Proharpinia antipoda Schellenberg, 1931

Alonso, Gloria M., Pina, De, Rauschert, Martin & Broyer, Claude De, 2008, A catalogue of the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic Phoxocephalidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Gammaridea) with taxonomic, distribution and ecological data, Zootaxa 1752, pp. 1-40 : 25-26

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Proharpinia antipoda Schellenberg, 1931


Proharpinia antipoda Schellenberg, 1931 View in CoL

Schellenberg, 1931: 80–81, fig. 41. Barnard J.L., 1958b: 119.

Barnard J.L., 1960: 311, 312–315, 318, pl. 56. Lowry and Bullock, 1976: 128.

Barnard and Drummond, 1978: 532. Barnard and Karaman, 1982: 183. Barnard and Barnard, 1990: 114.

Barnard and Karaman, 1991: 627, 628. Gonzalez, 1991: 61.

De Broyer and Jażdżewski, 1993: 85. De Broyer and Rauschert, 1999: 286.

Distribution: W + M (+Ba) Falkland Islands: Schwedische Südpolar Expedition 1901–1903, Port Louis, 51°33’S 58°09’W, 8 m (bottom: mud, shells) ( AS 31) (revised by JLB 60).

Magellan Area: Schwedische Expedition nach den Magellansländern 1895–1897, Ultima Esperanza, 51°40’S 72°40’W, 7–9 m (bottom: black fine clay); Puerto Angosto, 53°14’S 73°21’W, 18 m (bottom: clay); Puerto Condor, 54°00’S 70°08’W, 90 m (bottom: rocks, sponges, ascidians); Cabo Valentina, 53°25’S 70°40’W, 270 m (bottom: shells); “Lagotowia”, 55°24’S 68°17’W, 18 m (bottom: bluish and black-greyish clay); Puerto Toro, 55°05’S 67°06’W, 36–45 m (bottom: shells, algae); Bahía Ushuaia, 54°49’S 68°18’W, 18 m (bottom: brown clay) (revised by JLB 60); Hamburger Magalhaensische Sammelreise 1892–1893, Puerto Bridges, [54°52’S 68°17’W], 13 m; Isla Picton, Banner Cove, [55°01’S 66°56’W], 5 m (bottom: kelp holdfasts) ( AS 31); Magellan “Victor Hensen” Campaign 1994, Estrecho Laredo, sta.813, 52 °57.5’S 70°41’W, 90 m (gear: small dredge); Bahía Manza south, Puerto del Hambre, [53°38’S 70°56’W], 3 m; Estrecho Gente Grande, sta. 822, 53 °02.5’S 70°17.1’W, 8 m (gear: small dredge); Estrecho Paso Ancho St. 19, sta. 843, 53 °09.2’S 70°39.2’W, 127 m (gear: small dredge); Estrecho off Punta Arenas, sta. 950, 53 °10.2’S 70°52.7’W, 26 m (gear: small dredge); sta. 958, 52 °58’S 70°41.1’W, 111 m (gear: small dredge); sta. 966, 52 °57.9’S 70°46.9’W, 13 m (gear: small dredge); Estrecho Bahía Voces, sta. 868, 53 °42.3’S 70°54.4’W, 470 m (gear: small dredge); Canal Beagle, Francia, sta. 1084, 54 °55.3’S 69°019.9’W, 268 m (gear: light meter); Bahía Oglander, sta. 1152, 55 °09.1’S 67°01.7’W, 15 m (small dredge); sta. 1160, 55 °07.8’S 67°01.8’W, 33 m (gear: small dredge); Isla Lennox, sta. 1226, 55 °14.3’S 67°00.4’W, 24 m (gear: baited trap); Crucero CIMAR FIORD 3 (“Vidal Gormaz” Cruise), Estrecho de Magallanes, Bahía Snug, sta. 8, 53 °51.8’S 71°32’W, 260 m; Seno Almirantazgo, sta. 52, 54 °24.5’S 69°11.3’W, 110 m; Bahía Inutil, sta. 57, 53 °27.7’S 69°30.6’W, 45 m (MR unpubl.).

South Shetland Islands: “Polarstern” ANT XV/3 48, King George Island, sta. 300, 62 °16.8’S 58°42.1’W, 423 m (gear: multiboxcorer) (MR unpubl.).

Depth range: 3– 470 m.

Type-locality: Falkland Islands: Schwedische Südpolar Expedition 1901–1903, Port Louis, 51°33’S 58°09’W, 8 m (bottom: mud, shells) ( AS 31).

Magellan Area: Schwedische Expedition nach den Magellansländern 1895–1897, Ultima Esperanza, 51°40’S 72°40’W, 7–9 m (bottom: black fine clay); Puerto Angosto, 53°14’S 73°21’W, 18 m (bottom: clay); Puerto Condor, 54°00’S 70°08’W, 90 m (bottom: rocks, sponges, ascidians); Cabo Valentina, 53°25’S 70°40’W, 270 m (bottom: shells); “Lagotowia”, 55°24’S 68°17’W, 18 m (bottom: bluish and black-greyish clay); Puerto Toro, 55°05’S 67°06’W, 36–45 m (bottom: shells, algae); Bahía Ushuaia, [54°49’S 68°16’W], 18 m (bottom: brown clay) (revised by JLB 60); Hamburger Magalhaensische Sammelreise 1892–1893, Puerto Bridges, [54°52’S 68°17’W], 13 m; Isla Picton, Banner Cove, [55°01’S 66°56’W], 5 m (bottom: kelp holdfasts) ( AS 31).

Ecology: Collected from clay, rocky bottoms with shells, algae, sponges, ascidians.

Type material location: NRS, Stockholm.

Remarks: See remarks under Proharpinia stephenseni . Proharpinia antipoda extends its distribution widely in the Magellan province and represents a new record in the South Shetland Islands (Rauschert, unpubl.).


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