Santolina rosmarinifolia

Rivero-Guerra, Aixa O., 2013, Evaluation of Linnaeus’ concept of Santolina rosmarinifolia L. (Asteraceae, Anthemideae) and its interpretation, Adansonia (3) 35 (1), pp. 87-105 : 98-100

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scientific name

Santolina rosmarinifolia


S. rosmarinifolia View in CoL L. var. foliosa

Sennen & Elías

In Sennen, Boletin de la Sociedad Ibérica de Ciencias Naturales , n° 4338 (28): 30 (1929). — Type (as given in the protologue): “Burgos: Viloria de Rioja, Montagnes, vers 900 m. Leg. Hno. Elías”. — Lecto-, (designated here): “Burgos: Viloria de Rioja, montagnes, 14.VII.1921, Elías 4338 ” ( BC-SENNEN 831809 , Fig. 4 View FIG ); isolecto-, BC-SENNEN 831809 , BM 000909628 , L 0653119 , MA 52162 , 126698 , MPU, W .


The lectotype (BC-SENNEN 831809) has two samples and two labels. The sample on the left has eight

flowering stems. The sample on the right has three sterile stems. They are labelled as “ S. rosmarinifolia L. var. foliosa Sen. et Elías ”. The lectotype has an elliptical stamp in blue ink in the lower left-hand corner, indicating: “HERBARIUM INSTITU- TUM BOTANICUM BARCINONENSIS BC- SENNEN/831809”.

The specimens have the characteristics listed in the protologue “ Calathidio periclinio haud concavo; folia densa, viridi-obscura. // Calathides presque petite s, un peu moins que dans la var. cinerea Pau et Merino , de péricline ă évasée; feuillage d’un vert sombre, dense ”.

Other synonyms of S. rosmarinifolia not validly published are: S. rosmarinifolia L. f. glabra Gdgr. , nom. in sched., S. rosmarinifolia L. var. trichroma Sennen , nom. in sched. and S. rosmarinifolia L. var v. form . oretana Gómez, Ladero & Rivas Goday, nom. in sched. (the authors wrote “ v. ”, probably indicates “ virens ”).

2. Santolina rosmarinifolia L. subsp. castellana Rivero-Guerra

Systematic Botany 36: 171-190. 2011 . — Type (as given in the protologue): “Salamanca: Castellanos de Villiquera , 41°02’65’’N, 5°40’52’’W, 800 m, on limestone and quartzite, 10.VII.1998, A. O. Rivero-Guerra s.n. (holotype, SEV 239491 About SEV ) .

S. rosmarinifolia L. f. glaucescens Bourgeau , nom. in sched.

S. rosmarinifolia L. f. pubescens Bourgeau , nom. in sched.

S. pectinata Lag. subsp. canescens var. subpectinata Borja ,

non S. pectinata View in CoL , non S. canescens ( Lagasca, 1816) View in CoL ,

nom. in sched.


Nyman’s concept (1879) of S. rosmarinifolia was based on the specimens gathered by Welwitsch and Bourgeau: “ Santolina rosmarinifolia L. – Exc. Welw. Lusit. 110. cont. 186. Bourg. Hisp. a. 1851. 2356. etc.- 1863. 2538. 2539 ( var. glaucescens ). Lusit. Hisp. (praec. centr., mer.)”. The specimens from “ Sierra Nevada , région chaude, près Guejar de la Sierra , 27.VI.1851, Bourgeau 2356 ” (COI 00035970, G, LIV 1974.38.88718, MANCH, MPU, P [4 sheets]) are S. canescens . Conversely, the specimens gathered by Welwitsch, and labelled with the numbers 110 (BM 000909648, G-BURNAT, G [2 sheets], HAL 103776, HEID, L 0653134, MPU, P [3 sheets]) and 186 (G, P) are S. rosmarinifolia subsp. arrabidensis . The specimens from “ Bords de la rivière à Gerte près Placencia, 14.VI.1863, Bourgeau 2538 ” are S. rosmarinifolia subsp. rosmarinifolia (G [3 sheets]), and S. x oblongifolia . (G, MANCH, MPU, P [3 sheets]). The specimens from “ Hauts de rivière de la vallée de Gerte près Placencia, 17.VI.1863, Bourgeau 2539 ” are S. rosmarinifolia subsp. rosmarinifolia (G [4 sheets], JE [2 sheets], MA 126712, MANCH, MPU, P [4 sheets], W), S. rosmarinifolia subsp. castellana (COI 0035990, MPU, W [2 sheets]), and S. x oblongifolia . (G). The specimen (A 00251703) from “ près Placencia, Bourgeau 2539 ” is S. rosmarinifolia subsp. rosmarinifolia . There is another specimen with this number, without locality, in P (S. x oblongifolia ). This indicates that Nyman had a broad concept of the S. rosmarinifolia name.

Two specimens of S. rosmarinifolia , gathered by Lacaita in Val Amblés (Ávila) are labelled as “ Santolina rosmarinifolia L. forma candidior foliis minute serrulatis ” (BM 000909685) and “ Santolina rosmarinifolia L. forma foliis integris atroviridibus ” (BM 00090967). Furthermore, the specimens BM 000909673 and COI 00035990 gathered by Lacaita ( Granada, Sierra Elvira ) and Bourgeau (Hauts de rivière de la vallée de Gerte près Placencia) are labelled as “ Santolina canescens Lag. forma fl. pallior citrinis ” and “ S. rosmarinifolia L. α vulgaris Boiss. forma glaucescens , glaberrima ”, respectively. These names have been rejected under Article 23 of the ICBN ( McNeill et al. 2012).


Université Montpellier 2


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien

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