Diadelophora inornata, Ament, 2024

Ament, Danilo César, 2024, Diadelophora, a new phorid genus from central and western Brazil (Diptera: Phoridae), Zootaxa 5415 (1), pp. 144-152 : 149

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5415.1.6

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scientific name

Diadelophora inornata

sp. nov.

Diadelophora inornata sp. nov.


( Figs. 3C, 4, 5B)

Material examined. Holotype ♁, BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Porteirinha: Parque Estadual de Serra Nova, 15°43'18.4"S 43°50'22.1"W, 7–13.xii.2015, Malaise trap, 1044m, Diversidade Aculeata Serra do Espinhaço , L. N. Perillo col. ( UFMG IDI 1800988 , SISBIO 42055-2 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . Paratype: 1♁, same but 15°43'15.0"S 43°50'16.3"W, 1040 m ( UFMG IDI 1800990 , SISBIO 42055-2 View Materials ) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Smaller, 1.65 mm of body length, abdominal segments 3–5 with few short ventral setae, distiphallus without long curved process, epiphallus with rounded and pointed scales.

Description. Male. Body length 1.65 mm ( Fig. 4A). Head. Frons brown to dark brown, shiny, sparsely setulose, without median furrow ( Fig. 4B). Flagellomere 1 yellowish-brown, large, conical. Palpus light brown, with small ventral setulae. Gena with small setulae. Thorax. Scutum, scutellum and pleural regions brown to dark brown, shiny; pleural sclerites almost completely bare ( Fig. 4D). All coxae and femora brown as well as mid- and hind tibia; foretibia and all tarsi contrastingly yellowish-brown. Lateral parapsidal suture ending less than one spiracle in length distant from the anterior spiracle, meron dorsally slightly convex ( Fig. 4D). Fore and midtibia without discernible rows or palisades of setulae ( Fig. 4G–H). Foretarsomere 5 longer than foretarsomere 4. Hind femur dorso-ventrally narrow, height/length ratio 0.23, with basoventral row of elongated thin setae ( Fig. 4F). Hind tibia with a subtle dorsal palisade of setulae ( Fig. 4I). Wing ( Fig. 4E). Costa apically swollen, 0.46 of the wing length; R 2+3 vestigial as a tiny remnant attached to Costa; M 1 and M 2 sinuous, CuA 1 -M 2 /M 2 -M 1 ratio 1.69; CuA 1 sinuous. Halter light brown.

Abdomen. Tergites dark brown, shiny, setulose. Venter of segments 3–5 with few short setae. Hypopygium brown, large, without conspicuous differences to D. stilbella . Phallus ( Figs. 3C). Basiphallus approximately ring-shaped. Epiphallus membranous, with rounded and pointed scales. Remainder of distiphallus extremely complex, without long curved process.

Distribution. Known from a single site in central-northeast Brazil.

Etymology. Derived from the Latin word inornatus (unadorned) referring to the absence of the striking features of the diagnosis of D. stilbella .


Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais













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