Microchelonus sulcifera, Papp, Jenő, 2016

Papp, Jenő, 2016, First Survey Of The Neotropical Species Of Microchelonus Szépligeti With Descriptions Of Twenty-Five New Species (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Cheloninae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 62 (3), pp. 217-344 : 303-305

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.17109/AZH.

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Microchelonus sulcifera

sp. nov.

Microchelonus sulcifera sp. n.

( Figs 432 View Figs 428–439 –440)

Materialexamined (4 ff) – Femaleholotypeandtwofemaleparatypes: CostaRica, 20 kmSfromUpala, 10–21 May 1991 (holotype), 8 November 1990 (oneparatype) and 21–31 July 1991 (oneparatype), allthreetypeslegF. D. Parker. Onefemaleparatype: Honduras, Atlantida, LancetillaTela, 15˚43’N / 87˚27’W, 30 May 1995, leg. R. Cave .

Types condition – Holotype is in good condition: glued direct to the pin by the right sideofthemesosoma. Paratypesarealsoingoodcondition: (1) glueddirecttothepinby therightsideofthemesosoma (twoparatypesfromCostaRica), andgluedoncardpoint byrightsideofthemesosoma (oneparatypefromHonduras), (2) missing: lefthindleg (oneparatypefromCostaRica), tarsusofmiddlerightlegandtarsomeres 4–5 ofmiddle leftleg (oneparatypefromHonduras).

Typedepositories – HolotypeandtwoparatypesaredepositedinHNHM, Hym. Typ. Nos 12244 (holotype) and 12245–12246 (paratypes); oneparatypeisinZMLU.

Etymology – Thenewspeciesreceivedthename “sulcifera” indicatingthefairly strongsulciferousstriationofthecarapace ( Fig. 438 View Figs 428–439 ).

Description of the female holotype – Body 4.2 mm long. Antenna short, as long as head + mesosomacombined (2.7 mmlong), with 16 antennomeres. Scape 2.2 timesaslongas broad, firstflagellomere 3.3 timeslongerthanbroad, furtherflagellomeresshorteningso thatpenultimateflagellomerecubic. – Headindorsalviewtransverse, distinctlytwiceas broadaslong, eyetwicelongerthantemple, templereceded ( Fig. 432 View Figs 428–439 ). OOLone- third longerthanPOL (11:8). Eyeinlateralview 1.9 timesashighaswide, genabeyondeye clearlybroadeningventrallyandsomewhatwiderthaneye (18:16), punctate, interspuncturessmoothandshiny ( Fig. 433 View Figs 428–439 ). Clypeustwiceaswidebelowashighmedially, ventrally produced, itslowermarginconvex, evenlypunctate, interpuncturesmoreorlessgreater thanpunctures, dull ( Fig. 434 View Figs 428–439 ). Facerugose, fronstransverselystriated, vertexandocciput substriolate ( Fig. 432 View Figs 428–439 ).

Mesosomainlateralview 1.5 timesaslongashigh, scabrous. Notaulixdistinctly crenulated. Scutellumsmooth, hairpunctate, subshiny (cf. Fig. 219). Middletibiawitha fewspinules ( Fig. 435 View Figs 428–439 ). Hindfemurthick, 2.8 timesaslongasbroadmedially, hindtibia slightlylessbroaddistallythanfemurwithspinules ( Fig. 436 View Figs 428–439 ). Hindbasitarsussomewhat longerthantarsomeres 2–4 combined.

Forewingshort, one- thirdshorterthanbody (3 mmlong). Pterostigmawide, 2.2 timesaslongaswide, issuing r justdistallyfromitsmiddle, 3–SR 1.4 timeslongerthan r, SR1 straight, 1–R1 almostaslongas (35:40) pterostigma ( Fig. 437 View Figs 428–439 ).

paceindorsalviewwithindicationofitssculpture, 439 = carapaceinlateralview.

Carapaceindorsalview 2.1 timesaslongasbroadaboutmedially, apicallyconicule- shape, withlongitudinalsulciferousstriationes, interstriationssubcrenulated ( Fig. 438 View Figs 428–439 ). Carapaceinlateralview 3.2 timesaslongashighposteriorly, itshindendsomewhat obliquelytruncate ( Fig. 439 seearrows View Figs 428–439 ). Carapaceapicallywithasmallforamen (Fig. 440). Carapaceapico-ventrallyweaklyincurved (cf. Fig. 197). Ovipositorshort, concealed.

Groundcolourofbodyblack. Scapeandpediceltestaceous, flagellumblackish. Palpi paleyellow. Tegulabrownish. Legstestaceous, hindcoxablack, hindtibiaapicallyblackish, tarsistrawyellow. Wingshyaline, pterostigmadarkbrown, veinsyellowtolightbrownish.

Descriptionofthethreefemaleparatypes – Similartothefemaleholotype. Body 4–4.2 mmlong. Penultimateflagellomeresubcubic: slightlylongerthanbroad (2 ff). Fore wing: 1–R1 0.7 timesaslongaspterostigma (1 f, cf. Fig. 137 View Figs 128–139 ). Carapaceindorsalview 2.5–2.6 timesaslongasbroad.


Distribution – CostaRica, Honduras.

Taxonomic position – The new species, Microchelonus sulcifera , is closest to M. fodicus sp. n., M. refluus Pappand M. townsendi (Viereck) viewingtheir strongsculptureandlong 1–R1; theirdistinctionispresentedinthekeytothe female Microchelonus species , seecouplets 25 (24) – 31 (28).


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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