Trapeziderus bicolor, Drugmand, 1990

Herman, Taphylininae Iochini Aorothiini Thiini Latyprosopini Taphylinini Mblyopinina Nisolinina Yptiomina Hilonthina Lee H., 2001, Catalog of the Staphylinidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). 1758 to the End of the Second Millennium. V. Staphylinine Group (Part 2) Staphylininae: Diochini, Maorothiini, Othiini, Platyprosopini, Staphylinini (Amblyopinina, Anisolinina, Hyptiomina, Philonthina), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2001 (265), pp. 2441-3020 : 2441-3020

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0090.265.1.5

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Trapeziderus bicolor


bicolor Drugmand, 1990 View in CoL , see: Philonthus .

boops Fauvel, 1905b: 177 ( Actobius ; Type locality: forêt Tanala).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 322 ( Neobisnius ; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Madagascar.

brasilianus Wendeler, 1956a: 230 ( Neobisnius ; Type locality: Brasilien: Nova Teutonia ).

— Frank, 1981: 25 ( Neobisnius ; characters; Brazil).


cameroni Wendeler, 1928b: 298 ( Neobisnius ; replacement name for fraternus Cameron ).

— Cameron, 1932: 58 ( Neobisnius ; characters; India).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1326 ( Neobisnius ; catalog).


fraternus Cameron, 1926b: 349 ( Neobisnius ; [preoccupied]; Type locality: Dehra Dun).

— Wendeler, 1928b: 298 ( Neobisnius ; synonym of cameroni ).

— Cameron, 1932: 58 ( Neobisnius ; synonym of cameroni ).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1326 ( Neobisnius ; synonym of cameroni ).

carbonarius Bierig, 1933 , see: nigrocoeruleus Cameron, 1922 .

cavifrons Bierig, 1933 , see: simplex Sharp, 1885 .

cerrutii Gridelli, 1943 , see: lathrobioides Baudi, 1848 .

chengkouensis Zheng, 1994: 213 , 214 ( Neobisnius ; Type locality: China: Sichuan: Chengkou ). - DISTRIBUTION: China.

cinctus Latreille, 1804 , see: villosulus Stephens, 1833 .

cinerascens Stephens, 1833 , see: procerulus Gravenhorst, 1806 .

concolor Sharp, 1885: 458 ( Actobius ; Type locality: Panama, Volcan de Chiriqui 4000 to

6000 feet, Peña Blanca 3000 to 4000 feet).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 322 ( Neobisnius ; catalog).

— Frank, 1981: 38 ( Neobisnius ; characters; Panama).


cooteri Last, 1987: 50 ( Neobisnius ; Type locality: Papua New Guinea: 20 km SE of Port Moresby).


decolor Coiffait, 1974 , see: procerulus Gravenhorst, 1806 .

deletus Sharp, 1876 , see: ludicrus Erichson, 1840 .

delicatulus Sharp, 1885 , see: terminalis LeConte, 1863 .

demmeli Bierig, 1933: 54 ( Neobisnius ; Type locality: Cuba, Prov. P. del Rio, Sierra del Rosario , cercanía de Cayajabos).

— Blackwelder, 1943: 441 ( Erichsonius ; synonym of humilis ).

— Blackwelder, 1944: 131 ( Erichsonius ; synonym of humilis ).

— Frank, 1981: 32 ( Neobisnius ; valid species; characters; Cuba).

- DISTRIBUTION: West Indies.

dissimilis Baudi, 1870 , see: prolixus Erichson, 1840 .

edznai Frank, 1981: 44 ( Neobisnius ; Type locality: Mexico: Campeche, Edzná, marsh, 150 m. Also cited from Guatemala).

- DISTRIBUTION: Mexico, Guatemala.

elegantulus Horn, 1884 , see: terminalis LeConte, 1863 .

elongatulus Erichson, 1839 , see: villosulus Stephens, 1833 .

facilis Sharp, 1885: 458 ( Actobius ; Type locality: Guatemala, San Geronimo ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 323 ( Neobisnius ; catalog).

— Scheerpeltz, 1971b: 205 ( Neobisnius ; Guatemala; El Salvador; Nicaragua).

— Frank, 1981: 37 ( Neobisnius ; characters; Guatemala).

fatalis Tottenham, 1956: 259 ( Neobisnius ; Type locality: Urundi: Kitega , 1600–1700 m).


fauveli Smetana, 1963 , see: ludicrus Erichson, 1840 .

filiformis Wollaston, 1854 , see: procerulus Gravenhorst, 1806 .

filius Last, 1981 , see: Philonthus .

flavicornis Fauvel, 1895: 261 ( Actobius ; Type locality: Bírmanie, Carin Asciuii Ghécu , 1400–1500 m).

— Fauvel, 1905e: 83 ( Actobius ; Java).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 323 ( Neobisnius ; catalog).

— Cameron, 1932: 61 ( Actobius ; characters; Burma).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1329 ( Neobisnius ; catalog).

- DISTRIBUTION: Myanmar, Indonesia.

flavipes Bierig, 1933: 50 ( Neobisnius ; Type locality: Panama: Puerto Armuelles ).

— Frank, 1981: 23 ( Neobisnius ; characters; Panama).


flavomaculatus Bernhauer, 1908d: 336 ( Neobisnius ; Type locality: Brasilien: S. Catharina; Grenada, W. J[I?]).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 323 ( Neobisnius ; catalog).

— Frank, 1981: 15 ( Neobisnius ; characters; Uruguay; Paraguay; Brazil; Bolivia; Colombia; Grenada).

- DISTRIBUTION: Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Colombia, West Indies.

formosae Cameron, 1949: 175 ( Neobisnius ; Type locality: Formosa : Takesaki: near Mt. Ari). - DISTRIBUTION: Taiwan.

formosus Fall, 1901 , see: infimus Horn, 1884 .

fortis Sharp, 1885: 457 ( Actobius ; Type locality: Panama, Volcan de Chiriqui 4000 to

6000 feet, Bugaba 800 to 1500 feet).

— Bernhauer, 1910b: 383 ( Neobisnius ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 323 ( Neobisnius ; catalog).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1327 ( Neobisnius ; catalog; Argentina).

— Frank, 1981: 36 ( Neobisnius ; characters; Panama; Colombia).

- DISTRIBUTION: Panama, Colombia, Argentina.

fraternus Bernhauer, 1921c: 105 ( Neobisnius ; Type locality: Argentinien: Prov. Jujuy).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1327 ( Neobisnius ; catalog).

— Frank, 1981: 29 ( Neobisnius ; characters; Argentina).

- DISTRIBUTION: Argentina.

fraternus Cameron, 1926 , see: cameroni Wendeler, 1928 .

fulvicornis Notman, 1920 , see: villosulus Stephens, 1833 .

funerulus Cameron, 1922: 119 ( Neobisnius ; Type locality: St. Vincent).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1327 ( Neobisnius ; catalog).

— Blackwelder, 1943: 441 ( Erichsonius ; synonym of humilis ).

— Blackwelder, 1944: 131 ( Erichsonius ; synonym of humilis ).

— Frank, 1981: 34 ( Neobisnius ; valid species; characters; St. Lucia; St. Vincent).

- DISTRIBUTION: West Indies.

gratus LeConte, 1863a: 38 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Colorado River, near Fort Yuma, California; [Note: See lectotype designation by Frank, 1981]).

— Fauvel, 1874: 201 [= 1874a: 427] ( Erichsonius ).

— Horn, 1884: 231 ( Actobius ; characters; south of California; Arizona).

— Fall and Cockerell, 1907: 166 ( Actobius ; New Mexico).

— Bernhauer, 1912e: 176 ( Neobisnius ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 323 ( Neobisnius ; catalog).

Frank, 1981: 16 ( Neobisnius ; lectotype designation; characters; Utah; Texas; New Mexico; Arizona; California; Sinaloa) .

- DISTRIBUTION: USA, Mexico, Argentina.

hauseri Bernhauer, 1941 , see: prolixus Erichson, 1840 .

humilis Erichson, 1840: 512 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Puerto Rico; [ Note : See lectotype designation by Smetana, 1963]).

— Chevrolat and Fauvel, 1863: 435 ( Philonthus ; characters; Cuba).

— Fauvel, 1874: 201 [= 1874a: 427] ( Erichsonius ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 323 ( Neobisnius ; catalog).

— Blackwelder, 1943: 441 ( Erichsonius ; characters; Cuba; Jamaica; Haiti; Dominican Republic; Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands; St. Croix; St. Lucia; Barbados; St. Vincent; Grenada).

— Smetana, 1963: 4 ( Neobisnius ; lectotype designation).

— Frank, 1981: 18 ( Neobisnius ; characters; Jamaica; Cuba; Haiti; Dominican Republic;

U.S Virgin Islands).

- DISTRIBUTION: West Indies.

margipallens Jacquelin du Val, 1857a: 41 ( Lathrobium ; [Note: This name is currently cited both in Lobrathium , where it is a valid species, and here in Neobisnius ]; Type locality: Not cited, presumably from Cuba).

— Chevrolat and Fauvel, 1863: 435 ( Philonthus ; synonym of humilis ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 323 ( Neobisnius ; synonym of humilis ).

— Blackwelder, 1943: 441 ( Erichsonius ; synonym of humilis ).

— Blackwelder, 1944: 131 ( Erichsonius ; synonym of humilis ).

— Frank, 1981: 18 ( Neobisnius ; synonym of humilis ).

limbatus Cameron, 1922: 118 ( Neobisnius ; Type locality: Haiti).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1327 ( Neobisnius ; catalog).

— Blackwelder, 1943: 441 ( Erichsonius ; synonym of humilis ).

— Blackwelder, 1944: 131 ( Erichsonius ; synonym of humilis ).

— Frank, 1981: 18 ( Neobisnius ; synonym of humilis ).

imitator Scheerpeltz, 1974: 136 ( Neobisnius ; Type locality: S. W. Afrika: Kaokoveld, Otju, 45 miles WSW Ohopoho).


infimus Horn, 1884: 227 ( Actobius ; Type locality: San Jose, California; [Note: See lectotype designation by Frank, 1981]).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 325 ( Actobius ; catalog).

Frank, 1981: 52 ( Neobisnius ; lectotype designation; characters; California; Arizona) .


formosus Fall, 1901: 221 ( Actobius ; Type locality: Pasadena; Pomona).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 323 ( Neobisnius ; catalog).

— Frank, 1981: 52 ( Neobisnius ; synonym of infimus ).

inornatus Sharp, 1889: 43 ( Actobius ; Type locality: Yokohama).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 325 ( Actobius ; catalog).

— Cameron, 1933a: 170 ( Neobisnius ).

— Watanabe and Shibata, 1972: 63 ( Neobisnius ; Yaku-shima Island).

— J. Li, 1993: 33 ( Neobisnius , cited as Noebinius; China).

— Cho, 1996a: 159 ( Neobisnius ; characters; Korea).

- DISTRIBUTION: Japan, Korea, China.

iranicus Scheerpeltz, 1961 , see: Philonthus .

jocosus Horn, 1884: 232 ( Actobius ; Type locality: Delaware; [Note: See lectotype designation by Frank, 1981]. Also cited from North Carolina).

— Blatchley, 1910: 394 ( Actobius ; characters; Indiana).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 323 ( Neobisnius ; catalog).

Frank, 1981: 27 ( Neobisnius ; lectotype designation: Delaware; characters; Massachusetts;

— Downie and Arnett, 1996: 375 ( Neobisnius ; characters; USA).

- DISTRIBUTION: USA, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador.

alternans Sharp, 1885: 461 ( Actobius ; Type locality: Paso Antonio , Escuintla, Guatemala; [Note: See lectotype designation by Frank, 1981]. Originally cited from Guatemala, San Geronimo, Torola, Paso Antonio).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 322 ( Neobisnius ; catalog).

— Frank, 1981: 27 ( Neobisnius ; lectotype designation: Paso Antonio, Escuintla, Guatemala; synonym of jocosus ).

jucundus Horn, 1884: 232 ( Actobius ; Type locality: South Carolina; [Note: See lectotype designation by Frank, 1981]).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 323 ( Neobisnius ; catalog).

Frank, 1981: 51 ( Neobisnius ; lectotype designation; characters; Ontario; Alberta; British Columbia; New Hampshire; Connecticut; Massachusetts; Rhode Island; New York; Pennsylvania; Michigan; Illinois; Iowa; Minnesota; Kansas; Nebraska; Colorado; New Jersey; Maryland; Virginia; South Carolina) .

— Downie and Arnett, 1996: 375 ( Neobisnius ; characters; USA).

— Schmidt, 1999: 108 ( Neobisnius ; food for adults and larvae used for rearing species; rearing methods).


kaletiensis Last, 1964: 178 ( Neobisnius ; Type locality: Sarawak: Kaleti ).

— Hammond, 1984: 206 ( Neobisnius ; Borneo).


lathrobioides Baudi, 1848: 130 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Pedemontio; [Note: See lectotype designation by Bordoni, 1975g]).

— Kraatz, 1857d: 621 ( Philonthus ).

— Fauvel, 1867c: 113 [= 1868b: 212] ( Philonthus ; synonym of procerulus ).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 465 ( Neobisnius ; synonym of procerulus ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 324 ( Neobisnius ; synonym of procerulus ).

— Smetana, 1958: 137 ( Neobisnius ; synonym of procerulus ).

— Bordoni 1975g: 82 ( Neobisnius ; lectotype designation; valid species; characters).

— Frank, 1981: 9 ( Neobisnius ; characters; Massachusetts; New York; Illinois; Nevada; California).

— Lohse and Lucht, 1989: 160 ( Neobisnius ; notes).

Borges, 1990: Table II ( Neobisnius ; Azores) .

— Maachi, 1991: 250 ( Neobisnius ; Morocco).

— Smetana, 1993b: 47 ( Neobisnius ; Czech Republic; Slovakia).

— Hodge and Jones, 1995: 38 ( Neobisnius ; characters; Britain).

— Ciceroni and Zanetti, 1995: 27 ( Neobisnius ; Italy).

— Downie and Arnett, 1996: 375 ( Neobisnius ; characters; USA).

- DISTRIBUTION: Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Europe, Caucasus, Turkey, Canada, USA.

cerrutii Gridelli, 1943: 121 ( Neobisnius ; Type locality: Mekfi , in Basilicata).

— Last, 1948: 148 ( Neobisnius ; characters; Britain).

— V. Hansen, 1952: 30 ( Neobisnius ; characters; Denmark).

— Fagel, 1954 ( Neobisnius ; characters; separated from semipunctatus ; Italy; Belgium; France; Britain; Germany; Austria; Algeria; Tunisia; Egypt; Caucasus; Canada: Quebec; USA: California; Nevada).

— Horion, 1954: 9 ( Neobisnius ; characters; Italy; England; Norway; Sweden; Denmark; Germany).

— Smetana, 1958: 138 ( Neobisnius ; characters; ecology; Czechoslovakia).

— Smetana, 1960b: 259 ( Neobisnius ; Czechoslovakia).

— Scheerpeltz, 1961d: 127 ( Erichsonius ; Italy).

— Palm, 1963b: 59 ( Neobisnius ; characters; Sweden; Denmark; Norway; Finland).

— Lohse, 1964: 172 ( Neobisnius ; characters; central Europe).

— Scheerpeltz, 1965b: 401 ( Neobisnius ; Sicily).

— Scheerpeltz, 1965c: 505 ( Neobisnius ; Sicily).

— Horion, 1965: 116 ( Neobisnius ; Italy; Spain; Holland; Belgium; France; Czech Republic; Slovakia; Britain; Denmark; Norway; Sweden; Finland; Germany; Austria).

Smetana, 1967i: 551 ( Neobisnius ; Turkey) .

— Szujecki, 1968a: 727 ( Neobisnius ; Poland).

— Coiffait, 1974: 327 ( Neobisnius ; characters; Europe; Portugal; Asia Minor).

— Bordoni 1975g: 82 ( Neobisnius ; synonym of lathrobioides ).

— Pope, 1977: 29 ( Neobisnius ; Britain).

— Muona, 1979: 14 ( Neobisnius ; synonym of lathrobioides ).

— Frank, 1981: 9 ( Neobisnius ; synonym of lathrobioides ).

— Tóth, 1984: 37 ( Neobisnius ; [Note: I assume Tóth overlooked the synonymy of cerrutii ]; characters; Hungary).

— Lucht, 1987: 104 ( Neobisnius ; checklist; Germany; Poland; Czechoslovakia; Austria; Benelux; Denmark; Sweden).

— Lohse and Lucht, 1989: 160 ( Neobisnius ; synonym of lathrobioides ).

— Smetana, 1993b: 47 ( Neobisnius ; synonym of lathrobioides ).

— Ciceroni and Zanetti, 1995: 27 ( Neobisnius ; synonym of lathrobioides ).

rubripennis Gridelli, 1943: 122 ( Neobisnius ; variety of cerrutii ; Type locality: presso Venezia, nei terreni di bonifica di Punta Sabbioni).

— Last, 1948: 148 ( Neobisnius ; variety of cerrutii ; characters; Britain).

— Smetana, 1958: 138 ( Neobisnius ; aberration of cerrutii ).

— Coiffait, 1974: 327 ( Neobisnius ; synonym of cerrutii ).

— Pope, 1977: 29 ( Neobisnius ; synonym of cerrutii ).

lepidulus LeConte, 1863a: 37 ( Philonthus ; [Note: Preoccupied as secondary homonym in Philonthus ]; Type locality: Georgia, near the mountains).

— Horn, 1884: 233 ( Actobius ; characters; Georgia).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 323 ( Neobisnius ; catalog).

— Frank, 1981: 23 ( Neobisnius ; characters; Georgia).


limbatus Cameron, 1922 , see: humilis Erichson.

loebli Last, 1989: 881 ( Neobisnius ; Type locality: Papua New Guinea: Kokina ).


longulus Kraatz, 1859 , see: praelongus Gemminger and Harold, 1868 .

ludicrus Erichson, 1840: 514 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Guyana Venezuelensis ; [Note: See lectotype designation by Frank, 1981]).

— Fauvel, 1874: 201 [= 1874a: 427] ( Erichsonius ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 323 ( Neobisnius ; catalog).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1327 ( Neobisnius ; catalog; Antilles).

Frank, 1981: 20 ( Neobisnius ; lectotype designation; characters; South Carolina ; Georgia ; Florida ; Alabama ; Louisiana ; Texas ; Nayarit ; Guerrero ; Veracruz ; Oaxaca; Tabasco; Guatemala; Honduras; Costa Rica; Panama; Colombia; Bolivia; Venezuela; Trinidad and Tobago; St. Lucia; Barbados; St. Vincent; Grenada; Brazil) .

- DISTRIBUTION: Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, West Indies, USA.

umbripennis LeConte, 1863a: 38 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Middle States).

— Fauvel, 1874: 201 [= 1874a: 427] ( Erichsonius ).

— Horn, 1884: 233 ( Actobius ; characters; Pennsylvania to Florida).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 324 ( Neobisnius ; catalog).

— Notman, 1920b: 705 ( Neobisnius ; Florida).

— Frank, 1981: 20 ( Neobisnius ; synonym of ludicrus ).

deletus Sharp, 1876: 167 ( Philonthus ; Type locality: Tapajos).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1914: 335 ( Philonthus ; catalog).

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