Euura myosotidis ( Fabricius, 1804 )
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Plazi (2025-03-03 10:25:10, last updated 2025-03-13 17:53:39) |
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Euura myosotidis ( Fabricius, 1804 ) |
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187 Euura myosotidis ( Fabricius, 1804)
Figs 202 View Figs 199–202 , 433–434 View Figs 422–435
Tenthredo myosotidis Fabricius, 1804: 41–42 . Syntypes, sex not stated (1 specimen in NHMD according to Zimsen 1964), not examined. Type locality: Germania.
Nematus interruptus Serville, 1823: 67 . Lectotype ♀ (MNHN), designated by Lacourt (2000), not examined. Type locality: France, Ile-de-France, Paris. Synonymy by Konow (1903c).
Nematus segmentarius Förster, 1854a: 283–284 . Lectotype designated below. Synonymy by Dalla Torre (1894).
Nematus ambiguus Förster, 1854a: 279–280 . Lectotype ♀ (ZSM), designated by Taeger & Blank (1998), not examined. Type locality: Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Aachen area. Synonymy by Konow (1903c).
Nematus incompletus Förster, 1854a: 297–298 . Syn. nov.
Nematus smaragdinus Stein, 1881: 60–62 . Syntypes ♀♀ (BMNH?), not examined. Type locality: Czech Republic, Bohemia, Chodau [Chodov]. Syn. nov.
Nematus pulchellus Cameron, 1882: 537–538 . Syntypes, sex not stated (BMNH?), not examined. Type locality: United Kingdom, Scotland, Clydesdale. Syn. nov.
Nematus decipiens W.F. Kirby, 1882: 107 . Replacement name for Nematus ambiguus Förster, 1854 .
Nematus chlorogaster Zaddach, 1884 in Brischke 1884: 149–150. Syntypes ♀♀ ♂♂, not located. Type localities: Gdansk [Danzig], Kaliningrad [Königsberg], Frankfurt a.M, Kiel, Munich, Vienna, Sweden. Syn. nov.
Pteronus atriceps Marlatt, 1896a: 44 (key), 52. Holotype ♀ (USNM?), not examined. Type locality: USA, Nevada. Syn. nov. Synonymy based on Poinar & Smith (2003). Additionally, a specimen originally identified as atriceps -group from USA (8e) is morphologically and genetically not distinguishable from E. myosotidis .
Pteronus californicus Marlatt, 1896a: 44–45 (key), 60. Holotype ♀ (USNM?), not examined. Type locality: USA, California. Syn. nov. Synonymised with Pteronus atriceps Marlatt by Smith (1979).
Pteronus myosotidis var. fallaciosus Konow, 1903b: 308 . Lectotype designated below. Synonymy by Enslin (1916a).
Pteronidea myosotidis var. pseudopavida Enslin, 1916a: 428 . Syntypes, sex not stated, not located. Type locality: not stated. Synonymy by Lacourt (1999).
Pteronidea myosotidis var. zaddachi Enslin, 1916a: 428 . Syntypes, sex not stated, not located. Type locality: not stated. Synonymy by Lindqvist (1960c).
Pteronidea segmentaria var. signata Enslin, 1916a: 426 . Lectotype designated below. Syn. nov.
Pteronidea segmentaria var. tessinensis Enslin, 1916a: 426 . Lectotype designated below. Syn. nov.
Pteronidea transversalis Lindqvist, 1977: 94–95 . Syn. nov.
Broad and yellowish pterostigma, colouration of the body (typically yellowish legs and abdomen ventrally, otherwise mostly black), bifid claws, in dorsal view narrow and pointed valvula 3, lancets (somewhat papilliform serrulae, with broad and round ventrobasal tip) and penis valves (valvispina large, distinctly expanded basally, ventroapical margin of paravalva broad and perpendicular to valvispina or inclined apically) enable reliable identification of the species. Sometimes, the abdomen can be mostly or nearly completely pale and also the thorax and head can be more extensively pale. In females, the abdomen of living specimens is sometimes green (“ Nematus incompletus ” form) rather than yellow, but there does not appear to be a correlation between this colour pattern and genetic data. The species is genetically diverse (as indicated also by the level of heterozygosity in females), but there is no clear indication of the existence of more than one species.
Type material examined
Lectotype Nematus segmentarius , here designated
GERMANY – Nordrhein-Westfalen • ♀; Aachen area ; 50.77° N, 6.09° E; ZSM, DEI-GISHym3418 . GoogleMaps
Lectotype Pteronus myosotidis var. fallaciosus , here designated
SPAIN – Galicia • ♀; Coruna ; 43.34° N, 8.42° E; SDEI, GBIF-GISHym3860 GoogleMaps .
Syntype Nematus incompletus
GERMANY – Nordrhein-Westfalen • ♀; Aachen area ; 50.77° N, 6.09° E; ZSM, DEI-GISHym3302 GoogleMaps .
Specimen almost completely destroyed: only left forewing remaining.
Lectotype Pteronidea segmentaria var. signata , here designated
GERMANY – Thüringen • ♂; Erfurt, Steiger ; 50.94° N, 11.03° E; 6 Jul. 1890; ZSM, GBIF-GISHym3424 GoogleMaps .
Lectotype Pteronidea segmentaria var. tessinensis , here designated
SWITZERLAND – Ticino • ♀; Valle Maggia ; 46.24° N, 8.71° E; ZSM, GBIF-GISHym3447 GoogleMaps .
Holotype Pteronidea transversalis
RUSSIA – Krasnoyarskiy Kray • ♀; Tjunojar ; 11 Jul. 1973; B.N. Verzhutskij leg.; MZH,
Host plants
A wide range of herbaceous Fabaceae Lindl. : Lathyrus spp. ( Kontuniemi 1960; Macek et al. 2020; rearings by VV), Lotus corniculatus L. ( Perkins 1929a), Trifolium spp. ( Macek et al. 2020; rearings by VV and mm), and Vicia spp. ( Kangas 1985; Macek et al. 2020).
Based on 58 specimens, maximum within-species distance is 4.71% and the nearest neighbour, diverging by a minimum of 5.47%, is Euura hypoxantha . We excluded a COI sequence of ZMUO.040362 from the calculation, because it has an unusual three nucleotide deletion (but not frame shifting) and is a minimum of 6.98% different from the other E. myosotidis . A similar (0.94% different) secondary variant with the deletion was detected in ZMUO.035000. The variant with the deletion may be a NUMT that is occasionally co-amplified.
Based on 16 specimens, maximum within-species distance is 0.94% (0.87% based on haplotypes of individual females). The nearest neighbour, diverging by a minimum of 0.98%, is Euura jugicola .
Distribution and material examined
Holarctic. Specimens studied are from Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada (only genetics), Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iran, Italy, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and the USA.
Brischke C. G. A. 1884. Beobachtungen uber die Arten der Blatt- und Holzwespen von C. G. A. Brischke, Hauptlehrer a. D. in Langfuhr und Dr. Gustav Zaddach, Professor in Konigsberg, mitgetheilt von Brischke aus Zaddach's Manuscripten. (Schluss). Schriften der physikalisch-okonomischen Gesellschaft zu Konigsberg 24 [1883]: 121-173.
Cameron P. 1882. XXIII. Descriptions of ten new species of Nematus from Britain. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 30 (4): 531-540.
Enslin E. 1916 a. Die Tenthredinoidea Mitteleuropas V. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift [1916]: 413-538.
Fabricius J. C. 1804. Systema Piezatorum secundum ordines, genera, species adiectis synonymis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus. Carolus Reichard, Braunschweig [Brunsvigae].
Forster A. 1854 a. Neue Blattwespen. Verhandlungen des naturhistorischen Vereines der preussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens 1: 265-350. Available from [accessed 20 Nov. 2024].
Kangas J. K. 1985. Palkaneen Sahapistiaisfauna 1953 - 1983. Palkane- Seuran julkaisuja 5: 1-113.
Kirby W. F. 1882. List of Hymenoptera with Descriptions and Figs of the Typical Specimens in the British Museum. Vol. 1. Tenthredinidae and Siricidae. Taylor and Francis, London.
Konow F. W. 1903 c. Revision der Nematiden-Gattung Pteronus Jur. (Hym.) (Fortsetzung.). Zeitschrift fur systematische Hymenopterologie und Dipterologie 3 (6): 366-376. Available from [accessed 20 Nov. 2024].
Konow F. W. 1903 b. Revision der Nematiden-Gattung Pteronus Jur. (Hym.). Zeitschrift fur systematische Hymenopterologie und Dipterologie 3 (5): 305-315. Available from [accessed 20 Nov. 2024].
Kontuniemi T. 1960. Suomen sahapistiaistoukkien ravintokasvit. Die Futterpflanzen der Sagewespenlarven (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) Finnlands. Animalia Fennica 9: 1-104.
Lacourt J. 1999. Repertoire des Tenthredinidae ouest-palearctiques (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). Memoires de la Societe entomologique de France 3: 1-432.
Lacourt J. 2000. Liste des especes de la famille des Tenthredinidae decrites par J. G. Audinet-Serville, en Mai 1823 et par A. L. M. Le Peletier Comte de Saint-Fargeau, en Aout 1823, avec designation de lectotypes [Hymenoptera, Symphyta]. Revue francaise d'Entomologie (N. S.) 22 (2 - 3): 77-108.
Lindqvist E. 1960 c. Zur Kenntnis finnischer Pteronidea - Arten (Hym., Tenthr.). Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 76 (2): 1-29.
Lindqvist E. 1977. Einige neue Blattwespen (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae). Annales Entomologici Fennici 43 (3): 92-95.
Macek J., Roller L., Benes K., Holy K. & Holusa J. 2020. Blanokridli Ceske a Slovenske republiky II. Siropasi. Academia, Praha.
Marlatt C. L. 1896 a. Revision of the Nematinae of North America, a subfamily of leaf-feeding Hymenoptera of the family Tenthredinidae. Technical Series, United States Department of Agriculture, Division of Entomology 3: 1-135.
Perkins R. C. L. 1929 a. The sawflies of Devonshire. Transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature, and Art 61: 281-310.
Poinar G. J. & Smith D. R. 2003. Food plant, life history notes and distribution of Nematus atriceps (Marlatt) (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 105 (3): 778-780.
Serville A. J. G. 1823. Hymenopteres. In: Vieillot P., Desmarest A. G., De Blainiville, H. M. D., Prevost C., Serville A. & Lepelletier de Saint Fargeau L. - M. (eds) Faune Francaise, ou histoire naturelle, generale et particuliere, des animaux qui se trouvent en France (...) Livr. 7 & 8: 1-96. Chez Rapet, Paris.
Smith D. R. 1979. Suborder Symphyta. In: Krombein K. V., Hurd, P. D. J., Smith D. R. & Burks B. D. (eds) Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico. Volume 1, Symphyta and Apocrita (Parasitica): 3-137. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D. C.
Stein R. von 1881. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Nematiden. Entomologische Nachrichten 7 (4): 60-65. Available from [accessed 20 Nov. 2024].
Taeger A. & Blank S. M. 1998. Beitrag zur Kenntnis einiger Nematinae (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae). In: Taeger A. & Blank S. M. (eds) Pflanzenwespen Deutschlands (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). Kommentierte Bestandsaufnahme: 247-277. Goecke & Evers, Keltern.
Zimsen E. 1964. The Type Material of I. C. Fabricius. Munksgaard, Copenhagen.
Figs 199–202. Lancets of Euura Newman, 1837. 199. sagmarius (Konow, 1895) PR.259VV. 200. halo Prous, Liston & Mutanen sp. nov., holotype, ♀ ZMUO.038878. 201. dissimilis (Förster, 1854) DEI- GISHym83936. 202. myosotidis (Fabricius, 1804) DEI-GISHym83940.
Figs 422–435. Penis valves of Euura Newman, 1837. 422. melanocephalus (Hartig, 1837) DEI- GISHym18642. 423. miliaris (Panzer, 1797) ZMUO.029496. 424. nigricornis? (Serville, 1823) Nr.18. 425. miltonota (Zaddach, 1883) DEI-GISHym13852. 426. nimbus (Benson, 1960) DEI-GISHym84209. 427. sagmarius (Konow, 1895) DEI-GISHym84692. 428. halo Prous, Liston & Mutanen sp. nov., paratype ZMUO.067421. 429. dissimilis (Förster, 1854) DEI-GISHym83932. 430. hypoxantha (Förster, 1854) DEI-GISHym3301. 431. jugicola (Thomson, 1871) DEI-GISHym88731 (Sweden). 432. jugicola DEI-GISHym15270 (Canada). 433. myosotidis (Fabricius, 1804) DEI-GISHym12003. 434. myosotidis ZMUO.058149. 435. platystigma (Lindqvist, 1949) DEI-GISHym83672.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
SuperFamily |
Tenthredinoidea |
Family |
SubFamily |
Nematinae |
Tribe |
Nematini |
Genus |
Euura myosotidis ( Fabricius, 1804 )
Prous, Marko, Liston, Andrew, Monckton, Spencer K., Kramp, Katja, Vårdal, Hege, Vikberg, Veli, Heibo, Erik & Mutanen, Marko 2025 |
Pteronidea transversalis
Lindqvist E. 1977: 95 |
Pteronidea myosotidis var. pseudopavida
Enslin E. 1916: 428 |
Pteronidea myosotidis var. zaddachi
Enslin E. 1916: 428 |
Pteronidea segmentaria var. signata
Enslin E. 1916: 426 |
Pteronidea segmentaria var. tessinensis
Enslin E. 1916: 426 |
Pteronus myosotidis var. fallaciosus
Konow F. W. 1903: 308 |
Pteronus atriceps
Marlatt C. L. 1896: 44 |
Pteronus californicus
Marlatt C. L. 1896: 45 |
Nematus chlorogaster
Brischke C. G. A. 1884: 149 |
Nematus pulchellus
Cameron P. 1882: 538 |
Nematus decipiens W.F. Kirby, 1882: 107
Kirby W. F. 1882: 107 |
Nematus smaragdinus
Stein R. von 1881: 62 |
Nematus segmentarius Förster, 1854a: 283–284
Forster A. 1854: 284 |
Nematus ambiguus Förster, 1854a: 279–280
Forster A. 1854: 280 |
Nematus incompletus Förster, 1854a: 297–298
Forster A. 1854: 298 |
Nematus interruptus
Serville A. J. G. 1823: 67 |
Tenthredo myosotidis
Fabricius J. C. 1804: 42 |