Ephippiotragus wappesi, Clarke, 2013

Clarke, Robin O. S., 2013, Bolivian Rhinotragini Vii: Provisional Report Of Higher Altitude Species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) With Descriptions Of New Taxa, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 53 (28), pp. 373-406 : 373-406

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1590/S0031-10492013002800001

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scientific name

Ephippiotragus wappesi

sp. nov.

Ephippiotragus wappesi View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs. 4A, 4B View FIGURES 4‑6 , 11A View FIGURES 7‑12

Holotype male: 7.60 mm. Deposited at MNKM.

Diagnosis: Both sexes of Ephippiotragus wappesi are readily separated from those of Ephippiotragus thomasi by the following: saddle shaped area of pronotum largely impunctate (in E. thomasi it is densely punctured); antennomeres III-VI black (in E. thomasi they are pale chestnut).

Description of holotype: Elongate, Ommata -like species; forebody (3.85 mm) 1.0 longer than abdomen (3.80 mm). General colour opaque, body shining black, without metallic reflection. Mouthparts chestnut clouded dusky. Antennae entirely black. Elytra translucent testaceous; except the following black: base from shoulders to scutellum (and extending a short distance adjacent to sutural margin); epipleur from well behind shoulders to level of metacoxae; and apical lobe.

Legs: All of profemora, meso- and metafemoral claves rufous; mesofemoral peduncle yellow; basal half of metafemoral peduncle yellow, apical half black; all tibiae black; pro- and mesotarsi black, metatarsomeres I and II pale yellow, III and onychium blackish.

General pubescence: Moderately conspicuous, the hairs of two types: short, recumbent, glistening white pubescence becoming dense on: frons, sides of pronotum (encroaching on to disc on apical third) and triangular patch at centre of posterior constriction; basal two-thirds of prosternum (including its process), all of meso- and metasterna, scutellum, and abdomen (densest at side). Relatively sparse, short, fine hairs clothing most of elytra, becoming denser and glistening on apical lobes. Longer, sparser, more erect hairs noticeable on: pronotum, basal third of elytra, sides of metasternum, and metepisternum.

Surface ornamentation: Generally hidden by dense pubescence, but visible on the following glabrous parts: mentum-submentum with a square, smooth patch of sparse, small, round punctures; apical third of prosternum somewhat carinate, with isolated shallow punctures; pronotum densely punctured for apical third (the punctures deep, rounded and contiguous), smooth and almost impunctate for basal two-thirds (a group of about twenty punctures to each side of midline); elytra with somewhat uniform deep, round punctures (dense adjacent to scutellum, sparser towards sides and apex, shallow and irregularly micropunctate on apical lobes). And, just visible through surface pubescence: basal two-thirds of prosternum and sides of pronotum with dense, round punctures; and abdomen probably uniformly micro-punctate. Sexual puncturation: sides of pronotum densely punctured, in female sparser.

Structure: Head with eyes (1.05 mm) distinctly narrower than pronotum; rostrum parallel-sided, 3.5 wider (0.70 mm) than long, much shorter than length of inferior lobes (0.45 mm). Palps moderately short, apical palpomere of maxilla comparatively large, slightly widened, and truncate at apex; and galea slightly longer than palp. Labrum rectangular, 2.5 wider than long, depressed apically, apical margin broadly excavate. Clypeus short, declivous with frons, punctate towards centre. Eyes convex; width of one inferior lobe (0.40 mm) 1.6 interocular distance (0.25 mm); superior lobe with 8-9 ommatidia, width of lobe (ca. 0.15 mm) half interocular distance. Antennae passing elytra at apex of antennomere X; antennomeres III-V cylindrical, VI and VII wider at apex, VIII-XI uniformly, but only slightly, widened. Antennomeres IV and VIII-XI slightly arced. Scape (0.55 mm) with apex slightly projecting; antennomere III (0.90 mm), IV (0.60 mm), V (0.70 mm), VI (0.80 mm), VII (0.70 mm), VIII and IX (0.60 mm), X (0.55 mm), XI (0.65 mm). Prothorax distinctly longer (1.45 mm) than wide (1.15 mm), sides widest just behind middle, slightly sinuate to front margin (apical constriction feeble); apical border impunctate and moderately prominent; basal constriction narrow, but deep; front margin slightly narrower (0.90 mm) than hind margin (1.00 mm). Pronotum convex, midline slightly raised, narrowly towards front, broadly through saddle-like area; the paired calli in this area, rounded and low; rest of pronotal surface punctured and pubescent, the latter hiding hind angles. Prosternum with apical third abruptly declivous with basal two-thirds. Scutellum partially hidden by pubescence, but appears to be moderately small and quadrate, and declivous at midline. Elytra (4.00 mm), 3.1 longer than width of humeri; reaching apical third of urosternite III; apical lobes well defined, almost parallel-sided, strongly tumid at midline, and slightly upturned. Abdomen broadest at urosternite II; I quadrate, the rest transverse.

Legs: Ratio of length from front to hind leg 1.0:1.6:2.2. Front leg: relatively long (3.35 mm); peduncles short; clave robust and abrupt, sides only moderately. Middle (5.45 mm) and hind (7.35 mm) legs long (the latter as long as body); apex of metafemora reaching middle of urosternite V; metatibia slightly shorter (2.90 mm) than metafemora. Metatarsomere I long (0.65 mm), 1.3 longer than II + III (0.50 mm).

Genitalia ( Fig. 11A View FIGURES 7‑12 ): Tegmen very similar to that of E. thomasi ; but lateral lobes distinctly widened at apex, and only slightly longer than basal piece.

Description of female ( Fig. 4B View FIGURES 4‑6 ): Example size 8.00 mm; sexual dichromatism limited to the following: antennomeres VIII and IX, and apical third of VII white; hind tibia entirely yellow and metatarsus yellow (only apex of onychium dusky). Pubescence is generally less dense, and puncturation very similar to male.

Structure: Forebody (4.0 mm) 1.2 longer than abdomen (3.4 mm). Rostrum hardly longer (0.25 mm) than in male, half length of inferior lobes. Front margin of clypeus prominent. Eyes slightly smaller and less convex than those of male; width of one inferior lobe (0.40 mm); about 1.1 interocular distance (0.35 mm); interocular flat and planar with inferior lobes, with disorderly pubescence and moderately small round punctures, the latter almost uniform in size; superior lobe with 9-10 rows of ommatidia. Antennae reach apex of urosternite IV, not entirely filiform, antennomeres VIII and IX incrassate, X and XI characteristically narrower, and comparatively small; measurements: antennomere III (0.95 mm), IV (0.55 mm), V (0.70 mm), VI (0.80 mm), VII (0.70 mm), VIII and IX (0.70 mm), X (0.50 mm), XI (0.55 mm). Prothorax sides more rounded than male, apical and basal constrictions stronger; lateral pubescence of pronotum not reaching “saddle”, leaving the latter wider than in male, and uncovering hind angles.

Pro- and mesosterna similar to male; mesosternal declivity slightly stronger than in male. Elytra broader than in male, 2.8 longer than width of humeri (but also reaching apical third of urosternite III); and slightly less dehiscent (as apical lobes less projecting). Metasternum slightly tumid anteriorly (with mesocoxae planar here). Abdomen rather short: urosternites II and III widest, equal in length, and with sides rounded; abdominal process inclined as in male. Apical tergite slightly constricted before apex; apical margin weakly rounded. Legs longer than in male, especially hind leg (8.30 mm); ratio of length from front to hind leg 1.0:1.7:2.5; metafemora longer (3.40 mm) than in male (apex passing apex of abdomen), but very slightly shorter than metatibia; metatarsomere I short, 1.2 longer than II + III.

Measurements (mm): 12 males / 14 females: total length 6.75-8.25/7.60-10.65; length of pronotum 1.30-1.65/1.50-1.95; width of pronotum 1.05-1.20/1.20-1.55; length of elytra 3.65-4.75/4.50-5.60; width at humeri 1.20-1.50/1.45-2.00.

Type material: Holotype male, BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz, Provincia Florida, Floripondio (west), 18°08’S / 63°45’W, 1893 m, flying to/on flowers of “Lloque colorado”, 01.XI.2009, Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( MNKM). GoogleMaps

Paratype with nearly same data as holotype: 1 female 02. XI .2009, Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( RCSZ) GoogleMaps .

Paratypes with same locality as holotype, different host flower: Flying to/on flowers of “Sagüintillo” GoogleMaps , 3 males, 2 females, 01. XI.2009 , Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( RCSZ); 1 male, 02. XI.2009 , Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( RCSZ).

Paratypes with slightly different locality from holotype, and different host flowers: Provincia Florida ,

Floripondio (east), 18°08’S / 63°44’W, 1914 m. On/ flying to flowers of “Llave”: 3 males, 25. XI.2009 , Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( RCSZ); 1 male, 1 female, 26. XI .2009, Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( RCSZ). On / flying to flowers of “Sotillo” : 2 males, 25. IX.2009 , Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( RCSZ); 1 male, 25. IX.2009 , Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( MNRJ); 1 male, 1 female, 26. XI.2009 , Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( MZUSP); 1 male, 1 female, 27. XI.2009 , Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( RCSZ); 1 female, 29. XI.2009 , Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( RCSZ).

Paratypes with locality not far from that of holotype: Amboró Rd above Achira, 18°07’43”S /63°47’98”W, 1768 m, 1 female, 17-20. XI .2003, Morris, Nearns & Wappes col. ( MNRJ); 2 females, 09-11.X.2004, Morris & Wappes col. ( FSCA); 2 females, 09-11.X.2004, Morris & Wappes col. ( ACMT) .

Etymology: This new species is dedicated to James E. Wappes in recognition of his admirable endeavour to collect every species of Bolivian cerambycid.


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Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology

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