Cerithiopsis albovittata (C. B. Adams, 1850 )

Pimenta, Alexandre Dias, Faria, Raquel Garofalo De Souza, Figueira, Raquel Medeiros Andrade & Fernandes, Maurício Romulo, 2024, Unraveling another of the ‘ Big Fiveʹ: new species and records of Cerithiopsidae from Brazil (Caenogastropoda: Triphoroidea), Zootaxa 5494 (1), pp. 1-71 : 24-27

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5494.1.1

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scientific name

Cerithiopsis albovittata (C. B. Adams, 1850 )


Cerithiopsis albovittata (C. B. Adams, 1850) View in CoL —species complex

( Figs 10 View FIGURE 10 , 11 View FIGURE 11 )

Cerithium albovittatum C. B. Adams, 1850: 122 .

Cerithium albovittatum : Clench & Turner (1950: 254, pl. 38 fig. 6).

Bittium (Platygyra) albovittatum : Mörch (1876: 101, not figured).

Cerithiopsis albovittatum View in CoL : De Jong & Coomans (1988: 47, pl. 3 fig. 228).

Cerithiopsis albovittata View in CoL : Lyons (1989: 13, pl. V fig. 2); Redfern (2001: 70, pl. 34, figs. 293A–C; 2013: 132, figs. 378A–B); García & Lee (2002: 11, not figured); García & Lee (2003: 26, fig. 183); Espinosa et al. (2005: 29, not figured); Lamy & Pointier (2017: 290, pl. 93 figs. 2a–b); Cecalupo & Perugia (2020 partim: 21, pl. 6 figs. 1a–o, pl. 7, figs. 1a–f); Rolán et al. (2007: 10, figs. 27–33, 71–73, 106; 2012: 7, fig. 22); Rosenberg et al. (2009: 644, not figured); Tunnell et al. (2010: 200, text-fig); Krisberg (2010b: https://olram9.wixsite.com/letstalkseashells/copy-of-template-92); Zhang (2011: 103, fig. 311); Espinosa et al. (2012: 76, fig. 375).

Nanopsis albovittata View in CoL : Cecalupo & Robba (2010: 53, mentioned on a list of species for new generic allocation).

Costulopsis albovittata View in CoL : Cecalupo & Robba (2019: 66, mentioned on a list of species for new generic allocation).

Type material. Holotype: MCZ 156412 About MCZ .

Type locality: Jamaica.

Material examined. The holotype and: Brazil: -- Pernambuco state: Cabo de Santo Agostinho , P. Maestrati coll., 1984–1989: MNHN [2*]; -- Bahia state: Baía de Todos os Santos, O. Falcão coll., 1997: IBUFRJ 14148 ; -- Espírito Santo State [23]; HAB 13 sta. I2: MNRJ 16274 View Materials [4*p]; HAB 17 sta. I2: MNRJ 17381 View Materials [5*p]; HAB 17 sta. I4: MNRJ 17387 View Materials [2*]; REVIZEE– Central sta. C1–VV38: IBUFRJ 21654 [19]; REVIZEE– Central sta. C6–Y7: IBUFRJ 15814 [11]; off Piúma; 1993: IBUFRJ 8674 [2]; -- Rio de Janeiro state: HAB 13 sta. H3: MNRJ 16287 View Materials [4*]; HAB 16 sta. H3: MNRJ 17369 View Materials [1*], MNRJ 17379 View Materials [3*p]; HAB 16 sta. H2: MNRJ 17388 View Materials [3*p]; HAB 13 sta. H2: MNRJ 16248 View Materials [5*p], MNRJ 16275 View Materials [3*p], MNRJ 17375 View Materials [1*]; HAB 13 sta. H1: MNRJ 16247 View Materials [2*p]; HAB 16 sta. H4: MNRJ 17380 View Materials [2*p]; HAB 16 sta. G3: MNRJ 17389 View Materials [12*p]; HAB 11 sta. G3: MNRJ 16273 View Materials [1*], MNRJ 16249 View Materials [2*p]; HAB 11 sta. F2: MNRJ 16259 View Materials [1*]; HAB 16 sta. C4: MNRJ 17396 View Materials [1*]; HAB 16 sta. C3: MNRJ 17386 View Materials [1*p]; HAB 11 sta. B5: MNRJ 16250 View Materials [1*p]; HAB 16 sta. B5: MNRJ 17390 View Materials [3*p]; HAB 16 sta. B4: MNRJ 17378 View Materials [8*p]; 22°42ʹS, 40°40ʹW, iii/2007: MNRJ 15396 View Materials [6*]; 22°42ʹS, 40°40ʹW, 12 m, x/2005: MNRJ 15406 View Materials [6*p]; 22°42ʹS, 40°40ʹW, 110–120 m, 2006: MNRJ 18755 View Materials [1*]; 22°42ʹS, 40°40ʹW, 100 m, 2007: MNRJ 33384 View Materials [1*p]; 22°42ʹW, 40°40ʹW, 12 m, 19–22/iii/2004: MNRJ 30853 View Materials [4*]; 22°42ʹS, 40°40ʹW: MNRJ 33889 View Materials [1*]; 22°42ʹS, 40°40ʹW, iii/2007: MNRJ 31791 View Materials [2*p]; 23°6ʹW, 41°06ʹW, x/2008: MNRJ 31790 View Materials [1*]; 23°08ʹS, 41°02ʹW, x/2008: MNRJ 32367 View Materials [1*]; 23°05ʹ23ʺW, 40°58ʹ55ʺW, 100 m, 16–17/ix/2004: MNRJ 32227 View Materials [1*]; 23°04ʹ14ʺW, 40°59ʹ31ʺW, 17/x/2004: MNRJ 33020 View Materials [2*].

Remarks. Although the holotype of Cerithiopsis albovittata is much damaged, with a broken protoconch and a worn teleoconch, it still shows some traces of the coloration ( Fig. 10A View FIGURE 10 ). Rolán et al. (2007) assumed that the material studied by them, from Cuba, and by Redfern (2001) from the Bahamas, should be interpreted as belonging to C. albovittata . This concept is followed herein.

Cerithiopsis albovittata exhibits a wide variation in shell color ( Redfern, 2001, 2013; Rolán et al., 2007), which is also observed in shells from Brazil. Typically, the median spiral cord is white or light cream, whereas the adapical cord and the base are light brown, and the abapical cord varies between both types ( Fig. 10B–C, G, J View FIGURE 10 ). Other shells have darker brown bands (e.g., Fig. 10D View FIGURE 10 ), and others show the dark brown color spread over almost the entire body whorl and base, in different tones ( Fig. 10I, K View FIGURE 10 ).

Cecalupo & Perugia (2020) also recognized C. albovittata as a very abundant species in Guadeloupe, Martinique and French Guyana, with a wide variation of shell color; their illustrations of live specimens also evidence a great range of colors in the head-foot. Several shells illustrated by Cecalupo & Perugia (2020: pl. 6, figs. 1a–o, pl. 7, figs. 1a–f) agree with the concept of C. albovittata adopted in the present work. However, many others ( Cecalupo & Perugia, 2020: pl. 7 figs. 1g –o, pl. 8 figs. 1a–o, pl. 9 figs. 1d–l) differ regarding shell sculptures and agree with Cerithiopsis cf. hielardae Cecalupo & Perugia, 2020 (see further discussion below). Thus, we consider that this record by Cecalupo & Perugia (2020) is composed of a mixed material of C. albovittata , C. cf. hielardae and possibly other undetermined species (e.g., a shell figured in their pl. 9, fig. 1a–c, has only two spiral cords on the teleoconch).

The protoconch of C. albovittata was described by Rolán et al. (2007) as having a spiral cord in the lower part of the whorls and small axial riblets below it. This sculpture is present in all shells of C. albovittata from Brazil, but with a wide variation in the strength of this sculpture, from very fine ( Fig. 11B–C View FIGURE 11 ) to very distinct ( Fig. 11H–I View FIGURE 11 ) spiral cord and axial marks, with intermediate ones ( Fig. 11E–F View FIGURE 11 ). The protoconch color of the present material variesng from brown to cream (or even whitish), which was also described by Rolán et al. (2007).

Cerithiopsis albovittata presents considerable variation in shell size and shape ( Fig. 10B–L View FIGURE 10 ). Figures 10G and 10I View FIGURE 10 show two shells at the same scale and with almost the same number of teleoconch whorls (7 vs 7.5 whorls), but with quite distinct length and width. An anomalous shell ( Fig. 10H View FIGURE 10 ) with an abrupt change in growth pattern after the fifth whorl reveals the two growth shapes, the initial five-six teleoconch whorls much like the shell in figure 10I, and the remainder whorls in the same pattern as the shell in figure 10G. All other features, such as coloration and protoconch and teleoconch sculptures are in the range of variation of C. albovittata . Thus, C. albovittata may express two phenotypes in the same shell ( Fig. 10H View FIGURE 10 ). This change in growth shape is rare but not unprecedented in Cerithiopsis , judging for example from the image of C. flava in Rolán et al. (2007: fig. 44), from Cuba.

The holotype of Cerithiopsis parvada Rolán, Espinosa & Fernández-Garcés, 2007 , figured in Rolán et al. (2007: fig. 34), is very similar to some shells from Brazil ( Fig. 10I–J View FIGURE 10 ) in shell color, sculpture and protoconch morphology. In fact, Rolán et al. (2007) indicated the similarity between C. albovittata and C. parvada , listing minor differences in protoconch size and color (slightly wider and cream in C. parvada ; white, cream or brown in C. albovittata ), shell size (larger in C. albovittata ) and color, and differences in the distance between spiral cords in the first teleoconch whorls. Rolán et al. (2007) considered the position of the adapical spiral cord in the first teleoconch whorl as an important character to distinguish C. albovittata from C. parvada , but this feature is diffuse in several shells from Brazil ( Fig. 11B, E, H View FIGURE 11 ). These differences are very subtle and not enough to distinguish shells that could be named as C. parvada among the material from Brazil.

Another species from Cuba that probably fits into the species complex of C. albovittata is Cerithiopsis familiarum Rolán, Espinosa & Fernández-Garcés, 2007 , but Rolán et al. (2007) did not compare it with C. albovittata in the original description of C. familiarum . We cannot see any substantial difference between both species based on the available images. Because C. albovittata is a species complex based on genetic evidence (unpublished data), we prefer to postpone the decision to synonymize both species.

This is the first record of C. albovittata from Brazil, although Rios (1985) considered it as a synomym of C. gemmulosa , an opinion never followed by other authors.

Geographic and bathymetric distribution. Cerithiopsis albovittata is largely cited in the western Atlantic, including records from several localities of the Tropical Northwestern Atlantic province and at North Brazil Shelf province, ranging from Florida to French Guyana, including almost all of the Caribbean region (except Bermuda). It is also present at the Warm Temperate Northwest Atlantic province (in the Northern Gulf of Mexico). From Brazil, it is herein confirmed from the Tropical Southwestern Atlantic Province (from Pernambuco to Rio de Janeiro states). Littoral to 141 m (this study).


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle












Cerithiopsis albovittata (C. B. Adams, 1850 )

Pimenta, Alexandre Dias, Faria, Raquel Garofalo De Souza, Figueira, Raquel Medeiros Andrade & Fernandes, Maurício Romulo 2024

Costulopsis albovittata

Cecalupo, A. & Robba, E. 2019: 66

Nanopsis albovittata

Cecalupo, A. & Robba, E. 2010: 53

Cerithiopsis albovittata

Lamy, D. & Pointier, J. P. 2017: 290
Espinosa, J. & Ortea, J. & Sanchez, R. & Gutierrez, J. 2012: 76
Zhang, D. Y. 2011: 103
Tunnell, J. W. Jr. & Andrews, J. & Barrera, N. C. & Moretzsohn, F. 2010: 200
Rosenberg, G. & Moretzsohn, F. & Garcia, E. F. 2009: 644
Espinosa, J. & Ortea, J. & Caballer, M. & Moro, L. 2005: 29
Garcia, E. F. & Lee, H. G. 2003: 26
Garcia, E. F. & Lee, H. G. 2002: 11
Redfern, C. 2001: 70
Lyons, W. G. 1989: 13

Cerithiopsis albovittatum

De Jong, K. M. & Coomans, H. E. 1988: 47

Cerithium albovittatum

Clench, W. J. & Turner, R. D. 1950: 254

Bittium (Platygyra) albovittatum

Morch, O. A. L. 1876: 101

Cerithium albovittatum C. B. Adams, 1850: 122

Adams, C. B. 1850: 122
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