Nalassus (Nalassus)

Nabozhenko, Maxim & Ando, Kiyoshi, 2018, Subtribal, Generic And Subgeneric Composition Of Darkling Beetles Of The Tribe Helopini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) In The Eastern Palaearctic Region, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 64 (4), pp. 277-327 : 302-303

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Nalassus (Nalassus)


Nalassus (Nalassus) olgae Nabozhenko et Ivanov, 2015

Nabozhenko & Ivanov, 2015: 138, figs 1–12 ( Nalassus ( Helopocerodes )).

Type material examined. Holotype, m ( ZIN) and 42 paratypes (21 m, 21 f) ( ZIN and private collections of M. Nabozhenko and S. Ivanov) with label: “ Russia, Primorsky kray, Oktyabrsky District, near Chernyatino, Sinelovka Mt. , 17.05.– 28.06.2014 (leg. S.N. Ivanov)”. Distribution. Russia (Far East, Primorsky kray).

Nalassus (Nalassus) formosanus ( Masumoto, 1981) , comb. n.

( Fig. 12A View Fig )

Masumoto, 1981: 35, photo 15 ( Tarpela ); Masumoto et Kondo, 1984: 23 ( Tarpela ); Nabozhenko & Löbl, 2008: 257 ( Tarpela ); Ando et al., 2016: 24 ( Tarpela ); Masumoto et al., 2017: 2, figs 6, 18–19 ( Tarpela ).

Material examined. 1 f ( EUM): Taiwan: Taichung, Mt. Anmashan , alt. ca. 2275 m, 3.vii.2005 (leg. Hisamatsu S-T.) .

Distribution. Taiwan.

Notes. MASUMOTO et al. (2017) indicated that punctation of pronotum of this species is very dense, with sometimes connected elongate punctures. They studied the specimen from the same locality (Mt. Anmashan) in their series. The specimen examined by us has moderately dense punctation of round not connected punctures. Length of beetles from the type series are 7–13 mm ( MASUMOTO 1981), and in the recent key are 10.5–16 mm in contrast with all other smaller species ( MASUMOTO et al. 2017, p. 10).

Nalassus (Nalassus) zoltani ( Masumoto, 1981) , comb. n.

( Fig. 12B View Fig )

Masumoto, 1981: 34, photo 14 ( Tarpela ); Masumoto & Kondo, 1984: 23; Nabozhenko & Löbl, 2008: 257 ( Tarpela ); Ando et al., 2016: 24 ( Tarpela ); Masumoto et al., 2017: 2, fig. 7 ( Tarpela ).

Material examined. 2 m ( CKA): Taiwan, Iylan , Tatung Township, alt. 1950 m ,

30.iii.2004 (leg. T. Kurihara) ; 1 f ( CKA): Taiwan, Chiai Hsien near Fenchifu , 10–11.iv.1995

(leg. H. Kojima) Distribution. Taiwan.

Notes. The male of this species has been unknown. In our examination, the male differs from female in the deeply depressed strial punctures in the basal half of elytra, and very fine not depressed punctures in the apical half; protarsomeres I–IV are weakly widened, longitudinal; antennae are longer (fourth apical antennomeres extending beyond the base of pronotum, antennae reaching basal third of elytra), and pronotum is narrower (1.3 times as wide as long).

Nalassus (Nalassus) pilushenmuus (Masumoto, Akita et Lee, 2017), comb. n.

( Fig. 12C View Fig )

Masumoto et al., 2017: 2, figs 1, 8–9 ( Tarpela pilushenmua).

Material examined. 1 m ( CKA): Taiwan, Iylan, Tatung Township, alt. 1950 m, 30.iii.2004 (leg. T. Kurihara) .

Distribution. Taiwan.

Notes. Masumoto et al. (2017) indicated in the description that male pronotum in this species is 1.2 times as wide as long. These mesurements were used by the authors in the key: 9(10) “... width/length = ca 1.20 (m)” and 10(9) “... width/length = 1.25–1.50 (m)”. Measurements of pronotum on the photo of the holotype ( Masumoto et al., 2017, fig. 1) clearly show that the pronotum is 1.28 times as wide as long. Our specimen has pronotum 1.27 times as wide as long. As a result, this character is not suitable for identification. It has much more distinct differential character such as external morphology of male protarsi, which are not widened in Nalassus pilushenmuus and distinctly widened in compared species N. xiaoxueshanus (Masumoto, Akita and Lee, 2017) and N. dongurii (Masumoto, Akita and Lee, 2017) (see MASUMOTO et al. 2017: figs 1, 3, 4).


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics













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