Eutarsopolipus paryavae Katlav & Hajiqanbar, 2021

Katlav, Alihan, Hajiqanbar, Hamidreza & Riegler, Markus, 2021, Sheltered life beneath elytra: three new species of Eutarsopolipus (Acari, Heterostigmatina, Podapolipidae) parasitizing Australian ground beetles, Parasite (Paris, France) 28 (75), pp. 1-21 : 2-7

publication ID 10.1051/parasite/2021069

publication LSID


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scientific name

Eutarsopolipus paryavae Katlav & Hajiqanbar

sp. nov.

Eutarsopolipus paryavae Katlav & Hajiqanbar n. sp. ( Figs. 1–3 View Figure 1 View Figure 2 View Figure 3 )

Type material: Total material recovered: ♀ (n = 4), ³ (n = 15), larval ♀ (n = 4), ex. under elytra, on the base of membranous hind wing of one specimen of Geoscaptus laevissimus Chaudoir, 1855 ( Coleoptera : Carabidae : Scaritinae). Holotype: adult female ( ANIC 52-003953), ex. under elytra, on the base of membranous hind wing of G. laevissimus ; Coll. Shams Paryav; 11 Feb 2020. Paratypes: adult female (n = 3), male (n = 5) and larval female (n = 4), same data as holotype.

Type locality: Loc. Vines Drive, Hawkesbury Campus , Western Sydney University, Richmond, NSW, 33°36 ļ 45.6 ļļ S 150°44 ļ 40.2 ļļ E .

Deposition of type material: The holotype, one adult female, 2 male and 2 larval female paratypes are deposited at ANIC ( ANIC 52-003953 About ANIC - 58 About ANIC ). 1 adult female, 2 males and 1 larval female paratypes are deposited at QM ( QMS 117000-04 ) . The remaining paratypes ( TMU SP-20200211 , 1–3 ) , 10 non-type males and the host beetle specimen are deposited at AC-DE-TMU.

Etymology: The new species is named after the first author’ s mother, Shams Paryav, the collector of the host beetle samples, in gratitude of her immense engagement in material collections.

Authorship: Note that the authors of the new taxon are different from the authors of this paper; Article 50.1 and Recommendation 50A of International Code of Zoological Nomenclature [ 24].


Adult female ( Fig. 1 View Figure 1 ) (n = 4)

Gnathosoma ( Figs. 1a–1b View Figure 1 ). Length 68 (72–86), width 58 (60–68); cheliceral stylets length 66 (63–68); pharynx length 14 (15–18), pharynx width 13 (13–14); ch 19 (21–26), su 3 (4–5); distance between setae ch–ch 34 (40–42), su–su 17 (19–22).

Idiosoma ( Figs. 1a–1b View Figure 1 ). Length 300 (390–475), width 250 (295–335).

Idiosomal dorsum ( Fig. 1a View Figure 1 ). All dorsal setae needle-like except attenuating setae sc 2; prodorsal plate (PrS) with setae v 1 5 (4–5), v 2 vestigial, sc 1 8 (7–8), sc 2 36 (35–38). Plate C setae c 1 8 (9–10), c 2 9 (9–11). Plate D setae d 9 (8–9); cupuli ia anterolaterad setae d. Plate EF setae f 7 (7–8); cupuli im anterolaterad setae f. Plate H not evident; setae h 12 (9–11). Distances between setae: v 1 – v 1 30 (31–35), v 2 – v 2 61 (62–69), v 1 – v 2 19 (21–25), sc 1 – sc 1 74 (76–87), v 1 – sc 1 27 (27–31), sc 2 – sc 2 103 (113–125), sc 1 – sc 2 49 (51–56), c 1 – c 1 85 (91–99), c 1 – c 2 49 (58–63), d–d 101 (104–107), f–f 67 (70–74), h 1 –h 1 11 (14–18).

Idiosomal venter ( Fig. 1b View Figure 1 ). All coxal plates smooth; all coxal setae tiny needle-like; ap1–2 well developed, both reaching to appr; coxisternal field I with setae 1 a 3 (3–4) and coxisternal field II with 2 a 4 (3–4); alveoli of setae 1 b and 2 b not evident; coxisternal field III with setae 3 a 7 (7–8) slightly longer than 3 b 5 (5–6). Distances between setae: 1 a –1 a 25 (26–35), 2 a –2 a 30 (31–45), 3 a –3 b 21 (23–28).

Legs ( Figs. 1c–1e View Figure 1 ). Setal formula for legs I–III (femurtarsus): 2-0-5(+ φ)-7(+ ω), 0-0-4-6, 0-0-4-5. Ambulacrum I with well-developed sickle-shaped claw, ambulacrum II–III each with a pair of tiny claws. Leg I ( Fig. 1c View Figure 1 ): femur, d microseta, slightly thickened, seta l ļ 1 (m-1); tibia, φ 5 (6–7) clubbed, d 33 (29–35), l ļ 4 (4–5), l ļļ 4 (4–6), v ļ 3 (4–5) and v ļļ 5 (5–6) slightly thickened, seta k absent; tarsus, ω 3 (3–4) digitiform, eupathidial setae tc ļ 14 (13–16) and tc ļļ 14 (14–15) distinctly blunt-ended, pl ļ 3 (3–5), pl ļļ 5 (5-6), setae pv ļ 2 (2–3) and pv ļļ 2 (2) slightly thickened, seta s 6 (6–7) blunt spur-like, u ļļ and p ļ not evident. Leg II ( Fig. 1d View Figure 1 ): tibia, d 14 (10–13), l ļ 4 (4–5), v ļ 5 (5–6), v ļļ 4 (4–4); tarsus, tc ļ 5 (5–6), setae u ļ 6 (7–8) and tc ļļ 6 (6–7) blunt spur-like, pl ļļ 28 (21–25), pv ļļ 4 (4–5), u ļļ 2 (2). Leg III ( Fig. 1e View Figure 1 ): tibia, d 8 (7–9), l ļ 5 (4–4), v ļ 5 (5–6), v ļļ 5 (5); tarsus, tc ļ 5 (5), setae u ļ 6 (6–7) and tc ļļ 6 (6) blunt spur-like, pl ļļ 20 (22–24), pv ļļ 3 (4–4).

Male ( Fig. 2 View Figure 2 ) (n = 5)

Gnathosoma ( Figs. 2a–2b View Figure 2 ). Length 33–36, width 32–33; cheliceral stylets length 23–26; pharynx length 9–10, pharynx width 7–8; ch 17–21, su 3–4; distance between setae ch–ch 25–26, su–su 12–14.

Idiosoma ( Figs. 2a–2b View Figure 2 ). Length 145–210, width 120–130.

Idiosomal dorsum ( Fig. 2a View Figure 2 ). All dorsal setae short (except sc 2) and pointed; PrS with setae v 1 2–3, v 2 vestigial, sc 1 4–6, setae sc 2 52–65 attenuate. Plate CD with seta c 1 4–5, c 2 6–7, d 5–6; cupuli ia anterior to setae d. Plate EF setae f 3–4; cupuli im anterolaterad setae f. Genital capsule length 31–34, width 25–30, situated posterior to margin of EF, setae h 1 barely visible in few specimens. Distances between setae: v 1 – v 1 18–22, v 2 – v 2 40–43, v 1 – v 2 18–20, sc 1 – sc 1 50–55, v 1 – sc 1 20–22, sc 2 – sc 2 61–65, sc 1 – sc 2 37–41, c 1 – c 1 36–45, c 1 – c 2 29–40, d–d 38–40, f–f 21–25.

Idiosomal venter ( Fig. 2b View Figure 2 ). All coxal plates smooth; all coxal setae pointed; ap1–2 and apsej well developed, all fused with appr; coxisternal field I with setae 1 a 2, alveoli 1 b not evident; coxisternal field II with 2 a 3–3, alveoli 2 b evident; coxisternal field III with setae 3 a 5–6 slightly longer than 3 b 4–4. Distances between setae: 1 a –1 a 15–19, 2 a –2 a 23–27, 3 a –3 b 19–20.

Legs ( Figs. 2c–2e View Figure 2 ). Setal formula for legs I–III (femurtarsus): 2-0-5(+ φ)-8(+ ω), 0-0-4-6, 0-0-4-5. Ambulacrum I with well-developed claw, ambulacrum II–III each with a pair of tiny claws. Leg I ( Fig. 2c View Figure 2 ): femur, d microseta, slightly thickened, seta l ļ 2–2 thickened; tibia, φ 4–5 clubbed, d 24–26, l ļ 3, l ļļ 1–2, v ļ 2–3, v ļļ 3–4, seta k absent; tarsus, ω 2 tiny, cone-shaped; eupathidial setae tc ļ 10–12 and tc ļļ 11–12 distinctly blunt-ended, setae pl ļ 3–4 and pl ļļ 3–4 slightly blunt-ended, pv ļ 2, pv ļļ 2–2, seta s 4–5 blunt spur-like, u ļļ 1–2, seta p ļ not evident. Leg II. ( Fig. 2d View Figure 2 ): tibia, d 5–7, l ļ 3–5, v ļ 3–4, v ļļ 2–3; tarsus, seta tc ļ 4–5, slightly blunt-ended; setae u ļ 5–6 and tc ļļ 5–6 blunt spur-like, pl ļļ 19–20, pv ļļ 2–3, u ļļ 1–2. Leg III ( Fig. 2e View Figure 2 ): tibia, d 5–6, l ļ 3, v ļ 3, v ļļ 3–3; tarsus, tc ļ 3–4 slightly blunt-ended, setae u ļ 6–7 and tc ļļ 5–6 blunt spur-like, pl ļļ 18–20, pvļļ 3.

Larval female ( Fig. 3 View Figure 3 ) (n = 4)

Gnathosoma ( Figs. 1a–1b View Figure 1 ). Length 35–39, width 41–42; cheliceral stylets length 30–33; pharynx length 10–12, pharynx width 9–11; ch 21–24, su 3–4; distance between setae ch–ch 35–38, su–su 16–17.

Idiosoma ( Figs. 3a–3b View Figure 3 ). Length 220–235, width 135–175.

Idiosomal dorsum ( Fig. 3a View Figure 3 ). All dorsal setae pointed; PrS with setae v 1 3–4, v 2 vestigial, sc 1 6–7, sc 2 65–75. Plate C setae c 1 6–9, c 2 7–9. Plate D setae d 6–8; cupuli ia anterolaterad setae d. Plate EF setae f 7–8; cupuli im anterior to setae f. Plate H situated ventrally with setae h 1 130–140, h 2 29–32. Distances between setae: v 1 – v 1 13–16, v 2 – v 2 39–40, v 1 – v 2 20–23, sc 1 – sc 1 51–53, v 1 – sc 1 26–27, sc 2 – sc 2 53–55, sc 1 – sc 2 40–41, c 1 – c 1 49–53, c 1 – c 2 29–32, d–d 28–29, f–f 28–31.

Idiosomal venter ( Fig. 3b View Figure 3 ). All coxal plates smooth; all coxal setae tiny needle-like; ap1 and apsej well developed, both fusing to appr; ap2 not reaching to appr; coxisternal field I with setae 1 a 2–3, alveoli 1 b not evident; coxisternal field II with 2 a 2–3, alveoli 1 b not evident; coxisternal field III with setae 3 a 5–6 and 3 b 5–6 subequal. Distances between setae: 1 a –1 a 17–22, 2 a –2 a 24–28, 3 a –3 b 24–27.

Legs ( Figs. 3c–3e View Figure 3 ). Setal formula for legs I–III (femurtarsus): 2-0-5(+ φ)-8(+ ω), 0-0-4-6, 0-0-4-5. Ambulacrum I with well-developed bifid claw with blunt tips, ambulacrum II–III each with a pair of barely discernible claws. Leg I ( Fig. 3c View Figure 3 ): femur, d microseta, slightly thickened, seta l ļ 2–3 slightly thickened; tibia, φ 5–5 baculiform, d 27–30, setae l ļ 4 and l ļļ 2–3 slightly blunt-ended, v ļ 2–3, v ļļ 4–5, seta k absent; tarsus, ω 2–2 cone-shaped with blunt tip, eupathidial setae tc ļ 10–12 and tc ļļ 9 distinctly blunt-ended, pl ļ 3–4, pl ļļ 4–5, setae pv ļ 2–2 and pv ļļ 2–3 slightly thickened, seta s 5 blunt spur-like, u ļļ 2, seta not evident. Leg II. ( Fig. 3d View Figure 3 ): tibia, d 10–12, l ļ 4–5, v ļ 4–5, v ļļ 3–4; tarsus, tc ļ 5–5, setae u ļ 5–7 and tc ļļ 5–7 blunt spur-like, pl ļļ 20–23, pv ļļ 2–3, u ļļ 2. Leg III ( Fig. 3e View Figure 3 ): tibia, d 9–10, l ļ 5–6, v ļ 5, v ļļ 2–3; tarsus, tc ļ 4–5, setae u ļ 6–7 and tc ļļ 5–6 blunt spur-like, pl ļļ 20–23, pv ļļ 2–3.

Differential diagnosis

Within the pterostichi species group, the new species is most similar to E. fischeri Husband, 1998 and E. teteri Husband & Husband, 2009 in having ambulacra II and III with a pair of claws each and ambulacra I with one claw and femur I with two setae. However, it differs from both species in having cheliceral stylets longer than 60 (vs. shorter than 40 in both species), setae h 1 9–12 (absent in E. teteri and microsetae in E. fischeri ) and seta k on tibia I absent (seta k on tibia I present in both species). The setal counts alone mask further differences. In E. paryavae and E. fisheri , the setae on femur I are the tiny setae d and l ļ, but in E. teteri seta l ļ is absent and v ļļ is present. Another important difference is the absence of a solenidion on tarsus II, which is present in E. teteri and probably present in E. fischeri (present in male and larva, absent or obscured in females). All the important characters among these three species are compared for all life stages in Table 1 View Table 1 and a key to the world species of the pterostichi group of Eutarsopolipus (based on adult females) is presented in Figure 4 View Figure 4 .

Species group: leytei – Key characters of the group based on adult females: stigmata and tracheae present; ambulacral claws II–III present; genu II–III with setae [ 42].


Australian National Insect Collection

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