Symbiopsocus, Li, 1997

Liu, Luxi, Li, Fasheng & Liu, Zhiqi, 2014, A new species of Symbiopsocus Li (Psocodea: “ Psocoptera ”: Psocidae) from Taiwan, China, with a revised checklist and key to species, Zootaxa 3774 (3), pp. 289-294 : 292-293

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3774.3.6

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name



Key to species of Chinese Symbiopsocus View in CoL


1. Hypandrium with only one tier of lobes.................................................................... 2

-. Hypandrium with more than one tier of lobes............................................................... 3

2. Phallosome ovoid, basally expanded........................................................... diplocyclus Li View in CoL

-. Phallosome long and narrow................................................................... ternatus (Li) View in CoL

3. Fore wing with markings; hypandrium with median structure.................................................. 4

-. Fore wing without markings; hypandrium with or without median structure........................................ 5

4. Fore wing with marginal markings along veins; hypandrium with median structure forked distally...... multimacularis (Li) View in CoL

-. Fore wing without marginal markings, only in cell R 5 and basal corner of discoidal cell; hypandrium with median structure not forked distally.......................................................................... ophiocephalus (Li)

5. Hypandrium with median structure...................................................................... 6

-. Hypandrium without median structure..................................................................... 9

6. Fore wing with very short spurvein....................................................................... 7

-. Fore wing without spurvein............................................................................. 8

7. Fore wing with Rs and M meeting at a point; phallosome long and narrow, not curved medially............. dolichosus (Li)

-. Fore wing with Rs and M connected by a crossvein; phallosome curved medially, nearly with angle of 90°..................................................................................................... septangulatus (Li)

8. Fore wing with Rs and M fused for a distance; hypandrium with median structure relatively larger, phallosome curved................................................................................................. bicruris (Li) View in CoL

-. Fore wing with Rs and M connected by a crossvein; hypandrium with median structure smaller, phallosome long and narrow, not curved.............................................................................. yangminus View in CoL sp. n.

9. Hypandrium basally with fine spines..................................................................... 10

-. Hypandrium basally smooth, without spines............................................................... 12

10. Posterior lobes of hypandrium covered with minute denticles................................ formosanus (Okamoto) View in CoL

-. Posterior lobes of hypandrium smooth.................................................................... 11

11. Hypandrium basally with 5 spines........................................................... chaulommaus Li View in CoL

-. Hypandrium basally with area of small spines................................................... subrhombeus Li View in CoL

12. Epiproct proximally flat.................................................................... longicaulis (Li) View in CoL

-. Epiproct proximally invaginated on each side.............................................................. 13

13. Hypandrium asymmetrical...................................................................... yajunae Li View in CoL

-. Hypandrium symmetrical.............................................................................. 14

14. Forewing with Sc ending at Rs............................................................... leptocladus Li View in CoL

-. Forewing with Sc ending free in membrane............................................................... 15

15. Posterior lobes of hypandrium forming V-shaped structure; basally with sharp sclerotized region on each side.................................................................................................... furcatus Liu et al.

-. Posterior lobes of hypandrium not forming V-shaped structure; basally with no sharp sclerotized region.... quadripartitus Li View in CoL


1. Fore wing with marginal markings and without spurvein....................................................... 2

-. Fore wing without marginal markings and with or without very short spurvein..................................... 4

2. Fore wing with Rs and M meeting at a point; subgenital plate with egg guide pigmented apically.............. unitus (Li)

-. Fore wing with Rs and M connected by a crossvein; subgenital plate with egg guide not pigmented apically............. 3

3. Fore wing with marginal markings from distal corner of pterostigma to areola postica; pigmented arms of subgenital plate slender................................................................................... changbaiensis (Li) View in CoL

-. Fore wing with marginal markings along veins; pigmented arms of subgenital plate relatively broad..... multimacularis (Li) View in CoL

4. Fore wing with very short spurvein........................................................................ 5

-. Fore wing without spurvein............................................................................. 7

5. Fore wing with markings in middle of cell R 5; pigmented arms of subgenital plate not curved............. magnificus (Li)

-. Fore wing without such markings; pigmented arms of subgenital plate curved..................................... 6

6. Fore wing with Rs and M connected by a crossvein; subgenital plate with egg guide neither invaginated proximally nor pigmented apically undulatus (Li)

-. Fore wing with Rs and M fused for a distance; subgenital plate with egg guide invaginated proximally and pigmented apically............................................................................................. latus (Li)

7. Pigmented arms of subgenital plate weak and slender, not forming V-shaped pattern................... chaulommaus Li View in CoL

-. Pigmented arms of subgenital plate forming V-shaped pattern at terminal ends..................................... 8

8. Fore wing with Rs and M fused for a distance............................................................... 9

-. Fore wing with Rs and M connected by a crossvein......................................................... 10

9. Fore wing with Sc ending at Rs, first section of Cu 1a longer than second section......................... leptocladus Li View in CoL

-. Fore wing with Sc ending free in membrane, first and second sections of Cu 1a of equal length............ furcatus Liu et al.

10. Pigmented arms of subgenital plate reached marginally, egg guide not pigmented apically................ nanyuensis (Li) View in CoL

-. Pigmented arms of subgenital plate not reached marginally, egg guide pigmented apically............... yangminus View in CoL sp. n.











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