Condylostoma spatiosum Ozaki and Yagiu

Wilbert, Norbert & Song, Weibo, 2008, A further study on littoral ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) near King George Island, Antarctica, with description of a new genus and seven new species, Journal of Natural History 42 (13 - 14), pp. 979-1012 : 990

publication ID 10.1080/00222930701877540

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Condylostoma spatiosum Ozaki and Yagiu


Condylostoma spatiosum Ozaki and Yagiu View in CoL in Yagiu, 1944

( Figures 10A, B View Figure 10 )

This organism corresponds perfectly to both the original description ( Yagiu 1944) and those subsequently made by Shao et al. (2006). Hence only a brief description will be documented here.


Cells in vivo about 400–600 Mm long, with a roomy triangular buccal cavity, which is consistently about one-third of body length. Cell basically colourless to slightly greyish or yellow-brownish when observed at low magnification. Macronucleus beaded, with about 15 fragments, located along right cell margin ( Figure 10A View Figure 10 , arrow).

Adoral zone conspicuous, consisting of about 130 membranelles. Paroral membrane genus-typical, highly developed. The bases of two membrane-like frontal cirri conspicuously long, arranged in parallel or side-by-side at distal end of adoral zone. About 60 somatic kineties composed of densely arranged dikinetids, mostly extending over entire length of body, occasionally several kineties on ventral side strongly shortened or fragmented. One ventral suture recognizable at posterior portion of cell ( Figure 10B View Figure 10 , arrowhead).


This species was first mentioned at an annual meeting of Japanese zoologists in 1942 and cited later by Yagiu (1944) as Condylostoma spatiosum Ozaki and Yagiu in his subsequent descriptions. According to the regulations of ICZN (1999), the original (1942) report is nomenclaturally a nomen nudum because there were no available and formal descriptions/ publications to define that taxon. Hence the valid name of this species should be cited as Condylostoma spatiosum Ozaki and Yagiu in Yagiu, 1944 ( Shao et al. 2006). This organism is recognized by the combination of the arrangement of two membrane-like frontal cirri, the high number of somatic kineties, general body shape and size, marine habitat as well as the number of adoral membranelles ( Yagiu 1944; Shao et al. 2006).

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