Phaea chemsaki, Toledo-Hernández, Víctor Hugo, Martínez-Hernández, José G. & Bezark, Larry, 2016

Toledo-Hernández, Víctor Hugo, Martínez-Hernández, José G. & Bezark, Larry, 2016, Two new species of the genus Phaea Newman, 1840 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from Mexico, Zootaxa 4208 (1) : -

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scientific name

Phaea chemsaki

sp. nov.

Phaea chemsaki sp. nov.

( Figures 1 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ̄4)

Description. Male. Form moderate-sized, broad, integument yellow-orange on head; prosternum, mesosternum, legs, posterior margins of first four ventrites, and antennae black; pronotum and metasternum reddish; elytra darkreddish. Head moderate-sized, front convex, micropunctate with larger punctures sparsely interspersed on the upper side of the front, pubescence dense, pale, appressed, golden long, erect setae sparse at sides; vertex very sparsely punctate, abundant, short golden pubescence; interantennal impression very shallow; antennae with scape dorsally flattened, densely, shallowly punctate, strongly asperate at apex; antennomere III longer than the rest, antennomere IV longer than scape, antennomeres V to VII decreasing in length, underside from scape to the beginning of antennomere IV with short whitish pubescence on the ventral side, antennomeres IV to VII subopaque, densely clothed with very short pubescence, long, erect setae sparse beneath, denser on basal antennomeres, scape, pedicel and antennomeres IIĪV bristling with suberect setae dorsally. Pronotum broader than long, sides strongly, obtusely angulate; apex and base broadly impressed, basal deeper; umbo rounded, strongly convex, sides not distinctly delimited except for a row of coarse punctures down each side, middle coarsely, sparsely punctate, each puncture bearing a long, erect, reddish-brown seta; sides finely, sparsely punctate, each puncture bearing a long, erect seta, underlying pubescence absent; prosternum narrow, sparsely pubescent; intercoxal process very narrow; mesosternum sparsely pubescent, intercoxal process narrow, metasternum sparsely punctate, sparsely golden pubescent. Scutellum reddish, slightly emarginated at apex. Elytra about 2.3 as long as broad, sides shallowly impressed, apices moderately expanded; punctures coarse, separated, irregularly linear, finer toward apex; pubescence dense, short, grayish, depressed, very long, pale erect golden setae more abundant on the basal half, long, erect setae numerous to apex; apices broadly rounded. Legs short, sparsely punctate; middle femora with trochanters apically produced into a short, acute tooth, base of femora with a short acute tooth on ventral edge near trochanters. Abdomen very finely, very sparsely punctate, posterior margins of first four ventrites glabrous; pubescence moderately dense, long, erect, golden; fifth ventrite shallowly emarginate at apex, abundant golden setae on the margin. Length, 9 mm.

Female. Unknown.

Material examined. Holotype male from MEXICO : Chiapas, Suchiate , 1 km W Ciudad Hidalgo, 14.67902 N, 92.19113 W, Alt. 20 m, Selva Mediana Perennifolia, golpeando vegetación secundaria, 7-VI-2015, Col. V. H Toledo. Deposited in CIUM GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. This species resembles Phaea janzeni Chemsak, 1999 because of the middle leg with trochanters and the base of femora with a short acute tooth. However, the coloration patterns in both species are very different, P. janzeni has black elytra, while the new species has dark-red elytra.

Etymology. We are pleased to name this species in memory of John A. Chemsak, a great person and excellent entomologist, and who contributed much to the knowledge of Cerambycidae .













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