Arene guttata McLean, 1970a: 310

BOYKO, CHRISTOPHER B. & CORDEIRO, JAMES R., 2001, Catalog Of Recent Type Specimens In The Division Of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum Of Natural History. V. Mollusca, Part 2 (Class Gastropoda [Exclusive Opisthobranchia And Pulmonata With Supplements To Gastropoda [Opisthobranchia], And Bivalvia, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2001 (262), pp. 1-1 : 1-

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0090(2001)262<0001:CORTSI>2.0.CO;2

publication LSID

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Arene guttata McLean, 1970a: 310


Arene guttata McLean, 1970a: 310 View in CoL , pl. 46, figs. types are still in the collection of J

1–2. DuShane (Emerson and D’Attilio,

Paratypes: AMNH 154685 (3 specimens). or if AMNH 222054 represents all the Locality : 00°45′S, 90°20′W, Academy Bay, Santa pes from that collection. Although

Cruz Island, Galápagos Islands, Ecuador, Pacif­ 153298 was cited by Emerson and ic Ocean. (1970b: 90) as containing 9 specimens Collector : J. DeRoy, May 30, 1969. specimen figured by them ( fig. 6 View Figs ) has Remarks: ex LACM. The holotype is LACM from that lot (now AMNH 155904). 1275, and additional paratypes are CASIZ cies was figured by Emerson and

13273, LACM 1276, SDNHM 51302, SU (1970b) in figs. 1–2, 4–6 View Figs View Figs , not figs. 1 View Figs

9986, USNM 679554 (McLean, 1970a: 310), ed on p. 89.

and MCZ 271947. An additional 53 paratypes Aspella paupercula ‘‘var.’’ varians Usticke

are in the collection of J. McLean (McLean, 15, pl. 3, fig. 692 [?sic].

1970a: 310). Lectotype: AMNH 186114.

Arielia mitriformis Shasky, 1961: 20 View in CoL , pl. 4, figs. Paralectotype: AMNH 186115.

7–9. Locality : Maid Island, Antigua, Atlantic Paratypes: AMNH 221882 (2 specimens). Collector : Unknown.

Locality : 45–90 fathoms, 24°32′N, 110°26′W, Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #695

west side of Espiritu Santo Island, Baja Cali­ (1969: 15) gave ‘‘695’’ as his catalog fornia Sur, Mexico, Pacific Ocean. for this taxon, but listed ‘‘692’’ in

Collector : Ariel Expedition, Aug. 30, 1960. caption; he later (1971: 12) changed his Remarks: ex DuShane Collection. The holotype is (or made another error) for this

SU 8621, and additional paratypes are in CAS­ ‘‘#690.’’ Although Usticke (1969: 15)

IZ and the collections of G. Campbell, D. Shas­ taxon as a ‘‘var.,’’ he listed it as a ‘‘n[

ky, and G. Sphon (Shasky, 1961: 20–21). This sp[ecies]’’ (1969: 15), treated it taxon is placed in the genus Mitrolumna Buc­ in the index, and called it ‘‘ Aspella quoy, Dautzenberg, and Dollfus, 1852 (Abbott, the figure caption. We consider this

1974: 269). have been subspecifically described.

select the specimen figured by Usticke Aspella (Favartia) angermeyerae Emerson and pl. 3, fig. 692 [?sic]) as lectotype, D’Attilio, 1965b: pl. 1, figs. 1–5 View Figs .

Holotype: AMNH 113526. nently fix the identity of this poorly

Paratype: AMNH 111856 (1 specimen). on. The repository of additional

Locality : Academy Bay, Santa Cruz Island (if any) is unknown. This taxon is a

(AMNH 113526), 10 fathoms off Rabida Island of Dermomurex (D.) alabastrum (A (AMNH 111856), Galápagos Islands, Ecuador, 1864) (Vokes, 1992: 64).

Pacific Ocean. Asperiscala goldsmithi DuShane, 1988 : Collector : C. Angermeyer, Sept. 1964. 3–4.

Remarks: This taxon is placed in the genus Max­ Paratypes: AMNH 225994 (2 specimens wellia Baily, 1950 (Keen, 1971: 529). (5 specimens).

Locality : 19°44′N, 155°03′W, Puhi Bay,

Aspella (? Dermomurex ) myrakeenae Emerson waii, United States, Pacific Ocean.

and D’Attilio, 1970b: 89–90, figs. ‘‘1–11’’ Collector : M. Goldsmith, 1983.

[ figs. 1–2, 4–6 View Figs View Figs ].

Holotype: AMNH 153298. Remarks: ex DuShane Collection Paratypes: AMNH 155887 (8 specimens), 155904 275631). The holotype is LACM 2304

(1 specimen), 222054 (1 specimen). ditional paratypes are LACM 2305 ( Locality : 20°44′N, 105°29′W, Banderas Bay, Nay­ 1988: 269). This taxon is placed in arit, Mexico, Pacific Ocean. Epitonium Röding, 1798 , and subgenus Collector : J. and H. DuShane, Jan. 12–18, 1969. iscala de Boury, 1909 (Weil et al., Remarks: ex H. DuShane (AMNH 222054). Ad­ Astraea aspinosa Usticke, 1971: 4 , pl. 1

ditional paratypes are in CASIZ, LACM, Holotype: AMNH 195408.


Collector : Unknown. Bathytoma tremperiana Dall, 1911: 109 – Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #172. The repos­ Syntype: AMNH 206515 (1 specimen).

itory of paratypes is unknown; their existence Locality : Off San Pedro, Los Angeles Co.,

is indicated by Usticke’s (1971: 4) given size fornia, United States, Pacific Ocean.

range for the taxon of 25–41 mm length. Collector : Unknown.

Remarks: ex Tremper Collection. The species Babelomurex deroyorum D’Attilio and Myers , figured by Dall (1921: 68, pl. 12, fig. 1984a: 84–85, figs. 10–14 View Figs View Figs . Cryptoconus tremperianus ). Additional Paratypes: AMNH 213802a (1 specimen), pes are probably in USNM (see Dall, 213802b (1 specimen). This taxon is a synonym of Megasurcula Locality : 75–100 m, off Isla Isabella (Albemarle penteriana Gabb, 1865 (Abbott and

Island), Tagus Cove, Galápagos Islands, Ecua­ 1982: 241).

dor, Pacific Ocean.

Collector : A. DeRoy, Jan. 1969. Belgrandia mariatheresiae Giusti and Remarks: The holotype is SDNHM 81613, and 1972: 203–208, figs. 1–12 View Figs View Figs View Figs .

additional paratypes are SDNHM 81616a–c Paratypes: AMNH 225192 (3 specimens).

and USNM 819633a–b (D’Attilio and Myers, Locality : Fonte di San Cassiano,

1984a: 85). Marche, Italy.

Collector : E. Pezzoli, Aug. 10, 1968. Babelomurex gilli Kosuge, 1990: 147–148 , pl. Remarks: ex Taviani Collection. The holotype 55, figs. 1–6 View Figs View Figs , text fig. 1 View Figs . in MCSNM, and additional paratypes Holotype: AMNH 225169. MSNS 225954/74 and in the collections Locality : 80–90 m, off Western Sahara, Atlantic Giusti and E. Pezzoli (Giusti and Pezzoli, Ocean. 208). Collector : Fisherman.

Remarks: The paratypes are IMT 90–24 and in Belgrandiella lucensis Rolán, 1992a: 105

the collection of M. Gill (Kosuge, 1990: 148). pl. 1, figs. 7–8 View Figs ; pl. 2, figs. 5–6 View Figs View Figs ; pl. 4, fig. View Figs

5, figs. 1–9 View Figs View Figs ; pl. 6, figs. 4–5 View Figs .

Bailya milleri Usticke, 1959: 67–68 View in CoL , pl. 2, fig. 21.

Holotype: AMNH 193772. Paratype: AMNH 264681 (1 specimen,

Locality : Outer Reefs, Christiansted Harbor, St. Locality : Carrozo de Villaboa, Iberian

Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, Atlantic Ocean. Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Collector : G. W. N. Usticke and J. Miller. Collector : Unknown.

Remarks: ex Usticke Collection #779. Although Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype this species was illustrated by Usticke (1959: MNCN 15.05/1117, and additional pl. 2, fig. 21) with a particularly poor pencil are in the Museu Ciencias Naturales de la drawing rather than a photograph, there is no ersidad de Santiago de Compostela ( Spain confusion as to which specimen is represented, the collections of H. Boeters and E. Rolán as he had only a single specimen of this taxon lán, 1992a: 108).

at the time of description. AMNH 193772 is therefore the holotype by monotypy and is il­ Belgrandiella montana Rolán, 1992a: 111 lustrated with a photograph herein ( fig. 4 View Figs ). pl. 1, fig. 4 View Figs ; pl. 3, fig. 2 View Figs ; pl. 4, figs. 6, 8 6 View Figs , figs. 7–8 View Figs .

Barleeia mexicana Rolán and Crúz­Ábrego , Paratype: AMNH 264683 (1 specimen).

1998: 3–4, figs. 5–8 View Figs View Figs , 13, 14 View Figs . Locality : Las Fraguas, Cantabria, Iberian Paratype: AMNH 294299 (1 specimen). sula, Spain, Atlantic Ocean.

Locality : Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo, Yucatan, Collector : Unknown.

Mexico, Atlantic Ocean. Remarks: ex Rolán Collection. The holotype Collector : Unknown. MNCN, and additional paratypes are in the Remarks: The holotype is MNCN 15.05/27465, seu de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad and additional paratypes are in BMNH, EPMU, Santiago de Compostela ( Spain) and the MNHN, ZMA, and the collection of E. Rolán tions of H. Boeters and E. Rolán (Rolán, (Rolán and Crúz­Ábrego, 1998: 3). 111).



Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County


Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Universiteit van Amsterdam, Zoologisch Museum














Arene guttata McLean, 1970a: 310


Arielia mitriformis

Shasky 1961: 20

Bailya milleri

Usticke 1959: 67 - 68
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