Pieza rafaeli Mendes, Lamas, Evenhuis

Mendes, Luanna L., Lamas, Carlos J. E., Evenhuis, Neal L. & Limeira-De-Oliveira, Francisco, 2019, New Pieza Evenhuis (Diptera, Mythicomyiidae, Mythicomyiinae) from Northeast Brazil, Zootaxa 4629 (1), pp. 1-25 : 15-16

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4629.1.1

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scientific name

Pieza rafaeli Mendes, Lamas, Evenhuis


Pieza rafaeli Mendes, Lamas, Evenhuis & Limeira-de-Oliveira, sp. nov.

( Figs 43–51 View FIGURES 43–51 )

Diagnosis. Mesonotum pale yellow on the triangular antero-mesonotal submedian mark and supra-alar area ( Fig. 44 View FIGURES 43–51 ). Epandrium subrectangular, ventral margin about 1.5X longer than dorsal margin, anterior margin straight in lateral view ( Fig. 48 View FIGURES 43–51 ). Cerci sub-hemispherical, slightly separated transversely in posterior view ( Fig. 50 View FIGURES 43–51 ). Gonocoxite trapezoidal in ventral view ( Fig. 47 View FIGURES 43–51 ), anterior margin strongly sclerotized, lateral and median margins weakly sclerotized, submedian area appearing membranous. Gonostylus not conspicuous, apparently absent.

Description of holotype male ( Fig. 43 View FIGURES 43–51 ). Body length: 1.2 mm. Wing length: 1.0 mm. Head. Eyes separated at vertex by approximately 2.0X distance between posterior ocelli. Ocellar triangle dark brown, subshiny. Frons dorsal ½ dark brown, ventral ½ yellow, round brown mark on median depression; setae yellow, small, lateral; face yellow. Proboscis light brown to brown, about ⅔ longer than length of head; oral cavity yellow, light brown on margin. Post- cranium dark brown, subshiny, surface sparsely pruinose; setae brown. Antenna with second flagellomere as long as ½ maximum width of first flagellomere. Thorax. Mesonotum subshiny, sparsely pruinose medially on a stripe from anterior region to base of wing, setae brown, erect and sparse; mesonotum pale yellow on the following: triangular antero-mesonotal submedian mark and supra-alar area ( Fig. 44 View FIGURES 43–51 ); prealar and notopleural setae dark brown; strong. Scutellum brown to dark brown, setae brown, sparse. Pleura yellow on the proepimeron, dorsal margin and ½ posterodorsal of anepisternum, dorsal ¼ of katepisternum, posterior margin of anepimeron and dorsal ½ of meron ( Fig. 45 View FIGURES 43–51 ); posterodorsal ⅓ of katepisternum shiny, setae yellow, sparse, restricted to margin of anepisternum, sparse. Legs ( Fig. 43 View FIGURES 43–51 ). Coxae brown dorsally, yellow ventrally. Femora dark brown, distal ¼ yellow. Tarsi yellow, tarsomeres II−V dark brown. Wing ( Fig. 46 View FIGURES 43–51 ). Hyaline; costal vein ending at proximal ⅓ distance between veins R 4+5 and M 1; vein R 2+3 arising from Rs at approximately 60° angle, crossvein m-m about ½ length of crossvein r-m. Halter yellow, brown infuscate. Abdomen. Brown to dark brown, subshiny, tergites II−VII with plaques paler and shinier than surroundings, small, glabrous and dispersed; setae yellow, longer on tergites IV−VII; tergites I−III with posterolateral margin yellow; tergites IV−VII with pale yellow band on posterior margins. Sternites brown, yellow band on posterior margins. Terminalia. Epandrium bulging in ventral view ( Fig. 47 View FIGURES 43–51 ), subrectangular, ventral margin about 1.5X longer than dorsal margin, anterior margin straight, setose on posterior ⅓ and ventral ⅔ in lateral view ( Fig. 48 View FIGURES 43–51 ); epandrium with outer and inner margins rounded in posterior view ( Fig. 50 View FIGURES 43–51 ). Pseudo-surstylus convergent, tapered toward apex in ventral and posterior views ( Figs 47, 50 View FIGURES 43–51 ). Cercus sub-hemispherical, slightly separated transversely, dorsal ⅔ strongly sclerotized, thick laterodorsally, setae concentrated on dorsal ⅔ of inner surface, ventral ⅓ weakly sclerotized and glabrous in posterior view ( Fig. 50 View FIGURES 43–51 ), subtriangular, median region projecting pos- teriorly, distal ⅓ elongate, projecting ventrally ( Fig. 48 View FIGURES 43–51 ). Ejaculatory apodeme almost as long as length of anterior arm of parameral sheath, more heavily sclerotized on longitudinal axis, medial arms subrectangular, broad distally, about 2.0X wider than long in ventral view ( Fig. 47 View FIGURES 43–51 ), anterior end rounded, curved dorsally, ventromedial projection subrectangular directed posteriorly, apex truncate in lateral view ( Fig. 48 View FIGURES 43–51 ). Lateral ejaculatory process strongly sclerotized basally, slightly sinuous in ventral view ( Fig. 47 View FIGURES 43–51 ), curved ventrally in lateral view ( Fig. 48 View FIGURES 43–51 ). Phallus subquadrate, anterior margin concave with median notch in ventral view ( Fig. 47 View FIGURES 43–51 ); basiphallus about 2.0X longer than distiphallus in ventral view ( Fig. 47 View FIGURES 43–51 ), distiphallus simple with two inconspicuous apical openings. Anterior arm of parameral sheath with distal ½ almost 2.0X wider than proximal ½ in ventral view ( Fig. 47 View FIGURES 43–51 ), sclerotization stronger on internal margin. Gonocoxite trapezoidal in ventral view ( Fig. 47 View FIGURES 43–51 ), anterior margin strongly sclerotized, lateral and median margins weakly sclerotized, submedian area appearing membranous; gonocoxite with anterodorsal margin concave, anteroventral margin with short and strong sublateral setae in anteroventral view ( Fig. 49 View FIGURES 43–51 ), strongly bilobed medially, anterior lobe setose, about 2.0X more robust than posterior lobe in lateral view ( Fig. 48 View FIGURES 43–51 ). Gonostylus inconspicuous, apparently absent. Female. Similar to male. Genitalia ( Fig. 51 View FIGURES 43–51 ). Genital fork V-shaped, anterior margin arched, posterior margin interrupted medially; inner posterior projection convergent distally, outer projection bifurcate, inner arms short, convergent distally of inner projection, shorter than outer arms, projecting posterolaterally. Common duct indistinct, basal plate hyaline. Sperm pump robust, almost 2.0X longer than wide, caliciform, membranous with transverse striations. Proximal spermathecal duct about 2.0 to 3.0X thicker than distal, distal spermathecal duct about 4.0X longer than proximal, translucent. Valve indistinct. Spermathecal reservoir strongly sclerotized, brown, slightly sinuous, almost the same length as sperm pump, without glandular trichomes.

Variation (n = 5). Body length: 0.99–1.20 mm. Wing length: 0.92–1.02 mm. Frons brown on dorsal ⅓, yellow on ventral ⅔. Proboscis variable in length, in some specimens about ½ of length of head to 2.0X longer than length of head. Mesonotum with a sub-median antero-mesonotal. Tergites with yellow band on posterior margin, sometimes evanescent almost inconspicuous.

Etymology. The specific epithet honors José Albertino Rafael for his contributions to taxonomy and insect systematics in Brazil.

Comments. The specimens captured directly from flowers at Parque Estadual do Mirador—Maranhão are associated with the plant family Chrysobalanaceae (Fig. 70).

Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂: Brazil, MA[= Maranhão], Mirador, Parque Est.[=Estadual] Mirador , Posto dos Cágados, 06°48′30″S, 45°06′21″W / Arm.[=armadilha] Malaise, 21–26.viii.2016, F. Limeira–de–Oliveira & L.L. Mendes / MYTH 90 GoogleMaps / Holotype ♂ Pieza rafaeli Mendes, Lamas, Evenhuis & Limeira-de-Oliveira ( CZMA) . PARATYPES: idem, Barreirinhas, PNLM [Parque Nacional dos Lençóis Maranhenses], 02°39′49″S, 42º49′54″W, Altit. [=altitude] 16 m, Arm. [=armadilha]. Suspensa, 16–31.xii.2015, FLO GoogleMaps , A.A.T. Sousa & L.L.M. Santos, cols. (1♀ CZMA) ; idem, 01–15.i.2017 / MYTH 129 (1♀ CZMA) . Same data as holotype (2♀ CZMA, 1♀ INPA, 1♀ MNRJ, 1♀ MZUSP) ; idem/ MYTH 35 (pinned: 1♂ MZUSP) ; idem/ MYTH 47 (pinned: 1♀ MZUSP) ; idem/ MYTH 49 (pinned: 1♀ CZMA) ; idem/ MYTH 57 (pinned: 1♀ INPA) ; idem/ MYTH 60 (1♀ CZMA) ; idem/ MYTH 92 (1♂ CZMA) ; idem/ MYTH 93 (1♂ MZUSP) ; idem, Posto Avançado do Mel , 06°43′50″S, 44°58′59″W / Coletado em flor, MYTH 34 (pinned: 1♂ CZMA) GoogleMaps . idem, Carolina, PARNA GoogleMaps [=Parque Nacional] Chapada das Mesas, Riacho Sucuruiu , 240 m, 07°07′05″S, 47°18′31″W / Armadilha Malaise, 20–31.viii.2013, JAR, FLO GoogleMaps , T.T.A. Silva, cols./ MYTH 30 (pinned: 1♂ CZMA) . PI [= Piauí], Caracol, PARNA [= Parque Nacional ] Serra das Confusões, Riacho dos Bois, 575 m, 09°13′11″S, 43°29′26″W / Armadilha Suspensa, 20–30.vi.2014, JAR, FLO GoogleMaps , T.L. Rocha & G.A. Reis, cols. (1♂ MNRJ) . idem, Guaribas, Parque Nacional Serra das Confusões, Andorinha , 515 m, 09°08′27″S, 43°33′42″W / Ar- madilha de Malaise, 15–31.vii.2013, JAR, FLO GoogleMaps & T.T.A. Silva, cols. (pinned: 1♀ CZMA) ; idem, 20–31.viii.2013 / MYTH 94 (1♂ INPA) ; idem, 10–20.ix.2013 (pinned: 1♂ 1♀ CZMA, 1♂ INPA) ; idem, 20–30.ix.2013 (pinned: 1♀ CZMA) ; idem, suspensa dupla 20 meters, 11–20.viii.2013 (1♂ CZMA) .

Geographical record. This species is known only from the Brazilian states Maranhão and Piauí ( Fig. 69 View FIGURE 69 ), where the type series was collected in the Cerrado, Restinga, Caatinga and relict of Atlantic Forest biomes.

Remarks. Pieza rafaeli sp. nov. differs from the other species from Brazil, in the absence of gonostyli in ventral and lateral views ( Figs 47–48 View FIGURES 43–51 ) (gonostyli present in P. ankh sp. nov., P. aurislepus sp. nov., P. bittencourti sp. nov., P. parakake sp. nov., P. parnasecon sp. nov., P. silvanae sp. nov. and P. yeatesi sp. nov. in ventral and lateral views, Figs 5–6 View FIGURES 1–9 , 14–15 View FIGURES 10–17 , 22–23 View FIGURES 18–26 , 31–32 View FIGURES 27–34 , 39–40 View FIGURES 35–42 , 56–57 View FIGURES 52–60 , 65–66 View FIGURES 61–68 ).


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