Dirhinosia cervinella ( EVERSMANN, 1844 )

Tokár, Z. & Gozmány, L., 2004, Review Of The Palaearctic Species Of Dirhinosia Rebel, 1905 (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 50 (1), pp. 63-74 : 69

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12586928

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scientific name

Dirhinosia cervinella ( EVERSMANN, 1844 )


Dirhinosia cervinella ( EVERSMANN, 1844) View in CoL

( Figs 4 View Figs 1–8 , 12 View Figs 9–14 , 15, 16 View Figs 15–21 , 22 View Fig )

Lita cervinella EVERSMANN, 1844: 585 View in CoL

Dirhinosia trifasciella REBEL, 1905 View in CoL syn. n.

Typematerialexamined. Russia: Syntypes Lita cervinella EVM.(Lectotypenotdesignated) View in CoL , 5 mm, 3 ff (3 mm and 1 f without abdomen), Spasskoe [Orenburskaya oblast], leg. E. EVERSMANN, teste A. LVOVSKY (coll. ZIAP) .

Additional material examined. Bulgaria: “ Holotype f Dirhinosia trifasciella Rebel, Rilo Monast [ir], 24.VII.1902,Rebel,testeK.Sattler,1966,Mus.Vind.Gen.Präp.3435”(coll. NHMW); Pirin, Banderica , 1950 m, 26–30.VI.1986, leg. & coll. J. LIŠKA (det. G. ELSNER); Pirin, Liljanovo, 800 m, 23.VII.1933, 1 f, H. REISSER (coll. NHMW) ; Russia: “ Ural, Ticf. (?), 30.VI.”, 1 f; Turkey: “ Mann, 1863, 1, Brussa [Bursa]”, gen. prep. no. 6947 ZT (coll. NHMW) ; Hungary: Gyöngyös, Sár-hegy ,11.VI.1997,1 f,5.VI.1999,1 f,13.VI. 1999,2 mm,20.VI.1999,1 f,leg.F. BUSCHMANN, gen. prep. m no. 6942 L. GOZMÁNY, f no. 6359 ZT (coll. HNHM & T OKÁR) .

Description ( Fig. 4 View Figs 1–8 ). Wingspan: 16–18 mm. Head, thorax and tegula yellowish to ochreous brown.Labialpalpuswhite,recurved.Apexofthirdsegmentmoreorlessmottledwithbrownscales. Antenna brown ringed with white. Forewing ochreous brown, mottled with yellowish scales near base(wornspecimenstendtobecomemoreuniformyellowish-brown).Twowhitefasciae.Firstfascia oblique from 1/4 of costa towards 1/2 of dorsum, ending beyond fold. Second fascia almost straight,from3/4ofcostato3/5ofdorsum.Severalwhitespotsnearoutermarginofwings,eitherabsent or condensed into a narrow streak. Fringe coloured as forewing, with obscure lines. Hindwing brown to dark brown.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 12 View Figs 9–14 ). Uncus broad basally, triangular, pointed. Tegumen broad. Gnathos absent.Valvaalmostthesamewidththroughout,roundeddistally.Sacculusmassive,exceedinghalf of valva, sacculus process short, about 1/3 length of sacculus base. Saccus pointed, medium in size. Aedeagus long, about as long as entire genitalia, base markedly broader than distal part, vesica with numerous minute cornuti.

Female genitalia ( Figs 15–16 View Figs 15–21 ). Apophysis posterior about twice the length of segment VIII. ApophysisanteriorshorterthanVIIIsegment.Ostiumbursaeelongate,coveredwithfinespines,distally with plicate rotund protrusion. Ductus bursae extremely long. Colliculum simple. Bursa copulatrix oval, signum oval, serrate plate with long pointed lobe.

Bionomics.Earlystagesandbionomicsareunknown.AdultshavebeencollectedinJune–July. HungarianspecimenswereattractedbyapetroleumlampinasteppelocalityofMtSár-hegy(Mátra Mts near Gyöngyös) ( BUSCHMANN 2000).

Distribution ( Fig. 22 View Fig ). Russia (Southern Ural, Lower Volga) ( ANIKIN & PISKUNOV 1995), Ukraine (Luganskaya oblast) ( BIDZILYA & BUDASHKIN 1998), Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia (Dalmatia) ( MEESS 1910), Turkey.

Remarks. Dirhinosia trifasciella wasdescribedbyREBEL (1905)fromasingle female originating from Bulgaria. We were able to examine the holotype whose genitalia are prepared on NHMW slide 3435. After examining this specimen,weconsideredthat D. trifasciella and D. cervinella wereidentical.Wesenta drawing of the holotype female genitalia to Dr ALEXANDR LVOVSKY at ZIAP for comparison with the type material of cervinella from the EVERSMANN collection. He confirmed our view that the female genitalia of syntypes of cervinella are conspecific with those of trifasciella . The first record of Dirhinosia cervinella in Central Europe ( Hungary, Gyöngyös) was identified mistakenly as Chionodes lugubrella (FABRICIUS,1794)( BUSCHMANN 2000) . D. cervinella resembles lugubsrella externally, but the ground colour of the forewing of the latter is dark brown without any yellowish or reddish tinge.


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)














Dirhinosia cervinella ( EVERSMANN, 1844 )

Tokár, Z. & Gozmány, L. 2004

Lita cervinella

EVERSMANN, E. 1844: 585
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