Nycteridocaulus Atyeo, 1966

Mironov, Sergey V., Literak, Ivan, Sychra, Oldrich & Capek, Miroslav, 2017, Feather mites of the subfamily Proctophyllodinae (Acari: Proctophyllodidae) from passerines (Aves: Passeriformes) in Costa Rica, Zootaxa 4297 (1), pp. 1-105 : 30-35

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4297.1.1

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scientific name

Nycteridocaulus Atyeo, 1966


Genus Nycteridocaulus Atyeo, 1966

Type species: Nycteridocaulus tyranni Atyeo, 1966 , by original designation.

Diagnosis. BOTH SEXES. Moderately elongated proctophyllodines. Prodorsal shield entire, covering nearly the entire prodorsum, with extending antero-lateral extensions, and rounded posterior angles. Vertical setae vi rudimentary, represented by alveoli. Scapular setae si and se situated on prodorsal shield and arranged in transverse line. Humeral shields well developed dorsally, usually encompassing bases of setae c2 and cp. Subhumeral setae c3 lanceolate. Epimerites I free, bow-shaped, with posterior ends slightly divergent; in some species epimerites may be connected by transverse sclerotized band. Full set of hysterosomal setae occurring in proctophyllodines present. Solenidion σ1 of genu I slightly longer than solenidion ω3 of tarsus I. Tarsi I, II with 3 ventral setae, setae wa close to setae la and ra on these tarsi. Segments of legs I and II without processes or other modifications.

MALE. Hysteronotal shield covering almost all hysterosoma. Opisthosoma wide, opisthosomal lobes strongly variable in shape among species, from short truncate extensions to long semiovate or tongue-shaped extensions separated by large terminal cleft, lateral margins of lobes straight or forming strong semicircular convexities; posterior margin of lobes with variously shaped terminal lamellae (as short and wide membranes with smooth or indented free margin, semicircular, foliform, with fine dorsal ornamentation or without it). Supranal concavity well expressed. Setae h3 shorter than macrosetae h2. Setae h1 usually posterior to the level of setae ps2. Setae f2 and ps2 situated laterally or ventrally, distinctly moved from lateral margins of opisthosoma. Coxal fields I–IV open, without extensive sclerotized areas. Genital apparatus at level of trochanters IV; genital arch wide and low, with branches usually doubly recurved (resembling silhouette of a bat) or simple bow-shaped; aedeagus in sheath approximately equal or slightly longer than genital arch. Adanal shields present, variable in form, partly encircling adanal suckers and setae ps3, free or connected each other anterior to anal opening. Genital papillae situated at level of genital arch apex, surrounded by ovate plates or these plates absent. Pregenital apodemes present or absent, free or fused to each other. Adanal apodemes absent. Opisthoventral shields present (and bearing bases of setae f2 and ps2) or not developed. Adanal suckers cylindrical, corolla dentate. Legs III and IV subequal, not hypertrophied. Tarsus IV with apical claw-like process, with or without ventral extension, modified setae d and e button-like.

FEMALE. Lobar region of opisthosoma clearly separated from remaining part of hysterosoma by transverse constriction, opisthosomal lobes well developed, with terminal appendages. Anterior hysteronotal and lobar shields completely separated by narrow band of striated tegument. Lobar shield entire (split longitudinally in Nycteridocaulus lamellus Atyeo, 1966 ). Supranal concavity absent. Macrosetae h2 thickened basally, with long filiform apex. Epigynum large, semicircular or horseshoe-shaped, free from epimerites IIIa. Copulatory opening terminal or subterminal. Legs III and IV subequal in size; segments without modifications; solenidia φ of tibiae III, IV subequal or solenidion φ IV noticeably shorter.

Hosts. Furnariidae , Parulidae , Thamnophilidae , Tityridae , Troglodytidae , Tyrannidae ( Table 1).

Remarks. The genus Nycteridocaulus was established by Atyeo (1966a) and originally included six species; later on, two more species were described ( De Alzuet & Brandetti 1986; Hernandes 2014). Among proctophyllodine genera associated exclusively or predominately with suboscine passerines, the genus Nycteridocaulus is the most species-rich and diverse in the structure of opisthosomal lobes, terminal lamellae and genital apparatus in males. Meanwhile representatives of the two closest genera, Anisophyllodes and Atrichophyllodes , are more uniform morphologically. The genus incorporates 15 species including 7 new species described herein. A new key to species provided below includes all currently known species, except Nycteridocaulus armandoi De Alzuet and Brandetti, 1986 , the only species associated with Furnariidae , because its description was not careful enough to recognize important discriminant features.

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Remarks: * – type host if a mite is known from two or more hosts, (?) – questionable host association, PW – present work, 1 – referred as Xiphorhynchus necopinus (Zimmer) in Kudon (1992b) as Dendrornis kienerii (Des Murs) in Barreto et al. (2012) , presently it is placed in the genus Dendroplex Swainson ( Alexio et al. 2007) .

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