Microcercis murphyi, Foster, 2024

Foster, George A., 2024, Revision of Nearctic Microcercis Beschovski (Diptera: Chloropidae), with Synonymy of Incertella Sabrosky, Zootaxa 5481 (4), pp. 401-439 : 421-423

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5481.4.1

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persistent identifier


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scientific name

Microcercis murphyi

sp. nov.

Microcercis murphyi new species

http://zoobank.org:act: 765D9731-7995-488D-A7D1-851715DA3F8D

( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 15–22 , 35, 36 View FIGURES 31–38 )

Diagnosis.—Ocellar triangle entirely gray; vertex and occiput gray; postpedicel black dorsally around base of arista or more, remainder yellow; scutum entirely gray with white or yellowish tomentum; postpronotal lobe usually yellow; notopleuron light yellow to gray; pleuron usually ventrally polished from propleuron to meron, may show a small spot of tomentum on ventral katepisternum, propleuron and dorsal margin of katepisternum yellow, remainder of katepisternum and meron black, anepisternum mostly gray, may be yellow along dorsal margin, anepimeron gray; fore coxa and femur dark yellow to gray, mid and hind coxae and femora gray to brown, fore and mid tibia dark yellow, hind tibia gray except distal tip; tibial organ yellow; syntergite 1+2 yellow to brown, remaining tergites brown with posterior margins yellow; male cerci barely evident; surstylus broadly spatulate, widening apically, rounded, with an angulate distal margin.

Description.—Body length; female: unknown; male: 1.12–1.31mm.

Head: Ocellar triangle evenly grey, tomentose; vertex and occiput gray, tomentose; frons yellow; scape and pedicel yellow; postpedicel black dorsally around base of arista or more, remainder yellow; arista black, pubescent; face, palps, gena and clypeus bright yellow; prementum polished brown, labellum lighter brown; gena to eye ratio 0.18.

Cephalic chaetotaxy: Fronto-orbital setae light brown; interfrontal setae brownish; ocellar setae light brown; postocellar setae black; outer vertical setae black; inner vertical setae light brown; postocular setae yellow; vibrissae yellow; subgenal setae yellow.

Thorax: Prosternum yellow; prescutum polished black; scutum entirely gray with white or yellowish tomentum; postpronotal lobe usually yellow; notopleuron light yellow to gray; pleuron usually ventrally polished from propleuron to meron, may show a small spot of tomentum on ventral katepisternum, propleuron and dorsal margin of katepisternum yellow, remainder of katepisternum and meron black, anepisternum mostly gray, may be yellow along dorsal margin, anepimeron gray; katatergite yellow; katepimeron yellow; anatergite and lateral portions of the mediotergite light gray tomentose; center of mediotergite polished black; disc of scutellum with light gray and some yellowish tomentum, scutellum margin faintly yellowish; subscutellum gray tomentose; wing length 1.03–1.11 mm, hyaline, costal ratios 0.34:0.27:0.14; fore coxa and femur dark yellow to gray, mid and hind coxae and femora gray to brown, fore and mid tibia dark yellow, hind tibia gray except distal tip; femoral organ two rows of short warts with flattened setae (as in fig. 13); tibial organ yellow.

Thoracic chaetotaxy: Scapular seta absent; all scutal and scutellar setae light brown.

Abdomen: Syntergite 1+2 light brown to yellow, can be darker medially, remaining tergites darker brown, posterior margins yellow, lightly tomentose, with many scattered yellowish setulae, sternites light brown. Male terminalia (figs. 35, 36): epandrium gray tomentose contrasting with yellow posterior margin of 5 th tergite, male cerci barely evident; surstylus broadly spatulate, widening apically, rounded, with an angulate distal margin. Female unknown.

Type material.— The holotype male is labeled [white label] MD: Howard Co : Columbia / DryStormWaterBasin Beth Shalom / 39°11′05.25″N 76°52′48.28″W / 08 July 2021 / GA and AM Foster // [white label] ♂ // [red highlighted] HOLOTYPE / Microcercis murphyi Foster ♂ / G. A. Foster 2023 // [inverted white label] USNMENT 01519366. GoogleMaps

The holotype is double mounted (0.15mm minuten inserted in a white cube of silicone rubber on a #2 insect pin), is in excellent condition, and is deposited in the USNM.

PARATYPES (18♂, 1♀): ALABAMA. Mobile Co.: Kushla , Aug 1916, A. H. Sturtevant (1♂; NMNH) .

ARKANSAS. Garland Co.: Hot Springs , 15 mi. W, 14–19 May 1979, G. C. Steyskal and K. Spencer (1♂, 1♀: NMNH) .

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. no location specified, 11 Aug 1956, P. H. Arnaud, Jr. (1♂; NMNH) .

MARYLAND. Howard Co.: Columbia, dry storm water basin/ Beth Shalom , (39°11′05.25″N 76°52′48.28″W), 03–04, 06, 08 July 2021, G. A. and A. M. Foster (4♂; GAF) GoogleMaps ; Columbia , residential yard, (39°12′32.97″N 76°53′26.75″W), 05 June 2021, G. A. and A. M. Foster (1♂; GAF) GoogleMaps ; Marriottsville, Alpha Ridge Landfill entrance, (39°18′25.21″N 76°54′01.42″W), 07, 11 Sept 2021, 30 April 2022, G. A. and A. M. Foster (5♂; GAF) GoogleMaps ; Prince Georges Co.: USGS Bee Lab @ PaxWldlfeRef, (39°02′13.20″N 76°47′22.23″W), 15 July 2021, G.A. Foster (3♂; GAF) GoogleMaps .

MASSACHUSETTS. Barnstable Co.: Woods Hole , June 1918, A. H. Sturtevant (2♂; NMNH) .

Distribution.—Nearctic: United States (Alabama, Arkansas, District of Columbia, Maryland, Massachusetts).

Discussion.—This species is distinguished from most other Microcercis species by the color pattern of the pleuron, ventrally polished from propleuron to meron, propleuron and dorsal margin of katepisternum yellow, remainder of katepisternum and meron black, anepisternum mostly gray, may be yellow along dorsal margin, anepimeron gray.

I have collected this species at the same time with M. minor in grassy lawn habitats.

Etymology.—This species is named for my dear friend, editor, supporter and always upbeat colleague, William L. Murphy of Fishers, Indiana.


USA, Washington D.C., National Museum of Natural History, [formerly, United States National Museum]


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History













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