Scolytodes granulatus Jordal, 2018

Jordal, Bjarte H., 2018, Hidden gems in museum cabinets: new species and new distributional records of Scolytodes (Coleoptera: Scolytinae), Zootaxa 4504 (1), pp. 76-104 : 88-89

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scientific name

Scolytodes granulatus Jordal

sp. nov.

Scolytodes granulatus Jordal , sp. nov.

( Figs 30, 33, 36 View FIGURES 28–36 )

Type material. Holotype: Panama, Veraguas Prov, 8 km W. Santa Fe, Cerro Tute , el 3000 ft, 08°30’26’’N, 81°06’49’’W, 24-vii-1999, J.B. Woolley 99/054. HT deposited in TAMU. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. Interstriae 10 sharply elevated to just before level of metacoxa; protibiae with a small additional mesal tooth near tarsal insertion. A unique species with sharp granules associated with erect setae on odd interstriae on posterior half of the elytra, and the combination of an extremely reticulated pronotum and shiny elytra.

Description (female?). Length 1.3 mm, 2.3 × longer than wide; colour dark brown. Head. Eyes entire, separated above by 2.9 × their width. Frons convex, surface strongly reticulate and weakly punctured close to vertex, smooth and impunctate below; vestiture consisting of scattered short setae on lower half. Antennal club with two transverse sutures marked by dense setae. Funicular segments not visible. Pronotum strongly reticulate, shallow punctures on posterior two-thirds, replaced anteriorly by low asperities or granules. Vestiture consisting of 6 erect setae (4–2–0). Elytra smooth and shiny, striae slightly impressed, punctures large, separated in regular rows by 0.2¯0.5 × their diameter; interstriae as wide as striae, impunctate, sharp granules associated with setae on oddnumbered interstriae, larger and sharper on posterolateral area. Vestiture consisting of erect interstrial setae on odd- numbered interstriae, and minute to obscure strial and interstrial setae near apex. Legs. Procoxae separated by 0.7 × and mesocoxae 1.2 × the width of one procoxa. Protibiae narrow, distal teeth 1 and 2 of equal length, with 3¯4 tiny additional granules along the edge towards base; protibial mucro straight, short. Meso- and metatibiae with 5 lateral, socketed teeth on distal half, and third, respectively. Ventral vestiture. Setae on metasternum and metanepisternum simple, regularly placed setae on venter pointing posteriorly.

Key (Wood 1982). Keys to couplet 53, with no further match (if using the key in Wood 2007 one may key to couplet 98).

Etymology. The name granulatus is a Latin adjective (nominative, masculine) meaning granular (formed of small grains), referring to the distinct and sharp granules on odd interstriae on the posterior half of the elytra.

Biology and distribution. This species is only known from the type locality in Panama, at 900 m altitude.















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