Pedicularis chumbica Prain (1889: 259)

Garg, Arti & Singh, Rajeev Kumar, 2020, Typification of fifty one names in Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae), Phytotaxa 430 (2), pp. 61-94 : 62-80

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.430.2.1


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Pedicularis chumbica Prain (1889: 259)


4. Pedicularis chumbica Prain (1889: 259) View in CoL .

Protologue citation:—“EASTERN HIMALAYA : Chumbi, 11–12,000 feet, at Za-ne-gang and Put-lo, (Dr. King’s collectors!)”.

Type:— CHINA. Tibet: Chumbi, Put-lo , 13 Aug. 1884, King’s collector 514 (lectotype CAL0000018932 !, second-step, designated here, first-step designated by Husain et al. 2010: 38) ; isolectotype CAL0000018936!

Syntypes:— CHINA. Tibet: Chumbi, Za-ne-gang, 18 July 1882, King’s collector s.n. (CAL0000018933!, K000739138!, PH 00019443!).

Notes:— Prain (1889) described Pedicularis chumbica based on the gathering of King’s collectors from Chumbi, China. Husain et al. (2010) designated the collection from Put-lo, Chumbi, China of King’s collector 514 at CAL as the lectotype, however they did not specify which particular herbarium specimen in CAL is the lectotype because at present two herbarium sheets from Put-lo, Chumbi, China of King’s collector 514 exit at CAL (CAL0000018932 and CAL0000018936). According to Art. 9.17 of ICN ( Turland et al. 2018) the type citation of Husain et al. (2010) must be accepted as the first-step lectotypification. Therefore, from the two specimens of King’s collector 514 from Put-lo, Chumbi, China at CAL, the better preserved specimen CAL0000018932, is selected here as the second-step lectotype.

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