Pelidnota ludovici Ohaus, 1905

Ferreira, André da Silva, Grossi, Paschoal C. & Seidel, Matthias, 2022, The taxonomic status of Pelidnota gounellei (Ohaus, 1908) and Pelidnota ludovici Ohaus, 1905 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Melolonthidae), Revista Brasileira de Entomologia (e 20220025) 66 (4), pp. 1-12 : 3-8

publication ID 10.1590/1806-9665-RBENT-2022-0025

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scientific name

Pelidnota ludovici Ohaus, 1905

stat. nov.

Pelidnota ludovici Ohaus, 1905 View in CoL rev. stat. ( Figs. 6 View Figure 6 A-6I, 7A-7F, 8A-

8G, 9A-9F and 10A-10I)

Pelidnota ludovici Ohaus, 1905: 317 View in CoL [original description].

Pelidnota (Pelidnota) ludovici Ohaus View in CoL [new subgeneric combination by Ohaus (1918, p. 25)].

Pelidnota ludovici Ohaus View in CoL [removal of subgeneric classification by Soula (2009, pp. 39-40)].

Type material: 1 male holotype ( Fig.6 View Figure 6 A-6C) of Pelidnota ludovici at ZSM: “Espirito Sto. / Timbuhy / L. Ohaus S. // 21.xii.98. // 1 // Pelidnota / Ludovici / Cotype Ohs. // Staatssammlung / München, 1975 / Erwerb Coll. / Machatschke // HOLOTYPE / Pelidnota ludovici / Ohaus, 1905 / det. M. Seidel 2019 // WORLD / SCARAB. / DATABASE / WSD00344827” ( Fig. 6E View Figure 6 ) .

Examined material: BRASIL: Bahia:Itamaraju , 26.x.1985, Becker, J. leg. (1 female) ( MZFS) ; 28.x1985, Becker, J. leg. (4 males) ( MZFS) ; 31.x.1985, Becker, J.leg.(3 males); 31.x.1985, Becker,J. leg.(1 male, 1 female) ( CERPE) .

Distribution. BRAZIL: Bahia, Espírito Santo ( Ohaus, 1905, 1918, 1934; Blackwelder, 1944; Machatschke, 1972; Krajcik, 2008; Soula, 2009; Moore et al., 2017) ( Fig. 18 View Figure 18 ).

Remarks. Pelidnota ludovici was described by Ohaus (1905), likely named after the brother of Ohaus “L.[=Ludovic or Ludwig] Ohaus”, based on a unique male specimen collected in the state of Espírito Santo: “... Ufer des Rio Doce zwischen Baixo Timbuhy und Guandú gefunden...”, right bank of the Rio Doce, between Baixo Guandu [Baixo Guandú] and Timbuhy [Timbui, today is the District of the municipality of Fundão].In the original description the author compared P.ludovici with P.burmeisteri and recently, based principally in the dorsal and ventral coloration of the body, and in male genitalia and other characters not specified by the authors, Moore et al. (2017) proposed P. ludovici as a new synonym of P.burmeisteri tricolor Nonfried, 1894 . According to Moore et al. (2017), specimens of P. ludovici examined by the authors present the following set of characters: ventral surface metallic rufous with metallic green shine (black with metallic green shine in P. burmeisteri ); legs metallic rufous or purple (black in P. burmeisteri ); head shiny, metallic green (also in P. burmeisteri ); pronotum, scutellar shield, and elytra metallic rufous with green shine (pronotum and scutellar shield metallic green, elytra black and shiny in P. burmeisteri ). Finally, Moore et al. (2017), based on comparison of specimens of P. ludovici and a lectotype of P. burmeisteri tricolor in ZMHB (male genitalia and other characters, not specified by the authors), considered these taxa to be conspecific. The holotype of P.ludovici has recently been discovered in ZSM, where it was obtained in 1975 with the purchase of the Machatschke collection. It is unclear if the holotype legitimately belonged to Machatschke or the SDEI (Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Müncheberg, Berlin) which was Machatschke’s former workplace. Soula (2009) only cites the locality from Ohaus (1905) and did not see the type at ZMHB, as mistakenly interpreted by Moore et al. (2017).

Here, we present a new set of characters, based on a series of P.ludovici ( Figs. 6 View Figure 6 A-6I, 7A-7F, 8A-8G, 9A-9F and 10A-10I) specimens, followed by the characters in parentheses referring to P. burmeisteri ( Figs. 1 View Figure 1 A- 1F, 2A-2G, 3A-3F and 4A-4G) examined in our study: dorsal ( Figs. 6 View Figure 6 A- 6B, 7A-7D and 8A-8B) and ventral side rufous ( Figs. 6C View Figure 6 and 7 C-7F) with metallic green reflections, elytron with lateral margin and apex purple ( Fig. 1 View Figure 1 A-1D) (head, pronotum ( Figs. 1 View Figure 1 A-1D and 2A-2B) and pygidium ( Fig. 2C View Figure 2 ) metallic green with purple reflections on lateral margins, scutellar shield ( Fig. 1 View Figure 1 A-1D) and ventral side rufous with metallic green reflections ( Fig.1 View Figure 1 C-1F), elytron black ( Fig. 1 View Figure 1 A-1D)); legs metallic purple ( Fig. 7 A-7F) (coxa, trochanter and femur metallic green, tibia and tarsus metallic purple ( Fig.1 View Figure 1 A-1F)); propygidium with longitudinal carinae in dorsal surface, distal margin with smooth surface and sparse setae in medial region ( Fig. 8 C-8D) (propygidium without longitudinal carinae in dorsal surface, distal margin with surface densely punctate, glabrous surface ( Fig. 2 View Figure 2 C-2D)); labium with excavated area in dorsal surface of distal portion occupying more than 1/3 of disc surface, lateral margin rounded, palpomere III subfusiform and elongate, longer than palpomeres I–II combined ( Fig. 8 E-8F) (labium with excavated area in dorsal surface in the distal portion occupying less than 1/3 of disc surface, lateral margin substraight, palpomere III fusiform and elongated, length equal to palpomeres I–II combined ( Fig. 2 View Figure 2 E-2F)); prosternum with dorsal surface densely striated transversely, space between striae less than width of one stria ( Fig.8 F-8G) (prosternum with dorsal surface densely striated transversely, space between striae bigger than width of one stria ( Fig. 2 View Figure 2 F-2G)); prosternal process elongated, extending beyond distal margin of pro-trochanter ( Fig. 9A View Figure 9 ) (prosternal process elongated, but not extending beyond distal margin of pro-trochanter ( Fig. 3A)); mesoventral process elongate, extending slightly beyond proximal margin of mesocoxa ( Fig. 1A View Figure 1 ) (mesoventral process elongated, but not extending beyond proximal margin of mesocoxa ( Fig. 3A)); posterior angle of metacoxa with rounded apex, divergent, elongated, extending beyond lateroinner margin of metatrochanter ( Fig.9B View Figure 9 ) (posterior angle of metacoxa straight, with rounded apex, elongated but not extending beyond lateroinner margin of metatrochanter ( Fig. 3B)); metatibia with distal margin of external surface strongly concave, concave distal surface ( Fig. 9 View Figure 9 C-9D) (metatibia with distal margin of external surface weakly concave, flat distal surface ( Fig. 3 C-3D)); male abdominal ventrite VI with enlarged transversal carinae in dorsal surface, not extending to lateral margins of disc, membranous area in distal margin with length greater than 1/3 the length of anterior portion of disc, elongated setae only in lateral margin ( Fig.9E View Figure 9 ) (narrow transversal carinae, extending to lateral margins of disc, membranous area with length equal to 1/3 the length of anterior portion of disc, elongated setae in lateral and distal margin ( Fig. 3E)); male metatarsomere V with protuberance laterally enlarged in inner margin, protuberance length slightly bigger than 1/3 of tarsomere length, outer metatarsal claw with excavated and enlarged area in inner margin ( Fig. 9F View Figure 9 ) (protuberance laterally enlarged in inner margin, protuberance length slightly smaller than 1/3 of tarsomere length, outer metatarsal claw with strongly excavated and narrow area in inner margin ( Fig. 3F)); spiculum gastrale T-shaped, with straight lateral branches combined with a recurved medial branch, non-enlarged apex ( Fig. 10A View Figure 10 ) (spiculum gastrale T-shaped, with straight lateral branches combined with a weakly recurved medial branch, slightly enlarged apex ( Fig. 4A View Figure 4 )); parameres with variation, symmetrical, convex in dorsal view ( Fig. 10 View Figure 10 B-10C-10E), proximal margin convex ( Fig. 10 View Figure 10 C-10E), distal margin rounded ( Fig.10 View Figure 10 B-10C-10E), inner margin with concave area in the proximal dorsal surface, substraigth medial region and touching apexes ( Fig. 10 View Figure 10 B-10C) or with medial region divergent and free apexes ( Fig. 10E View Figure 10 ), outer margin without lateral enlarged area between basal and medial region (Fi. 10C-10D), excavated area absent at base of dorsal surface ( Fig. 10 View Figure 10 C-10E), laterally arched ( Fig. 10 View Figure 10 E-10F-10I), short lateral carinae ( Fig. 10 View Figure 10 B-10F-10I) and excavated area present at base ( Fig. 10 View Figure 10 F-10H) excavated area can be more ( Fig.10 View Figure 10 G-10H) or slightly less deep ( Fig. 10I View Figure 10 ) (parameres without pronounced variation, symmetrical, convex in dorsal view ( Fig. 4 View Figure 4 B-4C), proximal margin strongly convex ( Fig. 4 View Figure 4 C-4D), distal margin rounded ( Fig. 4 View Figure 4 B-4C), inner margin with concave area in proximal dorsal surface and straight medial region and touching apexes ( Fig. 4C View Figure 4 ), outer margin with lateral enlarged area between the basal and medial region ( Fig. 4 View Figure 4 C-4D), excavated area present at the base of dorsal surface ( Fig. 4 View Figure 4 C-4D), laterally arched ( Fig. 4 View Figure 4 E-4F), elongated lateral carinae ( Fig. 4 View Figure 4 B-4F-4G) and excavated area present at base ( Fig. 4 View Figure 4 E-4G)). All specimens of P. ludovici were dissected to analyze the variation among the parameres. There was no variation in the external morphological characters of the body as recorded in the parameres. According to the set of characters presented here, we propose a revised status of Pelidnota ludovici Ohaus , as a valid species, and not as junior synonym of Pelidnota burmeisteri tricolor Burmeister.

Pelidnota ebenina ( Blanchard, 1842) ( Figs. 11 A-11C, 12A-12G, 13A-13D and 14A-14G)

Anomala ebenina Blanchard, 1842 : plate 11 [original description]. Odontognathus ebeninus (Blanchard) [new combination by

Blanchard (1851, p. 215)].

Strigidia ebenina (Blanchard) [new combination by Lacordaire (1856, p. 355)].

Odontognathus View in CoL ebeninus (Blanchard) [revised combination by Harold (1869, p. 1221)].

Pelidnota (Ganonota) ebenina (Blanchard) View in CoL [new combination and new subgeneric combination by Ohaus (1918, p. 26)].

Pelidnota (Strigidia) ebenina (Blanchard) View in CoL [new subgeneric combination by Machatschke (1970, p. 157)].

Pelidnota (Odontognathus) ebenina (Blanchard) View in CoL [new subgeneric combination by Hardy (1975, p. 4)].

Strigidia ebenina (Blanchard) [revised combination by Soula (2006, pp. 16-17)].

Pelidnota (Strigidia) ebenina (Blanchard) View in CoL [revised combination and revised subgeneric combination by Özdikmen (2009, p. 145)].

Pelidnota ebenina (Blanchard) View in CoL [removal of subgeneric classification by Soula (2009, p. 115)].

Type material: 1 female holotype (lacking head) of Pelidnota ebenina (Blanchard) at MNHN: “743 / 34. // MUSEUM PARIS / SANTA CRUZ / DE LA SIERRA / D’ORBIGNY / 1834 // A. ebenina / Blanch. / Santa Cruz ( Bolivien) / A. D’Orbigny // ANOMALA / EBENINA BLANCHARD / det. Jameson 2004 / HOLOTYPE ♀ // PELIDNOTA / EBENINA / (BLANCHARD) ♀ / det. M. E. Jameson 2004 // HOLOTYPE // MNHN / EC7093” ( Fig. 11D) .

Examined material: ARGENTINA: Jujuy, Prov. [Province], Parque Nacional Calilegua , 3km, NW of campground, S 23°44.149’ W 064°51.044’, 777m, 15.i.2008, Light trap. L.R.R. Faria Jr. Leg. (1 male) ( CERPE) ; Salta Province, S of Salta (50km), E of Coronel Moldes , 23.i.2009, Snížek leg. (2 females) ( RBINS, NHMW) . BOLIVIA: Santa Cruz dpt, Ñuflo de Chávez pr. 18.xi.-5.xii. 2011, Concepción-FCBC Alta Vista, 16°08.1’S, 61°56.1’W, 425m, at light, L. Sekerka & D. Windsor lgt. (1 female) ( MSPC) GoogleMaps .

Distribution: ARGENTINA: Salta ( Soula, 2006; Moore et al., 2017), Jujuy (new record). BOLIVIA: Santa Cruz ( Blanchard, 1851; Ohaus, 1918, 1934; Blackwelder, 1944; Machatschke, 1972; Soula, 2006; Krajcik, 2008; Moore et al., 2017) ( Fig. 18 View Figure 18 ).

Pelidnota gounellei ( Ohaus, 1908) rev. stat. ( Figs. 15 A-15G, 16A-16 D and 17A-17G)

Odontognathus gounellei Ohaus, 1908: 307 View in CoL [original description].

Pelidnota (Ganonota) gounellei (Ohaus) View in CoL [new combination and new subgeneric combination by Ohaus (1918, p. 26)].

Pelidnota (Strigidia) gounellei (Ohaus) View in CoL [new subgeneric combination by Machatschke (1970, p. 157)].

Pelidnota (Odontognathus) gounellei (Ohaus) View in CoL [new subgeneric combination by Hardy (1975, p. 4)].

Strigidia ebenina (Blanchard) [syn. by Soula (2006, p. 17)].

Pelidnota (Strigidia) gounellei (Ohaus) View in CoL [revised subgeneric combination and revised species status by Özdikmen (2009, p. 145)].

Pelidnota ebenina (Blanchard) View in CoL [revised synonymy by Moore et al. (2017, p. 192 View Cited Treatment )].

Type locality: BRAZIL: Bahia (San Antonio da Barra [= Condeúba ]) .

Examined material: BRASIL: Minas Gerais: Águas Vermelhas, 7 km ao Norte da Fazenda Faceira , 12-14.xii.2012, luz (13 males, 5 females) ; 15.xii.2012, E.J.Grossi & P.C.Grossi legs., luz (6 males, 3 females); same but, 16.xii.2012, E.J.Grossi, E.& P.C. Grossi, P.C. legs., luz (4 males, 4 females); Jissaras [Giçaras], área de Cerrado , 13.xii.2012 J.A. Rafael, G.A.R. Melo, E.J. Grossi, E. & P.C. Grossi, P.C. legs. (6 males CERPE) ; Berizal, Fazenda Veredão , 09-12.xii.2012, E.J.Grossi, E.& P.C.Grossi legs. (1 male) . Bahia: Encruzilhada , 11.xii. 2007, 800m, luz, 15°32’25”S 40°50’12”W, P.C. Grossi, J.A. Rafael & D.R. Parizotto legs. (1 male) ( CERPE) GoogleMaps .

Distribution: BRAZIL: Pará ( Ohaus, 1908, 1918, 1934; Blackwelder, 1944; Machatschke, 1972; Soula, 2006; Krajcik, 2008; Moore et al., 2017), Bahia ( Ohaus, 1908, 1918, 1934; Blackwelder, 1944; Machatschke, 1972; Soula, 2006; Krajcik, 2008; Moore et al., 2017; present study), Minas Gerais (new state record) ( Fig. 18 View Figure 18 ).

Remarks: Pelidnota gounellei was described by Ohaus (1908) based on a unique male specimen collected in the state of Bahia (San Antonio da Barra) [Santo Antônio da Barra is an old District,that currently belongs to the municipality of Condeúba,in southwest of Bahia] (IBGE,2022 – Available at: the original description of the species, Ohaus (1908) comparedP. gounellei withP. cuprea fulvipennis (Germar,1824) (according to him,this species has a very variable shape) and suggested that P. gounellei is a western Brazilian variety of P. cuprea fulvipennis. Recently, Soula (2006) synonymized P. gounellei ( Figs. 15 A-15G, 16A-16D and 17A-17G) with P.ebenina ( Blanchard, 1842) ( Figs.11 A-11C,12A-12G, 13A-13D and 14A-14G) and described this species based on a single female specimen from Santa Cruz de la Sierra ( Bolivia). Moore et al. (2017), considered both species very similar based on outer appearance only,without presenting comparative characters.Furthermore, Moore et al. (2017) pointed out the differences on type localities of both species ( P. ebenina from the western slopes of the Andes in Bolivia and Argentina; P. gounellei from Bahia and Minas Gerais in eastern Brazil). Moreover, Moore et al. (2017) stated that the type specimens associated with these three names ( P.ebenina , P.gounellei , andP. cuprea fulvipennis) will assist in clarifying the validity of these species. However, Moore et al. (2017) followed Soula (2006) and considered Pelidnota gounellei as a revised synonymy of Pelidnota ebenina .

Here, we present a set of new characters, based on a series of P. gounellei ( Figs 15 A-15G, 16A-16D and 17A-17G) specimens followed by the characters in brackets referring to P. ebenina ( Figs. 11 A-11C, 12A-12G, 13A-13D and 14A-14G) examined in our study: dorsal ( Fig. 15A), lateral ( Fig. 15B) and ventral sides ( Fig. 15C) brownish black (dorsal ( Figs. 11A and 12A View Figure 12 ), lateral ( Figs. 11C and 12B View Figure 12 ) and ventral sides ( Figs. 11B and 12C View Figure 12 ) black); legs brownish black ( Fig.15 A-15C) (black ( Figs.11 A-11C and 12A-12C)); pygidium brownish black ( Fig. 15E) (black ( Fig. 12E View Figure 12 )); labium with inverted “V” shaped carinae in dorsal surface of distal portion extending from base of the labial palp insertion to distal margin of disc, insertion area of labial palp more excavated, palpomere III fusiform and elongated, equal to palpomeres I–II combined, concave distal margin and rounded lateral margin ( Fig. 15 F-15G) (labium without carinae on dorsal surface of distal portion, insertion area of labial palp less excavated, palpomere III fusiform and elongated, longer than palpomeres I–II combined, distal margin weakly concave and slightly rounded lateral margin ( Fig.12 View Figure 12 F-12G)); mesoventral process elongated, not extending beyond the proximal margin of mesocoxa ( Fig. 16A View Figure 16 ) (mesoventral process elongated extending slightly beyond proximal margin of mesocoxa ( Fig. 13A View Figure 13 )); posterior angle of metacoxa with rounded apex, divergent, elongated, extending beyond lateroinner margin of metatrochanter ( Fig. 16B View Figure 16 ) (posterior angle of metacoxa straight, with rounded apex, elongated extending beyond lateroinner margin of metatrochanter ( Fig. 13B View Figure 13 )); metatrochanter elongated, apex exceeding distal margin of metafemur slightly ( Fig. 16B View Figure 16 ) (apex exceeding distal margin of metafemur ( Fig.13B View Figure 13 )); metatibia with distal margin of external surface strongly concave in the area of insertion of trochanter ( Fig.16 View Figure 16 C-16D) (metatibia with distal margin of external surface concave ( Fig. 13 View Figure 13 C-13D)); male abdominal ventrite I with smooth surface ( Fig. 15B) (surface moderately striated transversely ( Fig. 12B View Figure 12 ); male abdominal ventrite VI with transversal carinae in dorsal surface, membranous area in distal margin with length subequal to length of anterior portion of disc ( Fig. 17A View Figure 17 ) (carinae not evident, membranous area with length less than length of anteriorportion of disc ( Fig. 14A View Figure 14 )); male metatarsomere V with protuberance absent in inner margin, outer metatarsal claw with length less than length of metatarsomere ( Fig. 17B View Figure 17 ) (male metatarsomere V with protuberance weakly present in inner margin, outer metatarsal claw with length subequal to length of metatarsomere ( Fig. 14B View Figure 14 )); spiculum gastrale T-shaped, with straight lateral branches combined with straight medial branch, slightly enlarged apex ( Fig. 17C View Figure 17 ) (spiculum gastrale T-shaped, with straight lateral branches combined with a weakly curved medial branch, slightly enlarged apex ( Fig. 14C View Figure 14 )); parameres symmetrical, fused only at base, enlarged basal region without carinae in surface, narrow medial region and apical region spatuliform, sinuous proximal margin, concave lateral margin and subelliptical inner margin in dorsal view ( Fig. 17 View Figure 17 D-17E), in lateral view ( Fig.17 View Figure 17 F-17G) irregular surface with laterobasal and dorsal margins sinuous, lateroventral margin almost straight and acute apex ( Fig. 17 View Figure 17 F-17G) (parameres symmetrical, fused only at base, enlarged basal region with a transversal carinae in surface of medial portion, narrow medial and apical region, acute and dorsally produced apex, sinuous proximal margin, straight lateral margin and sub diamond-shaped inner margin in dorsal view ( Fig. 14 View Figure 14 D-14E), in lateral view ( Fig. 14 View Figure 14 F-14G) irregular surface with sinuous laterobasal and dorsal margins, almost straight lateroventral margin and hammershaped apex ( Fig. 14 View Figure 14 F-14G)). According to the set of characters presented here, and following Özdikmen (2009), we propose the revised status of Pelidnota gounellei (Ohaus) , as a valid species, different from Pelidnota ebenina (Blanchard) .


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien


Museo di Storia Naturale "Pietro Calderini"














Pelidnota ludovici Ohaus, 1905

Ferreira, André da Silva, Grossi, Paschoal C. & Seidel, Matthias 2022

Pelidnota (Strigidia) ebenina (Blanchard)

Ozdikmen, H. 2009: 145

Pelidnota ebenina (Blanchard)

Soula, M. 2009: 115

Pelidnota (Strigidia) gounellei (Ohaus)

Ozdikmen, H. 2009: 145

Strigidia ebenina (Blanchard)

Soula, M. 2006: 17

Pelidnota (Odontognathus) ebenina (Blanchard)

Hardy, A. R. 1975: 4

Pelidnota (Odontognathus) gounellei (Ohaus)

Hardy, A. R. 1975: 4

Pelidnota (Strigidia) ebenina (Blanchard)

Machatschke, J. W. 1970: 157

Pelidnota (Strigidia) gounellei (Ohaus)

Machatschke, J. W. 1970: 157

Pelidnota (Pelidnota) ludovici

Ohaus, F. 1918: 25

Pelidnota (Ganonota) ebenina (Blanchard)

Ohaus, F. 1918: 26

Pelidnota (Ganonota) gounellei (Ohaus)

Ohaus, F. 1918: 26

Odontognathus gounellei

Ohaus, F. 1908: 307

Pelidnota ludovici

Ohaus, F. 1905: 317


Harold, E. 1869: 1221

Strigidia ebenina (Blanchard)

Lacordaire, J. T. 1856: 355
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