Phasia emdeni (Draber-Monko, 1970)

Sun, Xuekui & Marshall, Stephen A., 2003, Systematics of Phasia Latreille (Diptera: Tachinidae), Zootaxa 276 (1), pp. 1-320 : 127-129

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.276.1.1

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Phasia emdeni


3.5.2 Phasia emdeni (Draber­Mo ń ko, 1970)

(Figure I­18.1­5, II­4.1)

Hyalomyia emdeni Draber­Mońko, 1970: 693 .

Phasia (Hyalomyia) emdeni: Herting 1984: 170 (catalog) ­ Herting and Dely­Draskovits 1993: 412 (catalog) ­ Ziegler 1994: 159 (review).


Body length: 4­5 mm.

FEMALE: HEAD. Head spherical or nearly so. Eyes separated by a distance as wide as single ocellus. Fronto­orbital plate black with grey pruinosity. Frontal vitta black, triangular. Frontal vitta at base of antennae 0.4­0.5 times as wide as fronto­orbital plate anteriorly. Ocellar setae strong; outer vertical setae present; inner vertical setae absent. Face black with grey pruinosity. Parafacial black with grey pruinosity, bare, 0.8 times as wide as first flagellomere. Lower margin of face projecting, visible in profile, black. Vibrissa well differentiated; intervibrissal distance 2.2 times distance between vibrissa and eye on same side; facial ridge with bristles on lower 1/4. Gena black with grey pruinosity; hairs black; height 0.12 times eye height. Lunule black and shining; sublunular bulla indistinct. Antenna black; first flagellomere 1.7 times as long as pedicel; arista thickened on basal 0.25. Length of oral opening 2.8 times its width. Occiput slightly convex, greyish yellow pruinose; hairs black.

THORAX. Mesoscutum black thinly pruinose, with fine black hairs. 0+1 acrostichal seta; 1+1(2) dorsocentral seta; 2­3 postpronotal setae; presutural supra­alar seta present, but fine; 0 postsutural intra­alar seta; 2 notopleural setae; 1 supra­alar seta; 2 postalar setae. Pleuron thinly grey pruinose; hairs black. Anepimeral setae medium size, black; 1 katepisternal seta; 3 meral setae. Scutellum black with grey pruinosity, with two pairs of marginal setae; apical setae present and distinct; discal setae randomly arranged, not in rows. Subscutellum not very prominent. WING. Lower calypter hyaline white. Wing base without scale­like setae. Tegula black. Basicosta black. Wing hyaline, narrow; petiole of apical cell 0.45 times as long as preceding section of R 4+5; M meeting R 4+5 almost at right angle. Halter black. LEGS. Fore femur black; hairs black. Fore tibia black, with 1 pv and 0­ 1 p. apically with 1 pv, 1 p and 1 d. Fore tarus black. Fore claws black; 0.9 times as long as fifth tarsomere. Pulvilli brown. Mid femur black; hairs black. Mid tibia black, with 1 ad and 1 v, apically with 1 a, 1 av, 1 pv, 1 p, 1 pd, 1 v and 1 d. Hind femur black; hairs black. Hind tibia slightly arched, black, with one row of long ad and pd. Anterior spine­like setae of hind tibia present.

ABDOMEN. Abdominal tergites black; pruinosity present, but thin; longitudinal vitta distinctly present. Relative length of abdominal tergites I+II:III:IV: V = 1.3:1.1:1:1.1; relative width I+II:III:IV: V = 0.5:1:1:0.8. Syntergite I+II shiny, not pruinose. Pruinosity of tergite III silvery (on posterior 3/4). Pruinosity of tergite IV, V silvery; hair spots distinct. Sternite VII (sheath) longer than sternite VI; flattened dorsoventrally, median cleft, bent, apex directed dorsally, smooth ventrally; in ventral view, narrowest at middle, outer side of posterior half arched.

MALE. Unknown.


Hyalomyia emdeni Draber­Mońko, 1970 . Holotype ♀, France, Hyères, V.48630, Becker (ZMHU or lost, not examined).


SPAIN. Prov. Salamanca, Villar de Ciervo, 30. v. and 1989, Tschorsnig (2♀, DEBU).




Draber­Mońko (1970 and pers. comm.) noted that the holotype of this species was housed in the Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt­Universitat (ZMHU), Berlin, Germany. At this time, however, it cannot be located (H. Schumann, pers. comm.).

Phasia emdeni (Draber­Mońko) is similar to Phasia pandellei (Dupuis) , but differs in the structures of female sternite VII (sheath) and hind tibia bristles.


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium














Phasia emdeni

Sun, Xuekui & Marshall, Stephen A. 2003

Phasia (Hyalomyia) emdeni:

Ziegler, J. 1994: 159
Herting, B. & A. Dely-Draskovits 1993: 412
Herting, B. 1984: 170

Hyalomyia emdeni Draber­Mońko, 1970: 693

Draber-Monko, A. 1970: 693
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