Ammonicera minortalis Rolán, 1992b: 40–42

BOYKO, CHRISTOPHER B. & CORDEIRO, JAMES R., 2001, Catalog Of Recent Type Specimens In The Division Of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum Of Natural History. V. Mollusca, Part 2 (Class Gastropoda [Exclusive Opisthobranchia And Pulmonata With Supplements To Gastropoda [Opisthobranchia], And Bivalvia, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2001 (262), pp. 1-1 : 1-

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0090(2001)262<0001:CORTSI>2.0.CO;2

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scientific name

Ammonicera minortalis Rolán, 1992b: 40–42


Ammonicera minortalis Rolán, 1992b: 40–42 View in CoL , Locality : On muddy margins of Deea figs. 10–13 View Figs View Figs , 15 View Figs . Mano] River, Liberia.

Paratypes: AMNH 226450 (3 specimens). Collector : G. Perkins.

Locality : 4 m, Baracoa, Cuba, Atlantic Ocean. Remarks: ex Jay Collection #6580. The Collector : Unknown. was designated and figured by Johnson Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype is 54, pl. 45, fig. 4 View Figs ). Seven additional ‘‘

MNCN 15.05/6794, and additional paratypes (= paralectotypes) are MCZ 225214

are BMNH 1992102, ZMA 3.92.045, and in 6580) (Johnson, 1964: 54).

IES, MNHN, and the collection of E. Rolán Amnicola cincta Gould, 1846: 100 .

(Rolán, 1992b: 40). Lectotype: AMNH 65006.

Ammonicera oteroi Rolán, 1991c: 110–112 , figs. Paralectotype: AMNH 65006a (1 specimen 10–12. Locality : River Tenasserim, Burma.

Paratypes: AMNH 225230 (2 specimens). Collector : F. Mason.

Locality : 4 m, Mordeira, Sal Island, Cape Verde Remarks: ex Jay Collection #6582. The

Islands, Portugal, Atlantic Ocean. was designated and figured by Johnson Collector : E. Rolán, 1981. 55, pl. 35, fig. 1 View Figs ). An additional ‘‘ Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype is paralectotype) is MCZ 225210 (ex

MNCN 15.05/2890, and additional paratypes (Johnson, 1964: 55).

are in BMNH, IICT, MNHN, and the collec­ Amoria dampieria Weaver, 1960: 3 , figs

tions of J. Otero­Schmitt and E. Rolán (Rolán, Paralectotype: AMNH 110169 (1 specimen 1991c: 110). Locality : 32 fathoms, Legendre Island, Archipelago, Western Australia, Australia Ammonicera sculpturata Rolán, 1992b: 40 , figs. cific Ocean. 9, 12, 14. Collector : Hawaiian–Western Australian Paratypes: AMNH 226451 (4 specimens). tion on R/V ‘‘Davina,’’ June 1960.

Locality : 4 m, Baracoa, Cuba, Atlantic Ocean. Remarks: ex Weaver Collection (‘‘ paratype Collector : Unknown. The type series consists of ‘‘over a dozen Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype is specimens’’ collected by the Hawaiian MNCN 15.05/6793, and additional paratypes Australian Expedition in May and

are BMNH 1992103, ZMA 3.92.043, and in (Weaver, 1963: 28), although only

IES, MNHN, and the collection of E. Rolán specimen was explicitly cited by Weaver (Rolán, 1992b: 40). 3). Weaver (1963: 31) stated that Amnicola brandi Drake, 1953: 27 , figs. 1–6 View Figs View Figs . 205554 was the holotype. Because Paratypes: AMNH 72856 (9 specimens), 128728 (1960: 3) did not designate a holotype (3 specimens), 143534 (3 specimens). er’s (1963) action constituted a lectotype Locality : Warm springs, Las Palomas, Distrito ignation. Additional paralectotypes Galeana, Chihuahua, Mexico. C.64020, C.64028, BPBM 205557 Collector : R. J. Drake and C. C. Hoff, April 15, WAM 16–61, 5855, and in the collection 1949. Weaver (Weaver, 1963: 30). Remarks: ex collections of H. Feinberg (AMNH Amphicyclotulus (Amphicyclotulus)

128728) and M. Jacobson (AMNH 143534). Bartsch, 1942: 57–58, pl. 10, figs. 9 View Figs

The holotype is USNM 601494, and additional Paratypes: AMNH 124327 (9 specimens paratypes are USNM 601495 and as cited by (2 specimens).

Drake (1953: 27–28). Over 200 paratypes were Locality : Dominican Republic.

collected and distributed to 23 institutions Collector : R. W. Miner, June 23, 1911.

(Drake, 1953: 27–28). The catalog number of Remarks: The holotype is USNM one AMNH lot was cited incorrectly by Drake (Bartsch, 1942: 58).

(1953: 28) as ‘‘72857.’’

Amphicyclotulus (Amphicyclotulus)

Amnicola ciliata Gould, 1850: 193–198 . Bartsch, 1942: 55, pl. 10, figs. 15– 17 View Figs Lectotype: AMNH 71067 (1 specimen). Paratypes: AMNH 124324 (4 specimens Paralectotypes: AMNH 71067A (52 specimens). (5 specimens), 124326 (37 specimens 16 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO

Locality : Laudat, Dominican Republic. Ampullaria brownii Jay, 1839: 112 , pl. 1, Collector : R. W. Miner, June 12 (AMNH 124324), Syntype: AMNH 56107.

18 (AMNH 124326), and 21 (AMNH 124325), Locality : ‘‘River Amazon’’ [ Brazil] (Jay,

1911. Collector : Capt. Brown.

Remarks: The holotype is USNM 535856 Remarks: ex Jay Collection #6686 (Jay, (Bartsch, 1942: 55). AMNH 56107 is labeled as ‘‘fig d. type’ Jay’s handwriting ( fig. 2 View Figs herein). The Amphithalamus albus Rolán, 1991b: 134–136 , abouts of other syntype specimens (if any figs. 7 View Figs , 12, 14b View Figs , 15b View Figs . unknown. Although Pain (1960: 430) Paratypes: AMNH 264679 (2 specimens). that ‘‘I have been able to examine the Locality : Baracoa, Cuba, Atlantic Ocean. A. brownii Jay ,’’ this statement is not Collector : Unknown. as to the specimen examined and thus does Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype is in constitute an inadvertent lectotype designation MNCN, and additional paratypes are in This species is a synonym of Pomacea BMNH, IES, MNHN, ZMA , and the collec­ nopomus) crassa (Swainson, 1823) tions of R. Fernández­Garcés and E. Rolán 1960: 429).

(Rolán, 1991b: 136).

Ampullaria ochracea Jay, 1836 : explanation Amphithalamus niger Rolán, 1991b: 136–140 , pl. 3 [p. 85], fig. 8 View Figs .

figs. 8–9 View Figs , 13 View Figs , 15c View Figs . Syntypes: AMNH 56106 (1 specimen), Paratype: AMNH 264680 (1 specimen). (1 specimen).

Locality : Baracoa, Cuba, Atlantic Ocean. Locality : ‘‘Spanish Maine’’ (Jay, 1836: 85) Collector : Unknown. Collector : Unknown.

Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype is in Remarks: ex Jay Collection #2131a (Jay, MNCN, and additional paratypes are in and #6731 (Jay, 1850). AMNH 56106 BMNH, IES, MNHN, ZMA, and the collec­ beled as ‘‘fig d. type’’ in Jay’s handwriting tions of R. Fernández­Garcés and E. Rolán 3 herein). The whereabouts of other 6 (Rolán, 1991b: 139). (fide Jay, 1839: 116) are unknown. This is a synonym of A. (P.) ampullacea ( Amphithalamus rauli Rolán, 1991b: 133–134 , 1758) (Sowerby, 1910: 56).

figs. 3–6 View Figs View Figs , 11, 14c–e View Figs , 15a View Figs .

Paratypes: AMNH 264678 (5 specimens). Ampullaria storeria Jay, 1839: 112 , pl. 1, Locality : 23°03′N, 82°34′W, Playa de Baracoa,? Syntype: AMNH 56110 (1 specimen).

near La Habana, Cuba, Atlantic Ocean. Locality : ‘‘River Amazon’’ [ Brazil] (Jay, Collector : Unknown. 112).

Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype is in Collector : Capt. Brown.

MNCN, and additional paratypes are in Remarks: ex Jay Collection #6736 (Jay, BMNH, IES, MNCN, MNHN, ZMA, and the AMNH 56107 is labeled as ‘‘fig d. type’ collections of R. Fernández­Garcés and E. Ro­ Jay’s handwriting, but Jay (1850) cited lán (Rolán, 1991b: 133). for his specimen(s) of A. storeria . Because this discrepancy, the AMNH specimen is Ampullaria angulata Jay, 1836 : explanation of pl. sidered a probable syntype. The whereabouts

3 [p. 85], fig. 7 View Figs . other syntype specimens (if any) are

Syntype: AMNH 56108.

Locality : ‘‘Mexico’’ (Jay, 1836). Anachis berryi Shasky, 1970: 190 , fig. 5 View Figs . Collector : Unknown. Paratypes: AMNH 179304 (2 specimens). Remarks: ex Jay Collection #2030a (Jay, 1839) Locality : 3–4 m, 23°26′N, 109°25′W, El and #6740 (Jay, 1850). AMNH 56108 is la­ Reef, Baja California Sur, Mexico,

beled as ‘‘fig d. pl. 3, fig. 7 View Figs ’’ in Jay’s hand­ Ocean.

writing ( fig. 1 View Figs herein). The whereabouts of oth­ Collector : D. Shasky, April 23–25, 1965.

er syntype specimens (if any) are unknown. Remarks: ex Shasky Collection. The holotype This taxon is a synonym of A. scalaris LACM 1413 , and additional paratypes d’Orbigny, 1835 (Jay, 1839: 116). LACM 1414 and in ANSP, CASIZ, 2001 BOYKO AND CORDEIRO: TYPE SPECIMENS: MOLLUSCA, PART 2

SU, USNM, and the collection of D. Shasky lection (AMNH 294359). Usticke (

(Shasky, 1970: 190). fig. 15 View Figs ) figured both specimens, which dicted his own statement (1959: vi) Anachis (? Costoanachis ) fayae Keen, 1971: 579 , ‘‘ holotypes ... are pictured.’’ However

fig. 1178. (1959: 67) explicitly stated, ‘‘I

Paratypes: AMNH 164911 (2 specimens), 222025 darker shell to be the holotype, the

(2 specimens), 275867 (6 specimens). paratype.’’ Faber (1988: 84) is therefore Locality : Playa Caracol, Nuevo Guaymas, Sonora, rect in his statement that the type

Mexico, Pacific Ocean. are subsequent and invalid. This taxon Collector : F. B. Howard, Feb. 1967. onym of Costoanachis

Remarks: ex Howard Collection (AMNH (d’Orbigny, 1842) (de Maintenon, 164911), DuShane Collection (AMNH commun.; new synonymy).

222025), and SBMNH (AMNH 275867). The holotype is SBMNH 12658, and additional par­ Anachis multicostata Usticke, 1969: 16 ,

atypes are SU 10044 (Keen, 1971: 953) and 755.

MCZ 279521 . Lectotype: AMNH 195431.

Locality : Ham Bay, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Anachis guildingii ‘‘form’ ’ teres Usticke, 1969 : Atlantic Ocean.

16, pl. 3, fig. 754. Collector : Unknown.

Holotype: AMNH 195432. Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #755.

Locality : Christiansted Harbor, St. Croix, U.S. Usticke (1969: 16) gave only a single

Virgin Islands, Atlantic Ocean. ment for this taxon, he indicated that Collector : Unknown. been collected in two localities. Later Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #754. Although 13), he indicated that the ‘‘holotype’ Usticke (1969: 16) cited this taxon as a mm long and that the size range for

‘‘form,’’ he listed it subspecifically in the index was ‘‘6.0–7.0 mm.’’ Both of these facts

and called it ‘‘ Anachis teres ’’ in the figure cap­ that Usticke inadvertently omitted

tion. We consider this taxon to have been sub­ limit of the size range for the species specifically described. AMNH 195432 is the 1969 paper and that he had more than holotype by monotypy. This taxon is a syno­ imen at the time of description. Usticke

nym of Costoanachis hotessieriana (d’Orbigny, 13) stated that this specimen (now

1842) (de Maintenon, personal commun.; new 195431) was the holotype. Because synonymy). (1969: 16) did not designate a holotype Anachis helenae Costa, 1983: 95–96, figs. 1–3 View Figs . ticke’s (1971) action constituted a

Paratype: AMNH 213573 (1 specimen). designation. The repository of the

Locality : 56 m, Amapa Territory , Rio de Janeiro, pes is unknown ; their existence is

Brazil, Atlantic Ocean. Usticke’s (1971: 13) given size range Collector : E. Rios, May 1, 1968. taxon of 6–7 mm length. This taxon Remarks: ex MORG 14.810. The holotype is Co­ onym of Zafrona pulchella (Blainville leçao de Moluscos da Universidade Santa Ur­ (Faber, 1988: 85; de Maintenon, personal sula 215, and additional paratypes are Coleçao mun.).

de Moluscos da Universidade Santa Ursula Anachis raysutana Smythe, 1985: 29

237, 238, MORG 14.810a–l, and in the collec­ figs. b–c, text figs. 3 View Figs , 6, 9 View Figs .

tion of F. Costa (Costa, 1983: 96, 98). Paratypes: AMNH 220729 (1 specimen

Anachis mcgintyi Usticke, 1959: 67 View in CoL , pl. 3, fig. 15 View Figs . (1 specimen).

Holotype: AMNH 198493. Locality : 20°41′N, 58°54′E, North Point GoogleMaps Paratypes: AMNH 198493a (1 specimen), 294359 220729), 20°27′N, 58°48′E, Umm

(2 specimens). ( AMNH 220730), Masirah Island,

Locality : Altona Bay, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Is­ dian Ocean.

lands, Atlantic Ocean. Collector : K. Smythe and M. Gallagher,

Collector : G. W. N. Usticke. ( AMNH 220729), K. R. Smythe, Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #752 and #753 ( AMNH 220730).

18 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO additional paratypes are BMNH 1984080, Monsecour, G. Poppe, and J. Senders (

NMW 1984.047.1–2, ONHM 1984/69/B, and cour and Monsecour, 1999: 63–64).

in MNHN, USNM, ZMA, and the collections of D. Bosch and K. Smythe (Smythe, 1985: Annulobalcis aurisflamma Simone and

30). 1995: 224–233, figs. 1 View Figs –25.

Paratype: AMNH 292171 (1 specimen,

Anachis subcostulata ‘‘var.’’ subcincta Usticke, Locality : 23°29′S, 45°05′W, Enseada Beach 1969: 16, pl. 3, fig. 744. tuba City, São Paulo, Brazil, Atlantic Lectotype: LOST. Collector : L. R. L. Simone, C. M. Martins Paralectotypes: AMNH 193399 (10 specimens), 8–10, 1991.

193400 (1 specimen), 193401 (2 specimens), Remarks: ex MZUSP 27938. The holotype 193423 (27 specimens). MZUSP 27905, and additional paratypes Locality : Antigua, Antigua and Barbuda (AMNH MNRJ 6374, 6375, MORG 29681, 193399), Saint Martins (AMNH 193400), Gre­ MZUSP 27906–27910, 27938, 27939, nada (AMNH 193401), Krause’s Reef, St. SMNH 4511, and USNM 860590 (Simone Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands (AMNH 193423), Martins, 1995: 224).

Atlantic Ocean.

Collector : Unknown. Anticlimax decorata Rolán, Fernández­Garcés Remarks: ex Usticke Collection. Although Us­ and Rubio, 1997: 31–34, figs. 1–2 View Figs .

ticke (1969: 16) cited this taxon as a ‘‘var.,’’ he Paratype: AMNH 295744 (1 specimen).

listed it as a ‘‘n[ew] s[ub] sp[ecies]’’ (1969: Locality : Rancho de Luna, Cienfuegos, Cuba 16), treated it subspecifically in the index, and lantic Ocean.

called it ‘‘ Anachis subcincta ’’ in the figure cap­ Collector : Unknown.

tion. We consider this taxon to have been sub­ Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype specifically described. The specimen figured by MNCN 15.05/27420, and additional Usticke (1969: pl. 3, fig. 744) cannot be located are in BMNH and the collections of R.

in AMNH and is most likely lost. In the interest dez­Garcés, E. Rolán, and F. Rubio (

of stability, we designate Usticke’s figured al., 1997: 32).

specimen as lectotype, in order to fix the iden­ Arene adusta McLean, 1970b: 123 , figs. 24

tity of this poorly defined taxon. The repository Paratype: AMNH 160259 (1 specimen).

of additional paralectotypes (if any) is un­ Locality : 24°25′N, 110°25′W, cove adjoining known. This taxon is a synonym of Zafrona west sides of Isla Partida and Espiritu pulchella (Blainville, 1829) (de Maintenon, Islands, Baja California Sur, Mexico, personal commun.; new synonymy). Ocean.

Ancilla boschi Kilburn, 1980: 168–169 , fig. 1 View Figs . Collector : J. H. McLean and P. M. Orringer Paratype: AMNH 238001 (1 specimen). V ‘‘Sea Quest,’’ April 10, 1966.

Locality : Masirah Island, Oman, Indian Ocean. Remarks: The holotype is LACM 1391, Collector : D. Bosch, July 16, 1977. ditional paratypes are LACM 1392, Remarks: ex NM G9275/T2415. The holotype is 277819, and in ANSP, CASIZ,

NM H9707/T2413, and additional paratypes are SDNHM, SU, and USNM (McLean,

in BMNH and NM (Kilburn, 1980: 169). This 123).

taxon is placed in the subgenus Sparella Gray ,

1857 (Bosch et al., 1995: 145). Arene echinata McLean, 1970a: 311 , pl. 46


Angaria poppei Monsecour and Monsecour , Holotype: AMNH 154626.

1999: 63–65, 67–69, pls. 1–2. Paratype: AMNH 154627 (1 specimen). Paratype: AMNH 294294 (1 specimen). Locality : 00°16′S, 91°27′W, Espinosa Point Locality : Northern side of Caubian Plateau, north nandina Island, Galápagos Islands,

of Bohol, Philippines, Pacific Ocean. Pacific Ocean.

Collector : Unknown, 1996. Collector : J. DeRoy, Jan. 30, 1968.

Remarks: The holotype is in KBIN, and additional Remarks: ex DeRoy Collection. The additional paratypes are in BMNH, MNHN, NMW, and paratypes are LACM 1277 (McLean, 2001 BOYKO AND CORDEIRO: TYPE SPECIMENS: MOLLUSCA, PART 2


American Museum of Natural History


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Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Universiteit van Amsterdam, Zoologisch Museum














Ammonicera minortalis Rolán, 1992b: 40–42


Anachis mcgintyi

Usticke 1959: 67
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