Nemognathomimus angelicae, Gutiérrez & Noguera, 2017

Gutiérrez, Nayeli & Noguera, Felipe A., 2017, Two new species of the genus Nemognathomimus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from Mexico and Guatemala, Zootaxa 4365 (1), pp. 71-80 : 76-79

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Plazi (2017-12-15 05:12:47, last updated 2022-02-09 00:44:56)

scientific name

Nemognathomimus angelicae

sp. nov.

Nemognathomimus angelicae sp. nov.

( Figs. 29–37, 38–40, 44–49 View FIGURES 18–29 View FIGURES 30–38 View FIGURES 39–50 )

Holotype male. Length: 8 mm; width: 2 mm. Form small; narrow, elongated; integument shining black, pronotum orange with a longitudinal ovoid black macula to each side on apical half; with semi-erect setae clothing entire body. Head 1.1X longer than wide; front trapezoidal, widest distally, medially depressed to behind clypeus, from where it widens in posterior part, forming a “V”, each half slightly convex transversally, with little deep punctures that are contiguous-confluent, integument areolate-rugose in appearance; setae sparse; anterior part of clypeus trapezoidal, with apex narrower, posterior part subtriangular, microrugose, without punctures; genae 0.3X eye length, with apical margins rounded and notched in superior third; vertex longitudinally convex, with little deep punctures that are contiguous-confluent, with abundant suberect setae not obscuring the integument; neck abruptly constricted; eyes large, 1.4X longer than wide; antennae 0.8X as long as body, last segment reaching third abdominal segment, first four segments and half of fifth with shining integument and clothed with dark sub-erect setae, remaining segments with integument microrugose, opaque, clothed with shorter, subrecumbent setae; antennal formula (proportion) based on length of third segment: scape = 0.86, pedicel = 0.02, IV = 0.67, V = 0.62, VI = 0.67, VII = 0.62, VIII = 0.52, IX = 0.52, X = 0.48, XI = 0.52, segments 5–11 with transverse sensorial pits in apex. Pronotum campanuliform, base 2.3X wider than apex, sides slightly curved in apical half, hind angles acute, basal margin widely bisinuate, apical margin truncate, disc strongly convex, with small punctures contiguousconfluent; clothed with suberect setae; orange color with a longitudinal ovoid black macula on each side in apical half, contiguous in midline nearly to apex and becoming separated towards base. Scutellum triangular, black, with small punctures contiguous-confluent. Elytra 2.5X longer than wide; sides almost straight, slightly narrower near middle; apices acuminate; with punctures moderately deep on base and becoming finer toward apex, punctures separated by two or three times their diameter, each puncture bearing one suberect dark setae. Prosternum with very sparse setae; procoxal process laminar; procoxae contiguous; mesosternum finely densely punctate, punctures contiguous-confluent, pale setae moderately dense; width of mesocoxal process 0.8X width of mesocoxa; mesocoxa with an obtuse dentiform projection contiguous to trochanter; metasternum finely, densely punctate and densely clothed with pale suberect setae, except sides of metathoracic discrimen that are almost glabrous and impunctate. Legs densely clothed with pale suberect setae. Abdomen with basal segments finely, densely punctate and densely clothed with pale setae that become sparser toward last segment; last segment with apex truncate, angles rounded. Genitalia with tegmen in lateral view slightly curved; parameres parallel, strongly sclerotized (dark color), with internal margin slightly curved inward on basal half, external margin curved entirely, impunctate dorsally and with sparse moderately deep punctures ventrally, with long setae near apex and short setae ventrally; penis in lateral view curved, with apex acuminate.

Allotype female. Length: 6.9 mm; width: 1.6 mm. Form similar to male except as follows: body slightly narrower; orange color except antennae, base and apex of femora, tibiae and tarsi black; head with corono-frontal suture pigmented with dark brown; pronotum narrower, base 2.1X wider than apex; elytra 2.8X longer than wide, with setae bright yellow; ventral region with shorter and sparse setae; last abdominal segment slightly angulate at middle of apex.

Type material. Holotype male, allotype and one male paratype from: MEXICO, Hidalgo, 16 Km N Los Duraznos, 22-VII-1999, Alt. 1031 m, 20°50'38'' N, 99°12'38'' O, Col. A.M. Corona ( EBCC) GoogleMaps . Six paratypes as follows: MEXICO, Hidalgo, Parc Nas. Los Marmoles [ Parque Nacional Los Mármoles ] 4.8 km N Trancas , 20° 49' 15'' N 99° 15' 28'' W 1905 m 20 July 1999, R.L.Westcott (2 males, 2 females, LGBC) GoogleMaps ; Hidalgo vic. Jacala Km 2, road to San Nicolas , 1323 m 20° 59' 659'', 99° 10' 953'' 18 June 2004, R.L.Westcott (1 male, 1 female, LGBC) .

Diagnosis. This species is similar in form and coloration pattern to N. michelbacheri Chemsak & Giesbert, 1986 , but it is distinguished from that species by the longer rostrum in males ( Figs. 38 View FIGURES 30–38 , 41 View FIGURES 39–50 ), pronotum narrower and curved in the apical half ( Figs. 44, 47 View FIGURES 39–50 ); elytra with sides almost straight ( Figs. 40, 43 View FIGURES 39–50 ); obtuse dentiform projection on the mesocoxa ( Figs. 45, 48 View FIGURES 39–50 ) and the last abdominal sternite with apex straight ( Figs. 46, 49 View FIGURES 39–50 ). From the rest of the species in the genus it may be easily separated by the obtuse dentiform projection on the mesocoxa.

Remarks. One male paratype from Jacala, Hidalgo presents a different color pattern than the holotype. The pronotum lacks a well-defined black macula in the apical half, instead the integument is almost entirely black, except the base which is orange. In addition, the integument of elytra is black on both margins and the apex, and the rest is orange.

Etymology. We dedicate this species to Angélica M. Corona, who collected part of the material used to describe the species and also for her contributions to the study of Mexican insects.

Chemsak, J. A. & Giesbert, E. F. (1986) New species of Cerambycidae from the Estacion de Biologia de Chamela, Mexico (Coleoptera). Folia Entomologica Mexicana, 69, 19 - 39.

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FIGURES 18–29. Comparison of body structures between N. wappesi sp. nov. and N. pallidulus (Linsley, 1935); 18–20 and 24–26 male and female head, male elytra, male and female pronotum and last male abdominal sternite of N. wappesi sp. nov.; 21–23 and 27–29 male and female head, male elytra, male and female pronotum and last male abdominal sternite of N. pallidulus.

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FIGURES 30–38. Nemognathomimus angelicae sp. nov. 30–32 dorsal, lateral and ventral habitus of male; 33–35 dorsal, lateral and ventral habitus of female; 36–37dorsal and ventral view of parameres; 38 female stylus.

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FIGURES 39–50. Comparison of body structures between N. angelicae sp. nov. and N. michelbacheri Chemsak & Giesbert, 1986; 39–41 and 45–47 male and female head, male elytra, male pronotum, dentiform projection of mesocoxa, and last male abdominal sternite of N. angelicae sp. nov.; 42–44 and 48–50 male and female head, male elytra, male pronotum, unmodified mesocoxa and last male abdominal sternite of N.michelbacheri.


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Estacion de Biologia "Chamela"