Microhoria fugax (LaFerte-Senectere, 1849) Kejval & Chandler, 2020

Kejval, Zbyněk & Chandler, Donald S., 2020, Generic revision of the Microhoriini with new species and synonymies from the Palaearctic Region (Coleoptera: Anthicidae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 60 (1), pp. 95-154 : 117-118

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Tatiana (2020-06-05 21:39:17, last updated by Plazi 2023-10-31 17:24:34)

scientific name

Microhoria fugax


Microhoria fugax species-group

Diagnosis. Small to medium-sized species, with uniform setation of elytra; rather variable in shape of head and pronotum, the latter mostly distinctly constricted in dorsal view and with uniformly short setae ( Figs 128–130 View Figs 123–137 ). Mesoventrite with nearly completely bordered margins (sulcus always rather distinct), and frequently with short submedian carinae, at least indicated posteriorly ( Figs 29, 30 View Figs 23–30 ); setose fringe of mesepimera strongly reduced ( Figs 30 View Figs 23–30 , 35 View Figs 31–38. 31 ); submarginal setose impressions of metaventrite and abdominal sternum III indistinct; metatibiae almost exclusively with single terminal spur (see Remarks); elytral apices in males nearly simple, secretory pores situated directly on/near margin ( Fig. 45 View Figs 39–46. 39, 40 ), which is usually somewhat swollen, uneven, bearing small projection. Aedeagus ( Figs 54–61 View Figs 54–58. 54–56 View Figs 59–63 ): tegmen with distinct, narrowed apex, mostly weakly sclerotized; endophallus always with longitudinal sclerite (gonopore situated apically, Figs 54 View Figs 54–58. 54–56 , 60 View Figs 59–63 ), in addition to various spinules, sometimes also with spines arranged in longitudinal row on connecting membrane ( Fig. 55 View Figs 54–58. 54–56 ) and membranous inner sheath ( Fig. 56 View Figs 54–58. 54–56 ).

Distribution. Eastern Palaearctic and Oriental Region, most speciose in the Himalaya and mountains of SW China (Yunnan). The westernmost records originate from eastern Afghanistan.

Species included (61 spp.). Microhoria abscondita (Telnov, 2000) comb. nov., M. adusta ( Krekich-Strassoldo, 1931) comb. nov., M. afghana ( Telnov, 2010) comb. nov., M. almorae ( Krekich-Strassoldo, 1931) comb. nov., M. ambusta ( Krekich-Strassoldo, 1931) comb. nov., M. anomala ( Telnov, 1998) comb. nov., M. aquatilis ( Krekich-Strassoldo, 1931) comb. nov., M. assamensis (Pic, 1907) comb. nov., M. assequens ( Krekich-Strassoldo, 1931) comb. nov., M. atrata ( Krekich-Strassoldo, 1931) comb. nov., M. biguttata ( Bonadona, 1964) comb. nov., M. brunneipes ( Krekich-Strassoldo, 1931) comb. nov., M. caeruleicolor ( Pic, 1906) comb. nov., M. comes ( Krekich-Strassoldo, 1931) comb. nov., M. cordata ( Krekich-Strassoldo, 1931) comb. nov., M. curticeps (Pic, 1923) comb. nov., M. disconotata (Pic, 1907) comb. nov., M. feai (Pic, 1907) comb. nov., M. fossicollis (LaFerté-Sénectère, 1849) comb. nov., M. fugax (LaFerté-Sénectère, 1849) comb. nov., M. fugiens (Marseul, 1876) comb. nov., M. garze (Telnov, 2018) comb. nov., M. gravida ( Krekich-Strassoldo, 1931) comb. nov., M. harmandi (Pic, 1899) comb. nov., M. hauseri ( Pic, 1906) comb. nov., M. himalayana (Pic, 1909) comb. nov., M. hummeli (Pic, 1933) comb. nov., M. immaculipennis ( Krekich-Strassoldo, 1931) comb. nov., M. inabsoluta ( Telnov, 2003) comb. nov., M. indeprensa (Telnov, 2000) comb. nov., M. kejvali ( Telnov, 1999) comb. nov., M. kham (Telnov, 2018) comb. nov., M. kuluensis (Pic, 1914) comb. nov., M. lepidula (Marseul, 1876) comb. nov., M. longicornis (Uhmann, 1983) comb. nov., M. manifesta (Pic, 1907) comb. nov., M. muguensis (Telnov, 2000) comb. nov., M. nigrocyanella ( Marseul, 1877) comb. nov., M. nigrofusca (Telnov, 2000) comb. nov., M. notatipennis (Pic, 1909) comb. nov., M. nystii (LaFerté-Sénectère, 1849) comb. nov., M. phungi (Pic, 1926) comb. nov., M. picea (Laferté-Sénectère, 1849) comb. nov., M. posthuma ( Krekich-Strassoldo, 1931) comb. nov., M. prolatithorax (Pic, 1899) comb. nov., M. separatithorax (Pic, 1914) comb. nov., M. shibatai (Nomura, 1962) comb. nov., M. sikkimensis (Pic, 1907) comb. nov., M. sinensis (Pic, 1907) comb. nov., M. sporadica ( Krekich-Strassoldo, 1931) comb. nov., M. strandi ( Krekich-Strassoldo, 1931) comb. nov., M. striaticollis ( Krekich-Strassoldo, 1931) comb. nov., M. subpicea (Pic, 1914) comb. nov., M. tersa ( Krekich-Strassoldo, 1931) comb. nov., M. tonkinensis (Krekich-Strassoldo, 1928) comb. nov., M. truncatella (LaFerté-Sénectère, 1849) comb. nov., M. turgida (Krekich-Strassoldo, 1928) comb. nov., M. uniformis ( Krekich-Strassoldo, 1931) comb. nov., M. variabilis ( Krekich-Strassoldo, 1931) comb. nov., M. weigeli (Telnov, 2000) comb. nov., and M. wuyishanensis ( Nardi, 2004) comb. nov.

Remarks. This group holds nearly all Eastern Palaearctic (from Afghanistan eastwards) and Oriental species placed previously in Clavicomus ( CHANDLER et al. 2008, as Clavicollis) with the exception of C. protervus (Krekich- -Strassoldo, 1931) from northern India (Uttarakhand).

The terminal spurs of the metatibiae were found to be further reduced in males of species that exhibit modifications of the terminal portion of the tibiae; they are both absent in M. anomala and M. kejvali (based on tentatively identified specimens, ZKDC), and in two unnamed species from China and Laos (ZKDC).

BONADONA P. 1964: Note sur les Anthicidae palearctiques [Col.]. Revue Francaise dEntomologie 31: 225 - 249.

CHANDLER D. S., UHMANN G., NARDI G. & TELNOV D. 2008: Family Anthicidae Latreille, 1819. Pp. 421 - 455. In: LOBL I. & SMETANA A. (eds): Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 5. Tenebrionoidea. Apollo Books, Stenstrup, 670 pp.

KREKICH-STRASSOLDO H. VON 1931: Beitrage zur Kenntnis indischer Anthiciden II. Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica 3: 1 - 41 + 3 pls.

MARSEUL S. A. DE 1877: Coleopteres du Japon recueillis par M. Georges Lewis. 2. memoire. Enumeration des heteromeres avec la description de especes nouvelles. 2. Partie. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, Serie 5 6 [1876]: 465 - 486.

NARDI G. 2004: [New names]. In: CHANDLER D. S., NARDI G. & TELNOV D.: Nomenclatural notes on the Palaearctic Anthicidae (Coleoptera). Mitteilungen der Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins e. V. 29: 109 - 173.

PIC M. 1906: Anthicides et ptinides d'Algerie et de Tunisie (Col.) recoltes par M. le Capitaine Vibert. Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France 1906: 282 - 285.

TELNOV D. 1998: Palaarktische Anthicidae des Zoologischen Museums Kopenhagen (Insecta: Coleoptera). Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins e. V. 22: 165 - 171.

TELNOV D. 1999: Weitere Anthicidae verschiedener Regionen aus dem Zoologischen Museum Kopenhagen (Insecta Coleoptera). Bulletin de la Societe Royale Belge d'Entomologie 135: 72 - 81.

TELNOV D. 2003: Trictenotomidae und Anthicidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) des Himalayas und angrenzender Regionen, Teil 1. Systematik, Fau- nistik, Zoogeographie. Pp. 279 - 303. In: HARTMAN M. & BAUM- BACH H. (eds): Biodiversitat und Naturausstattung im Himalaya. Verein der Freunde und Forderer des Naturkundemuseums Erfurt e. V., 389 pp + 16 pls.

TELNOV D. 2010: Nomenclatural notes on Anthicidae and Pyrochroidae (Coleoptera). 3. Latvijas Entomologs 48: 8 - 16.

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Figs 123–137. Habitus: 123 – Neocrohoria melanura (Fairmare & Germain, 1863), O’Higgin prov., Cuesta Chada (ZKDC); 124 – Aulacoderus mutatus (Gemminger, 1870); 125 – A. tuberculifer (van Hille, 1985), Western Cape, Soutpan (ZKDC); 126 – Falsophilus minutus (Pic, 1894), Western Cape, Cape Point (ZKDC); 127 – Liparoderus insignis (Lucas, 1843), Spain, Farlete (ZKDC); 128 – Microhoria caeruleicolor (Pic, 1906) comb.nov.; 129 – M. fugiens (Marseul, 1896) comb. nov.; 130 – M. posthuma (Krekich-Strassoldo, 1931) comb. nov., India, Loharket (ZKDC); 131 – M. fasciata (Chevrolat, 1834); 132 – M. vosseleri (Pic, 1894); 133 – M. heydeni (Marseul, 1879) comb. nov.; 134 – M. longiceps (LaFerté-Sénectère, 1849) comb. nov.; 135 – M. proterva (Krekich-Strassoldo, 1931), syntype (BMNH); 136 – M. antalya sp. nov.; 137 – M. globipennis (Pic, 1897), Turkey, Şenköy (ZKDC).

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Figs 23–30. Mesothorax in ventral (left) and lateral (right) view: 23, 24 – Microhoria terminata (W. L. E. Schmidt, 1842); 25, 26 – M. longiceps (La- Ferté-Sénectère, 1849) comb. nov.; 27, 28 – M. gigas (Pic, 1899) comb. nov.; 29, 30 – M. caeruleicolor (Pic, 1906) comb. nov. Scale bars: 100 μm (Figs 23, 24); 200 μm (Figs 25–30).

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Figs 31–38. 31 – Neocrohoria melanura (Fairmaire & Germain, 1863), Chile, Malleco prov., 4 km W Victoria (DCDC), setae of metepisterna.32 – Liparoderus insignis (Lucas, 1843), antero-median margin of mesothorax. 33–36 – Mesothorax in lateral view (detail): 33 – Microhoria oedipus (Chevrolat, 1860); 34 – M. longiceps (LaFerté-Sénectère, 1849) comb. nov.; 35 – M. caeruleicolor (Pic, 1906) comb. nov.; 36 – M. gigas (Pic, 1899). comb. nov. 37, 38 – Falsophilus minutus (Pic, 1894), after KEJVAL (2015): 37 – prothorax in ventro-lateral view; 38 – intercoxal process of abdomen. Scale bars: 100 μm.

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Figs 39–46. 39, 40 – Metacoxa: 39 – Liparoderus venator (Dufour, 1849); 40 – Microhoria oedipus (Chevrolat, 1860). 41–46 – Apex of male elytron: 41 – Microhoria fasciata (Chevrolat, 1834); 42 – M. paupercula (LaFerté-Sénectère, 1849) comb. nov.; 43 – M. oedipus (Chevrolat, 1860); 44 – M. terminata (W. L. E. Schmidt, 1842); 45 – M. caeruleicolor (Pic, 1906) comb. nov; 46 – M. heydeni (Marseul, 1879) comb. nov. Scale bars: 20 μm (Figs 41, 44–46); 50 μm (Figs 42, 43), 200 μm (Figs 39, 40).

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Figs 54–58. 54–56 – Microhoria caeruleicolor (Pic, 1906), inner structures of endophallus: 54 – sclerite with primary gonopore and paired spinules; 55 – spines of connecting membrane; 56 – membranous sheath. 57, 58 – M. fugiens (Marseul, 1876) comb. nov.: 57 – aedeagus in ventral view; 58 – same, lateral view. Scale bars: 0.2 mm – A (Figs 57, 58), B (Figs 54–56).

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Figs 59–63: 59–61 – Microhoria posthuma (Krekich-Strassoldo, 1931) comb. nov., India, Nainital (ZKDC): 59 – aedagus in lateral view; 60 – apex of everted endophallus; 61 – apex of tegmen. 62, 63 – Aedeagus in lateral view: 62 – M. heydeni (Marseul, 1879); 63 – M. barnevillei (Pic, 1892). Scale bars: 0.2 mm – A (Figs 59–62), B (Fig. 63).











