COLYMBOSAURINAE Benson and Bowdler, 2014

Sassoon, Judyth, 2019, Congenital and late onset vertebral fusions in long necked plesiosaurs: The first report of spondylosis deformans in Sauropterygians, Palaeontologia Electronica (1 A) 22 (1), pp. 1-15 : 4

publication ID 10.26879/913


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scientific name

COLYMBOSAURINAE Benson and Bowdler, 2014


Subfamily COLYMBOSAURINAE Benson and Bowdler, 2014

Type Genus Colymbosaurus Seeley, 1874


Specimen CAMSM J63919. Colymbosaurus megadeirus (Benson and Bowdler, 2014) is an incomplete vertebral series consisting of 36 cervical (excluding atlas-axis complex), four pectoral, 17 dorsal, three sacral and 28 caudal vertebrae. An atlas-axis complex for this specimen was reported by Barrett (1858) but is now missing. There are also broken fragments of dorsal ribs, at least five with healed fractures.

Rounded, anteroventrally projecting, spur-like expansions are present on the ventral surfaces of four cervical vertebrae previously identified as belonging in positions 26-28 and 31 on the basis of museum notes (Benson and Bowdler, 2014). The expanded spurs project from the anterior surface of the vertebra to touch and cover the posterior surface of the preceding vertebra. However, detailed observations of the pathological vertebrae suggest they are a series with no gaps (museum numbers J63919 v, w, x, aa; estimated positions 26 to 29) ( Figure 2.1-3 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 ). Benson and Bowdler (2014) also observed that the expansions contacted rugosities on the preceding vertebra, considered to be traumatic exostoses due to the irritation. However, closer observations discovered rugosities on almost every cervical vertebra not only those adjacent to the pathological expansions, so the rugosity seems to be a normal feature in this specimen. Other pathologies found on CAMSM J63919 were rib fractures, which may not be associated with the vertebral pathology.

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