Bryopharsos amazonensis, Bravo & Araújo, 2019

Bravo, Freddy & Araújo, Maíra Xavier, 2019, Three new species of Bryopharsos Quate, 1996 (Diptera, Psychodidae, Psychodinae) from the Neotropical Region, Zootaxa 4619 (2), pp. 364-370 : 368

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4619.2.10

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scientific name

Bryopharsos amazonensis

sp. nov.

Bryopharsos amazonensis sp. nov.

( Figs. 25–31 View FIGURES 25–31 )

Type material. Holotype, male: BRAZIL, 15 km SE Rio Branco , EMBRAPA, 10° 01’ S; 67° 41’ W, altitude 170 m, Malaise trap, 16.VIII.2008, Melo, G. col. ( MZFS). GoogleMaps

Etymology. The specific name amazonensis is based on the State where the specimen of the new species was collected, namely Amazonas.

Diagnosis. Male. Eye bridge with four facet rows; wing 1.8 times longer than wide; ejaculatory apodeme paddle shape in dorsal view; cercus subcylindrical with five tenacula; aedeagus long, triangular, slightly curved, ending in a pointed apex.

Description. Male. Head vertex length almost twice the width of eye bridge; eye bridge with four facet rows; antenna in examined specimens incomplete; pedicel almost the same length than scape; flagellomeres 1–3 with eccentric node and short internode ( Fig. 25 View FIGURES 25–31 ). Occipital setae present and distributed laterally; post-ocular alveoli present ( Fig. 26 View FIGURES 25–31 ). Labellum very short, ending before the apex of labrum; stipes short, knife like ( Fig. 27 View FIGURES 25–31 ). Ascoids not observed. Thorax without allurement organs. Wing twice as long than as wide; hair scars distributed uniformly on wing membrane ( Fig. 28 View FIGURES 25–31 ). Hypandrium stripe like; hypandrial plate absent; gonostylus digitate with blunt apex; aedeagus blade-like, slightly curved, ending in pointed apex; ejaculatory apodeme paddle shaped dorsally; paramere with the same length of aedeagus, wider than aedeagus ending in a straight apex ( Fig. 29 View FIGURES 25–31 ). Gonocoxal apodeme fused with two pilose and asymmetrical lobes projected anteriorly ( Fig. 29 View FIGURES 25–31 ). Epandrium subrectangular; cercus subcylindrical with five tenacula; subepandrial sclerite plate-like with distal arms sclerotized where cerci are articulated; epiproct smaller than hypoproct, both with apical micropilosity ( Figs. 30 and 31 View FIGURES 25–31 ).

Female. Unknown.

Remarks. Bryopharsos amazonensis sp. nov. is morphologically similar to B. clavigum and B. claviformosum . All three species share the digitate shape of gonostylus with a blunt apex, as well as the presence and similar format of bristles in the posterior expansion of gonocoxal apodeme, and by the blade-like shape of the aedeagus. B. clavigum is differentiated from the new species by the number of tenacula (three in B. clavigum and five in the new species) and by the shape of anterior margin of ejaculatory apodeme (straight in B. amazonensis sp. nov. and rounded in B. clavigum). B. claviformosum is differentiated from the new species B. amazonensis by the length of tenacula: B. claviformosum has four long and one short tenaculum, while in the new species all are of the same length.















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