Benibotarus longicornis ( Reiche, 1878 )

Kazantsev, S. V. & Zaitsev, A. A., 2021, First description of Benibotarus Kôno, 1932 larva, with supplementary data on B. longicornis (Reiche, 1878) imago (Coleoptera: Lycidae), Russian Entomological Journal 30 (3), pp. 275-281 : 276-279

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.30.3.04

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scientific name

Benibotarus longicornis ( Reiche, 1878 )


Benibotarus longicornis ( Reiche, 1878)

Figs 1–18 View Fig View Figs 2–7 View Figs 8–11 View Figs 12–15 View Figs 16–18 .

Eros longicornis Reiche, 1878 : XXVII.

Dictyoptera longicornis : Jacobson, 1911: 666; Barovskij, 1931: 15; Kleine, 1942: 49.

Benibotarus longicornis : Bocak et Bocakova, 1987: 116.

= Pyropterus shelkovnikovi Barovskij, 1930: 615 ; 1931: 21; Kleine, 1942: 44.

MATERIAL: Larvae: 3 specimens, S Russia, NW Caucasus, Adygeya, Guzeripl, env. Mt. Filimonova , under bark of dead fur, 1200 m, 43.9981N, 40.1695E, 15.VI.2007, A. Zaitsev leg. ( ICM and MPGU) GoogleMaps ; imago: ♀, [ Russia],‘ Eisk. m., Mnk. l., 31.X.(19)10’ ( ZMMU, Fig. 18 View Figs 16–18 ) ; ♂, ‘ Caucasus, [ Georgia], Distr. Gori, Bakuriani , [6000 feet], 20.VIII.1912, [M. Kozlovskij]’, ‘ Pyropterus shelkovnikovi typ. un.’ (Barovskij’s manuscript label) ( ZIN) ; ♂, [Abkhasia], ‘ Sukhum, Mt. Bograt, park Vira , 3.XII.1931, B. Roddendorf’ ( ICM) .

DESCRIPTION. Last (?) instar. Body elongate, almost parallel-sided in thoracic and abdominal segments I–V, flattened. Upperside light yellow, with brownish spots at disk; head dorsally brownish; sclerites of underside and legs light yellow; cuticle uniformly finely alveolate ( Figs 1–7 View Fig View Figs 2–7 ).

Head strongly transverse, dorsally with convex anterior margin; head capsule open ventrally; lateral sclerites not fused to cranium, but approximate anteriorly, with two anterior setae; cranium (dorsal plate) with a pair of broadly separated setae at anterior margin, a pair of large setae at disk and a pair of setae at anterior-lateral corners; ventral plates with two anterior setae near lateral margin. Stemmata absent. Antennae located antero-laterally, relatively small, retractable, one-segmented, scapus elongate, ca. 1.5 times longer than wide; antennifer represented by narrow annuliform sclerite; scapus with relatively small apical membranous bilobed slit and two short distal setae ( Figs 8–10 View Figs 8–11 ).

Mandibular structures tripartite, consisting of sheath (ventral part), stiletto (narrow central part) and shutter (dorsal part). Sheath narrow, free; stiletto very narrow, distally attached to shutter; shutter one-segmented, narrow, with prominent seta near base; sheath/shutter (fossa/condyle) joint near the base of mandible ( Figs 9–10 View Figs 8–11 ).

Maxillary stipites fused to each other, forming ventral plate, with a pair of setae at antero-lateral corner and two setae at anterior margin. Galea elongate, almost attaining to apex of palpomere 2, basally fused with palpiger, located, with respect to palps, intero-dorsally, with several setae. Palps threesegmented; palpiger well developed, transverse, ca. 1.5 times longer than wide, subequal in length to palpomeres 1 and 2 taken together, with numerous apical and lateral setae; palpomeres 1 and 2 of approximately equal length and width, but palpomere 1 noticeably wider than palpomere 2; palpomere 3 conspicuously narrower than palpomere 2 and subequal in length to palpomere 1. Labial prementum narrow, not divid- ed by median suture; palps two-segmented; ligula absent ( Fig. 10 View Figs 8–11 ).

Thoracic terga not wider than abdominal tergites, with transverse sclerites, divided medially into two parts by a conspicuous light suture ( Fig. 1 View Fig ). Thoracic pleura consisting of two sclerites, roundish anterior epipleurite and slightly more elongate posterior hypopleurite; in prothorax epipleurite absent, hypopleurite semi-fused to tergum. Mesothoracic epipleurite with relatively large, annular-biforous functional spiracle; metathoracic epipleurite with minute non-functional spiracle ( Fig. 4 View Figs 2–7 ). Sclerites of sterna heart-shaped, with two relatively short discal setae ( Fig. 3 View Figs 2–7 ).

Coxa elongate; trochanter divided by a narrow membranous/less sclerotised stripe into two parts. Coxa, trochanter and femur with two relatively long setae each; tibia with numerous short setae. Tibiae of front legs subequal in length to femurs, tibiae of middle and hind legs slightly longer than femurs. Claws elongate, but considerably shorter than tibiae, with one prominent seta on conspicuously widened basis at inner margin and another at outer margin at the base ( Figs 3–4 View Figs 2–7 ).

Sclerites of abdominal tergites 1–8 transverse, subrectangular, with rounded corners, divided medially into two parts by a conspicuous light suture. Tergite 9 moderately transverse, ca. 1.2 times wider than long, with rounded posterior margin, slightly notched medially, divided medially by inconspicuous suture, concolourous with the tergite disk, with six setae at posterior edge, two dorsally and four ventrally. Abdominal pleura consisting of two elongate sclerites, larger epipleurite (more dorsal) and smaller sternopleurite (more ventral). Abdominal spiracles, present in segments 1–8, annular-biforous, located in the centre of dorsal half, far from dorsal edge of epipleurite; abdominal spiracle of segment 1 relatively large, similar to mesothoracic spiracle, abdominal spiracles of segments 2–7 small. Sclerites of sternites transverse, subrectangular, with slightly rounded corners and a pair of setae at posterior margin. Abdominal segment 10 tubular, ca. 1.3 times shorter than long ( Figs 5–7 View Figs 2–7 , 11 View Figs 8–11 ).

Length: 9.5 mm; width (at dorsum): 1.7 mm.

Female. Dark brown to black; pronotum and elytra bright red; scutellum reddish brown at apex ( Fig. 16 View Figs 16–18 ).

Vertex with shallow impression behind antennal prominence and a pair of small round excavations at it bottom. Eyes small, interocular distance ca. 2.3 times greater than eye diameter. Labrum small, transverse, convex anteriorly. Palps relatively robust; ultimate palpomeres about as long as wide, obliquely convex at apex. Antennal sockets separated by narrow lamina. Antennae attaining to elytral middle, filiform; antennomere 3 subequal in length to antennomere 2, but noticeably wider, and ca. 3 times shorter than antennomere 4; antennomeres 3–11 with short sub-erect pubescence ( Figs 16, 17 View Figs 16–18 ).

Pronotum transverse, ca. 1.5 times wider than long, with straight sides, sinuate basally and noticeably produced anteriorly, with small acute posterior and distinct anterior angles; median cell broad, oval, not attaining to posterior margin. Scutellum triangular, slightly widened before and incised at apex ( Fig. 16 View Figs 16–18 ).

Metaventrite transverse, ca. 1.2 times wider than long, with discrimen (metasternal suture) not quite attaining to mesosternal posterior margin ( Fig. 17 View Figs 16–18 ).

Elytra moderately long, ca. 3.1 times longer than wide at humeri, parallel-sided; with three stout, almost equally developed primary costae, only sutural costa noticeably weaker in distal half; interstices with even rows of irregular subquadrate cells; pubescence dense, short and decumbent ( Fig. 16 View Figs 16–18 ).

Legs relatively robust; hind coxae short, widely separat- ed; trochanters elongate, pro- and mesotrochanters oval, metatrochanters triangular, with rounded outer angle; femoris and tibiae straight, subequal in length ( Figs 16, 17 View Figs 16–18 ).

Length: 8.2 mm. Width at humeri: 2.6 mm.

Male. Similar to female, but distinctly more narrow, antennae considerably longer, attaining to elytral four fifths, with short erect pubescence; mesotrochanters with more pronounced outer angles ( Fig. 12 View Figs 12–15 ).

DISTRIBUTION. Southern Russia (env. Eisk and Guzeripl in Krasnodar Kraj), Abkhasia (Sukhum), western Georgia (Bakuriani, Batumi) ( Map 1 View Map 1 ).


Instituto de Ciencias del Mar


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum














Benibotarus longicornis ( Reiche, 1878 )

Kazantsev, S. V. & Zaitsev, A. A. 2021

Benibotarus longicornis

Bocak L. & Bocakova M. 1987: 116

Pyropterus shelkovnikovi

Kleine R. 1942: 44
Barovskij V. V. 1931: 21
Barovskij V. V. 1930: 615

Dictyoptera longicornis

Kleine R. 1942: 49
Barovskij V. V. 1931: 15
Jacobson G. 1911: 666
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF