Euxiphydria vietnamensis Smith and Shinohara, 2011

Smith, David R., 2020, New Species And New Records Of Xiphydriid Woodwasps (Hymenoptera: Xiphydriidae) From Southeastern Asia, Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 122 (1), pp. 135-146 : 141

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Euxiphydria vietnamensis Smith and Shinohara


Euxiphydria vietnamensis Smith and Shinohara

( Fig. 16 View Fig )

Euxiphydria vietnamensis Smith and Shinohara 2011: 16 .

Diagnosis.—Female with head red, usually with vertex and ocellar area black; thorax black; legs black with base of hind tibia and most of hind basitarsus white; abdomen black with white spots laterally on segment 8; wings nearly hyaline with darker spot or band below stigma; antenna with 19 antennomeres. Male ( Fig. 16 View Fig ).—Length 8.0 –11.0 mm. Head red with small black spot, mostly around ocelli; thorax, legs, and abdomen black. Labial palpus with apical palpomere somewhat more slender than in female. Maxillary palpus apparently with 4 palpomeres. Tarsal claws more slender than female, inner tooth almost equal in length of outer tooth and close to outer tooth.

Specimens examined.— Lao, Hua Phan Prov., Ban Saleui; Phou Pan-Mt., 20 ° 13’30”N, 103 ° 59’26”E GPS, 1350- 1900 m, 12.05.201, leg. C. Holzschuh + locals (1 ♀, OML), same data except: 19.04.2010 (2 Ơ, OML), 28- 29.04.2010 (1 ♀, 1 Ơ, OML), 21.05.2010 (1 ♀, OML), 06.05.2011 (1♀, OML), 07.05.2011 (1 ♀, USNM), 08.05.2011 (1 ♀, OML), 10.05.2011 (1♀, 1 Ơ, OML), 06.05.2010 (1 ♀, OML), 13.05.2011 (1 ♀, USNM), 16.05.2011 (1 ♀, OML), 21.05.2011 (1 ♀, OML), 22.05.2011 (1♀, 1 Ơ, OML), 24.04.2012 (5 Ơ, OML), 29.04.2010 (6 Ơ, 4 OML, 2 USNM), 30.04.2012 (1 Ơ, OML). Laos (Lao), Prov . Hua Phan, Phou Pan (Mt.), Ban Saleui (village), 20 ° 13’30”N, 103 ° 59’26”E, 1350-1900 MSL, 06.06.2009 (1 ♀, OML). GoogleMaps Lao, Prov. Hua Phan, Phou Pan, Umg. Ort Ban Saleui , 20 ° 13’30”N, 103 ° 59’26”E, 1350-1900 m MSL, 11.05.2011, leg. C. Holzschuh & locals (1 Ơ, OML); GoogleMaps same except. 10.05.2011 (1 ♀, OML), 11.05.2011 (1 ♀, 1 Ơ, OML), 24.05.2011 (1 Ơ, OML), 26.05.2011 (1 ♀, OML), 28.05.2011 (1 ♀, USNM), 11- 12.04.2012 (1 Ơ, OML), 17.04.2012 (3 Ơ, OML), 23.04.2012 (4 Ơ, OML), 25.04.2012 (1 Ơ, OML), 03.05.2012 (1 Ơ, OML), 10- 14.05.2012 (1 ♀, OML), 17- 18.05.2012 (1 Ơ, OML)

Remarks.—This is the first record of this species from Laos. These specimens are identical to E. vietnamensis described from one female from Vietnam ( Smith and Shinohara 2011). The above is the first description of the male. The only differences in the female are the amount of black on the head. The head can be almost entirely red with only a small amount of black on the ocellar and postocellar area (as figs. 30, 33, 34 of Smith and Shinohara 2011) or have most all the dorsum and lateral areas of the head black. The third palpomere of the labial palpus is very small and sometimes difficult to see; thus, the labial palpus in some specimens appears to have three palpomeres instead of the usual four. The maxillary palpus has either four or five palpomeres; the apical palpomere usually appears to be divided and thus with five palpomeres. The females vary in length from 9–15 mm and the males from 8–11 mm. The number of antennomeres varies from 18–20. The black color with the partly red head is distinctive for this species.


USA, Washington D.C., National Museum of Natural History, [formerly, United States National Museum]













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