Diponthus electus (Serville, 1838)

Pocco, Martina E., Lange, Carlos E. & Cigliano, María Marta, 2023, Relationships and taxonomy of the genus Diponthus Stål (Orthoptera: Acridoidea Romaleidae), Zootaxa 5336 (1), pp. 33-81 : 78

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5336.1.2

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scientific name

Diponthus electus (Serville, 1838)


Diponthus electus (Serville, 1838) View in CoL

Redescription. Medium-sized insects ( Fig. 3i, j View FIGURE 3 ). Male: integument of head smooth. Fastigium with rounded apex. Interocular distance very wide, wider than the apex of fastigium. Frons convex; union frons-fastigium rounded. Eyes small, not exceeding the level of vertex in lateral view. Frontal costa wide. Mid-dorsal longitudinal carina obsolete in prozona, slightly marked in metazona, only cut by the main transverse sulci, weakly marked. Prozona longer than metazona. Anterior margin of pronotum rounded; posterior margin obtuse-angular. Integument of prozona impresso-punctuate, more noticeable on dorsum; metazona delicately rugose. Integument of meso and metapleurae rugose to faveolated. Prosternal tubercle directed backwards, broad and with rounded apex. Tegmina and hind wings exceeding the end of abdomen; tegmina with transverse veins delimiting semiregular cells. Cerci short, barely reaching the end of epiproct, tapering distally, with the apex curved downwards. Epiproct elongated, with tubercles on posterior margin; furculae small, slightly pointed, placed apart from the midline. Phallic complex ( Figs. 10h View FIGURE 10 , 11h View FIGURE 11 , and 12a, b View FIGURE 12 ): dorsal valves of aedeagus curved downwards only at their apical end; expanded apex. Valves of cingulum hook-shaped. Cingulum wide V-shaped; zygoma thin. Epiphallus with lophi parallel to the bridge, extended but without reaching the posterior processes of the lateral plates.

Chromatic characters. Body coloration light olive green and light brown ( Fig. 3i, j View FIGURE 3 ). Head light olive-green with a mid-dorsal band cream color. Antennae light brown. Pronotum olive-green with three dorsal longitudinal reddish- brown bands and an oblique band cream color on the lower margin of lateral lobes of prozona. Meso and metapleurae green with reddish-brown on the epimerum and episternum. Prosternal tubercle cream color. Tegmina with discal area greenish-yellow, medial area hyaline, anal area green. Hind wings burgundy color. Front and middle legs reddish-brown. Hind femur reddish-brown with three dark brown spots on outer face and two on inner face; upper part of knee area dark brown; hind tibiae reddish-brown, apical tip and tarsi light brown, spines with black tips. Abdomen cream color, with green or brown tints. Subgenital plate and epiproct cream color, tips of furculae and tubercles black; cerci yellow with apex black.

Females. Similar to males, but more robust. Ovipositor valves reddish-brown with brown tips.

Material examined. URUGUAY: 2 males and 4 females, Rivera, Masoller , 18/11/1955, C.S.Carbonell leg., MLP ; 2 females, Cuchilla Negra (near Masoller , Rivera), 14/11/1955, C.S.Carbonell leg., MLP ; 3 males and 1 female, Tacuarembó, Puntas Ao. Laureles ( Vassoura ), 26/11/1959, C.S.Carbonell & A. Mesa leg., MLP ; 2 males, Paysandú, Puerto Pepeají , 01/12/1959, A. Mesa y C.S.Carbonell leg., MLP ; 1 female, Tacuarembó, Estación Pampa , 15/12/1957, C.S.Carbonell leg., MLP ; 1 male, Tacuarembó, Puntas Ao. Laureles ( Vassoura ), 26/11/1959, Carbonell C., Mesa A. & San Martín P. leg., MZSP .


Museo de La Plata


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo

















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