Baccharis gnaphalioides Sprengel (1826: 461)

Heiden, Gustavo & Pirani, José Rubens, 2016, Taxonomy of Baccharis subgen. Tarchonanthoides (Asteraceae: Astereae: Baccharidinae), a group from the southeastern South American grasslands and savannas, Phytotaxa 241 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.241.1.1

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Baccharis gnaphalioides Sprengel (1826: 461)


7. Baccharis gnaphalioides Sprengel (1826: 461) View in CoL . Lanugothamnus gnaphalioides (Spreng.) Deble (2012: 13) . Type:— URUGUAY. s.d., ♂, F. Sellow d585 (holotype P!; isotypes GH! (00247130; 00247131), K! (00022190; 000221905)).

Baccharis radicans Candolle (1836: 416) View in CoL . Type :— BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: s. d., ♂, F. Sellow s.n. = M. I. B . 906 (holotype P! (00755689); isotypes B † photo in F! (0BN037718), G-DC! ( G00200458 )) .

Baccharis psammophila Malme (1933: 70) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. Santa Catarina: Laguna, 24 June 1909, P.K.H. Dusén 8425 (lectotype S! (S-R-597, ♂), designated by Heiden & Pirani (2012a: 44) View Cited Treatment ). Remaining syntype: BRAZIL. Santa Catarina: Laguna, 24 June 1909, P.K.H. Dusén 8425 (S! 0-22439, ♀).

Illustrations: — Barroso (1976: 220, 221, 222, 224, as Baccharis radicans View in CoL ); Malme (1933: Tab. IV); Malagarriga (1973: 47a as B. radicans View in CoL ; 47b as B. psammophila View in CoL ; 1977: dessin 65, as B. radicans View in CoL ; dessin 66, as B. psammophila View in CoL ). Fig. 17 View FIGURE 17 , 18 View FIGURE 18 .

Subshrubs 10–70 cm tall, decumbent, rarely erect; fertile shoots ascending, branches axillary, radicant. Stems light brown to stramineous, shoots tomentose. Leaves 0.3–1.8 cm long, 1.1–4.9 mm wide, sessile, evenly distributed along the branches; leaf blade indurate, elliptic, oblong, ovate, lanceolate, linear-lanceolate to linear, apex acute or obtuse, sometimes mucronulate, base attenuate, obtuse or subcordate, margins entire, revolute; leaves 1-nerved, adaxial surface glabrous, abaxial surface with a persistent lanose indumentum. Capitulescences corymbose, rarely capitula paired or solitary, terminal, 1.5–16 cm long, 2–10 cm wide. Capitula sessile or pedunculate; peduncles 0.1–1.5 cm long, tomentose. Male capitula 3.8–6.2 mm long; involucre 3.4–5.8 mm long, 6–10 mm wide, hemispheric; phyllaries 3–5-seriate, white, purple or stramineous, outer ones ovate, median ones oblong, inner ones linear-lanceolate, margins entire, apex acute, villose; clinanthium plane or slightly convex, glabrous or with sparse filiform trichomes; florets 42–76; corollas 3.2–3.5 mm long, tube 1.4–1.5 mm long, throat 0.6–0.7 mm, lobes 1.2–1.3 mm long, biseriate hairs on the lobes; anthers stramineous, 2–2.3 mm long; style 3.3–3.8 mm long; ovary abortive, 0.05–0.1 mm long, 0.1–0.3 mm wide, covered by biseriate and twin trichomes; pappus 4.3–4.8 mm long, bristles 18–24, tortuous, apically not broadened. Female capitula 6.9–11.4 mm long; involucre 5.9–8.6 mm long, 7.3–9.9 mm wide, cylindrical to hemispheric; phyllaries 4–7-seriate, white, purple or stramineous, outer ones ovate, median ones oblong, inner ones lanceolate, margins entire, apex acute, villose; clinanthium plane, glabrous or completely covered with filiform trichomes; florets 38–78; corollas 3–4.1 mm long, with a wreath of filiform trichomes; style 5.5–6.1 mm long, branches 0.9–1.3 mm long. Cypselae 1.2–1.9 mm long, 0.5–0.8 mm wide, stramineous, sericeous, evenly covered by twin trichomes, oblong, slightly narrowed at base, 4–5-ribbed; pappus 4–7.5 mm long persistent; bristles 60–82, not broadened apically, strongly accrescent. Chromosome number unknown.

Etymology: —The specific epithet refers to the resemblance of the species with species of the genus Gnaphalium L. ( Asteraceae : Gnaphalieae ).

Distribution and habitat: — Baccharis gnaphalioides occurs from southern Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina states) and southeastern Uruguay (Canelones, Maldonado, Montevideo, Rocha, Rivera and San José departments) to Eastern Argentina (Buenos Aires province), mostly along the coastal plain or rarely inland on the eastern hills of Serra do Sudeste, in Brazil, through the Serranías del Este reaching the western Cuchilla de Haedo, in Uruguay, south to the Sierras de la Tandilia, in Argentina, at elevations between 0 and 400 m a.s.l. (Fig. 19). It forms sparsely distributed populations, growing mainly on sand dunes or sandy well-drained soils in the transitional zone of the maritime coastal vegetation and the coastal scrub vegetation, within the Ombrophilous Dense Forest biome of the Atlantic forest province, and the maritime coastal vegetation and the temperate grasslands on sandy or granitic well-drained soils and granite outcrops, within the low altitude temperate grassland biome of the Pampean province.

Phenology:—Fertile specimens have been collected all year round, with a flowering peak between March and May.

Conservation status: —Least concern (LC). Baccharis gnaphalioides is known to occur inside some nature reserves and in several non-protected primary areas. Although it is not threatened along its entire range, the increasing anthropization of coastal enviroments due to urbanization is likely to threaten several local morphologically diverse populations, mainly on its northern range where the morphological variability is wider. Despite being common in coastal Southern Brazil and Eastern Uruguay, the inland and the southern range Argentinean populations are quite isolated geographically and could face a risk of regional extinction. The species has not been collected in Argentina for the last 60 years.


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Vernacular names: —Vassourinha-das-dunas (Heiden & Heiden 1189).

Comments: —Leaf shape and peduncle length show a wide variation in Baccharis gnaphalioides . Malme (1933) described B. psammophila based on specimens with small ovate leaves and congested few-headed corymbs from Laguna, Santa Catarina. Leaf shape is somewhat geographically correlated in B. gnaphalioides and there is a gradient from specimens with elliptic leaves, observed in northern populations, to linear leaves, in southern populations. Conversely, the changes in capitulescence size, peduncle length, number of capitula per capitulescence and capitula size are aleatory, and follow no geographic pattern. Due to the complete overlapping of the morphology and geographic range used by Malme (1933) to differentiate B. psammophilla , this binomial is here considered a synonym of B. gnaphalioides .

The area of Baccharis gnaphalioides in Argentina is considerably disjunct from the main area of distribution, however its specimens present vegetative and reproductive characteristics similar to the southern Uruguayan specimens. Despite the same habitat of coastal maritime vegetation on sandy soils along the coast of Buenos Aires province, the species in Argentina is confined to a small area around the lower slopes of the Sierras de la Tandilia and adjacent coastal plains, and our attempts to find it in intermediate areas were unsuccesful.

Specimens examined: — ARGENTINA. BUENOS AIRES: Balcarce, Cerro Bachicha , 10 June 1947, ♂, A . Krapovickas 3435 ( LIL, LP, SP). Camet , February 1944, F. O . Azamor s.n. ( LIL192116 About LIL ). Mar Chiquita , 23 February 1944, Etchichury s.n. ( LIL189698 About LIL ). S . l., Pampas, s.d., ♂, J . Tweedie s.n. ( K000222035 ) . BRAZIL. RIO GRANDE DO SUL: Arroio do Sal, Balneário Rondinha Velha , 20 July 1991, ♀, M. G . Rossoni 678 ( ICN). Barra do Ribeiro , 5 April 1950, ♀, B . Rambo 46620 ( B, LIL, PACA). Canoas , March 1939, ♀, I . Teodoro 3133 ( R, RB). Capão da Canoa , 25 February 1990, ♂, N. I . Matzenbacher s.n. ( ICN86072 View Materials ). Cerrito , 146 m, 26 February 2010, ♀, G . Heiden & G . Heiden 1249 ( SPF); ♂, G . Heiden & G . Heiden 1250 ( SPF) Cidreira, Lagoa da Porteira , 14 October 1988, st., H. M . Longhi-Wagner & I . Boldrini 1743 ( ICN). Mostardas, Parque Nacional da Lagoa do Peixe , 18 May 2008, ♂, Demétrio 79 & 103 ( PACA); ♀ Demétrio 107 & 115 ( PACA); 11 m, 21 July 2009, ♂, G . Heiden, T Ceolin & M . Vanini 1059 ( SPF). Osório, Fazenda do Arroio , 14 April 1950, ♂, B . Rambo 46789 ( LIL, PACA); ♀, B . Rambo 46790 ( LIL, PACA). Palmares do Sul, Lagoa da Porteira , 17 April 1997, ♂, J . Mauhs s.n. ( PACA); 22 June 2004, ♀, J . Mauhs s.n. ( PACA94156 About PACA ); Quintão , 30 April 1995, ♀, V. L . Gonçalves & J . Larocca s.n. ( PACA96620 About PACA ). Pelotas, Laranjal , 7 March 1956, ♀, J. C . Sacco 512 ( HB, HBR, IPA, NY, PACA, PEL, R). Porto Alegre, Morro da Glória , 19 September 1931, ♂ & ♀, B . Rambo 501 ( G, LIL, LP, PACA); Morro Santana. 278 m, 27 May 2008, ♀, A. C . Fernandes s.n. ( ICN159164 View Materials ); Morro São Pedro , 19 March 2006, ♂, R . Setubal & M . Grings 66 ( ICN); Vila Manresa , 23 May 1945, ♂, B . Rambo 28923 ( PACA). Rio Grande , 14 November 1901, st., G. O. A . Malme 424 ( S); 27 March 1902, ♀, G. O. A . Malme 1546 ( R, S); 3 May 1946, ♀, J . Swallen 9243 ( US); Ilha dos Marinheiros , s.d., ♂, M . Fox 276 ( K); 4 m, 25 May 2009, ♀, G . Heiden, R. S . Neitzke & C. M . Romano 1051 ( SPF); Praia do Cassino , 2 m, 29 January 2010, ♂, G . Heiden & G . Heiden 1189 ( SPF); Taim , 12 m, 29 January 2010, ♀, G . Heiden & G . Heiden 1195 ( SPF). São José do Norte , 22 February 1981, T. M . Pedersen 12988 ( C, CTES, MO, SI). São Leopoldo , April 1941, ♀, J . Eugenio s.n. ( NY00787666 , R41176 ); 22 August 1944, ♀, J. E . Leite 2631 ( SP). Sapucaia do Sul , 1 April 1949, ♀, B . Rambo 40766 ( B, PACA); ♂, B . Rambo 40767 ( PACA). Torres , 10 July 1972, ♂, L . Baptista & M.L. Lorscheitter serie 548 ( CTES, HAS); 6 August 1952, st., A. A . Beetle 1868 ( LP, P, US); 15 April 1949, ♀, P. N . Capparelli 357 ( LP); 1969, bud, K . Hagelund 5533 ( ICN); 16 January 1982, ♀, A . Krapovickas & C. L . Cristóbal 37701 ( CTES, ICN, LIL); 28 May 1966 ♀, A . Sehnem s.n. ( NY01080567 ); 6 February 1984, ♀, N . Silveira 1129 ( HAS); 25 February 1972, ♀, J. F. M . Valls s.n. ( ICN9722 View Materials ); February 1939, bud, J . Vidal s.n. ( R39917 ); Guarita , 4 February 1990, st., M . Falkenberg 274 ( ICN); Itapeva , 28 June 1985, ♂, D. B . Falkenberg 2424 ( FLOR); 7 April 1990, ♀, A . Jasper 627 ( HAS); 9 July 2005, ♀, C . Palma 7 ( ICN); Mampituba , 20 March 1984, ♀, J . Mattos 26138 ( HAS); 8 January 1045, st., N . Silveira 1045 ( HAS); 20 May 1984, ♀, N . Silveira 1133 ( HAS); Parque Estadual da Guarita , 20 March 1984, ♂, J . Mattos 29040 ( HAS); 30 March 1989, ♀, N . Silveira 7717 ( HAS); Praia da Guarita , 19 January 2011, st., G . Heiden et al. 1554 ( SPF); 31 March 1991, bud, R . Wasum et al. s.n. ( B, G393756 , HUCS7552 , MBM148327 View Materials , MO, NY00788025 , US 3236507); Rondinha Nova, Arroio Caniço , 10 March 1988, ♀, C . Mondin 349 ( HAS). Viamão , Coxilha das Lombas, 17 April 1950, ♀, B . Rambo 46874 ( LIL, PACA); ♀, B . Rambo 26898 ( LIL, PACA); Itapuã , March 2000, ♀, M . Sobral 8952 ( MBM); 3 April 1950, ♀, 3 April 1950, ♂, B . Rambo 46565 ( B, LIL, PACA, SI); ♂, B . Rambo 46569 ( B, LIL, PACA, SI); Morro da Grota , 10 June 1980, ♀, O . Bueno 2609 ( CTES, HAS, RB). S . l., Estação Azevedo , 6 May 1949, ♀, B . Rambo 41437 ( B, LIL); Praia de Fora , 1 April 2003, ♀, A. A . Schneider 34 ( ICN). Xangri-lá, Rainha do Mar , January 1977, st., Normann 950 ( ICN). SANTA CATARINA: Araranguá , Morro dos Conventos , 6 m, 13 January 2011, st., G . Heiden & J. R. V . Iganci 1514

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(SPF). Florianópolis, 30 May 1954, Bruxel s.n. ( PACA6852 About PACA ); Campeche , 17 February 1967, ♂, R. M . Klein 7250 ( FLOR, HBR, LP, MBM); Dunas da Joaquina , 25 February 1993, bud, D. Falkenberg 6091 ( FLOR, MBM); 10 May 1981, ♀, M. H . Queiroz 414 ( FLOR); Joaquina , 8 April 1983, ♀, A . Reis 273 ( FLOR); Lagoa da Conceição , 16 March 1966, ♀, R. M . Klein 6716 ( FLOR, HBR, ICN, LP); Lagoinha do Leste, Pântano do Sul , 20 January 1970, R. M . Klein 8801 ( FLOR, HBR, LP, RB); Praia da Galheta , 5 m, April 1988, ♂, D. B . Falkenberg 4706 & 4709 ( FLOR); ♀, D. B . Falkenberg 4707 ( FLOR). Imbituba, Itapirubá , 12 February 1978, bud, G . Hatschbach & E . Zardini 41007 ( CTES, K, LP, MBM, MO, SI, UEC); 21 May 1985, ♂ & ♀, G . Hatschbach 49364 ( B, FLOR, MBM). Jaguaruna, Balneário Esplanada , 4 m, 13 Januray 2011, G . Heiden & J. R. V . Iganci 1513 ( SPF). Laguna , 29 February 1952, st., R . Reitz & R. M . Klein 239 ( HBR); April 1890, ♂, E . Ule 1593 ( CORD, HBG); 26 January 1952, ♂, R . Reitz 4443 ( HBR, LP); Cigana , 9 May 1982, G . Hatschbach 44889 ( F, GB, HBG, MBM, MT, NY, SPF, UB); Mar Grosso , 31 March 1972, ♂, G . Hatschbach & O . Guimarães 29373 ( C, COL, HB, MBM, MVFA, NY, S); ♀, G . Hatschbach & O . Guimarães 29375 ( COL, HB, HBG, MBM, MVFA, NY, UPCB); Santa Marta , 14 November 2001, ♀, G . Hatschbach, A. C . Cervi & E . Barbosa 72705 ( HEPH, MBM, SPF, UPCB); 14 March 2005, bud, G . Hatschbach, E . Barbosa & E.F. Costa 79144 ( G, HUEFS, MBM, MO, RB, SP); 25–29 February 1952, ♀, L. B . Smith & R . Reitz 5814 ( US). Mampituba , 3 September 1972, ♂, J. C . Lindeman s.n. ( ICN20750 View Materials ). Palhoça, Campo do Maciambu , 2 m, 14 May 1953, ♂, R . Reitz & R. M . Klein 635 ( B, HB, HBR, LP, MBM, NY, PACA, S, US); 15 February 1978, ♂, R. M . Klein & E. M . Zardini 11824 ( HBR, LP). Sombrio, Praia de Gaivotas , 15 April 1994, ♂, G . Hatschbach & E . Barbosa 60599 ( ESA, FLOR, HAS, MBM, MO, UEC); 25 April 1945, ♂, R . Reitz 1029 ( HBR, LP). S . l., 1816–1821, ♀, A . Saint-Hilaire C2 , N 1787 , n 630 ( P). URUGUAY. CANELONES: Atlantida, 1940, bud, L . Barattini s.n. ( MO1224468 ); 25 February 1930, ♀, C . Osten 21922 ( LP, MVM). Balneário Carrasco , s.d., ♂, Felippone 4707 ( SI); 18 May 1948, R . Hernandez s.n. ( MVFQ3871 View Materials ); April 1926, ♂, G . Herter 490 ( B, F, G, HBG, LIL, MO, NY, S, SI); March–April 1934, ♀, D. Legrand 6 ( F, LIL, LP, MVM); 20 March 1966, ♂ & ♀, E. H . Marchesi 1552 ( MVFA); 3 March 1912, ♂ & ♀, C . Osten 4425 ( MVM); 13 March 1910, ♂, C . Osten 5362 ( HBG, LIL, MVM); 28 April 1935, ♂ & ♀, B . Rosengurtt B-157 ( LP, MVFA, MVM). Balneario La Floresta , February 1934, ♂, A . Lombardo 1372 ( MVJB); September 1923, st., C . Steer s.n. ( HBG); March 1956, ♂, G . Zorron 1433 ( LP); Arroyo Sarandí , 3 January 1961, bud, B . Izaguirre 163 ( MVFA). Balneario Santa Ana , 3 April 1999, ♀, M . Bonifacino & R . Beyhaut s.n. ( MVFA28844 View Materials ). Costa Azul , 14 March 1996, ♀, E . Marchesi s.n. ( MVFA25489 View Materials ). El Pinar , 5 March 1956, ♀, B. R . Arrilaga 350 ( MVFA). Solymar , 28 November 2004, st., C . Callero 245 ( MVJB). MALDONADO: Balneário Solis , 16 February 1941, bud, A. L . Cabrera 7136 ( LP). Maldonado , 24 March 2002, ♂, E . Alonso Paz & M. J . Bassagoda 4149 ( MVFQ); 9 April 1925, ♀, W . Herter 17635 ( MVM); 20 March 1917, ♂, C . Osten 10365 ( MVM); Cuchilla Alta , 27 February 1944, ♀, H . Osório 15 ( MVM). Punta Ballena , 23 April 1964, ♀, H. A. O . Del Puerto & E . Marchesi 3434 ( MVFA); April 1942, ♀, A . Lombardo 6202 ( MVJB); Bosque Lussich , 18 April 1944, ♂, B . Rosengurtt B-4650 ( MBM, MVFA, MVM, P, PACA, RB, UEC, US); 28 March 1966, ♂, B . Rosengurtt 10178 ( MVFA). MONTEVIDEO: Montevideo , April 1874, ♂, J . Arechavaleta 4096 ( K, LP, MVM); 1898, ♀, J . Arechavaleta s.n. ( G); 10 February 1900, ♀, M. B . Berro 741 ( MVFA, P); January 1876, M . Fruchaud s.n. ( P03159255 ); April 1836, ♂ & ♀, M . Gaudichaud s.n. ( B, F974382 , G, P03159254 ); February 1881, ♀, J. E . Gibert 1633 ( MVM); April 1877, ♂ & ♀, J. E . Gibert s.n. ( LP28590 ); January 1937, st., F . Rosa-Mato 1508 ( LIL, LP); Barra de Santa Lucía, February 1919, ♀, A . Lombardo 83 ( MVJB); Buceo , 21 March 1907, ♂, M. B . Berro 3773 ( MVFA); March 1912, ♀, M. B . Berro 6222 ( MVFA); La Colorada , 3 October 2003, ♂, C . Brussa s.n. ( MVJB24323 View Materials ); 26 April 1947, ♀, D. Legrand 1211 ( MVM); Malvín , 20 April 1912, ♂, M. B . Berro 6575 ( MVFA); February 1926, ♀, A . Lombardo 615 ( MVJB); 23 April 1946, ♂ & ♀, B . Rosengurtt B-4387 ( LP, MO, MVFA, S, SP); Pajas Blancas , 9 April 1944, ♀, B . Rosengurtt B-4340 ( MVFA, MVM, SP, US); Punta Gorda , 16 March 1913, ♀, C . Osten 6612 ( HBG, LIL, MVM, SI, US). RIVERA: Tranqueras, Portones Negros, Arroyo Souzal , 28 March 1985, ♂ & ♀, E. H . Marchesi s.n. ( MVFA17576 View Materials ). ROCHA: Cabo Polonio, 23 March 1961, ♂, D. Legrand 4600 ( MVM); La Calavera , May 2001, ♂, L . Delfino s.n. ( MVJB10021 View Materials ). La Coronilla, 14 February 1962, bud, H. A. O . Del Puerto 1290 ( MVFA); La Pedrera, 19 February 1935, bud, C. C . Hosseus 48 ( CORD). Santa Teresa , 23 March 1966, ♂, H. A. O . Del Puerto & E . Marchesi 6094 ( MVFA); Fortaleza , April 1947, ♂, A . Lombardo 3871 ( MVJB); Playa Grande , 22 April 2004, ♀, M . Bonifacino, G . Speroni & A . González 1124 ( MVFA); 28 February 2007, ♀, C . Callero s.n. ( MVJB26109 View Materials ). SAN JOSÉ: Playa Pascual , 28 April 1979, ♀, E. H . Marchesi 16133 ( MVFA) .



Botanische Staatssammlung München


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Fundación Miguel Lillo


Laboratory of Palaeontology


Instituto de Botânica


Botanical Museum - University of Oslo


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


University of the Witwatersrand


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Museo de Historia Natural


Instituto Anchietano de Pesquisas/UNISINOS


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro


Nanjing University


Universidade de São Paulo


University of Helsinki


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


University of Copenhagen


Herbarium Bradeanum


Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


Empresa Pernambucana de Pesquisa Agropecuária, IPA


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Universidade Federal de Pelotas


Royal Botanic Gardens


Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste


Missouri Botanical Garden


Museo Botánico (SI)


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul


Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


San Jose State University, Museum of Birds and Mammals


Universidade Estadual de Campinas


Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Hiroshima Botanical Garden


University of Gothenburg


Mus. Tinro, Vladyvostok


Laboratoire de Biostratigraphie


Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Universidad de la República


Universidade Federal do Paraná


Jardim Botânico de Brasília


Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana


Universidade de São Paulo


Museo y Jardín Botánico


Universidad de la República


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien














Baccharis gnaphalioides Sprengel (1826: 461)

Heiden, Gustavo & Pirani, José Rubens 2016

Baccharis psammophila

Heiden, G. & Pirani, J. R. 2012: 44
Malme, G. O. A. 1933: )

Baccharis radicans

Candolle, A. P. de 1836: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF