Euura striata ( Hartig, 1837 )

Prous, Marko, Liston, Andrew, Monckton, Spencer K., Kramp, Katja, Vårdal, Hege, Vikberg, Veli, Heibo, Erik & Mutanen, Marko, 2025, West Palaearctic species of Euura Newman, 1837 (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 977, pp. 1-377 : 160-162

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Plazi (2025-03-03 10:25:10, last updated 2025-03-20 21:31:02)

scientific name

Euura striata ( Hartig, 1837 )


228 Euura striata ( Hartig, 1837)

Figs 246–247 View Figs 243–247 , 466–468 View Figs 464–477

Nematus striatus Hartig, 1837: 191 . Lectotype designated by Saarinen (1950b).

Amauronematus subnitens Saarinen, 1950b: 49–54 . Syn. nov.

Amauronematus mimus Schmidt, 1997: 285–286 . Secondary homonym of Pteronus mimus Konow, 1903 [= Euura mimus (Konow, 1903) ]. Syn. nov.

Amauronematus subfuscus Schmidt, 1997: 294 . Holotype ♀ (, MZH). Type locality: Toivakka [688: 45], Finland. Syn. nov.

Euura mimator Schmidt, 2014 in Prous et al. 2014: 52. Replacement name for Amauronematus mimus Schmidt, 1997 .


This common species is very variable in colouration (from mostly black to extensively pale), and we have mainly delimited it using nuclear data. Although also genetically variable and not monophyletic, there is little doubt that most of the specimens we have identified as E. striata share the same gene pool, as indicated by the existence of highly heterozygous females. The genetic distances between the heterozygous females are small (0–0.88%, average 0.38%), while distances to the other species are larger (average distance 1.1%, minimum 0.15%), except to E. propinquator (minimum distance 0.05%) and E. tenuis (minimum distance 0%). The genetic distances between the haploid males (9, one of them a haploid larva) are large (average distance 1%), but these divergent gene variants co-exist in diploid females. The genetic variability is so large that a few conserved nuclear genes are enough to identify (nearly) every specimen. In colouration, E. striata can be similar to E. amicula , E. betulae , E. hartigi , E. propinquator , E. septentrionalis , E. stenogaster , E. tenuis , E. tota , and E. histriato sp. nov. Its lancet (ventrally concave, lamnium usually 1.6–1.7 times as long as radix) and valvula 3 (in dorsal view gradually narrowing and usually rather acute) can be used to separate E. striata from most of these species (see the relevant characters under E. amicula , E. hartigi , E. propinquator , E. stenogaster , E. tota , and E. histriato ). Morphological differences from E. betulae , E. septentrionalis , and E. tenuis are less clear. The lamnium of Euura septentrionalis is 1.9–2.2 times as long as the radix, it feeds on Betula , and is also supported by differences in nuclear gene sequences. The lancet of E. betulae may be slightly different (ventrally slightly concave in middle part and slightly convex apically, lamnium 1.5–1.6 times as long as radix), but a clearer difference is evident in nuclear genes if the specimen DEI-GISHym80673 is correctly associated with the holotype of betulae . Euura tenuis may also have a slightly different lancet (lamnium 1.9 times as long as radix), usually darker pterostigma (dark brown or grey), and might have different host preferences ( Salix glauca , S. lapponum and maybe S. lanata ), but is genetically not clearly different. However, some specimens, partly reared from grey willows, are genetically somewhat more distant to E. striata and E. tenuis (lancets Figs 250–251 View Figs 248–252 , penis valve Fig. 471 View Figs 464–477 ). They have lancets more similar to E. tenuis (lamnium 1.8 times as long as radix, e.g., in ZMUO.046519), but a pale brown pterostigma as in E. striata .

Lamnium 1.4 times as long as radix (straight or slightly ventrally convex; ZMUO.035392),?1.4–1.5 (GBIF-GISHym3058), 1.5–1.6 (DEI-GISHym21340), 1.6 (DEI-GISHym12566, DEI-GISHym84235, GL.3827), 1.6–1.7 (DEI-GISHym84211, DEI-GISHym12022).

Type material examined

Lectotype Nematus striatus

GERMANY • ♀; Berlin area; 52° N, 13° E; ZSM, GBIF-GISHym3058 . GoogleMaps

Holotype Amauronematus subnitens

FINLAND – Inari Lapland • ♀; Utsjoki, Outakoski; 69.61° N, 25.98° E; 21 Jun. 1947; A. Saarinen leg.; MZH, GoogleMaps


Lancet most similar to E. amicula (lamnium 2 times as long as radix based on Schmidt 1997), otherwise most similar to E. striata (DEI-GISHym84235, ZMUO.035556).

Holotype Amauronematus mimus

FINLAND – Häme • ♀; Pälkäne; 61.335° N, 24.272° E; 22 May 1965; J. Kangas leg.; MZH, GoogleMaps


Lancet most similar to E. subfusca . Lamnium 1.7 (based on Schmidt 1997) or 1.8–1.9 (holotype) times as long as radix. Holotype most similar to ZMUO.046523, ZMUO.063032.

Holotype Amauronematus subfuscus

FINLAND – Central Finland • ♀; Toivakka [688: 45]; 62.098° N, 26.082° E; 6 Jun. 1973; E. Tiihonen leg.; MZH, GoogleMaps


Serrulae like in E. elbrus , E. septentrionalis , E. striata . Lamnium 1.7–1.8 times as long as radix (holotype). Most similar to ZMUO.045409.

Host plants

Salix aurita ( Schmidt 1997) , S. caprea , S. myrsinifolia , S. phylicifolia .



Based on 30 specimens, maximum within-species distance is 2.43% and the nearest neighbours, diverging by a minimum of 0%, are Euura rufa , E. schlueteri , E. stordalensis , E. amicula , E. nuorbinjargi , E. tenuis , E. tota , E. betulae , E. histrio , and E. septentrionalis .


Based on 30 specimens, maximum within-species distance is 1.37% (1.41% based on haplotypes of individual females). The nearest neighbour, diverging by a minimum of 0%, is Euura tenuis . 0% distance is based on a pair of heterozygous females ZMUO.046518 ( E. tenuis ) and DEI-GISHym31412 ( E. striata ) that have only NaK and POL2 available. The heterozygous positions are not identical though. There is one fixed and several almost fixed differences between the species in the HSP90 h1 gene.

Distribution and material examined

Palaearctic. Specimens studied are from Finland, Germany, Russia, and Sweden.

Hartig T. 1837. Die Aderflugler Deutschlands mit besonderer Berucksichtigung ihres Larvenzustandes und ihres Wirkens in Waldern und Garten fur Entomologen, Wald- und Gartenbesitzer. Die Familien der Blattwespen und Holzwespen nebst einer allgemeinen Einleitung zur Naturgeschichte der Hymenopteren. Haude und Spenersche Buchhandlung, Berlin.

Prous M., Blank S. M., Goulet H., Heibo E., Liston A., Malm T., Nyman T., Schmidt S., Smith D., Vardal H., Viitasaari M., Vikberg V. & Taeger A. 2014. The genera of Nematinae (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 40: 1-69.

Saarinen A. 1950 b. Amauronematus hartigi n. sp., eine neue Blattwespenart (Hym., Symphyta) aus der Sammlung Th. Hartigs in Munchen. Annales Entomologici Fennici 16 (1): 18-24.

Schmidt S. 1997. Amauronematus Konow, 1890 - Okologie und Taxonomie der nordeuropaischen Arten des fallax - Komplexes (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae). Beitrage zur Entomologie 47 (2): 227 - 326. Schmidt S., Blank S. M. & Zinovjev A. G. 1998. Taxonomic status of Tenthredo capreae Linne, 1758 revisited and the type species of Pachynematus Konow, 1890 (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae). In: Taeger A. & Blank S. M. (eds) Pflanzenwespen Deutschlands (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). Kommentierte Bestandsaufnahme: 279-282. Goecke & Evers, Keltern.

Gallery Image

Figs 243–247. Lancets of Euura Newman, 1837. 243. schlueteri (Enslin, 1915) DEI-GISHym84207. 244. stenogaster (Förster, 1854), neotype, ♀ GBIF-GISHym3057. 245. tota (Saarinen, 1950) DEI- GISHym84215. 246. striata (Hartig, 1837) DEI-GISHym84235. 247. striata ZMUO.035392.

Gallery Image

Figs 464–477. Penis valves of Euura Newman, 1837. 464. septentrionalis (Saarinen, 1950) DEI- GISHym12060. 465. stenogaster (Förster, 1854) ZMUO.030816. 466. striata (Hartig, 1837) DEI- GISHym84228. 467. striata DEI-GISHym84233. 468. striata ZMUO.058015. 469. tenuis (Schmidt, 1997) ZMUO.045038. 470. tota (Saarinen, 1950) DEI-GISHym84216. 471. histrio group sp. ZMUO.067381. 472. opacipleuris (Konow, 1895) DEI-GISHym12562. 473. stordalensis (Strand, 1905) DEI-GISHym12097. 474. fasciata (Konow, 1897) DEI-GISHym80666. 475. semilactea (Zaddach, 1883) DEI-GISHym12371. 476. variator (Ruthe, 1859) DEI-GISHym83701. 477. variator DEI- GISHym84189.

Gallery Image

Figs 248–252. Lancets of Euura Newman, 1837. 248. tenuis (Schmidt, 1997), holotype, ♀ 249. septentrionalis (Saarinen, 1950) ZMUO.037302. 250. histrio group sp. ZMUO.046519. 251. histrio group sp. DEI-GISHym12061. 252. histriato Prous, Liston & Mutanen sp. nov. DEI-GISHym12305.


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Finnish Museum of Natural History


University of Oulu Zoological Museum

















