Charinus orientalis, Giupponi & Miranda, 2016

Giupponi, Alessandro Ponce de Leão & Miranda, Gustavo Silva de, 2016, Eight New Species of Charinus Simon, 1892 (Arαchnidα: Amblypygi: Chαrinidαe) Endemic for the Brαziliαn Amαzon, with Notes on Their Conservαtionαl Stαtus, PLoS ONE (e 0148277) 1892 (2), pp. 1-33 : 18-21

publication ID 10.1371/journal.pone.0148277

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scientific name

Charinus orientalis

sp. nov.

Charinus orientalis View in CoL new species.

( Figs 9A–9E View Fig 9 , 2F, 3F and 4F)

Etymology. The species name derives from the Latin orientem, which means east, referring to the name of the mountain range where the cave this species inhabits is located (" Serra Leste ", east mountains).

Type material. Holotype: BRAZIL: Pará: Curionópolis, Projeto Serra Leste, Caverna SL-82 ( Estação Seca ), 07.vii.2010, Carste leg. (Female, MNRJ 09249 ) . Paratype: BRAZIL: Pará: Serra do Leste, Flona de Carajás , 651411 mE / 9339212 mN SAD´69, 17-24/x/2008, Andrade et al. leg. (2 Females MZSP 29118); Curionópolis , Projeto Serra do Leste , Caverna SL-82 (Estação Seca), 07.vii.2010, Carste leg., (Female, MNRJ 09249 ) ; Curionópolis , Projeto Serra Leste, Caverna SL-82 (Estação Seca), 07.vii.2010, Carste leg. (3 Females and 2 Juveniles ISLA 3893); Flona Carajás, Gruta SL-75 CL, 651425 mE / 9340462 mN SAD´69, 17-24.x.08, Andrade et al leg. (Juvenile female, MZSP 29119 View Materials ) ; Flona Carajás, Gruta SL-82 CL, 650866 mE / 9341226 mN SAD´69 17-24.x.08 Andrade et al leg. (3 Females and 1 Juvenile female, MZSP 29124 View Materials ) .


Diagnosis. Median and lateral eyes present, but strongly reduced median tubercle and lateral eyes (as in C. carajas sp. n.); median tubercle inside a depression; small and rounded meta and mesosternum; weakly sclerotized border of the sternum; pedipalp dorsal femur with three spines; basal spine of pedipalp distitarsus circa of ¼ the length of the distal; tibia I with 21 articles and tarsus I with 37; basitibia IV divided in three pseudo articles; trichobothria of basitibia IV (bt) at the proximal third of the article; distitibia IV with 16 trichobothria; equidistant basal trichobothriae of distitibia IV (bf, bc and sbf); pale yellow body color; cushion-like female gonopod with lateral projections directed backwards covering all the opening of the internal seminal receptacles (atrium).

Description. Carapace ( Fig 9A View Fig 9 ): flattened, wider than long (ratio a little over 4/5) with an anterior depression with a slight elevation in its interior with two small setae (in place of the absent median eye tubercle). From this depression starts a thin median furrow that reaches around the posterior area of the pair of lateral hump situated behind the lateral eye spots. Anterior margin with 5 to 7 small setae. Median eyes absent. Lateral eyes slightly reduced to a small, whitish spot. Frontal process well developed, much longer than larger, with blunt, reborded apex.

Sternum ( Fig 9B View Fig 9 ). Tri-segmented. Tritosternum with a round basis and projected anteriorly in a small blunt tubercle, with 2 apical, 2 median and 2 basal setae. Middle piece rounded, convex, with 2 setae and a few setulae; the setiferous tubercles are elevated giving an “M” shape to the piece. Third piece also rounded and convex, subequal to the middle piece and with two setae. Sternites separated from each other by the diameter of the middle piece.

Abdomen ( Fig 9A View Fig 9 ). As in C. brescoviti sp. n.

Chelicera ( Fig 2F View Fig 2 ). Cheliceral furrow with 4 internal teeth, the distal one bifid, the first cusp bigger than the second. Fourth tooth twice as long as the others and much stouter. Teeth length (from tip to basis) IV>Ia>Ib = II>III. Claw with 4 denticles, decreasing from the base to the distal part.

Pedipalp. Trochanter ( Fig 9D and 9E View Fig 9 ): large distal, spiniform, ventral apophysis, bearing many strong setae and with a blunt tip pointed forwards;2 subequal spines, one at the median third and the other at the distal tip of the prolateral face. Femur ( Fig 9D and 9E View Fig 9 ): 3 dorsal spines decreasing in size from basal to distal; the third spine is half the second and three times smaller the first (I>II>III); before the first spine two prominent setiferous tubercle are present; 3 ventral spines (I>II>III) of similar sizes to the dorsal. Tibia ( Fig 9D and 9E View Fig 9 ): main series with three spines (I>II>III); third half the size of the second and second 2/3 the first; small accessory spine before the first spine and no small accessory spine after the third spine, just of small setiferous tubercle is present; 2 ventral spines, the proximal half the distal. Basitarsus ( Fig 9C View Fig 9 ): 2 dorsal spines, the basal half the size of the distal. 1 ventral spine at the distal half, 2/ 3 to the distal dorsal spine. Distitarsus ( Fig 9C View Fig 9 ): with 2 curved well developed spines, the distal half the size of the article and the basal 1/3 the size of the distal. Cleaning organ about ½ the article length. Claw ( Fig 9C View Fig 9 ): long, with an acute, curved tip.

Legs. Same as C. brescoviti sp. n. Femur length I>III>IV>II. Tibia I with 21 articles. Tarsus (basitarsus+distitarsus) I with 37 articles. Leg IV: Basitibia: 3 pseudo-articles, one basal trichobothrium at the last pseudo-article. Distitibia ( Fig 3F View Fig 3 ): 3 basal and 13 distal trichobothria (total of 16). Basitibia-distitibia length BT1>DT>BT3 = BT4>BT2. Basitarsus / distitarsus ratio 7/4, distitarsus tetramerous.

Measurements. Females (n = 4): Cephalothorax: Length: 2.14 mm (1.87–2.43), Width: 2.92 mm (2.87–3,09). Abdomen: 3.10 mm (1.57–4.35). Pedipalp: Femur 1.73 mm (1.65–1.96), Tibia 1.72 mm (1.55–1.96), Basitarsus 0.82 mm (0.68–0.93), Distitarsus 0.65 mm (0.53–0.72), Tarsal claw 0.55 mm (0.52–0.58).

Color Pattern (in alcohol). Chelicerae, pedipalps and carapace yellowish. Legs lighter colored. Abdomen pale yellow. Unknown color of live specimens.

Genitalia. Female gonopods ( Fig 4F View Fig 4 ) cushion-like, atrium opening covered by the projections; projections (claws) not sclerotized, wide, and with a rhombus apex, as in C. carajas sp. n..


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo













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