Selva, W Temuco, NW Nueva Imperial, 700 m, 9– 12.XII.1981, L.E. Peña, 1♀ penultimate ( AMNH). Región X (Los Lagos): Osorno: La Picada 450 m, NW Volcán Osorno, 15– 20.I.1980, L.E. Peña, 1♀ ( AMNH). Llanquihue: Cruce a Maullín, 13.II.1993, T. Cekalovic, 1♀ ( AMNH) ; Los Muermos, S. Chile , 19.I.1951, Ross, Michelbacher, 1♀ ( CAS) ; 20.I.1951, 1♀ ( CAS) ; Puerto Montt, Río Blanco, 24–19.I.1983, G. Arriagada, 2♀ ( MHNS 718 ). Chiloe´: Dalcahue , II.1967, L. Peña, 1♀ ( MCZ) ; 3.IV.1967, L. Peña, 1♀ ( MCZ) ; Puerto Carmen , W Quellón, 15

19.III.1981, L. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH). Región XII (Magallanes y Antártica): Magallanes: Camerón: 14–17.XI.1960, L. Peña, 1♀, 23 3♀ penultimates (MCZ).


Table 26

Oxysoma Nicolet, 1849: 511 View in CoL (type species Oxysoma punctatum Nicolet, 1849 View in CoL , subsequently designated by Simon, 1897a: 100).


American Museum of Natural History


Zoologisches Museum der Universitaet Kiel


Museum of Comparative Zoology


Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique


California Academy of Sciences


University of California at Berkeley


Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia


Museo de La Plata














Philisca puconensis


Nonianus argentinus Mello­Leitão, 1940: 42

Mello-Leitao, C. F. de 1940: 42

Gayenna horrenda

Merian, P. 1913: 13


Strand, E. 1912: 16

Heterommides fuegianus

Strand, E. 1912: 346

Philisca sica

Strand, E. 1908: 5

Gayenna chilensis

Tullgren, A. 1902: 63

Gayenna pallida

Tullgren, A. 1902: 64


Tullgren, A. 1901: 240

Gayenna varia

Tullgren, A. 1901: 233


Simon, E. 1897: 99
Simon, E. 1884: 130

Tomopisthes immanis

Ramirez, M. J. 1995: 368
Simon, E. 1884: 133

Tomopisthes varius

Ramirez, M. J. 1995: 368
Simon, E. 1884: 134

Gayenna coccinea

Simon, E. 1884: 131
Simon, E. 1884: 131


Karsch, F. 1880: 380

Heteromma fuegiana

Karsch, F. 1880: 380

Amaurobius horrenda

Simon, E. 1864: 139

Clubiona horrenda

Nicolet, H. 1849: 421

Clubiona pusilla

Simon, E. 1864: 132
Nicolet, H. 1849: 426


Simon, E. 1897: 100
Nicolet, H. 1849: 511
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