Phaenomenella Fraussen & Hadorn, 2006

Kantor, Yuri, Kosyan, Alisa & Sorokin, Pavel, 2020, On the taxonomic position of Phaenomenella Fraussen & Hadorn, 2006 (Neogastropoda, Buccinoidea) with description of two new species, Zoosystema 42 (3), pp. 33-55 : 37

publication ID 10.5252/zoosystema2020v42a3

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scientific name

Phaenomenella Fraussen & Hadorn, 2006


Genus Phaenomenella Fraussen & Hadorn, 2006 View in CoL

TYPE SPECIES. — Manaria (?) inflata Shikama, 1971 View in CoL (OD).


The intrageneric shell variability of Phaenomenella is high and a few general characters can be mentioned – “broader than high protoconch with flattened tip and (…) a rather sharp angulation just above the suture. The upper teleoconch whorls are shouldered, a shape which is accentuated by the axial knobs or ribs, or have the appearance of being by the presence of obviously convex axial ribs” ( Fraussen & Stahlschmidt 2013: 82). Radula with a tricuspid central tooth with rectangular base and laterals with 3 or 4 cusps. Anterior foregut with well-defined valve of Leiblein and large gland of Leiblein.

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