Tibelloides juatuba, Prado & Pantoja & Baptista, 2024

Prado, André Wanderley Do, Pantoja, Paulo & Baptista, Renner Luiz Cerqueira, 2024, Two new and unusual species of Tibelloides Mello-Leitão, 1939 (Araneae: Philodromidae), Zootaxa 5497 (4), pp. 559-576 : 567-573

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5497.4.6

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scientific name

Tibelloides juatuba

sp. nov.

Tibelloides juatuba sp. nov.


Figs 4–8 View FIGURES 4 View FIGURES 5 View FIGURES 6 View FIGURES 7 View FIGURE 8

Type-material. Holotype: male from BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: Juatuba, Serra Azul, Área de Preservação da COPASA, Rio Manso , 22º10’S, 44º21’W, 18–24 April 2002, Equipe BIOTA ( IBSP 138220 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais: 1 male ( IBSP 138219 View Materials ) ; 1 male, 1 female ( IBSP 138221 View Materials ) ; same data as holotype. Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó, Cardeal Mota , 43°39’27.60’’W, 19°17’23.58’’S GoogleMaps , 2 females, 16 July 2012, P. H. Martins ( UFMG 12612 View Materials ) . Pará: Parauapebas , FLONA Carajás , 1 female, June–July 2010, I. Cizauskas ( IBSP 213208 View Materials ) . Portel, Comunidade Pacoval , 1°50’10.80”S, 50°38’27.80”W GoogleMaps , 1 male, 01 June 2016, Junior ( MPEG. ARA 35210 ) ; 1 female, same data ( MPEG. ARA 35211 ) ; 1 female, same date, N. M. Feitosa et al. ( MPEG. ARA 35231 ) .

Additional material examined. BRASIL: Goiás: Corumbá, Foz Monjolinho , 1 male, 1943, H. Herry ( IBSP 6281 View Materials ) . Minas Gerais: Jaboticatubas, Serra do Cipó, PN da Serra do Cipó , 19º15’S, 43º31’W, 1 female, 21–26 June 2002, Equipe BIOTA leg. ( IBSP 138349 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; 1 female, same data ( IBSP 138347 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . Santana do Riacho, Serra do Cipó , 1 male, April 1997, J. Vasconcellos ( IBSP 26775 View Materials ) . Uberlândia, Reserva de Caça e Pesca , 1 female, 5 August 1996, D. Cunha ( IBSP 7786 View Materials ) . Pará: Cametá, Comunidade Umarizal , 2°08’51.20”S, 49°34’09.70”W, 1 male, 24 October 2016, N. M. Feitosa, L. Feitosa & L. A. Quaresma ( MPEG. ARA 35216 ) GoogleMaps . Portel, Comunidade Pascoval , 1°50’10.80’’S, 50°38’27.80’’W, 1 male, 1 female, 01 June 2016, Junior ( MPEG. ARA 35218 ) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, 01 June 2016, D. D. R. Guimarães ( MPEG. ARA 35217 ) ; 4 males, 2 females, same data ( MPEG. ARA 35213 ) ; 1 male, same date, N. M. Feitosa et al. ( MPEG. ARA 35212 ) ; 3 males, same data ( MPEG. ARA 35214 ) ; 2 males, 3 females, same date, Nildo ( MPEG. ARA 35230 ) . Paraná: Cascavel, Zoológico Municipal , 1 female, 23 March 2007, A. P. G. Silva ( IBSP 227781 View Materials ) . Piauí: Castelo do Piauí, ECB Rochas Ornamentais LTDA, Fazenda Bonito , 5°14’7.1”S, 41°41’16.3”W, 1 male, no data for collector and date ( MPEG. ARA 35215 ) GoogleMaps . Piracuruca, Parque Nacional de Sete Cidades , 4°5’40.801”S, 41°44’2.699”W, 1 female, 08 December 2006, D. F. Candiani ( MPEG. ARA 35232 ) GoogleMaps ; 1 female, same date, L. S. Carvalho ( MPEG. ARA 35198 ) ; 1 female, same data ( MPEG. ARA 35227 ) ; 1 female, same date, N. F. Lo-Man-Hung ( MPEG. ARA 35229 ) ; 1 male, same data ( MPEG. ARA 35219 ) . Rondônia: Pimenta Bueno , 1 female, July 2000, M. Carvalho ( IBSP 80598 View Materials ) . Vilhena , 1 female, September 1999, M. Carvalho ( IBSP 81042 View Materials ) . PARAGUAY: San Pedro: Santa Barbara , R. N. Laguna Blanca, 1 female, 17 September 2011, F. Recalde ( IBNP 2644 ) .

Etymology. The specific epithet, “juatuba ”, is a noun in apposition referring to the collection locality of the holotype and some paratypes.

Diagnosis. T. juatuba sp. nov. and T. castelo sp. nov. share body and legs very thin and elongated, abdomen at least four times longer than wide, carapace strongly narrowed at eye region, abdomen with one dorsal longitudinal median dark band, male pedipalp with tenent setae extending through almost all the prolateral face of cymbium and no RMC, and female genitalia with elongated and tubular compound copulatory ducts (see Taxonomic notes section in the genus for details and other characteristics). Both sexes of T. juatuba sp. nov. differ from T. castelo sp. nov. by the presence of a median V-shaped band formed by irregular dots on the carapace and marginal dark stripes on the sternum. The male of T. juatuba sp. nov. ( Figs 4E, F View FIGURES 4 , 6A–D View FIGURES 6 ) differs from T. castelo sp. nov. ( Figs 1E,F View FIGURES 1 , 3A–D View FIGURES 3 ) by its embolus being thinner and more curved, describing a 180 degrees turn around the conductor (vs. wider and less curved, hook-like, with a less pronounced turn that does not encircle the conductor); narrower stem of VTA and RTA in ventral view (vs wider); VTA free portion appearing as a small lobe fused through a thin keel to the RTA free portion (vs medium-sized separated rounded lobe, without a keel connecting VTA and RTA); RTA in ventral view elongated, strongly curved prolaterally, deeply excavated at its inner side in ventral view and with a blunt tip (vs. shorter, almost straight, with a wide and shallow inner concavity, and with thin, pointed tip); and RTA in retrolateral view with more robust stem and less pointed tip (vs. smaller stem and thinner and pointed tip). The female of T. juatuba sp. nov. ( Figs 5E–F View FIGURES 5 , 6F View FIGURES 6 ) is set apart from T. castelo sp. nov. ( Figs 2E–G View FIGURES 2 ) by its trapezoidal, well-marked MS, without a median keel (vs. median keel over MS, MS poorly demarcated MS, with its lateral margins indicated by just small sutures); CG with its mesal portion originating from the anterior lateral margins of MS (vs. connected to a very elevated V-shaped median keel over the MS), which delimit a relatively shallow CA (vs deep); main portion of spermathecae kidney-shaped and longer than the tubular CD (vs. globose and shorter than the long tubular CD); and CD shaped as a straight tube about twice as long as wide and wider than the GH (vs thin lobe strongly curved to the ectal side at the middle, forming an almost perpendicular bend, more than three times longer than wide and about as wide as the GH).

Description. Male (Holotype IBSP 138220): Carapace ( Figs 4A, C, D View FIGURES 4 ) much longer than wide, wider between legs II and III, strongly narrowed anteriorly at eyes region; background color orange yellow, with a dark longitudinal median band, formed by many small dark brown spots disposed in V-shape, beginning at the eye region, with denser dots at the middle portion and reaching the posterior margin, and two wide dark brown lateral bands, with many small dark dots and streaks. Cephalic region without a pair of lateral brown cephalic stripes near the PLE. Numerous covering setae and some bristles, especially at posterior and lateral margins, and cephalic region of carapace. Clypeus vertical and pale yellow, with many irregular black spots especially below the AME, along with covering setae and a set of long bristles particularly on its margins (only sockets left). Chelicerae with basal segment yellow bearing many irregular black spots, with two teeth on promargin, cheliceral mound with a set of bristles, fangs brown ( Fig. 4D View FIGURES 4 ). Labium wider than long, orange yellow, with rounded apex, slightly surpassing the middle of endites. Endites longer than wide, yellow, with one depression on inner margin near base and another on outer margin near apex. Sternum yellow, with many irregular dark spots forming a thin marginal stripe through its whole extension, with anterior margin almost straight, and a narrow and rounded posterior margin ( Fig. 4B View FIGURES 4 ).

Legs very long and thin, covered by different types of setae and with few long macrosetae disposed mainly on tibiae and metatarsi; tibiae I and II with one ventral pair, no distal ventrolateral pair, and metatarsi I–II with two ventral pairs; metatarsi and tarsi with scopula ( Fig. 7E View FIGURES 7 ). Femora, patellae, tibiae, metatarsi, and tarsi yellow, covered with irregular black and gray dots. Trochanters with a set of erect thin bristles at distal margin of dorsolateral face. Metatarsi III with a cluster of small conical porous structures on the dorsoapical region ( Figs 7C–D View FIGURES 7 ). Tarsal claws unequal and pectinated; prolateral claw (mesal) ( Fig. 6E View FIGURES 6 ) with a row of 13–14 barely blunt teeth, very close to each other; and retrolateral claw (ectal) with only 5–6 teeth spaced out from each other. Claw tuft with abundant scopulated setae, and scopulae conspicuous on tarsi and metatarsi.

Abdomen triangular in dorsal view, very elongated, more than four times longer than wide, with a clear notch at middle of its anterior margin, covered with few thin and erect dark bristles, and many covering setae. Dorsum with background color dusky yellow, with one longitudinal median dark band formed by many black and gray dots, extending from anterior to posterior margin. Cardiac mark yellow, almost reaching the middle of the abdomen, covered with minute dark dots which form a stripe posteriorly merging with the longitudinal dark band. Lateral margins covered with plenty of small dark grey spots, and a row of five large and conspicuous black spots on each lateral. Venter with background color yellow, one longitudinal dark gray stripe at each side and a not well-marked median stripe at its posterior half, all formed by dark spots, and conic yellow spinnerets ( Figs 4A, B View FIGURES 4 ).

Measurements. Total length 7.78. Carapace 2.27 long, 1.66 wide, 0.52 high. Chelicerae 0.59 long, 0.31 wide. Clypeus 0.13 high. Labium 0.22 long, 0.29 wide. Endites 0.42 long, 0.31 wide. Sternum 1.21 long, 0.98 wide. Abdomen 5.58 long, 0.96 wide, 0.51 high. Leg: I. femur 5.80; patella 1.29; tibia 6.39; metatarsus 5.64; tarsus 3.53; total length 22.65; II. 9.12; 1.53; 8.36; 8.09; 4.96; 32.06; III. 5.45; 0.98; 4.38; 4.58; 2.29; 17.68; IV. 8.86; 1.15; 7.12; 6.94; 3.46; 27.53. Leg formula II> IV> I> III. Eyes diameters and eyes interdistances. AME 0.10, ALE 0.07, PME 0.07, PLE 0.09, AME–AME 0.13, AME–ALE 0.04, ALE–ALE 0.34, PME–PME 0.19, PME–PLE 0.22, PLE–PLE 0.64. MOQ 0.33 long in dorsal view, anterior width 0.29, posterior width 0.31.

Pedipalp ( Figs 4E, F View FIGURES 4 , 6A–D View FIGURES 6 ). Color yellow, with irregular dark brown spots. Tibia small, slightly longer than wide, covered with bristles throughout, with a patch of long bristles on ventral surface, two macrosetae at the ventral margin, near the stem, one dorsal large macroseta at the retrolateral and another at the prolateral margin of its basal half. RTA and VTA form a wide stem at ventral edge of distal margin of the tibia. In ventral view, RTA claw-shaped, dark, very concave, with a translucent keel at the ventral edge of its basis, and its apex curved, pointed prolaterally. VTA not quite visible, appearing as a small mound fused retrolaterally to the translucent keel at the ventral margin of RTA, and joined to the almost straight prolateral margin of the stem. In lateral view, the stem assumes a wide, triangular shape, tapering to the dark and wide RTA, whose apex is acute and curved. Cymbium oblong, with tip round and narrower than its middle, and with tenent hairs covering most of its prolateral face up to the tuft at the tip.

Tegulum discoid, dark orange yellow, with embolic base located at prolateral edge of apical margin, partially covered by MF, which occupies most of retrolateral half and extends to prolateral side of distal tegular area. Conductor (C) membranous, formed by an inflated translucent lobe covering the retrolateral distal part of the EB and part of the embolus. Embolus black, forming a relatively long and regularly curved claw, pointed prolaterally, oriented almost perpendicularly in relation to the frontal plane of the tegulum, and originating from retrolateral distal edge of EB. Sperm duct clearly visible through most of its extension, forming initially a large curved tube near retrolateral margin of cymbium, disappearing near basal margin of tegulum and reappearing near prolateral lower margin of tegulum as a sinuous S-shaped tube, wider at its long median loop and tapering in its distal portion, vanishing in black embolus.

Female (UFMG 12612): Habitus similar to the male, but larger, and with a darker color pattern, with larger lateral black bands and V shaped stripe at carapace, and larger median and lateral longitudinal dark stripes at abdomen. Venter with two additional thin dark brown stripes formed by isolated dots. Legs ( Figs 7A–D View FIGURES 7 ) also with many more black and grey spots, and also dusky brown lateral stripes.

Measurements. Total length 10.74. Carapace 2.31 long, 1.61 wide, 0.48 high. Chelicerae 0.62 long, 0.31 wide. Clypeus 0.13 high. Labium 0.24 long, 0.27 wide. Endites 0.46 long, 0.31 wide. Sternum 1.22 long, 0.98 wide. Abdomen 8.43 long, 2.00 wide, 1.78 high. Leg: I. femur 5.31; patella 1.22; tibia 4.41; metatarsus 4.07; tarsus 2.91; total length 17.90; II. 6.68; 1.18; 6.23; 5.32; 3.09; 22.41; III. 4.17; 0.95; 3.21; 3.10; 1.51; 12.94; IV. 7.14; 1.10; 5.22; 4.11; 2.04; 19.61. Leg formula II> IV> I> III. Eyes, diameters and interdistances. AME 0.09, ALE 0.09, PME 0.05, PLE 0.07, AME–AME 0.12, AME–ALE 0.07, ALE–ALE 0.30, PME–PME 0.14, PME–PLE 0.16, PLE–PLE 0.48. MOQ 0.29 long in dorsal view, anterior width 0.24, posterior width 0.25.

Epigyne/vulva ( Figs 5E,F View FIGURES 5 , 6F View FIGURES 6 ). Epigyne as long as wide, with a long and trapezoidal median septum (MS), in which anterior margin is slightly wider than posterior one. Copulatory guides formed anteriorly by the lateral margins of MS curved outwards, shaped as a comma, elevated mainly on outer margins and not reaching the anterior border of the compound copulatory ducts (CD) of spermathecae, delimiting copulatory atria which are deep, shaped as a narrow semicircles, with outer margins clearly delimited, and bearing the copulatory openings. Spermathecae formed by main part (S) longer than wide, shaped as rounded lobes, almost reniform, and with CD appearing as an anterior tubular projection shorter than the S. Area occupied by both S about 2x wider than long, but less than ⅓ wider than long when including also the CD. Inner margins of spermathecae closer to each other in the center of its posterior half, external margins of S convex, not bearing ectal grooves, with a clear furrow anteriorly delimiting itself from CD, which is separated from S in most of its extension. CD shaped as an almost straight tube, pointed anteriorly, long and narrow, over half as long and a third as wide as S. Posterior part of S narrows and projects dorsally as tubes that taper to fertilization ducts. Glandular head small and round, placed anteriorly over CD and directed dorso-externally, surpassing by far the anterior margin of S, without an apparent stalk.

Variation. Length variation: 6.18 to 10.74 in females (n = 5) and 5.30 to 7.78 (n = 10) in males. Some specimens of T. juatuba can display a color pattern very similar to the one found in specimens of T. castelo sp. nov., with two additional pairs of mottled dark lateral spots over the gray stripe in carapace and with 7–8 dark spots over the median line of abdomen dorsum. In male pedipalp, the VTA free portion may be fused to the dark, curved RTA free portion through a rigid thin keel connected near to the apex of it, forming a deep pocket on the excavated inner side of the RTA ( Figs 4E, F View FIGURES 4 , 6A–D View FIGURES 6 ). However, in some specimens, there is a large V-shaped cleft between the keel and the RTA tip, which confers a hooklike aspect to the RTA free portion ( Fig. 6A, C View FIGURES 6 ).

Natural history. T. juatuba was mostly recorded from ecosystems associated with “Cerrado”, in Minas Gerais and Goiás, and savannah regions within the Amazon biome in Pará and Rondônia. Many mature specimens were found both in the late autumn (June) and late spring (December).

Distribution. Although distributed over a large area, there are isolated records of this species for states from all regions of Brazil, from Pará and Rondônia (at north) to Paraná (at south), as well as a single record from Paraguay ( San Pedro) ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 ).


Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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