Aristolochia dabieshanensis C.Y.Cheng & W.Yu

Zhu, Xin-Xin, Liao, Shuai, Sun, Zeng-Peng, Zhen, Ai-Guo & Ma, Jin-Shuang, 2017, The taxonomic revision of Asian Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae) II: Identities of Aristolochia austroyunnanensis and A. dabieshanensis, and A. hyperxantha-a new species from Zhejiang, China, Phytotaxa 313 (1), pp. 61-76 : 64-68

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.313.1.4


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scientific name

Aristolochia dabieshanensis C.Y.Cheng & W.Yu


Aristolochia dabieshanensis C.Y.Cheng & W.Yu View in CoL in Yu & Cheng (1992: 110) ( Figures 3 View FIGURE 3 , 4 A–C View FIGURE 4 , 6 C View FIGURE 6 & 10 G–I View FIGURE 10 )

Type:— CHINA. Anhui: Jinzhai County, Baimazhai, 1200 m, 12 July 1989, W.Yu 89011 ( PEM!).

Woody liana. Stems densely villous when young, old branchlets glabrous. Petiole 2–7 cm long; lamina long-ovate to ovate-triangular, 5–15 × 3–11 cm, both surfaces villous, base cordate, sinus 1–2 cm deep, apex acuminate; veins palmate, 2–3 pairs from base. Flowers solitary. Pedicel pendulous, 2–4 cm long, villous; bractlets ovate, conduplicate, 3–10 × 2–5 mm, adaxially glabrous, abaxially villous, inserted at base of pedicel. Calyx tube geniculately curved, outside densely villous, inside villous at base, glabrous above base; utricle is indistinct with the tube; basal portion of tube cylindric, ca. 2 cm long, inside dark-purple at base and white above base, upper portion of tube cylindric, ca. 2.4 cm long, inside white with purplish-red patches; limb discoid, ca. 3 cm in diam., shallowly 3-lobed; lobes variable color, often yellow or brown to purple-brown with variegated stripes; throat white with dense big dark-brown patches, ca. 7 mm in diam.Anthers 6, oblong, adnate in 3 pairs to the base of gynostemium, opposite to the lobes. Gynostemium 3–4 mm long, 3-lobed, apex of lobes usually obtuse, emarginate, margin crispate. Ovary terete, ca. 1 cm long, densely white villous. Capsule cylindric, 3–5 × 1.5–2 cm, dehiscing basipetally. Seeds triangular-ovate, 5–6 × 4–5 mm.

Distribution and habitat: — Aristolochia dabieshanensis is currently known to Anhui (Huoshan County and Jinzhai County) and Hubei (Luotian County and Yingshan County), China. It is locally rare on roadside or slope, in thicket or woodland at elevations between 800 m and 1300 m.

Phenology: ―Flowering from April to June; fruiting in July.

Note: ―When Yu & Cheng (1992) published Aristolochia dabieshanensis , they distinguished it from A. kaempferi Willdenow (1805: 152) by its long-ovate to ovate-triangular leaf, big and conduplicate bractlets inserted at base of pedicel, purple limb, throat with dark-brown patches, and capsule less than 5 cm long. Ma (1994) treated A. dabieshanensis as a synonym of A. heterophylla Hemsl. in Forbes & Hemsley (1891: 361) after examining the paratype of A. dabieshanensis, G.Yao 9019 (K). Based on previous studies, Hwang et al. (2003) merged A. dabieshanensis and A. heterophylla into A. kaempferi in Flora of China.

Aristolochia kaempferi was described based on material from Japan ( Willdenow 1805), afterward Duchartre (1864) supplemented with detailed description. Its distribution in China was first reported by Hance (1878), then the species was widely recognized by Chinese plant taxonomists ( Hwang et al. 2003). However, Murata (2006) and Ohi-Toma et al. (2014) thought that A. kaempferi was endemic to Japan. Based on extensive field observations, careful examination of specimens and color photos, we find that none out of the massive materials of Aristolochia collected from China we have checked resembles the Japanese A. kaempferi . Thus, we agree with the treatment of Murata (2006) and Ohi-Toma et al. (2014), and exclude the registration of A. kaempferi from China.

Aristolochia dabieshanensis can be distinguished from A. heterophylla by its ovate and conduplicate bractlets (vs. broad-ovate to suborbicular and amplexicaul), smooth inner surface of calyx limb (vs. dense papillae), not protrude calyx throat (vs. protrude) ( Figures 4 D–F View FIGURE 4 & 5 View FIGURE 5 ).

Aristolochia dabieshanensis is also similar to A. tanzawana ( Kigawa 1989: 17) Watanabe-Toma & Ohi-Toma in Ohi-Toma et al. (2014: 160) in the shape and color of flower, we compare the differences of these four species in Table 2 and Figures 4 View FIGURE 4 & 6 View FIGURE 6 , where information concerning A. kaempferi and A. tanzawana mainly follows Murata (2006) and Ohi-Toma et al. (2014).

Specimens of A. dabieshanensis examined: — CHINA. Anhui: Huoshan County, October 1982, M.B.Deng & H.T.Wei s.n. ( NAS) ; Jinzhai County, 18 May 1984, G.Yao 9019 (paratypes NAS-00302328! & NAS-00302333!), 5 June 1986, G.Yao 10050 ( NAS), 13 July 1989, W.Yu 89001 ( PEM), 13 July 1989, W.Yu 89002 ( PEM), 13 July 1989, W.Yu 89012 ( PEM), 10 May 1990, M.B.Deng 87785 ( NAS), 15 May 2016, X.X.Zhu ZXX16018 ( CSH, XYTC) . Hubei: Luotian County, 21 May 2015, B.Chen CB09217 ( CSH) ; Yingshan County, 28 April 2015, Z.W.Wang et al. WZW01354 ( CSH) .

Specimens of A. heterophylla examined: — CHINA. Chongqing: Chengkou County, s.a. (sine anno), R.P.Farges 558 (P), 1958, T.L.Dai 105617 (NAS), 20 May 1958, T.L.Dai 100530 (HNWP), 27 May 1958, T.L.Dai 100679 (HNWP), 28 May 1958, T.L.Dai 100679 (CDBI), 1 June 1958, T.L.Dai 100891 (HNWP), 12 June 1958, T.L.Dai 100891 (CDBI), 22 June 1958, T.L.Dai 100947 (CDBI, PE), 9 July 1958, T.L.Dai 105617 (PE), 22 July 1958, T.L.Dai 101433 (CDBI, HNWP), 27 July 1958, T.L.Dai 105841 (CDBI, KUN, NAS), 2 September 1958, T.L.Dai 107134 (NAS), 4 September 1958, T.L.Dai 107133 (CDBI), 10 October 1958, T.L.Dai 106509 (NAS), April 1975, C.S.Yang s.n. (PEM), 1 July 2004, Y.S.Chen et al. 606 (WUK), 31 July 2006, Y.S.Chen et al. 4671 (WUK); Fengjie County, 1958, Anonymous 44212 (SM), 11 June 1958, M.Y.Fang 24212 (NAS, PEM), 25 April 1959, B.Y.Zuo 0465 (SM); Nanchuan District, 8 July 1977, Anonymous 19 (SM); Pengshui County, 26 May 1981, H.Zhang 81028 (PEM); Shizhu County, 25 May 1979, Anonymous 0551 (SM); Wushan County, 1888, A.Henry 5620 (IBSC, K), 23 May 1958, G.H.Yang 58183 (IBK); Wuxi County, 11 May 1959, X.Z.Wang 1033 (PEM), 8 June 1960, Sichuan Econ. Pl. Exped. 45 (CDBI), 12 June 1973, G.H.Tang et al. 73w-448 (SM), 14 June 1973, G.H.Tang et al. 73w-482 (PEM), 29 June 1973, Anonymous 73w-708 (PEM, SM), 20 September 1978, S.Q.Fu & J.H.Chen Wuxi002 (SM), 3 August 1981, H.Zhang 81033 (PEM), 12 July 2004, Y.S.Chen et al. 1523 (WUK); Yunyang County, 5 June 1973, Anonymous Yun73-213 (PEM, SM). Gansu: Kang County, 9 May 1963, Y.Q.He & C.L.Tang 272 (KUN), 7 August 1996, Y.S.Lian et al. 96371 (PE), 9 August 1996, Y.S.Lian et al. 96481 (PE); Wen County, 10 July 2006, Baishuijiang Exped. 1748 (PE), 20 August 2006, Baishuijiang Exped. 2354 (PE), 9 May 2007, Baishuijiang Exped. 4558 (PE), 12 May 2007, Baishuijiang Exped. 4701 (PE), 14 May 2007, Baishuijiang Exped. 4900 (PE). Hubei: Badong County, May 1888, A. Henry 4665 (syntype K), 28 July 1957, G.X.Fu & Z.S.Zhang 1076 (NAS); Fang, March 1889, A.Henry 6417A (syntype K); Ichang, 26 October 1887, A.Henry 3493 (syntype K); Lichuan City, August 1956, Anonymous 107 (NAS); Shennongjia Forestry District, 7 September 1980, Sino-Amer. Exped. 1121 (KUN, NAS, PE); Tunghu, March 1889, A.Henry 6417 (syntype K); Xingshan County, March 1889, A.Henry 6490 (syntype K), 1907, E.H.Wilson 367 (IBSC, US), 1 June 1957, Y.Liu 00653 (PE); Yuanan County, 27 May 1979, J.N.Zhou 42 (PE); Zhuxi County, 9 June 1959, P.Y.Li 2892 (NAS). Hunan: Shimen County, 6 May 1980, D.C.Xiao 80093 (CSFI); Wulingyuan District, 17 May 2016, L.Wu et al. 5312 (CSFI). Shaanxi: Langao County, 2 July 2004, Y.S.Chen et al. 767 (WUK); Lueyang County, 18 June 1956, B.Z.Guo 3076 (HNWP); Nanzheng County, 11 July 1959, L.D.Di HanzhongII-079 (HNWP); Ningqiang County, 12 July 1959, Ningqiang Exped. 0117 (HNWP), 26 October 1963, S.Z.Qu 3152 (PEM); Ningshan County, 14 May 1959, J.Q.Xing 1943 (NAS), 15 May 1959, J.Q.Xing 1943 (NAS), 30 May 1959, J.Q.Xing 2753 (NAS), 6 May 1979, X.M.Long s.n. (PEM); Pingli County, 12 May 1959, P.Y.Li 1494 (NAS), 6 July 2004, Y.S.Chen et al. 981 (WUK), 7 July 2004, Y.S.Chen et al. 1018 (WUK), 7 July 2004, Y.S.Chen et al. 1022 (WUK), 23 June 2005, Y.S.Chen et al. 3067 (WUK); Shiquan County, 28 May 1959, J.Q.Xing 2696 (NAS), 22 July 1959, S.D.Di 0400 (HNWP); Zhenba County, 18 October 1964, M.C.Wang 1021 (PEM); Zhenping County, 19 June 2005, Y.S.Chen et al. 2774 (WUK). Sichuan: Bazhou District, 24 April 1979, Z.D.Ba 1053 (SM); Cangxi County, 3 May 1959, J.Z.Chuan 02741 (PE), 11 May 1959, Anonymous 5223 (SM), 12 May 1959, Z.S.Qin 02741 (SM), 3 May 1972, Hemse 72N-723 (SM), 30 May 1972, Hemse 72N-572 (SM); Chaotian District, 9 June 1976, Y.T.Lai et al. 010 (SM); Guangyuan City, 11 August 1959, Anonymous 6730 (PEM), 11 August 1959, B.Q.Li 6730 (SM), 27 May 1978, Y.D.Guang 0475 (SM); Nanjiang County, 24 May 1978, Anonymous 242 (SM), 19 June 1978, Anonymous 438 (SM); Ningnan County, 23 April 1981, H.Zhang 81016 (PEM); Pingchang County, 1 August 1978, C.D.Ping 833 (SM); Qingchuan County, 31 May 1965, Anonymous 2232 (SM), 10 June 1965, Anonymous 3110 (SM), 19 June 1965, Anonymous 2339 (SM), 20 July 1965, Anonymous 2545 (SM), 22 July 1965, Anonymous 2552 (SM), 5 August 1965, Anonymous 2738 (SM), 28 August 1965, Anonymous 2642 (SM), 27 August 1978, C.D.Qing 0334 (SM); Tongjiang County, 18 August 1976, Anonymous 157 (SM), 10 August 1978, J.D.Tong 801 (SM); Wanyuan City, 6 June 1978, Y.D.Wan 035 (SM), 24 July 1979, S.D.Bai 272 (SM); Wangcang County, 11 May 1959, Y.Chuan 4661 (SM), 4 August 1978, C.D.Wang 0519 (SM); Xuanhan County, 13 September 1978, H.D.Xuan 0608 (SM).


Port Elizabeth Museum


Institute of Botany, Jiangsu Province and Chinese Academy of Sciences


Chenshan Botanical Garden


Xinyang Teachers College














Aristolochia dabieshanensis C.Y.Cheng & W.Yu

Zhu, Xin-Xin, Liao, Shuai, Sun, Zeng-Peng, Zhen, Ai-Guo & Ma, Jin-Shuang 2017

Aristolochia dabieshanensis C.Y.Cheng & W.Yu

Yu, W. & Cheng, C. Y. 1992: 110
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