Salina colombiana, Oliveira & Cipola, 2016

Oliveira, Fábio Gonçalves de Lima & Cipola, Nikolas Gioia, 2016, Two new species of Salina MacGillivray (Collembola, Paronellidae) with rectangular mucro from South America, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 60 (2), pp. 128-136 : 130-134

publication ID 10.1016/j.rbe.2016.01.002

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Salina colombiana

sp. nov.

Salina colombiana View in CoL sp. nov.

See Figs. 28–41 View Fig View Figs .

Diagnosis. Distinguished by strong yellow color on body; dorsal head with S6 mes. and without chaetae An1a and M0; Ant.I dorsally with 7 mac.; basomedian field with two ciliated chaetae (M2 and E); Th. II to Abd. II respectively with 7 (a5, m1-2, m4, p1-3), 6 (p1- 5), 3-4 (m3-4) and 3 (m3, m3e, m5,) central mac. per side; Abd. IV with A3 and A4 mac.; collophore anterior side with 10 + 10 chaetae and posterior side with 5 + 5 chaetae ( Figs. 28–31, 33–37, 40, 41 View Fig View Figs ).

Description. Total length of the holotype 2. 25 mm. Habitus typically of paronellids of Cremastocephalini tribe (sensu Mitra, 1993) ( Fig. 28 View Fig ). Specimens with strong yellow color covering the whole body; eyepatch area black ( Fig. 28 View Fig ).

Head. Eyepatch oval, with largest ocelli A and B and smallest G and H, with three interocular ciliated chaetae ( Fig. 29 View Figs ). Head dorsal chaetotaxy as in Fig. 29 View Figs ; antennal series ‘An’ with 5 + 5 chaetae, An1, An2, An3a and An3 as mac., An2a as spine-like mic.; anterior series ‘A’ with A5 mes.; medio-ocellar series ‘M’ with 2 + 2 chaetae, M2 as mes. and M4 as mac.; sutural series ‘S’ with 4 + 4 chaetae, S2 and S3 as mac., S6 and S7 as mes.; interocular series with 3 + 3 chaetae, r as mac., p and t as mes.; postoccipital anterior series ‘Pa’ with 3 + 3 or 4 + 4 chaetae, Pa2?, Pa5 and one typical chaeta (P5a) as mac., Pa6 as bothriotricum; postoccipital median series ‘Pm’ with 2 + 2 mac. (Pm1 and Pm3); postoccipital posterior series ‘Pp’ with 1 + 1 mac. (Pp1); postoccipital external series ‘Pe’ with mac. Pe3 present. Ant. IV with a simple apical bulb and smooth and ciliated chaetae (similar to S. maculiflora sp. nov., Fig. 4 View Figs ). Ant. I with 7 + 7 dorsal mac. and dorsal base with 6 + 6 sensillae-like smooth mic. ( Fig. 30 View Figs ); Four prelabral ciliated chaetae and 14 labral smooth chaetae (4/5/5), four anterior (a1-2), a1 spine-like; five median (m0-2), and five posterior (p0-2) (similar to S. maculiflora sp. nov., Figs. 7 and 8 View Figs ). Labial palp with five smooth proximal chaetae and six papillae (A-E and H), A and C simple, H with two smooth guard appendages (h1-2), B with five (a1, b1-4), D with three (d1-2 and d4), and E with lateral process (l.p.) smaller than the papilla and two smooth guard appendages (e1-2) (similar to S. maculiflora sp. nov., Fig. 9 View Figs ). Maxillary outer lobe with apical appendage (a.a.) and basal chaeta (b.c.) of same length, both smooth, sublobal plate with three internal smooth appendages (similar to S. maculiflora sp. nov., Fig. 10 View Figs ). Right mandible (ventral view) with four incisive teeth, left mandible with five teeth; both mandible with six molar teeth ( Fig. 11 View Figs ). Basolateral and basomedian field with chaetae A1-5 smooth (A5 thickest), M2, E, L1 and L2 ciliated, r and M1 absent ( Fig. 31 View Figs ). Cephalic groove (CG) with 9 + 9 or 10 + 10 chaetae, 7 + 7 ciliated (CG1-3, CG5, CG8- 10), CG10 as ciliated or spine-like mic., CG4, CG6 and CG7 (present or absent) as spine-like mic.; medial postlabial (PLM) with 2 + 2 ciliated chaetae (PLM1-2); external postlabial (PLE) with 2 + 2 ciliated chaetae (PLE1-2). Head ventral chaetotaxy as in Fig. 32 View Figs .

Thorax dorsal chaetotaxy. Th. II as in Fig. 33 View Figs ; series ‘a’ with 11 + 11unnamed chaetae of anterior collar, a5 mac. present; Smicrochaeta (ms), and one anterolateral sens. (al); medial series ‘m’ with 4 + 4 mac. (m1, m2, m4 and m7) and 3 + 3 unnamed chaetae laterally; posterior series ‘p’ with 3 + 3 mac. (p1-3). Th. III as in Fig. 34 View Figs ; series ‘p’ with 7 + 7 mac. (p1-5 and one unnamed); one anterolateral sens. (al), and three unnamed mes.

Abdomen dorsal chaetotaxy. Abd. I as in Fig. 35 View Figs ; series ‘m’ with 4 + 4 or 5 + 5 mac. (m2-5 and one unnamed), m2 present or absent, and one S-microchaeta (ms). Abd. II as Fig. 36 View Figs ; series ‘a’ with a5 as bothriotricum; series ‘m’ with 4 + 4 chaetae, m3, m3e and m5 as mac., m2 as bothriotricum; series ‘p’ with 2 + 2 chaetae, p6 as mac., p7 as mes.; chaeta el absent. Abd. III as in Fig. 18 View Figs (the same to S. maculiflora sp. nov.); series ‘a’ with 3 + 3 chaetae, a5 as bothriotricum, a7 and am6 as mes.; series ‘m’ with 2 + 2 bothriotricha (m2 and m5); series ‘p’ with 3 + 3 chaetae, p6 and pm6 as mac., p7i as mes. One anterosubmedial sens. (as) present. Abd. IV as in Fig. 37 View Figs ; series ‘A’ with 4 + 4 mac. (A1, A3, A4 and A6); series ‘Ae’ with Ae1 as mac.; series ‘B’ with 4 + 4 chaetae, B3-5 as mac., B6 as bothriotricum; series ‘Be’ with Be1 as mac.; series ‘C’ with C1 as mac.; series ‘T’ with 2 + 2 bothriotricha (T2 and T4), and one Smicrochaeta (ms); series ‘E’ with 3 + 3 mac. (E1-2 and E4); series ‘F’ with 4 + 4 chaeta, F1-3 as mac., F3p as mes.; series ‘Fe’ with 4 + 4 chaetae, Fe1 and Fe3 as mac., Fe4 and Fe5 as bothriotricha; median region with one unnamed mes.; posterior margin with 3 + 3 to 5 + 5 unnamed mes., and four sens. present (ps and three unnamed).Abd. V as in Fig. 38 View Figs ; series ‘a’ with 2 + 2 or 3 + 3 chaetae, a5-6 as mac., a3 as mac. or mic. present or absent; series ‘m’ with 3 + 3 mac. (m2-3 and m5); series ‘p’ with 5 + 5 mac. (p1, p3-5 and ap6); one anterosubmedial sens. (as) and two accessory sens. (acc.p4 and acc.p5) present.

Tergal S-chaetae formula 1, 0| 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 (ms) and 1, 1| 0, 0, 1, 4, 3 (sens) of Th. II to Abd. V ( Figs. 33–38 View Figs ).

Legs. Trochanteral organ with 18 spine-like chaetae ( Fig. 39 View Figs ). Unguis I-II (same morphology) with three unpaired inner teeth, a basal, a median and one at the apex (similar to S. maculiflora sp. nov., Fig.22 View Figs ). Unguis III with one unpaired inner teeth near the apex (similar to S. maculiflora sp. nov., Fig. 23 View Figs ). Unguiculi trilamelate, lamellae inner truncate, lamellae external acuminate, both smooth edges. Tenent hairs capitate, weakly ciliated, present on pseudotarsus. All tibiotarsi with one socket monocondyle at the apex of tibiotarsus ( Figs. 22 and 23 View Figs ). Tibiotarsus III with a smooth distal chaeta, near unguiculus base ( Fig. 23 View Figs ).

Collophore. Anterior side with 3 + 3 long ciliated mac., 1 + 1 ciliated mes. and 6 + 6 smooth mic.; posterior side with 4 + 4 smooth mic. and 1 + 1 ciliated; lateral side with 13 + 13 smooth mic. ( Figs. 40 and 41 View Figs ).

Furcula.Dens with rows of ciliated chaetae and mucro two teeth, d1 and v1 (4 out of 5 specimens) and sometimes with one reduced accessory teeth present (ap) (1 out of 5 specimens) ( Figs.26 and 27 View Figs ).

Type material. Holotype female, on slide deposited in ICN / UNAL: Colombia, Nariño, San Andres de Tumaco municipality, University campus (01 ◦ 48 lN; 78 ◦ 452 lW), Andean Region , 4-14.iii. 2015, 3 m, Malaise trap, Animal Taxonomy students coll . Paratypes on slides deposited in ICN / UNAL: 1 male, 2 females and in alcohol 31 specimens in ethanol, same data as holotype . Paratypes on slide N ◦ COLLE 041 A-C/ INPA: 3 females and in 10 specimens in ethanol, same data as holotype .

Other examined material. 1 female and 1 immature on slide, Colombia, Guaviare Department, San José del Guaviare municipality (02 ◦ 34 l 06 ll N; 72 ◦ 41 l 36 ll W), 18.iv. 2013, 192 m, Malaise trap, Animal Taxonomy students coll . 1 male and 1 female on slide and 7 specimens in ethanol, Playa Guio , 14.iv.2013. All deposited in ICN / UNAL .

Etymology. Refers to its type locality, in Colombia.

Distribution and habitat. This species was found in areas of Amazon forest, Guaviare Department and low Andes Region, Tumaco municipality, both in equatorial area of Colombia. These locations are situated respectively in Good’s biogeographic zone 26 and 28 of Neotropical region ( Good, 1974). The climate of the area is “Af” tropical rain florest climate, characterized by high humidity ( Kottek et al., 2006). The new species represents the first record of Salina with rectangular mucro from Colombia.


Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Museo de Historia Natural


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia

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