Cordielytrum fimbriatum, Whorrall & Philips, 2021

Whorrall, Kyle & Philips, Keith, 2021, Six new species of spider beetles (Coleoptera: Ptinidae) in the genus Cordielytrum Philips, Zootaxa 5040 (3), pp. 414-427 : 419-420

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scientific name

Cordielytrum fimbriatum

sp. nov.

Cordielytrum fimbriatum , sp. n.

( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 )

Holotype: Peru: Arequipa Reg , 22 km NW Matarani, 18–21.VI.2019 S16.8548° W72.2306°, 304 m ravine veg, dung pitfalls K.A.Whorrall & T. K. Philips GoogleMaps . Holotype has been deposited in MUSM . Paratypes (36): Same data as holotype. Paratypes have been deposited in MUSM, KAWC, TKPC , and JBHC.

Diagnosis: This species is distinguished from most congeners by its relatively slender shape, the more rounded shape of its pronotum, the rough, disheveled appearance of its vestiture, and the tassel-like shape of its setae. It can be distinguished from C. obscurum ( Fig. 6 View FIGURE 6 ) by the shorter and more truncate setae of the elytral humeral angles, broader and more densely spaced scoop-like setae on the elytra, and paler coloration.

Description. Body small, ovate, convex; mottled tan and brown. Length (anterior of pronotum to apex of elytra) 1.90–2.81 mm.

Head completely covered with depressed, light tan, ovoid scales; pronounced superantennal carinae; antennae stout, antennomeres densely covered in scales, setae increasingly fine toward apex, antennomeres 1–4 and 11 longer than wide, others subequal; clypeus distinct; labrum with short erect orange setae apically; frons with elongate ligulate scales pointing toward middle, especially prominent toward apex.

Pronotum covered with densely matted setae, relatively few short, erect setae protruding from deep cavities within matted setation; anteriorly depressed, especially laterally, with distinct frontal ridge; medial cavity very deep, extending over half total length of pronotum, border well-defined except at middle anterior and posterior; two posterolateral cavities on each side deep and distinct.

Elytra: Setation mottled tan with darker brown patches, background color dark brown; surface covered in triangular scoop-shaped setae; basal 1/3 of anterolateral margin with row of relatively short tassel-like setae; five low longitudinal carinae extending length of each elytron, including one at suture, each carina with one row of short tassel-like setae with highly branched apices.

Ventral Surface: Ventral part of pro-, meso, and, metathorax, legs, and abdominal ventrites with scales similar to elytra.

Etymology: The name “fimbriatum” is from the Latin word meaning fringed, referring to the rows of tassel-like setae on the elytral carinae.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics













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