Andinopanurgus amyae (Gonzalez & Engel)

Packer, Laurence, 2021, Two new species of Andinopanurgus (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae: Panurginae), with a description of the female of A. amyae, Journal of Melittology 2021 (101), pp. 1-19 : 11-13

publication ID 10.17161/jom.i101.13338

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scientific name

Andinopanurgus amyae (Gonzalez & Engel)


Female of Andinopanurgus amyae (Gonzalez & Engel) View in CoL

( Figs. 16–20 View Figures 16–20 , 24 View Figure 24 )

DIAGNOSIS: This is the only species of the genus in which the female has the hypostomal carina remarkably sinuate, concave anteriorly, more strongly convex posteriorly ( Fig. 18 View Figures 16–20 ).

DESCRIPTION: ♀: Body length 8.7 mm, wing length 7.2 mm, intertegular distance 1.8 mm, head width 2.48 mm.

Coloration. Body entirely black to blackish-brown except as follows: much of face except clypeus and supraclypeal area, vertex and hypoepimeral area with weak bronze-green reflections; red-brown subapical mark on mandible, dark orange-brown apical impressed areas of metasomal terga and dark yellow-brown apical impressed areas of metasomal sterna; wing membranes pale yellow-brown, veins mostly brown.

Pubescence. Black to blackish-brown and with numerous short branches unless stated otherwise: on face, scape, thoracic dorsum, profemur posteriorly, and metasomal venter ≤2.5 MOD, somewhat shorter on mesopleuron above; paler brown on genal area, paler brown and longer on mesosomal venter and metacoxa ≤4 MOD; short <1 MOD and brown on posterior margin of pronotum, shorter <0.7 MOD on metanotum, somewhat longer on propodeum ≈1 MOD. Tibial scopal hairs black, simple ≈3 MOD. Scatered brown hairs on metasomal terga <2 MOD except longer towards sides of T 5 ≈3 MOD; prepygidial fimbria dark brown ≈2.5 MOD.

Surface sculpture. Microsculpture imbricate unless stated otherwise; absent on clypeus and disc of supraclypeal area, increasingly strong dorsally, area around median ocellus dull; weak on genal area, shiny; stronger on hypostomal area, dull; strong and dull on mesosoma except somewhat shiny towards sides of disc of scutellum and metanotum; metapostnotum somewhat more shiny; metasomal terga weakly imbricate, strongly shiny; metasomal sterna more distinctly imbricate. Clypeal punctures large, elongate i≤d; supraclypeal area with a few obscure large punctures medially, more distinctly punctate laterally and above i≤d; subantennal sclerite and lower paraocular area punctures small i≤d; frontal area punctures small, dense i<0.5d, smaller and crowded around median ocellus; vertexal area punctures larger, sparser i>0.5d, larger and sparser still towards sides i=1–5d; mesoscutum densely and minutely punctate i≈d; scutellum and metanotum less regularly punctate i=0.5–2d; metapostnotum with a few radiating weak incomplete striae; mesopleuron punctures shallow obscure, more distinct below i=0.5–2d; metapleuron and propodeum punctures minute obscure; T 1– T 4 almost impunctate, T 5 punctures increasing in size and density posteriorly, i=3–8d towards base, i<d towards apex; S2–S5 punctures distinct, mostly i>2d; S5 more strongly and densely punctate i<3d basally, i≤d apically; S6 punctures scatered minute on disc, with apicolateral oval densely punctate area.

Structure. Head shorter than wide (48:62); labrum ≈1.5× as wide than long (38:25), basal box surface concave, sides convex, converging ventrally, apical margin strongly convex except narrowly transverse apically; labial palpomere 1 longer than remaining 3 combined, lengths of palpomeres 1–4 (34:12:8:7) respectively; clypeus almost 3× as wide as long (90:31); supraclypeal area strongly convex; anterior tentorial pit just above and lateral to junction of epistomal and outer antennal sulci; outer subantennal sulcus outwardly concave, inner subantennal sulcus outwardly convex, subantennal sclerite widest near base, somewhat wider than antennal socket (13:11); interantennal to antennocular distances (19:24); frontal fovea D-shaped, outer margin straight, twice as long as greatest width which is near midlength (14:29); malar area short, maximum length ≈0.5 MOD; compound eyes almost twice as long as wide (61:32), subequal to width of genal area in lateral view (30); inner margin of compound eyes convex, divergent below, upper to minimum to lower interocular distances (94:85:106); frontal line carinate above, a rounded weak ridge below; interocellar distance less than half ocellocular distance (12:29); vertex weakly convex in frontal view; hypostomal carina strongly sinuate, concave anteriorly, strongly convex and lamellate posteriorly; flagellum shorter than width of head (58:62); F1 more than twice as long as wide (20:9); remaining flagellomeres with length and width subequal except F3 shorter than wide (10:14) and F10 almost twice as long as wide (21:11); F1–F5 weakly crenulate.

Mesoscutum shorter than wide (36:44), median line almost as long as mesoscutum, distinct, ending in small deep oval depression; parapsidal line ≈2/3 as long as tegula (25:37); scutellum:metanotum:metapostnotum (27:18:19); legs unmodified, mesotibial spur with seven long teeth; lengths of posterior margins of submarginal cells equal (49:49); both recurrent veins entering second submarginal cell, both far removed from respective submarginal cross veins; stigma narrow almost 5× longer than maximum width (50:11); marginal cell almost 4× longer than maximum width (78:20), apex broadly rounded, removed from costal margin.

T 1 much shorter than apical width (70:108); apical impressed areas distinct, on T 2 ≈2 MOD (20:10); pygidial plate narrowing to broadly rounded apex; medial raised area triangular, apex acute; metasomal sterna apical impressed areas indistinct short, on S2 <1 MOD, except distinct on S5 ≈1 MOD; S6 raised sublaterally delimiting oval densely punctate area.

MATERIAL EXAMINED: ♀, ECUADOR, Napo, Termas de Papallacta , 00˚21’29”S 78˚08’52”W, 3520m, 3–4.iii.2005 , YPT, L. Masner, elfin forest ( PCYU).

COMMENTS: There are two species of the genus hitherto known only from males from precisely the area of provenance of this female. These are A. wayruronga and A. amyae . The type locality of the later is less than 20 km from the locality of the paratype of the former (the holotype locality cannot be discerned precisely from the label data). Both are from between the Termas de Papallacta and halfway between Papallacta and Baeza to the East. The female described herein as belonging to A. amyae is from the higher elevation more western locality, whereas the paratype male of that species is from ~ 1000 m lower down and slightly to the east. Based upon the structure of the female hypostomal area, I believe this specimen belongs to the later species because its male is the only one with an angulation to the hypostomal carina ( Gonzalez & Engel, 2011: fig. 4), the female has a strong convexity in the same place, a feature otherwise unknown in the genus and the details of the shape of the carina are remarkably similar (compare Fig. 18 View Figures 16–20 herein with figure 4 in Gonzalez & Engel, 2011). Figure 23 View Figure 23 shows the normal, straight hypostomal carina generally found in the genus.


University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department of Biology


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


The Packer Collection at York University

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